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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. Not going back thru the gazillion pages, so if any of these posted already, sorry. Seems Obama top recipient of BP campaign donations. http://www.commondreams.org/headline/2010/05/01 In all fairness, Obama hasn't caught up to these 5 yet. The OBAMA administration exempted the BP gulf drilling operations from a detailed environmental impact analysis last year. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...0050404118.html Seems like that happened under Obama's watch, not Bush. The explosion was an accident, not because of deregulations. the resultant spills were because of safety items not working, things that prehaps should have been caught in an inspection, that never happened during Obama's watch. While oil flowed, Obama played golf. Time to stop the leak, clean it up, enforce the regulations you have and stop blaming Bush.
  2. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ May 14, 2010 -> 12:31 PM) Crack open a standard US history textbook and let me know how much a Chicano (or really any ethnic minority) is going to learn about their culture or background. You go Mesopotamia->Egypt->Greece->Rome->Medival Europe->Colonialism->US. That's fine, and it's an important part of history. There's nothing wrong with seeing certain aspects of history from a US-centric viewpoint. But you can't pretend it somehow covers all cultural backgrounds or is "all-inclusive". So because there are no references to Mexicans regarding the Revolutionary War, you think it is ok to teach them that American 'stole' part of their country and such? To be divisive? All this does is fuel the racial animosity even more by trying to give them victim status.
  3. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ May 14, 2010 -> 08:09 AM) Seriously, isn't White Male Christian European History good enough for them? Why do they need 'ethnic' studies that only serve to divide? Occupied America: A History of Chicanos Yeah, that sounds all inclusive and stuff.
  4. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ May 13, 2010 -> 09:03 AM) So now the AZ legislature, and Gov Brewer, have signed off on a bill banning ethnic studies classes in the state. But, the law specifically only does so in response to classes that encourage sedition or the derision of specific racial groups. Basically, they passed an law that can only be enforced by the subjective criteria of when some group of people feels threatend by the teachings in a class. WTF is wrong with these people? I mean, I don't really like the idea of ethno-centric teaching in primary/secondary school either, but this is just ridiclous. Seriously, the level of hate - and yes, its hate - in this country is appalling to me. If some class is being taught that is promoting violence or bad conduct towards a group of people, then they already have the authority to end that anyway. This law achieves nothing in the objective sense, and yet causes EXACTLY the cultural tension they are supposedly interested in rooting out. Unbelieveable. It's all about the protecting children! What kind of job are they gonna get with an ethnic studies degree anyway? They just stopping them before they become a greater burden on their parents and society in general. It's all about protecting the children! (That's what the liberals scream for every thing they do, right?) (also, this post should be in half-green text)
  5. Since Mexico is such a s***hole, and has so many issues with corruption and graft, etc., why isn't Amnesty International, the various joke UN commission or any of the other human rights groups going down there and protesting mexico? I guess it is more important to protest America for our transgressions since we are clearly a more eeeeevil place.
  6. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ May 8, 2010 -> 02:44 PM) Do you see the difference between Mexican students wearing Mexican flags on Cinco de Mayo or Americans wearing American flags on July 4th and wearing American flags and bandannas on May 5th or a bunch of Mexican flags on July 4th? eta: also LOL at La Raza being a "Hispanic hate group" What would you characterize La Raza as? They pretty much want to take over the southwest, and have no respect for anything not hispanic. And can you imagine a white or black group called 'The Race'?
  7. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ May 8, 2010 -> 11:49 AM) Speaking from what I have seen on both a first and second hand experience through our school system, they would have stopped it to if it had gotten complaints. The last thing a school system wants is something that disrupts the kids, and has the potential to turn into something ugly. Remember these are high school kids, it doesn't take much for them to do something stupid. ss2k, I disagree with you here. If a group of white students went to the school and told them that they were threatened or intimidated by the display of nationalism exhibited by hispanic students on May 5, they would have been told that somehow THEY were being culturally insensitive and should just deal with it. They wouldn't dare stop the displays, unless there was a school code prohibiting ALL displays, for fear of some sort of retribution from LaRaza or some other hispanic hate group out there.
