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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. The idea behind it to recover stolen property isn't that bad. However, when the opportunity for abuse is just sitting right there, apparently this dumbass ass. principal did just that. Who knows who he has spied on in the past. hat is what is gonna mess up that whole district. Heads need to roll and dollars are gonna change hands.
  2. QUOTE (Y2HH @ Feb 17, 2010 -> 09:16 AM) In no way am I saying ignore the insurance companies, as there ARE things that can be done, however...they are NOT the primary target. If you want lower insurance rates, tell the f***ing hospitals to stop sending insane bills for insane procedures that shouldn't cost what they do to the insurance companies. Yeah, I recall the bill when my son had surgery on his shoulder. A doc would come in and chat for 5 minutes, tops, and we got billed $500 for a 'consult'. Pain reliever (Tylenol!) was $10 a pill. They charged $42 for a 'shaving kit' to shave the hair off his shoulder area before surgery. The kit consisted of a tiny can of Edge Gel, a Bic disposable razor and an alcohol pad.
  3. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Feb 7, 2010 -> 12:56 PM) Can you blame them? Anyway, how did this kinda stuff not get publicized until the guy won? Actually, it was, sort of. I recall listening to whoever it is on the morning on WLS-AM and they had him on the air a while back. It came up in their interview and he didn't deny it then. So it was out there, just the media on the whole chose not to make a big deal of it for some reason, Maybe they thought he wasn't a serious threat to win and didn't think it worth the effort? The guys who lost to him messed up not mentioning it either. I can see not mud slinging in a primary, but that is something pretty serious, and I don't think too many people would give you a bad rap for pointing that out.
  4. QUOTE (mr_genius @ Feb 7, 2010 -> 12:43 PM) he's still on the Dem ballot LOL Not for long. The Dems will find some way to force him off the ballot and hand place the guy they really want.
  5. This kind of crap always seems to come from the race-baiters on the left. And they rarely get called out for it. It doesn't matter that they are getting helped, the helpers have to be of the right racial makeup, or it is racist! This man needs to just retire already. In public office since the 60's a perfect example of why some people scream for term limits. http://thehill.com/homenews/house/79803-co...nority-staffers
  6. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,584807,00.html
  7. Should the real headline have been changed to "Illegals bankrupt local public hospital"? http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_...&SECTION=US
  8. QUOTE (Soxy @ Feb 2, 2010 -> 12:33 PM) I refuse to believe that this is a representative sample. I imagine it is giving too much weight to the evangelical Republicans. I refuse to believe that 77% of anyone wants creationism taught in schools. That can't be true. I would agree with you. Did they camp outside a Focus on the Family board meeting to get their people or what?
  9. A Canadian premier comes to the US for heart surgery instead of taking his chances in Canada. http://www.nationalpost.com/news/story.html?id=2510700
  10. QUOTE (iamshack @ Jan 31, 2010 -> 03:13 PM) Reminds me of the internet ad for AshleyMadison.com I think the slogan is "Life is short. Have an affair." I have seen those billboards before.
  11. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jan 30, 2010 -> 06:23 PM) How about someone runs an anti-abstinence ad featuring some hero who was born out of wedlock? That would be a pro-life ad. "Don't abort that baby just because you got drunk and screwed half the basketball team, it could grow up to be famous like I did", says your hero.
  12. QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Jan 29, 2010 -> 02:12 AM) Dont worry kid, grades dont matter when your mom put you directly on the serial killer career path. I think in this instance, I will agree with you.
  13. After Obama's complaining about perpetual campaigns, I got an email from Obama asking for money. Using the SOTU for fundraising. Frank– I just finished delivering my first State of the Union address. I set out an urgent plan for restoring economic security for struggling middle class families. This is my top priority, but I cannot do it alone — and that’s why I’m writing to you now. Tonight, I called on Congress to enact reforms and new initiatives to defend the middle class — to create millions of new jobs, support small businesses, and drive up wages; to invest in the education of our children and the clean energy technology that must power our future; and to protect the economy from reckless Wall Street abuses. And I made my position on health reform clear: We must not walk away. We are too close, and the stakes are too high for too many. I called on legislators of both parties to find a way to come together and finish the job for the American people. I have no illusions — there have been setbacks, and there will be more to come. The special interests who have shaped the status quo will keep fighting tooth and nail to preserve it. So tonight, I’m asking you to join me in the work ahead. I need your voice. I need your passion. And I need your support. Can you help fuel our fight for the middle class with a monthly donation of $15 or more? https://my.democrats.org/SOTU
  14. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jan 27, 2010 -> 09:20 AM) ...while other countries (i.e. the U.K., Japan) get along with significantly fewer doctors per capita than the U.S. does, and they do so without being held up as an example of horrendous wait times as well. You are kidding on this, right? The UK as an example of medical efficiency?
