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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. Uttered today by me. And by uttered, I mean yelled in a very loud voice. "s***! That goddamned fatass jenks has pitched with his f*ckign head up his ass for a f*cking month! F*CK he sucks right now! F*ck! F*ck! F*ck!" And if you question my baseball knowledge or fandome, you all can kiss my ass.
  2. QUOTE (Tex @ Jul 25, 2009 -> 01:43 PM) Seems like a fair response to getting rid of the state system. I have often slammed you for jumping many hundreds of steps further in your arguments than called for or feasible many times, But I kinda agree here. Your reply seemed about as fair as the statement you replied to.
  3. QUOTE (Soxy @ Jul 24, 2009 -> 08:52 PM) Yeah, I mean, I agree. But it's tricky--I think (and Skinner would back me up here) that kids cannot be spanked out of anger. They they just learn to associate anger with the spanking--not whatever bad thing they did. So I think you have to be dead calm for it to work. But for ommission training to work, the parents have to have a strong enough will to stick with it and mnake it punishment. Not take somethgin away for a day only, or SAY they will do somethgin for a week and cave in a few hours. My kids got whacked occasionally, but not often. Thankfully the didn't act up too much to require it.
  4. QUOTE (Jimmywins1 @ Jul 24, 2009 -> 03:41 PM) Yeesh, Haren would be amazing. Gotta figure he'd cost something along the lines of Poreda, Flowers, Hudson, Getz, Richard and probably more though. ALL those guys for 1 pitcher? you are all f*cking nuts. When it comes to us tryingto get another teams established players, it takes every damn prospect we get, and then some. However, state that we may be interested in anyone else's prospect, and people here want to trade our whole damn infield for him. Hell with that. Richards has proved he can pitch in the majors, albeit not at the level of Haren or Halliday. But he is better than half the pitchers other teams have, that in itself is valuable. Poreda still has potential to be special, and the other position players we will NEED shortly. You can have all #1's on the mound, but unless they pitch no hitters all the time and strike everyone out, you still need people to score runs and catch the ball. Maybe 3 of those guys listed, but not 6.
  5. I am sure that all the people who just can't seem to fathom WHY someone would boo Jenks were NOT swearing at their TV when Bobbie walked in the go ahead run or anything. No cussing, no muttering, no disgust at the performance at all.
  6. EvilMonkey


    I USED to collect baseball cards. Spent way too much on them. Then I bought a new house in 2005 and those days are over. I still have them all, as well as the stamp collection I had back in my younger days. I still buy book, however. Mostly used, some new. Need more shelf space!
  7. QUOTE (Tex @ Jul 10, 2009 -> 03:00 PM) Ah no he won't. Not enough time served. That makes me happy. For a moment.
  8. QUOTE (DC23MVP @ Jul 14, 2009 -> 04:27 PM) I think that a Floyd, Beckham, and Alexei for Halladay deal is pretty good for us, but I don't think we need to do it. We'd have a whole at 3B and at SS that would be hard to fill, and I think it wouldn't be worth it. You, are nuts.
  9. Now he just gets another government pension check for a job he didnt deserve. Added to the Illinois pension checks he gets, I don't think he will be eating Ramen noodles anytime soon, regadless of his campaign debt.
  10. QUOTE (dbaho @ Jul 4, 2009 -> 12:06 PM) Just for someone who doesn't have a great understanding of the Republican Party, who are the major candidates for 2012? The only names I've heard so far are Palin and Bobby Jindal. Are the likes of Huckabee and Romney going to run again do you think? Pawlenty
  11. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jul 1, 2009 -> 07:50 AM) I get the crinkling sound from the knees too, but I assumed it was still remnants of the Chondromalacia. If they said they were "cleaning stuff up" in the left knee, that sounds like Chondro to me. The crinkling is in my right one, and the last doc i went to said it was an inflamation of the bursa sac. Gave me some stuff to try and reduce that, but didn't work. Surgery is an option, but not until after I get a job and hold it for a bit.
  12. I had ortho on both knees. The left knee wasn't bad, apparently they just had to 'clean some stuff up', or so I was told. My right one I blew out pretty good. Was going to try and dunk a ball in an intramural basketball game and hit a loose floorboard. KNee cap was way off to the right and it messed up everything in there. And with only 10 seconds left in the game, too. Had the surgery, and was back playnig volleyball in 2 months. Although now it hurts like hell going up and down stairs (20 years later), and makes a crinkling sound like tin foil.
  13. I had just finished watching an episode of Pitchmen today when I read this. very wierd.
  14. QUOTE (Texsox @ Jun 21, 2009 -> 07:42 AM) Alpha, now that you know he is a Rep "top aide", care to write the same scathing post you were saving for if he was a Dem? How would your response be different if the motivation was personal revenge or personal and political revenge? I had no reply waiting, but have various levels of scorn depending on his reasoning behind it. Although if it had turned out that he was a major Democratic donor and/or had been contacted recently by Moveon.org or something just prior to his meeting, I am sure that I could have worked up enough scorn to make you proud.
  15. EvilMonkey

