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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. Wanted to be a baseball player, but couldn't even hit in little league, so gave that up pretty fast. For some reason that I can't remember, Forest Ranger seemed like a nice occupation to me, until sometime in high school I discovered that they make next to nothing, so gave that up too. Entertained the idea of politics in college, but with all the crap I did there, would never fly. Ended up in printing, which is so far away from anything I was thinking of, you would have never guessed.
  2. QUOTE (lostfan @ Nov 9, 2009 -> 08:33 PM) Already the Drudge/Malkin/etc. freak show started politicizing it over the weekend and talking about how Obama was so insensitive to have not visited Fort Hood yet, nevermind the fact that he's going tomorrow morning, they are acting like he's ignoring it entirely. They're incredibly predictable. Where did he go instead?
  3. QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Nov 9, 2009 -> 03:10 PM) Muslims: Almost as dangerous as gays. Gays don't have some holy Gayble that says to kill the straight man if he doesn't believe in gay marraige. I haven't seen a gay person yet start shooting into a crowd of straight people shouting "Gucci is great!". I don't see gay people starting riots because someone made a bad cartoon of Liza Minelli. Kap, was it me, and was this it?
  4. QUOTE (bmags @ Nov 8, 2009 -> 10:13 AM) only a portion are getting subsidized, and if you are going to have a mandate, you can't fine people who can't afford it and not give them any help to. But yes, to fix the health care debacle taxes were inevitable. But I highly doubt the cost passed to consumers will = the savings in premiums for the average person. This won't raise the praise of grains to an unattainable level for people. Who determins if they can afford it or not? And like all things government, even if they only subsidize a 'portion' right now, how long until some Democrat realizes if he increases that portion, he can perhaps win a few more votes in the next election? or until the people just below the cutoff for the subsidizing start to rally complaining that the demarcation line was set too high, and that they shoudl be included too? it will never end.
  5. QUOTE (Tex @ Nov 7, 2009 -> 04:06 PM) How exactly do you envision 400+ members of congress and 100 senators all work on one thing at one time? And I love the Fox something first I believe your Freudian Slip was showing Tex, I is next to O on the keyboard, and my arthritic fingers don't always hit the right keys. And sometimes when they DO, my dyslexic part takes over and transposes a few, usually making 'ing' into 'ign' or something like that. 'Fiorst' instead of 'first' is also a common one my crooked fingers make.
  6. I would rather they spend all this time and energy into fixing the economy that healthcare. Especially because i fear their 'fix' for healthcare will f*** up the economy even more. or fix medicare first, show me you have some ideas that can work before asking me to trust you with a huge percentage of the nations economy. Too much waste inthe programs youhave, too much room for errors, too many opportunities for crooks. Fox something first.
  7. He can be "a leader, the captain of the infield, a clutch hitter in the postseason, perennial all-star and future Hall of Famer , everything Beckham thrives to be" at second base too.
  8. QUOTE (lostfan @ Nov 6, 2009 -> 07:11 PM) What politician DOESN'T seek endorsements and campaign contributions? And I'm just talking about people say obnoxious things that you have to back away from. So are you saying that the Democratic Party is going to come out and disavow this campaign, because they don't want to chase anyone out of the party? The party leadership won't say anything, and may even support this movement by Moveon.org, as it puts addiutional pressure on Blue Dogs to toe the party line without the party itself having to exert pressure itself.
  9. QUOTE (lostfan @ Nov 6, 2009 -> 07:06 PM) That's activists, not the party. Democrats don't always like being associated with moveon.org much like Republicans don't always like being associated with guys like Falwell, Michael Savage, etc. Yet they actively seek Moveon.org endorsements and campaign contributions? Mr. Soros and his group are so far into the Democratic party that it should be investigated for something. Has to be an incestious relationship there or somethign. Comparing them to Falwell and Savage is NOT the same, not even close. And Savage isn't a Republican, his political venom goes both ways when he feels like it, which is often.