  15. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jan 26, 2010 -> 11:26 AM) Courageous but dumb, if you just make blanket cuts like that. As I've said before, cuts need to be smart - you cut inefficiencies, not just cut EVERYTHING by some amount. That would be business-stupid. And every department head knows where those inefficiencies are, they just wont tell you. And you tell them they need to cut, they cry abut how the only area thay can cut is Y and that would just devestate their depsrtment, but they will cut that, if YOU want to, knowing full well that they can just about all cut 15% or more and not even feel it where it matters. Just like when the state tells you it needs more money, people say no, you need to cut spending, first place they always go is either police/fire protection or schools, when you KNOW there are hundreds of other places to go first.
  16. QUOTE (iamshack @ Jan 25, 2010 -> 05:30 PM) When will you grasp that what we are arguing is NOT that this message should not be shared, but that it should NOT be shared in a 30-second commercial where it cannot be adequately, responsibly, and respectfully shared. You seem to be completely missing the point here. iamshack, that is your objection, but there are others here objecting simply to the message, others to who is helping with the message, etc.
  17. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jan 25, 2010 -> 11:32 AM) A group of scientists were planning a meeting at my former school to discuss how California would deal with what used to be likely a 1000 year storm event, which may wind up being much more likely due to climate change. About a dozen of them had to cancel their attendance because of mudslides due to torrential rains. Mudslides in California are an annual occurance! As are forest fires and Linsday Lohan driving drunk.
  18. QUOTE (iamshack @ Jan 24, 2010 -> 11:45 PM) My issue with the Tebow's message (or what we believe it to be), is that the intention (again, apparently) is to use Tim's celebrity and athletic achievements as a carrot in a very serious and personal decision. Deciding whether to bring a pregnancy to term in the midst of significant medical risk is an incredibly complex and difficult issue. It is one that is probably very individualized and specific, based on particular medical concerns, heredity, fertility considerations, just to name a few. It's something that is only considered on a case-by-case basis. In my opinion, issuing some kind of broad advice or opinions on something so incredibly personal and particular seems irresponsible by default, because it is impossible for that person to know the unique circumstances of each individual case. And yet, the Tebow's and this organization are implying that one choice is better than another, most likely in all circumstances, by showcasing Tim as the finished product of Mrs. Tebow's decision. That seems irresponsible, disrespectful, and plain insulting to all the women, couples, and families grappling with this incredibly difficult decision. WOuld you have an issue with Tebow (or anyone else) using his celebrity as a carrot in a very serious decision when it comes to electing a President? Our votes are secret and personal and very serious stuff. They are individualized based on location, needs and wants. I know there are many on here who have no problem with people using their celbrity to push political choices, just wondering if that extends to this choice?
  19. Olbermann is like the typical internet bully who couldn't argue his way out of a paper bag in person, but give him google and 30 minutes, and he can make up a rant with so many $10 words it would make your head spin.
  20. QUOTE (lostfan @ Jan 21, 2010 -> 10:22 PM) We could force people to vote, but if they can't even be bothered to vote on their own, could you imagine who they'd elect if you made them? Ugh. Although in a lot of cases it's not like you can really be that much worse. Hell, James Inhofe seems to be comfortable in his seat. No. HELL no. I would rather people kept their asses at home if they don't care enough to vote, and especially if they don't care enough to at least know SOMETHING about the candidates and/or issues before they go.
  21. And they are supposed to be a 'progressive' state?
  22. QUOTE (Tex @ Jan 20, 2010 -> 12:46 PM) Exactly, I got that. But if Olbermann was run out of the party, wouldn't that in itself be intolerant of his views? See, both bases are covered. Well played. People like that don't need to be run out, but they dont need to be celebrated, either.
  23. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jan 19, 2010 -> 12:47 PM) Who was it in here that recently seemed convinced Palin would be our next President? I can't find the post, but I thought this was worth noting... She can't even get her own party to have more than 30% support for her to RUN, let alone win. I was one that had extremely high hopes for her not so long ago. However, she has jumped on the 'rouge' persona the media helped create for her and ran with it, and that just doesn't govern well in my eyes. I still think she is alot sharper than most liberals gove her credit for, but would rather see someone else there.
  24. QUOTE (Tex @ Jan 18, 2010 -> 07:58 PM) Palin - Newt I like it. Besides, who wants moral and ethical leadership? We never really get it anyway. You what Tex, you may have a point. if we know all this crap beforehand, then we have nothing to be suprised about later. No need for the opposition to try and dig up dirt, we already know it and can choose to ignore it or not. But I still would not like that ticket.
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