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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. When Juddling or I used to tell our dad we wanted something that he didn't want to get us, he used to tell us "Want in one hand and s*** in the other, see which one fills up first".
  2. KInda like the South Park episode, do we elect a Giant Dooshe, or a turd sandwich.
  3. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 1, 2010 -> 01:42 PM) Because virtually nothing has been getting into Gaza through that route. It all gets hung up. That one there's a good answer for; it's been a full-bore blockade. When this group announced its plans, they made the specific offer to have them unload at their port and that they would deliver it overland after inspection. So their embargo is so good it stops themselves? Seems they could have made a point by doing just that, and if the goods didnt make it thru, then complaining to the UN or something, but instead they chose the plan with violence in it.
  4. QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Jun 1, 2010 -> 11:24 AM) I think there's a difference between boarding a ship within territorial waters and conducting a ship inspection to avoid finding contraband and boarding and attacking a ship in international waters which is essentially what happened. If there were real weapons on that ship, we'd have heard about that. Glad to know that you were there for the first hand confirmation of the news stories put out by the Palis only seconds after the incident happened, as if they somehow already had them prepared! One account says they attacked the ship, the others say they boarded for inspection and were themselves attacked. There is also apparently video proving each side is correct. (Surprise, surprise!) The so-called peace flotilla stated its intentions of running the blockade, why should the Israelis have waited until it crossed the border to take action? Would that have made it all better in your eyes? if the boats were inside territorial waters, would you have a different story, or just find a different angle to attack on? They went there for an altercation, planned for it, had press releases ready and everything, and they got what they were looking for. If the goods were purely humanitarian in nature, why did they not take the israelis up on their offer to offload the goods at port and have them transported across the border by land? Because they WANTED a fight.
  5. QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Jun 1, 2010 -> 09:39 AM) This is pretty inexcusable on Israel's part IMO both in terms of advancing peace in its region and just in general. So they should just let boats with 'aid' coming from terrorist funded groups into the region unchecked? Why don't you just have them open their borders while you are at it, and give Palistinians the right to vote in Irsael?
  6. QUOTE (bmags @ Jun 1, 2010 -> 09:16 AM) well, I mean, the soldiers were getting the s*** kicked out of them...which...to my keystone cops point...why the hell did they think that would work? 1 by 1 entry when they were grossly out numbered... DUDES WERE GETTING DISARMED BY UNTRAINED CIVILIANS. I feel like this elite squad wasn't half as hardcore as even israeli police. Well, the supposed civilians were SUPPOSED to be there on a peace mission. I guess they didn't expect a brawl to break out.
  7. http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/terror-finance-flotilla
  8. I just hope that the players in the region have had at least some informal talks at worst as to how to deal with things in NK just simply implodes. China, America, SK and even Japan should be communicating and making deals now, just in case. If NK just implodes, who goes in to secure the nukes? How will China react to troops coming over the DMZ? How will SK and US react to Chinese troops pouring in from the north? I just hope they make some behind the scenes deals here before the s*** hits the fan.
  9. To steal the first line from this story, 'How do you say 'Karma' in spanish?' http://www.bostonherald.com/news/opinion/o...osition=emailed
  10. Apparently the unions can't find money to fund their pensions and want the taxpayers to help them out. Maybe if they stopped donating to political candidates they could actually fund thier own obligations? Screw you, Bob Casey. http://www.foxbusiness.com/personal-financ...ension-bailout/
  11. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ May 24, 2010 -> 12:45 PM) What about people wearing green on St. Patrick's Day? And how many people wearing green on that day can tell you anything about why they are doing it other than that it may get them a free beer at the corner bar or something that day. It has turned into just another excuse to drink.
  12. Couldn't the overt display of mexican flags, etc on that day have also been seen as distracting and disruptive to the educational process?
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