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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Jan 27, 2016 -> 10:13 AM) Yeah - depending on what I'm buying, I'll still just negotiate and ask if they can give me x% off or what else can they do. An exchange I had at work a week or so back: Phone caller: How much for one copy? Me: Black ink or color? Phone caller: Um, uh, um black. Me: One copy would be $.10 on regular bond paper. There are quantity breaks if you run more than 100 copies. Phone caller: I only need one. Do you have anything cheaper? Me: I could draw it for you...
  2. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jan 26, 2016 -> 06:23 PM) Charges related to the videos were filed today. Against two of the people responsible for making the videos. By a DA who serves on the board of the PP that was in the video. No conflict of interest there.
  3. I think it is symbiotic between trump and the media. He hasn't had to spend hardly anything so far due to all the FREE media coverage he gets. If he isn't in the media for a few days, make some new outrageous claim and get back in the cycle.
  4. QUOTE (pettie4sox @ Jan 26, 2016 -> 02:52 PM) No more Clintons or Bushes. I'm down with that. Hell got colder, we agree!
  5. QUOTE (greg775 @ Jan 26, 2016 -> 02:45 PM) Thank you for the great article! I missed that one. I have a question for the Hillary supporters ... why do you want this kind of behavior rewarded? She's a proven liar (this is not opinion but fact). If you have to have a Democrat in office, then for gosh sakes vote for Sanders. Let the Clinton's quietly go away finally. You may call Greg a moron, but Chelsea is also out there and if Hillary wins you just know Chelsea will be waiting in the wings in 8 years to run herself. No more. greg, nobody likes Chelsea, so you don't have to worry about that. She has ZERO political skills, at least shown so far. Somehow the Clintons have got people willing to go to jail for them, but I don't see that kind of loyalty extending to the spawn of evil. Besides, if they extend the Federal probes into dealing of the Foundation, she could be in for some trouble herself.
  6. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jan 25, 2016 -> 11:50 PM) It would be interesting to see the actual percentage of children adopted vs. those under state supervision... For babies who are born with mothers addicted to drugs: Cases of rape and incest: Babies that are born with birth defects, mentally-challenged: Babies that are white vs. non-white: How many international adoptions vs. non-white adoptions among US couples (straight and gay): Babies who come up for adoption when their mother dies while giving birth: Adoptions rules need to be streamlined to have any positive effect. Easier to go adopt a baby from Africa than to adopt one born to someone here.
  7. When I last went (it was a while ago), for most of the lines they had more than one player. So you waited in line for an hour, but you got 3 people's autographs. But the lines were long, didn't even try for Frank, and the Minnie Minoso line was HUGE.
  8. greg, I know you just LOVE Hillary so much, thought you might enjoy this. http://nypost.com/2016/01/24/hillarys-team...erver-to-email/
  9. QUOTE (pettie4sox @ Jan 25, 2016 -> 10:12 AM) Yep. It's always some partisan finger pointing with some people. Most people shouldn't care about an R and D; just competency. I will agree with fire them all and spread that blame. Once it actually starts happening to both sides. i would just like to know how ANY of those people can sleep at night. The EPA who knew the water was screwed but did nothing, whoever decided the switch was good to begin with, whoever kept telling the complaining people that there was nothing wrong. I mean, i get that you need a job, but to lie to people'sfaces about something that could be killing them? How do they sleep at night?
  10. QUOTE (Brian @ Jan 24, 2016 -> 05:46 PM) I only know the story because of Michael Moore and social media. It's Bs and Snyder needs to be prosecuted. Which is funny, because he ignores EVERYONE who had a chain in this mess up until he gets to the ONE Republican in the line, the Governor, who knew about it last and had absolutely nothing to do with its inception. The local Democrats in the town council? Ignored. The government agencies like the EPA and so on that knew about this? Nothing. But the Gov/ IMPEACH HIM!
  11. QUOTE (ron883 @ Jan 23, 2016 -> 07:33 AM) Why do you want to bring children into this world that aren't wanted or would be going to a bad household? That's my issue with anti abortion folk. They don't give a s*** what happens to the kid once they are born. Don't give a s*** about the social or economic effects of banking abortion. Let's be real, we have a population problem. It sounds cold, but life isn't fair for everybody. We need to start limiting the population. So you don't want children here who aren't wanted or going to a bad household. WHat about immigrants here that aren't wanted? People who don't give a s*** what happens to them once they are here as they are sealed in their gated communities and never have to face the consequences. Don't give a s*** about the economic efect as the jobs they compete for are beneath them. Let's be real, we have an economic problem here. it sounds cold, but life isn't fair for everybody. We need to start limiting immigration.
  12. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jan 22, 2016 -> 12:20 PM) citation? Also, really, who cares if it's 1st or 2nd. Point is more that the climate continues to warm. Regardless of how much of that is human-caused in your view, the reality is in the numbers. It's warmer and keeps getting warmer. That will have effects, pretty serious ones soon. What would cause more dollars to flow to the politically correct people: A) 2015 was one of the warmest years in the last 2 decades, or B) 2015 was 1 degree cooler than warmest year on record, or C) 2015 was THE warmest year evah! Wording matters. Data matters. Integrity apparently does not. http://web.archive.org/web/20150504164341/...c/global/199713 According to NOAA, the global average temperature for the 20th century was 57 degrees Fahrenheit. And the 2015 average was 1.62 degrees Fahrenheit above that average. In other words, according to this recent NOAA report, 2015 was the hottest year ever at 58.62 degrees Fahrenheit (57+1.62) however the 1997 NOAA report states 1997 had an average global temperature of 62.45 degrees. (They do make it all confusing by not publishing the actual temp, but saying it is "+1.2% above the average" making you have to search for the average.
