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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. Knightni, the malfunction was human, at least according to he story.
  2. My mom works in the office of a school district, and they get a contract like the teachers, although even less pay. However she gets summers off, several personal days each year, and sick days that can roll over. It was unlimited until 2 years ago, then they capped it at a year max. So 2 years ago mom had to use like 30 days to get down under a year. And if she retires after this year, can take the whole next year off with pay. Administrators are a completely different story, at least here in IL. Their pension comes from the STATE, not the district that gives them the wildly undeserving and high pay raises the last few years. So all the poor districts are paying the $250k+ retirement of the New triers and Glenbards of the state. And if they retire with their full pension, they can go get a job at a DIFFERENT school and start working on a NEW one, while still collecting the old one. How is that for a sock in the nuts?
  3. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Apr 12, 2010 -> 02:14 PM) I will be interviewing the Indiana Secretary of Education tomorrow on my regular radio spot during the afternoon drive show. If anyone has a quality question they want to try to get asked, let me know! How about: "The original intent of the generous pension plans teachers everywhere get was to reward them later for pay sacrifices now. Since public sector jobs now outpace private sector jobs in pay, both actual and realized when benefits are factored in, why can we not eliminate the pension entirely and have the employees on social security, 401k's etc like the rest of the people who pay their salaries?"
  4. Might only be 4 games, but I still don't like what I see. Batters taking a 2-0 fastball right down the middle, then swinging at the 2-1 changeup in the dirt. Pitchers on 0-2 throwing the next pitch so far outside that the batter wouldn't think of swinging at it. The golf-like swings from our power hitters. And the STUPID plays from Alexei. Gonna be a long season.
  5. QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Apr 9, 2010 -> 05:00 PM) It's not a good thing if you want your movement to survive. Because it allows you to be characterized by the most extreme elements in your movement. Because right now the leaders are the people who own the websites. And the owner of teaparty.org was two weeks ago saying that there were no racial slurs at his tea party rallies.... two months after he was photographed holding a sign that said "N****R" on it at one of his own rallies. Right now, that guy is the face of that movement. Eric Erickson (Mr Redstate himself), a guy that threatened (jokingly or not, not honestly sure) that requiring phosphate free dishwashing detergent was going to be the straw that broke the camel's back when it comes to armed revolution aimed at taming the government. Those people are your representative faces of the Tea Party. Dale Robertson, of whom you speak of, owns a website, and is therefor the teaparty leader? http://rpc.blogrolling.com/redirect.php?r=...blogspot.com%2F http://motherjones.com/mojo/2010/01/wash-p...ea-party-leader
  6. QUOTE (jasonxctf @ Mar 28, 2010 -> 04:47 PM) here's the video of the guy being "spat" on http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/03/28/c...e_n_516300.html The guy is cupping his hands to yell at the guy, not spit on him. Perhaps he is guilty of spraying it instead of saying it, but that is not the same as spitting on someone. if that guy was hocking a loogey on him, he wouldn't be cupping his hands around his mouth. And where are the n*gger chants we heard about? Now where to be found.
  7. Why can't they just go on Craigslist and get a NSA ADULT partner like the rest of the pervs?
  8. QUOTE (jasonxctf @ Mar 25, 2010 -> 11:50 AM) Wow.... so a congressman gets death threats, spit on, gas lines cut, etc... and the response is... "you're using that for political purposes." Can you at least stop with the spitting thing? that did not happen. They have video all over the damn internet of the members walking thru that group and no chants of n*gger, no spitting, no nothing. Jessie Jackson Jr was himself video taping that whole exchange. if that stuff did happen, you KNOW that his race-baiting father would have been on the news before anyone could wipe it away. As for the refusal to make a joint statement, the Dems want to place the blame squarely on the Tea partiers, while the Repubs don't. Both have condemned the actions and rightly so. But how many times have you heard about a noose at a black college, or racial slurs painted somewhere, and it turns out that they were done by the people who reported it (who were black). Not unheard of and in fact, quite common.
  9. QUOTE (southsideirish71 @ Mar 17, 2010 -> 10:48 PM) Just had the pleasure of watching how a person who is on government assistance buys groceries. Now I know this is not all of those who are on government assistance, but still this is comical. I was up at the Jewel getting garbage stickers for Downers when a man and his wife start to split up their very sizable grocery carts, 2 of them mind you. They proceed to break them into bundles, and purchase them with this government checks, and that Link card, and a WIC check, etc etc. It was over 300 dollars in food. Then the man proceeds to purchase about 75 bucks in hard alcohol. He uses cash for that. He pulls out a wad of 100 dollar bills, saw him breeze through about 9 of them before he got to the lower bills. He purchased this in cash, then took his two carts of food and booze and proceeded to the parking lot. I come out moments later to see him loading a very large brand new Mercedes SUV with the food. Thank God we can provide for the less fortunate. When I worked grocery for a short while, I would see many food stamp and assistance people come in, buy mostly regular food items with their stuff, and then as you saw, pull out a wad of bills to buy junk food and booze. And my son complains of all the people in his high school getting free lunch, but yet spending another $3 or 4 per day buying other crap top eat as well.
  10. I would rather not see my pitchers, who get paid millions to throw the ball well, try and hit, perhaps break a finger on an inside fastball, or pull a hammy while trying to go from first to third. Mark Prior was never the same after his infield collision, which wouldn't have happened had there been a DH. I just have no desire to watch a pitcher bunt because that is the only way he can put bat on ball.
  11. I have had 2 PT Crusiers, a 2001 for work and a 2008 for my wife, and both have been fine. The 2008 one seems a bit of a wuss in the acceleration department, but otherwise both have been and are fine. Had a 2001 Dakota truck I bought used that was one big clusterf*** from the moment I got it, had a minivan we bought new in 2001 that worked without any major issues until we traded it for the 2008 Cruiser, and I currently drive a 2001 Sebring convertible, which rides ok for a ragtop, has kickass speed, but burns oil. So my experience with them has been new is good, used has been a crapshoot.
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