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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Aug 19, 2009 -> 09:47 AM) Maybe I'm just missing it, but what's supposed to be dishonest about this? Seemed that every time Haliburton got any type of contract, regardless of how qualified they were for it, screams erupted from the left about favoritism, etc. So, you don't see the issue with assloads of cash going to firms with strong ties to those high up in the Obama admin?
  2. QUOTE (Tex @ Aug 19, 2009 -> 07:31 AM) That's a tough one. Should we really protect the debtor or the holder of the debt? Already medical bills cannot be dropped through a bankruptcy. Not tough if you consider it another step in the slippery slope. There are legal recourses for the holders of debt. This eliminates that and just gives the government the right to withdraw money if THEY deem it so. If the provision is changed to allow it to happen, after a court verdict is reached, or something like that, then maybe. But as it stands now, tough. Don't want to new government insurance? too bad, you gonna pay for it anyway, and we're taking it right out of your account.
  3. I was just at a town hall in Chanahon about health care reform. The guy there held up the binder with the proposed legislation in it. It was 3" thick and packed full. He was reading from various sections in it. I found one interesting that the bill gives the govt the right to access your bank account electronicly to withdraw funds should you choose to not pay. Another one about how you can 'keep' your employer plan (assuming your employer keeps a plan), but there are to be no new signups. When you leave, you are entered into the government plan. nice choice. There were other things mentioned, but several of the interting ones he didn't reference with sections, so I am waiting to find out more first. The interesting one concerned Obama's little check up squads that come to your house and whether or not you own a firearm.
  4. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 18, 2009 -> 12:00 PM) Actually, yes I did, it appears you just weren't satisfied with my answer. If this was your answer, . Then you really didn't answer it at all. Do you mention in your posts, when citing left wing sites, that they are left wing sites, or do you only feel the need to point out sites that you feel are right wing? I am sure that the Cato Institute isn't called the Right Wing Cato Institute, you put that in there. Why?
  5. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 18, 2009 -> 11:30 AM) He may not have phrased it very artfully at the time, but frankly, isn't that exactly the point of our system where we have a "representative democracy" rather than a direct democracy? Our system is built on the concept that you can't really expect every single person to be fully informed on every issue. Thus, you're supposed to select a person who's judgement you trust and who you agree with on a number of issues and then trust/convince that person to vote the way you want him to in Congress. If you wind up disliking how he's voted, then you remove him by voting against him the next time. He's supposed to understand these issues better than many others; that's the whole point of having a limited number of representatives. If you really believed that every person out there should be well enough informed to make their own decisions on every topic, then a direct democracy would be the way to go. Then why do they ever do public opinion polls then, if not to find out just what the mood of their constituents are? Do those moods only matter when they coincide with current Democrat positions? And I do believe that there are probbaly more people in just his district that know more about that issue than all the reps put together. How many of them actually read the bill? They keep trying to rush this stuff thru. health care reform is a fundemental shift in the way our country runs. it deserve much debate, much discussion, not 1500 pages of legalese ramrodded thru at breakneck speed with no room for dissent. This should not happen over night. And of a different note, you never answered my question if you refer to left wing group when you post as left wing groups, or you just reserve your snark for right wing groups.
  6. Video of Representative Eric Massa (D-NY) telling people that he will vote against the wished of the very people who elected him because he knows better than they do. What arrogance.
  7. Can we ever have a game with KC where Hawk doesnt suck Olivio's c*ck? he sucked when he was here and he is average AT BEST! Stop the man love for Olivio, please! And Olivio, quit acting pissy every time you play the Sox. You suck, they got rid of you, get over it.
  8. The key to his success is only pitch one inning, and never come into a tie game.
  9. QUOTE (kapkomet @ Aug 16, 2009 -> 07:15 PM) Alpha took what you did the complete other way. Most of us knew what you were trying to say. I knew just what he was saying, just wanted to know why the need to label them, and wanted to know if he was consistent in his labeling when referring to left wing sites and/or groups?
  10. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 15, 2009 -> 07:38 PM) New report from the right-wing CATO institute finds there's about a $180 billion benefit to the economy over 10 years to some form of legalization of illegal immigrants, while conversely there's an $80 billion or so cost for doing nothing. Just wondering if you have ever referred to the Southern Poverty Law center as the left-wing Southern Poverty Law center, or if you only feel it necessary to point out any rightward tilt?
  11. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Aug 13, 2009 -> 07:46 PM) Shouting irrational, hyperbolic fears is the highest form of discourse when there is an R after the speaker's name. Fixed that for ya.