  13. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jan 20, 2016 -> 03:16 PM) 2015 Was Hottest Year in Historical Record, Scientists Say yeah, after they 'adjusted' down the temps from the previous hottest year on record, 1997.
  14. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jan 15, 2016 -> 03:34 PM) The next 'filler' movie should be STAR WARS: LUKE TAKES AN EXTENDED VACATION and it's just him hanging out on that tiny rock island for 30 years and slowly going completely bats*** crazy. You should check out Lonely Luke's twitter feed. https://twitter.com/VeryLonelyLuke?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw
  15. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jan 14, 2016 -> 04:21 PM) I'm sure that'll get the same coverage as Palin. Still not as bad as the guy that was afraid that Guam would flip over and sink if we put too many Marines on the island.
  16. QUOTE (Iwritecode @ Jan 11, 2016 -> 10:23 AM) I joined and adult/youth league with my daughter that started last night. School bowling for her doesn't start until late February so this will help her get used to bowling more than just once a week. It also awards scholarship money so that's a nice benefit as well. We bowl two regular games and then two baker games, so we end up bowling a total of 3 games each. My two regular games were 221 and 180. Her two regular games were 146 and 131. Not bad but she's capable of doing better. First baker game was 186. Then the second baker game we both caught fire and shot a 236. Could've been a 237 but my last shot I left the 8 pin and it literally slid over 3 or 4 inches. It was the only non-strike I threw the whole game. Very nice. Shot 601 on Tuesday AND on Saturday. However Saturday's should have been higher. Missed an easy 7 pin (!) and chopped 2 washouts. Oh, and 2 q0 pins out of the 12 or so I had to shoot at.
  17. QUOTE (Big Hurtin @ Jan 7, 2016 -> 05:48 PM) To a lot of folks, most money = best situation. yes, but not everyone. It is far from millions, but I am making at least 10% less where i am at now,I know this because I turned down an offer of more cash from another place, but i have a 6 minute commute and can leave to do personal things (pick up kid from school, dog to vet, doctor, whatever) pretty much whenever I want. And i like it here. If he took less because he likes it there, well, OK.
  18. QUOTE (jasonxctf @ Jan 4, 2016 -> 04:33 PM) It's not up there at all!?!?!?! Lead Story= Gun Control Fight (Obama Presses Ahead with Exec Action) 3 main pictures 1) Gitmo Bad Guys- Al Qaeda Followers among 17 being moved 2) Allies Abandonded- US Under pressure to intervene in Iran-Saudi fight 3) Craig Strickland Dead- Body of singer missing since 12/27 is found In fact, I used "find on this page" 1 buried link that even has the word Oregon in there. Drudge Report- Lead Story Bill Clinton "flustered"... Women on stage scowl, grimace, roll eyes while Clinton Speaks. it's been moved to the US tab. front and center there. One click and there it was, no idea why you couldn't find it. Front page rotates. Nothing new has happened, so off the man page it goes. http://www.foxnews.com/us.html?intcmp=hpnav
  19. QUOTE (HickoryHuskers @ Jan 4, 2016 -> 12:01 PM) It's been on the top half of the front page of foxnews.com for a few days now. People who b**** most about FoxNews never go to FoxNews.
  20. They are mad because the BLM got 2 farmers convicted as terrorists for starting a fire on their land that also burned 150 acres of BLM controlled land. That terrorist designation will screw them up for the rest of their lives. Yet they often let other 'terrorists' go free (enviro protestors, BLM asshole, etc).
  21. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Dec 28, 2015 -> 08:55 PM) She would be a Skywalker either way Couldn't she be a Kenobi? Ole Ben coulda been a real horndog back in the day, we just didn't see it on film.
  22. Well, still no 300 game, but I ended game 2 with 6 and started game 3 with 6, so I did get 12 in a row. (My record is 16 in a row, but no 300 game) 185, 235, 225
  23. There is nothing wrong with limiting immigration from areas where there are high concentrations of people who want to kill us. There is no divine right for anyone to be allowed entry into the US. Trump just says it in the most bombastic way to get headlines. Carter did it back during the Iran hostage crisis, he even deported many iranians already here. All you people trying to show your patriotic bonafides by claiming anyone end everyone who wants to come her should and somehow THAT is American are just f***ed in the head. We have the OBLIGATION as a country to select who we want here. Saying 'ban all Muslums' may not be the right thing, bit how about giving them some extra scrutiny? Maybe checking social media, international data bases, criminal records? And when the Italians start blowing up our embassies and killing people because they drew pictures of the Pope, then you can give them extra scrutiny as well. Greg, Trump would be a terrible president. he is thin-skinned and not a Republican, but a Trumpican. He is in it for himself, has no real policies other than what is good for him or what the polls might say. While there might come a time where it would be a good thing to tell some of these pissant third world assholes to go take a flying leap off a cliff, i fear it would be at the slightest provocation with Trump.
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