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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. Hell, why lock your car, if someone wants to steal it or what's in it bad enough, they gonna do it anyway. Save the money for the alarm and locks and spend it on something else. Why lock your front door either. If theives want your big screen, they gonna get it anyway. The point is to spend enough to stop the casual assholes, and hopefully most of the committed ones, without breaking the bank. Somewhere there is a 'it costs too much' point, but I don't know where that is. New technology is always gonna cost more at first. So should we stop looking for new ways to stop terrorism?
  2. QUOTE (Jenks Heat @ Jan 4, 2010 -> 04:00 PM) Look at Frank Thomas June 2005 numbers and remember the White Sox may not make the playoffs if not for that. I agree. I thought that for June he carried the team. He may feel like he didn't contribute alot to the WS team, but without him in June, I felt that they wouldn't have made it there to begin with.
  3. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jan 3, 2010 -> 09:12 PM) We stop occupying their countries and we'll see less and less attacks. We should just pull out of Yemen right now! And Saudi Arabia, where most of the 9-11 guys came from! That will do it!
  4. I saw those guys on occasion. So over the top it isn't funny anymore.
  5. OK, these are not tickets and not baseball, so going to start by putting this here. if it needs to be moved, please do so. Making room for my new Sox stuff and some of the 'other' things I have need to go. not worth trying to sell on Ebay, even though some people trying to sell these for $30+. I am NOT SELLING THESE. You pay shipping only to my fellow Sox fans. Any or all, just let me know. Would like to find them a home where they are wanted. For shipping costs (or pick up?) only: (2) 1991 Classic Football Draft Picks. Sealed set, numbered (2) 1991 Classic Hockey Draft Picks. Sealed set, numbered (2) 1991 Classic Basketball Draft Picks. Sealed set, numbered (1) 1992-93 Upper Deck NBA MVP Hologram Set. Sealed (1) 1992 Classic Basketball Draft Picks. Sealed but not numbered. (1) 1990 Star Pics Pro Prospects, Basketball Medallion Edition And if you are a fan of the Heisman Award, The Heisman Collection. (2) Series 1 (1 sealed, one open) (1) Series 2 (sealed) (2) Series 3 (1 sealed, 1 open)
  6. EvilMonkey

    Celebrity Crush

    QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Dec 30, 2009 -> 01:34 PM) well, we have something in common! I wondered why there were reports of hell getting colder. i thought maybe it was just Algore paying them an early visit!
  7. EvilMonkey

    Celebrity Crush

    Eva Mendez. Not sure why since I usually like blond or red hair, blue or green eyes and big boobs, and she has none of the above.
  8. The rangers shoudl have said somethgin like "If we find out just who these young men are, we would like to give them another opportunity to remove their genes from the gene pool by giving them a detailed map of all the traps in the area for them to try."
  9. EvilMonkey

    Whatcha get?

    QUOTE (maggsmaggs @ Dec 26, 2009 -> 11:30 AM) I got the Seinfeld SceneIt game. Can't wait to play my friends. Although we are all die-hard fans, so it could be difficult. PLayed that a few weeks back. Some questions take a die-hard to get. About half deal with the major things that even casual fans know about, like Festivus, the puffy shirt, Vandalay Industries, The Human Fund, etc....
  10. EvilMonkey

    Whatcha get?

    QUOTE (iamshack @ Dec 26, 2009 -> 09:05 AM) I am very jealous! I love the Neeley's! Ilike thier show because they cook stuff that uses ingredients you may actually have heard of before and have inthe house already. I only glanced at the book so far, but looks like alot of meat rubs and things for the grill. May have to move mine to the garage and try some stuff out!
  11. EvilMonkey

    Whatcha get?

