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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. You MIGHT take someone as polarizing as him, if he was the Zambrano of old that was pretty good. No way you screw your team up now with that mess, regardless of the deal. Unless it was for Randy Williams, then you think about it.
  2. Target is non unionized either. The y also pay wages on the same scale as Wal Mart. http://www.corpwatch.org/article.php?id=13508
  3. QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Jun 23, 2010 -> 11:47 AM) The price of produce in urban, lower income areas is shockingly high in comparison to other parts of the urban area, and the quality can be disappointing at best. Best example? Brooklyn v Queens. Think of the cost of rent, or to purchase the space, for a Jewel or Meijer-type store. of course it is going to be more. That, plus the added security so they won't be robbed out of business all contribute to higher prices. And as mentioned above, the people have to BUY it.
  4. QUOTE (bmags @ Jun 14, 2010 -> 01:41 PM) sure...but i think if this wasn't a Mexican (literally) we are talking about there would be outrage about killing a teenager. But, lucky for everyone he was just a Mexican and we'll soon see the statement that the officer acted correctly considering he felt threatened. And the rest of us can continue to hypothesize how much a sixty lb. rock would hurt if whipped by a sixteen year old. If this was an American, I would be wondering where the f*ck his parents were and how bad they raised the little sh!thead that he was out throwing rocks at armed cops.
  5. QUOTE (kapkomet @ Jun 12, 2010 -> 03:50 PM) Okay, let me explain a couple of things to you. And it's not "anecdotal", it's fact. In 2011, it is VERY likely you will see the amount the health insurance costs reported as income. This does two things. 1) Of course, your reportable wages just went up. You will now pay to the government what used to be paid to insurance companies. 2) Because you just had an increase of taxable wages, a s***load of people are going to creep up in brackets and you'll have to pay even more in taxes. Most people are going to go from 10% (oh, wait, 15%, because ALL brackets go up, not just the "rich" like people want to say...) to the 28% bracket (yea, because the 25% bracket is completely eliminated). 3) They ain't fixing the AMT anymore after this year. And health care is going to knock a lot of people into that situation - oh wait, unless you go with their plans. DING DING DING... there's the plan, right there. The government just took over your health care. So, in summary, the government just stole a s***load more money from a s***load more people. They just reduced money in the private sector yet again. Those "subsidies"? You have to meet about 6,235,346 requirements to even SNIFF the subsidies because the way the law was written. And I haven't even gotten into the sucker punch of employer plans. They won't exist in three years (at most five), because they can't. ::: On another point, for all of the talk about "bending the cost curves", it's simple to do. SO simple. Reduce medicare rates. Who controls that? Oh, the government. Har. Doctor offices usually charge 200% of medicare rates as usual and customary. That's how the rates are determined, so the government sets the rates anyway. Reimbusement is then negotiated between carriers and insurance comanies, but not anymore, because the insurance companies cannot negotiate new rates without going through the government now. ::: And you wonder why I keep saying it *IS* government run health care without the words government run health care written in the bill. It's because it is. You forgot the part where he bends to the unions, who own most of the so-called 'Caddilac plans' and exempts them from paying the taxes of their plans.
  6. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jun 13, 2010 -> 03:01 PM) Yeah, that's just a dodge of the question. Why do you believe there needs to be a sense of proportionality? If you walked up to some big guy in a bar and shoved him in the chest, would you expect him to just shove you back, or kick your ass? All kidding aside, you throw s*** at people with guns, at some level in your mind, unless you are a complete dumbass, you should expect that they may just shoot you.
  7. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jun 13, 2010 -> 11:21 AM) so its a proportionate and appropriate response? “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” “Hit Back Twice As Hard” “Get in Their Faces!” “I don’t want to quell anger. I think people are right to be angry! I’m angry!” So I know whose a$$ to kick.”
  8. QUOTE (Nokona @ Jun 11, 2010 -> 12:05 AM) Perhaps if 14 year olds weren't getting shot people would have a bit more respect for the border patrol. Perhaps if 14 year olds weren't throwing rocks at armed cops they wouldn't get shot.
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