  10. Party of inclusion has major group raise millioons to attack party mederates. http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/...s-69360167.html
  11. People should be recalled for crap like this. Not even one day before he reverses his pre-election positions. http://www.gouverneurtimes.com/index.php?o...&Itemid=175
  12. No thanks to Olivio. SS2K was right, the initial reasoning for his departure was that he supposedly had trouble calling games and the pitchers generally didn't like him behind the plate. I just think he is an ass and can't bat worth s***.
  13. QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Nov 2, 2009 -> 04:26 PM) Having a majority got him the speaker's position, not being a conservative. And that meant having Republican representation in places like the Northeast. Maine, if I'm not mistaken, have the only two GOP Senate seats between Virginia and Canada. There's no mountain or molehill for me. As a Democrat, I personally enjoy the idea of a Republican party whose soul belongs to such electoral saviors as Rick Santorum and Sarah Palin. Newt Gingrich had it right. If I'm a member of the Republican minority, I get someone who can win - especially when she signed the no new tax pledge, has a perfect rating with the NRA, and says she'll vote against Obama's health care reform plan and vote against Pelosi for speaker. That's a pretty solid starting point. Squeezing these people out is what you do when you have a majority to protect, not when you have a gap to fill. But in the quest for being "righter," the teabaggers forced their own party to spend more the NRCC and RNC's cash to protect a seat that they would have won in a walk without Hoffman, who doesn't even live in the district. At best the GOP maintains a seat they already controlled. At worst, they made the gap to close next year even wider by squeezing out the last few moderates in the party. First off, how about growing up and quit using the teabaggers name, and call them what they are. You appear lazy and juvinile when you resort to those tactics. And second, that district had already elected a condservative republican, so i have no idea why newt decided he neded to put a liberal in republican clothes in that spot to begin with. So she signed no tax pledge, etc, Hoffman is all that and more. What is the dealbreaker with Hoffman that you think he sholdn't be there? A pro life position? Dede has no business being a republican, in any way shape or form.
  14. QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Nov 2, 2009 -> 02:58 PM) If you're getting both the endorsement of the Working Families party and Newt Gingrich that makes you a moderate. Or has suddenly Newt become a RINO these days? Try again.
  15. QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Nov 2, 2009 -> 08:42 AM) If that's true, the Republicans just lost another safe seat for the sake of ideological purity, and they did it in a spectacular fashion. No matter how you want to spin this as a bad thing, NO candidate endorsed by the far left blogs and papers can be called a moderate anything. She was replacing Rep. John McHugh, and has a lifetime rating of 71 from the American Conservative Union. Not really a 'moderate', but not really radical either. All in all, a pretty good conservative Republican. HEr rating is so far off the charts the other way it isn't funny. As for trying to paint her as being a fiscal conservative and a social liberal, and specifically pointing out gat marraige as if that was the deciding factor here, you are wrong on that also. She supports the cap and trade, wihich isnt fiscally conservative at all. She also adamantly supports card check, which is so not moderate conservative that that alone should disqualify her. Although I can understand her support for that since her husband is a leading upstate union organizer. As a state assemblywoman, she voted for massive tax hikes, Democratic budgets and a $180 million state bank bailout. She also supported the trillion-dollar federal stimulus package -- which every House Republican voted against. In past elections has embraced the ballot line of the Working Families Party, which we all know is a front for ACORN. Now, tell me again how she was really a moderate Republican.
  16. Some republican. She is now urging her supporters to vote Democrat! http://www.watertowndailytimes.com/article...9918/-1/OPINION
  17. QUOTE (mr_genius @ Oct 31, 2009 -> 10:34 AM) Tea Party backed New York Conservative Party candidate pushes Republican candidate out of NY congressional race; seat long time held by GOP. http://www.politico.com/blogs/scorecard/10...t_of_NY_23.html The 'Republican' candidate was a RINO in the truest sense of the word, and was so far left that she was even endorsed by DailyKoz! And the Conservative candidate has beenendorsed by alot of prominent republicans and conservatives.
