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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. So if I went over to England and got a job, but never got citizenship, I would be considered a slave? What part of 'guest' makes you think 'permanent resident'? Guest workers should be just that, guests, not citizens. You get a guest worker permit or whatever,and no, you dont get deported the moment you lose your job.
  2. http://www.myfoxphoenix.com/dpp/news/local...-shot-4-30-2010 More fuel for the fire.....................
  3. QUOTE (Cknolls @ Apr 29, 2010 -> 03:23 PM) Isn't MURTHA the newest city in Pennsylvania? After all he did bring home the pork. That is the least they could do for him Well, they DO have an airport named after him, and I am sure there are more than a few buildings and parks, perhaps a road or two, so that wouldn't be totally unbelievable.
  4. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Apr 29, 2010 -> 08:02 AM) John C. Stennis says hi. The Stenis is an aircraft carrier. I said ships OF THAT CLASS (San Antonio class amphibious transport dock) have been named after cities, not crooked politicians. ream much, or were you in a hurry to try and show me up? Current ships IN THAT CLASS are: # USS San Antonio (LPD-17) # USS New Orleans (LPD-18) # USS Mesa Verde (LPD-19) # USS Green Bay (LPD-20) # USS New York (LPD-21) # USS San Diego (LPD-22) # USS Anchorage (LPD-23) # USS Arlington (LPD-24) # USS Somerset (LPD-25)
  5. Dumb-ass knee jerk idiots. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/2...sfired_ire.html Look out, JC Penney, they comin' for you and your Arizona brand jeans next!!!!!
  6. QUOTE (mac9001 @ Apr 29, 2010 -> 12:42 AM) To put things in perspective you if you to suddenly remove just 5 million illegal immigrants at lets say an assumed per capita income level of $20,000, that's a $100 billion dollars you just pulled out of the economy, granted some of that would probably be made up by gains realized from removing 5 million illegal immigrants, but that $100 billion serves as conduit for hundreds of billions generated through connections that most of us just don't visualize. You're talking about playing a dangerous game of dominoes and you can never be certain what unforeseen consequences arise from the removal of that many individuals and money. Mass deportation can potentially lead to another financial crisis, a decade ago few people would have said poor judgment on the hands of a few mortgage lenders and brokers would eventually lead to a trillion dollar global financial crisis. Given a wide variety of options mass deportations present the greatest potential for harmful unforeseen consequences conspiring against our interests. Given the cost to simply hand out blanket amnesty would probably cost pennies on the dollar when compared to a what is basically an impractical solution in mass deportation, such as the Arizona bill contrives. It comes down to a basic risk analysis, it's cheaper and easier to hand out amnesty after amnesty if the only other solution is increased enforcement of ineffective immigration laws. On the economic part of it, many Republicans have asked for an EFFECTIVE guest worker program to take this into account. Then they officially get on the rolls and are counted somehow, and the need for cheap labor is satisfied legally. Saying we would just one day round up 5 million illegals and 'poof' they be back in Mexico is just a bit of puffery. I like your posts, well thought out. However keep in mind, even according to the NYTimes, Mexicans send back BILLIONS, even with the weakening economy. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/06/02/world/am...s/02mexico.html But I do have to disagree with your last statement regarding amnesty vs border control. Eventually the flow has to stop and be controlled.
  7. QUOTE (mac9001 @ Apr 28, 2010 -> 11:09 PM) . They earn income, they consume, they save, I am cherry-picking here, but they EARN far less than they CONSUME in benefits and what they SAVE they send out of the country to prop up Mexico which is why that hellhole won't do anything to stop it, or THEY go broke as a country. (Cue tex's response about sending my kids to be migrant veggie pickers or something, and a slight rant about businesses needing illegals, while completely ignoring that most have called for a valid, workable guest worker program to alleviate that issue, including me). On a different note, you also said Sometimes you have to slap a hysterical person in the face to get their attention. Arizona has been asking for help for years to stem the flow of illegals from the feds, and getting nothing. maybe this is just the slap in the face to say 'hey feds, wake the f*ck up, we are SERIOUS here'?
  8. QUOTE (juddling @ Apr 28, 2010 -> 12:50 PM) I don't know which is worse....the fact that the Navy is actually considering naming a ship after John Murtha or the fact that when asked about it Nancy Pelosi referred to Murtha as a 'a tireless advocate for troops generally and Marines in particular" WHAT?????? The man who screamed bloody murder (literally) after the Haditha incident???? He went out of his way on numerous media outlets accusing honorable Marines of murdering civilians in cold blood. He repeated this slander over and over again, causing the arrest of eight Marines. All charges were dropped against six, and the seventh was found not guilty. Yet Murtha never recanted his statements, he never apologized for his slander, and was unapologetic about the havoc he wreaked up until the day he died. I guess nothing should surprise me anyomre.... And ships in that class are usually named after cities, not crooked politicians.
  9. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Apr 28, 2010 -> 02:18 PM) Allows a person who is a legal resident of this state to bring an action in superior court to challenge officials and agencies of the state, counties, cities, towns or other political subdivisions that adopt or implement a policy that limits or restricts the enforcement of federal immigration laws to less than the full extent permitted by federal law. The way I interpreted this was that it was to ensure that cities and police departments didn't adopt 'save haven' zones like San Francisco. if they did, the citizens could sue them for now upholding the law. I think you stretch it to try and make a point.
  10. Um, I believe that most people who go to Mexico for medical treatment, who don't already live on or near the border, do so to get treatment and/or drugs that they can't get here because of the FDA. Experimental procedures, things like that. Not because of the stellar facilities and top flight doctors. And this line in the story says it all. COST OF CARE, not insurance. What waqs done to fix cost of care by our wonderful government? Nothing,really.
  11. For everyone crying about having ailens carry thier 'papers', this is right from the US Code concerning Aliens and Nationality. http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/us...8&TYPE=TEXT
  12. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Apr 27, 2010 -> 09:42 AM) Btw, liked this one: They are probably the same place NOW is whenever Clinton was messing with Lewinski, or wherever Nancy hides when yet another Democrat gets exposed to the light of day in her most ethical congress evah.
  13. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Apr 27, 2010 -> 07:07 AM) Given the extremely controversial tactics employed by the Sheriff's office down there over the years you don't think this law will be completely abused? Given the amount of scandal and abuse by our current congress over the years, don't you think that the health care bill will be completely abused?
  14. QUOTE (Tex @ Apr 27, 2010 -> 05:30 AM) If it was 14 white looking people with out ID what would you do? If nobody spoke English and had no ID, the same thing. Tex, I am all for going after the 'other' class of illegals as well, the ones that overstay their visas. So if Dilip, Vladimir and Svetlana are here illegally, boot them out as well.
  15. So it seems that alot of people here are worried that government, in this case police, will overstep their boundries and abuse the power given to them here. But yet many of these same people see no worries with turning over 1/6th or more of our economy to government oversight. No chance for abuse there, eh?
  16. QUOTE (G&T @ Apr 23, 2010 -> 05:58 PM) You needed a law to question in that situation? Actually, yeah, you probably DO need a law that allows them to ask that. otherwise LaRaza and the ACLU would be howling with indignation every time a latino was asked for ID during a traffic stop. They will still howl, but now they can point to a law that lets them do it.
  17. The bill requires immigrants to carry their alien registration documents at all times and requires police to question people if there's reason to suspect they're in the United States illegally So, if they pull over an old van packed with 14 hispanic looking people in it for speeding, nobody speaks english and they don't have a drivers license or state issued ID, you don't want them asking if they really belong here?
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