  8. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ May 8, 2010 -> 01:20 PM) And you know the amazing thing? The actual data out there shows that Mexican immigrants are actually assimilating faster than European immigrants did in that wave a century ago. I guess those southern European immigrants really f***ed this country in the 20's and we never recovered. Maybe white people are just inherently dumber than everyone else. Then I guess we can stop printing government forms in spanish then. After all, they are learning so fast, they can figure it out. And no need for spanish language television, they can watch english crap like everyone else.
  9. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ May 8, 2010 -> 10:58 AM) It's interesting how your entire argument is based on guessing about how the school behaved in other circumstances. Kinda like refereeing. Just be consistent so i know what the hell to expect. I would like to see that in news reporting as well. I found this quote in a story about the incident. "Kathleen Sullivan, a school board trustee, said Live Oak experienced problems on Cinco de Mayo last year. She said some students had complained to the principal and vice principal that they had felt intimidated by students waving American flags. " OK, so if some non-hispanic students had said that they felt threatened by the zealous display of the Mexican flag, would they have curtailed that as well? This whole country is f***ed because of the nationalism that new people coming here retain. We became a great nation in part because of the assimilation of immigrants to this country. They became AMERICAN. They learned english, they got jobs, they joined society as Americans. Yes, you can be proud of your heritage, but if all the hispanics are coming here because their home country is such a s*** hole, why do they have such pride in that s*** hole? You would think they would want to forget everything about it and embrace their new home that provides them with opportunities they could never get back there. Not on the same level, but I grew up and lived in a small south suburb for most of my life. It became a raging s*** hole that I finally was able to leave in 2005. I don't ever want to go back, or celebrate coming from there.
  10. QUOTE (bmags @ May 8, 2010 -> 10:18 AM) after reading it i'm pretty much with ss2k5 in being sympathetic to the school. Realize for a second that they are responsible for people's children. I don't think being overly cautious is a bad thing. I understand their caution as well, but will they be consistent in their application of 'caution'? They surely didn't stop the hispanic students from displaying their 'colors'. Too bad they are not in school around July 4th, we would see how they would react in the opposite situation. i wonder if the kids just left school and marched outside with signs instead, if that would have been acceptable. I am sure the school has a truancy policy, and those kids that marched left the school, which has to be against some rule. Were they punished for that?
  11. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ May 7, 2010 -> 06:14 PM) [/b] This is exactly why schools discourage these kinds of displays. They take away from academics by refocusing everyone on the shiney things. Then the school should have prevented the hispanic students from wearing flags, facepaint, etc as well.
  12. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ May 6, 2010 -> 04:41 PM) I guess the question is...what is Tex doing that brings him to baseball articles from Time Magazine in 2007? Thought perhaps his doctor's office got some new magazines that caught his attention.
  13. Have Mr. Sandoval couch up the dough to build a Camelback somewhere else, and they may consider it. Otherwise he should keep his grandstanding to himself.
  14. QUOTE (Tex @ May 5, 2010 -> 12:12 PM) . Much like ties go to the runner, I would like to see a great deal of proof that an employer willingly and knowingly hired illegals or anyone working for cash before jeopradizing the jobs of innocent people at the company. Tex, I am not sure what you are reading, but I believe that everyone here agrees with that statement, and has expressed that as well. You keep bringing it up as if people are against that.
  15. QUOTE (Tex @ May 5, 2010 -> 09:42 AM) I have abirth certificate issued by the Chicago. My kids from Lake Forest. My girlfriend from a small town in Texas that no longer exists as a town. They all look different. Are you really suggesting deep background checks for seasonal workers? It's not being lazy it's spending hundreds of dollars for a position that will pay a few thousand. What would a deep background check show for a 16 year old applying for their first job? Drug tests are cheap, but do not establish citizenship. Most modern employers do not do background checks on their minimum wage employees that would establish citizenship. Tex, at least as of a few years back when I still had my store open, I was required to fax info about all new employees to the state so they could check for child support orders. The info included name, dob and ss number. How hard is it to tap into that info and at least see if the name and ssn actually match? That is a quick and easy way to start, since most people stealing ssn's don't keep the original name.
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