  18. QUOTE (Cknolls @ Oct 30, 2009 -> 09:15 PM) Keep it classy you piece of s***: http://entertainment.blogs.foxnews.com/200...test=latestnews Vidal has also said that he wished he would have killed GWB. The man is a loon.
  19. I always love when the ref at halfcourt makes a foul on someone under the basket, when there are maybe 5 guys between the ref and where the foul supposedly occured, while the baseline ref looking right at the play does nothing. I wonder if there is anythng in there on the phanotm call on Pippen during the Bulls series the year after Jordan?
  20. QUOTE (Tex @ Oct 30, 2009 -> 09:17 AM) I would hope more are being investigated. That should be a standard operating procedure and just keep looking at lawmakers at random. I just wonder if there are enough (D)s in the report to satisfy Alphadog* *I kid because I care™ As long as that crook Murtha is inthere, good enough for me. Bastard belongs in jail, with a whole bunch of them from both sides.
  21. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Oct 27, 2009 -> 05:56 PM) Kap, there's now prescription medication to grow thicker eyelashes. They invent diseases like Restless Leg Syndrome and then sell you the cure. You cannot argue that the profits incentivize the wrong things some times. FYI, the stuff now marketed for the eyelashes is just a glaucoma medice that has been repackaged since the eyelash thing was discovered to have been a side efeect of the glaucoma fighting abilities of that medicine. So no, they didn't invent that just for eyelashes. And restless leg syndrome is real. I often have trouble sleeping because of it. Hard to describe, but it is just that I can 'feel' my leg and have to move it. Not realy pain, more like an itch that gets worse and worse until I move the leg, however comes back as soon as I stop moving the leg. Sometimes both legs.
  22. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Oct 22, 2009 -> 02:24 PM) I mentioned this earlier today in the speeding thread in SLaM. This pisses me off. However, let's be clear - as I said in SLaM, this is what makes people hate the cops (the blue wall). The unfortunate side effect is people project that hate to ALL cops, when only some are this insultingly slimy. +1 I know some very good cops, and have the misfortune to know one that ended up being very slimy and a bad guy. I saw how he seemed to get free passes for his rudeness and bad behavior, and that just makes me sick. I understand their thinking, I just don't agreee with it. Keeping the bad apples around spoils the whole bunch, and right or wrong, guily by association.
  23. QUOTE (GoSox05 @ Oct 20, 2009 -> 01:42 PM) As far as the story goes. It's a small story. No one else is reporting on this. It seems to me that the republicans were trying to make a power grab to win in a area that they haven't won in a long time. It got shot down. It was actually a pretty normal story coming from the Washington Times. Usually they focus on how we are now in a maoist state. Read the story. The black, Democrat voters who voted in the previous election by a 2-1 margin, voted for this proposal. Not sure how that resembles a Republican power grab.
  24. EvilMonkey

    30 in a 25

    QUOTE (zenryan @ Oct 20, 2009 -> 04:19 AM) I've heard a police officer say that the unwritten rule is anything above 10% of the posted speed. I live in Florida so who knows what other states "unwritten rules" are. I got ticketed for 97 in a 70. It was only a $155 ticket. I was actually relieved when the cop handed it to me. My one speeding ticket was for 74 in a 45, and I too ws relieved when I got that ticket as he could have added an extra 20 mph. I was pissed, however, that he took the easy mark that stopped when he saw the lights instead of the guy that kept going even faster. I went to court to plead guilty and try and get supervision, there were so many people there for speeding tickets, the judge told everyone at the start that if they plead guilty to speed thigs up, and the prosecutor had no objections, half fines and supervision for all. He flew thru the cases, maybe a minutes per person! Good luck.
  25. QUOTE (Tex @ Oct 14, 2009 -> 08:39 AM) And add that to why I applaud her. The courage would be if she was facing a tough reelection fight and still voted that way.
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