    Total White Sox: The complete guide to the Wold Champion Franchise a deep fryer a gray hooded sweatshirt 1/2 gal Bacardi rum Down Home Cookin with The Neeleys
  12. QUOTE (lostfan @ Dec 24, 2009 -> 09:27 AM) This is a pretty good write-up on the behind-the-scenes stuff at Copenhagen. http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2009...ange-mark-lynas Summary: China deliberately sabotaged the whole thing and made it so that Obama and the West were left holding the bag as the ones that blew it. It's all about the money. As it stand s now, China makes out like a bandit with each new plant it build, and each new plant it doesn't build. If it builds a plant using newer technology, it gets the difference in carbon emmisions from new vs old as carbon credits, that it then sells to all the 'rich' countries to help ease their carbon guilt. And in doing so, Algore and the others who push these schemes the most, make a little commission on the deal. So China, who is building power plants anyways, gets paper wealth handed to them by the UN group thaty handles that crap. Then they sell those to Western companies for real dollars. Why WOULD they want to change anything? As if they dont get enough of our money as it is, thanks to all the carbon trading ecofreaks, they get even more moeny from the west. be prepared to bow to our Chinese overlords. And just a slightly different though: Every time they mention that the 'rich' nations need to pony up cash for all the poor, struggling developing countries, how come China and India are not classified as 'rich' yet? That is the biggest farce in all this.
  13. QUOTE (lostfan @ Dec 23, 2009 -> 05:49 PM) I can't remember any time that legislation was debated for so long in my life. The IDEA is being debated, but how many people have even seenthe final bill? And by the time they all finish f***ing with it adding pork and removing ann the compromises they originally put in, even if they HAD seen it before, would it even resemble what they first read?
  14. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Dec 22, 2009 -> 10:05 PM) Leave it to an unemployed conservative to root for a douche that received a $73M bonus for doing nothing to better society. If the company stock has performed well, he has helped millions of people who hold their stock either singularly or as part of a 401k package somewhere.
  15. QUOTE (lostfan @ Dec 22, 2009 -> 10:44 PM) My point being that you talked about some vague concept of "small government" being the reason for the U.S. having a booming economy in the past and glossed over/ignored all the other reasons that was actually true. The United States was never some mythical place where everything is different and jobs just magically came here, there were several factors that made the U.S.'s global position what it was and a lot of those things will probably never be repeated. I just threw China in there because they are eating our economic lunch right now and they obviously don't have small government (s*** their government and business sector's objectives are the same thing) or low taxes. You get the UAW to work for $2 per hour, and scrap pensions, and we can kick China's butt again.
  16. Tex reminded me about the french fry thing. I also eat smallest to largest, although sometimes I can group them to get more than one. But they are always pulled out of the pack and lined up next to each other. As for the money thing, a lot of people in retail do that to the register drawers. I was told that it used to be taught, but don't know for sure.
  17. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Dec 21, 2009 -> 07:42 AM) I check my alarm clock repeatedly each night - re-check the time, re-check that its on, turn it off, turn it on... a few times. Not sure why I bother, as its always set for 5:15am anyway, and if I missed it, I'd be awoken by the sounds of a crying toddler shortly after that anyway. I don't do that for anything else, really. Except for the toddler backup system, this is me. And even if I have JUST CHECKED IT, if my wife then turns to me and asks if I have set the alarm, I have to check it again. I KNOW she does that to me on purpose sometimes. Also pat pockets constantly checking on wallet and keys.
  18. QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Dec 21, 2009 -> 11:14 AM) because voting it out of conference is a lot less public than the votes we've seen so far. And that's just what the most ethical, transparant congress evah wants. It will be unprecidented!
  19. You know, Florida has an insurance co-op for hurricane insurance. Was originally priced higher than what the private companies were offfering so it would be a last resort option only, but soon after, many of the major carriers just stopped offering it in Florida all together, and now costs had risen beyond any projection they ever had. Can the governemnt just try to fix an existing program first, and prove to the country that they actually knwo what they are doing? How about fixing medicare first. Fox the fraud, fix the spending, fix the funding, fix it all. make that program work right, then maybe i can listen to the talk about nationalizing health care without wanting to move out of the country. And as for this particular line, "we don't think that people should work until they're 90 because their financial advisor overinvested in AIG", if that person was drooling at the to-good-to-be-true profits said advisor promised them, and didn't have enough sense in their stupid brains to think twice about letting them do that, then i don't give a s*** about them. They gambled, and lost. Not my problem.
  20. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Dec 16, 2009 -> 02:38 AM) The sad thing is...the data set for the Hacked emails...is the most conservative of the available data sets as it excludes most of the polar data sets which show the largest warming. The other independent data sets show that things are even worse. NASA raw data says otherwise. http://spacescience.spaceref.com/newhome/h...sd06oct97_1.htm
  21. John Murtha was hospitalized for abdominal pain the other day. I almost spit my pop out rading this comment about the king of pork:"Last week, doctors suspected Murtha was suffering from swine flu..." What irony for the king of pork!
  22. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Dec 15, 2009 -> 09:46 AM) The sad thing is...everything in their data has been redone, probably a dozen times over. With the same 'massaged' data.
  23. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Dec 14, 2009 -> 04:53 PM) Are you under the assumption that all climate change science studying/testing in the world was performed by these particular scientists? over 2/3 all research depended on the initial temp data provided by that group and conveniently 'lost'.
  24. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Dec 14, 2009 -> 11:58 AM) I don't particularly disagree with any of your individual points here - I think you are right about them. I just don't find it to be the earth-shattering discovery that its being made out to be. There is a unison chorus of thousands upon thousands of peer-reviewed scientific pieces all saying that, yes, the climate is changing with a rapidity and consequence that we need to heed, and yes, there is SOME EXTENT of human causality (how much is, of course, up for debate). So I am supposed to believe that is all B.S. because some scientists were snarky about FOIA requests in an email? I disagree and say that it is earth shattering by comparrison. Everythgn these people did now needs to be redone, with extra emphasis on everything being done aboveboard and in the open. That means many more years of study, millions more dollars,etc. Basing any decisions of the outcomes of thier data would almost be criminal considering that the data is untrustworthy, at best. They hid data, refused to disclose data, manipulated data to get desired results, ignored data that didnt fit, 'lost' thier base data, and they had an inner circle of devoitees that peer reviewed each other.
  25. I'll be busy on Saturday and may forget to post, so read this on Saturday. Happy Birthday!
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