  12. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 13, 2009 -> 10:51 AM) No, the argument is that individuals have absolutely no bargaining power. The smaller your group is, the harder it is for you to have any bargaining power. Then how about making that the staring point for trying to fix healthcare, rather than throwing everything into government control? Find a way to untie group coverage from jobs and make it affordable for the average person to buy. If I only cost $250 a month to insure when I work for ComEd, why do I now cost $1000 to insure when I no longer work for them? That is one area I will grant you all that insurers screw the average consumer. Fix that, and tort reform, along wth the supposed medicare improvements Obama claims to have should be enough without having to turn over the med system to the feds.
  13. QUOTE (lostfan @ Aug 12, 2009 -> 11:03 PM) For whatever reason, when people talk about "Congress" they are talking about the House. If you call a senator "Congressman" instead of "Senator" they get snippy. I have to disagree. When most people say 'congress', they lump them both together.
  14. QUOTE (bmags @ Aug 11, 2009 -> 02:49 AM) but seriously do you guys have any sense of history Hey. Republicans get blasted for sex scandals when they try and be the party of morality, why shouldn't the Dems be blasted for being crooks when they are claiming to be the most transparent and ethical congress ever? They are as coocked or more so than any in history.
  15. I managed to snag one of the bags with autographed baseballs at the Sox game last weekend for WhiteSox Charities! I got a Beckham signed ball! Felt bad for my uncle who got it for me, his bag contained a Linebrink signed game ball.
  16. QUOTE (black jack @ Aug 9, 2009 -> 11:00 AM) Didn't the Sox save a ton of cash last offseason with the dumping of Javy(10), Swish(6-7?), Joe(5), the crazy SS(8-9?)? That in itself has paid for Peavy and Rios (if he comes). Then with the departures of Dye, Thome, and the Count there's still lot's of money to sign a lead off man and a quality 5th starter. At least 1 of those 3 should be back. Possibly 2 of the 3.
  17. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Aug 9, 2009 -> 09:06 AM) You don't get to see what other teams have claimed. Are you sure about that? I thought that there was a long run of teams 'blocking' other teams who had made a claim, or had worked out trades with a team if a player had cleared waivers. Randy Myers comes to mind, Padres claiming him so Atlanta couldn't, and they got stuck. How did they know Atlanta wanted him? Just askin, i don't know.
  18. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...9080703620.html The key paragraph: Yeah, right.
  19. I wouldn't put it past Andy Stern and SEIu to make the calls themselves. EXCERPTED FROM Chapter 7, “SEIU: Look for the union label,” Culture of Corruption “The persuasion of power” Asked about his organizing philosophy, Andy Stern summed it up this way: “[W]e prefer to use the power of persuasion, but if that doesn’t work we use the persuasion of power.” I wonder just what he means by that? Hmmmm.
  20. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 7, 2009 -> 05:39 PM) Really though there seems to be this current of gun-toting serious anger that is permeating these folks. Really? Republican protests are wussie compared to the many that the various factions of the Democratic party follwers put out. Do you have any evidence of guns being involved, or are you just throwing that phrase out there to gin up some controversy? I find it odd that several liberal groups have called tea parties and such 'political terrorism', but have no problems with Black Panther members hanging outside polling places with weapons. That's just 'activism'.
  21. I was gonna start a new thread for this, but figured I would start here. Can you imagine if this came from a republican administration, or anyone associated with a Republican administration? They are asking for people to 'inform' on their fellow citizens! I remember an uproar when the govt asked people to keep a sharper eye out after 9/11. So sad. http://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/Facts-Are-Stubborn-Things/
  22. Not to be snarky, but I wonder what it really cost us? What did they have to promise or give them to make ithappen? You know he didn't just do it because Bubba charmed him out of his pants.
  23. What about Shoeless Joe? If Petey gets back in, then he should as well.
  24. QUOTE (Tex @ Jul 26, 2009 -> 04:02 PM) I believe anyone who eats meat should harvest an animal and process it for consumption. The ethics should begin with a simple question, are humans naturally carnivores? I do not believe a lion, for example, is evil for eating a gazelle. Nor do I believe a domestic cat is evil for killing a mouse. Therefore, if humans are carnivores, and I believe we are, it cannot be called evil to kill a cow, pig, deer, chicken, goat, dove, etc. I certainly respect the position expressed by those on the list who are vegetarians and believe killing is wrong. However, I have a difficult time respecting those that tell me hunting is wrong while eating a bacon wrapped fillet mignon. Sadly, by the time we learn if our maker designed us to eat meat, it will be too late to tell those left behind. Isn't the purpose of our canine teeth to tear meat? An asparagas doesnt require sharp, pointy teeth to rip it to shreds. At least I can meet your criteria, and then some. I hunt, process and eat what I kill, even though I don't do it anywhere near as often as I used to. I also worked a summer in a small meat packing plant and participated in almost all the processes in the production of animals from the kill floor to the meat grinder. It was interesting work, to say the least, and it didn't turn me off of meat. In fact, I developed a larger taste for a good steak after that summer.
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