    Soxtalk Pets

    QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Jun 19, 2009 -> 11:59 AM) My girlfriend would love you. She volunteers for a pug rescue place out our way. I'm pretty certain when I get my house there is going to be a rescued pug living there. I don't do it much, but have been doing it more now that I am not working. My wife and older son do it every weekend, and my wife is now one of the go-to people there. I usually end up home with the younger boy, since he isnt old enough to work there yet. But when they have fundraisers and stuff, I go. Or do the manual labor picking up donated items and shuttling dogs between the 4 locations for surgeries and stuff.
  16. EvilMonkey

    Soxtalk Pets

    For anyone in the area, the Plainfield Humane Society just had their Dine out for Dogs event at Buffalo Wild Wings and make over $400! There is another one scheduled for July 11 at Chili's 12740 South Route 59 in Plainfield. 10% of all food sales that day will benefit Help Save Pets! (Plainfield Humance Society) Get your flyer now at www.helpsavepets.org or email me and I can send one to you.
  17. EvilMonkey

    Soxtalk Pets

    QUOTE (EvilJester99 @ Jun 18, 2009 -> 01:45 PM) My wife and I volunteer for a pug rescue group. We have 6 ourselves. Plus 3 cats. No kids so it works out lol You are awesome. Thanks for volunteering!
  18. QUOTE (kapkomet @ Jun 18, 2009 -> 09:59 PM) That's quite ridiculous. The "conservatives" must be running PETA now. No, that is one group that truely doesn't look at the letter in front of the person before they open mouth and insert foot.
  19. EvilMonkey

    Soxtalk Pets

    Go to an animal shelter and rescue an animal. They do have puppies, but you may also find a dog there a year old or so that you fall in love with. I am glad my home owners association has a limit on the amount of dogs you can have, otherwise my wife, son and occasionally myself, who volunteer at the Plainfield Humane Society,would end up bringing home half the animals we see! We have 2 beagles, both rescue dogs. Sometimes they take work, like our older dog. Her previous owners beat her and yelled at her, which made housetraining very heard. The slightest raising of your voice sent her quivering and peeing. but now she is the sweetest dog around, loves everyone and everything.
  20. I want to see the investigation into the woman's husband that supposedly asked for money. Political ties, recent meetings, anythign if it exists.
  21. i stopped collecting in 2005 when I moved. Didnt have the extra income to blow on packs and stuff anymore. Still have them all, a whole room downstairs dedicated to the cards and all things White Sox. Topps sets from 1976 thru 2008, about 20 different sets each from Fleer, Donruss etc (all the over-produced sets from late 80's to mid 90's) and some of the higher end stuff, but not alot. I couldnt bring myself to spend that much on a pack. Everyone is right, they killed it themsleves by having 60 different sets for each brand. And MLB didnt help either by liscensing other companies to produce cards as well. I still look at mine sometimes. i have a display case that has 30, 2001 Topps Gold Frank Thomas cards in it (they only made 2001 of them, and I actually have 41) and 20, 2002 Topps Gold Frank Thomas cards (made 2002, I have 25 total of those) on the wall in the room, so I see them often. I also didnt do it to make money, I just like having them.
  22. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 11, 2009 -> 01:22 PM) So you're saying you oppose things like Cigarette and alcohol taxes? (And the whole point of a universal system is...you can't deny coverage!) I have no idea what depth of your imagination you pulled that from. You think cig and booze taxes are there to help curb those behaviours? They are there because politicians see an easy source of revenue. What i am saying is that if they mandate preventative care, and dictate just what that care is, it is but a short step to say that if you didnt do the preventative care, you dont get the benefits. Drink too much? no liver transplant for you. And you may not, in theory, be able to deny coverage, but you can sure move people to the back of the list, thereby denying them timely healtcare.
  23. If the government starts mandating and defining preventative care it will only be a short step until that preventative care includes other things like regulating smoking, drinking or any 'risky' behavior, or denying coverage if you do engage in those activities.
  24. Take them all out to play paintball or laser tag. They will delight in the opportunity to shoot you.
  25. Ok, the MSM has now declared that flip-flopping is OK, because the Messiah is doing it, for our own good. Just check out the headline! Too funny. http://news.yahoo.com/s/usnews/20090604/ts...orthepublicgood
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