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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE (lostfan @ Jun 2, 2009 -> 11:54 AM) They've worked together for, what, 25 years? Probably not a stretch to say they're on familiar enough terms for that to be true. Also not a stretch to say Biden completely made it up.
  2. QUOTE (lostfan @ Jun 2, 2009 -> 11:52 AM) How the hell do you design a test to be race-neutral? I assert that this post is completely free of any racial bias. How do you design one that isn't? unless they start throwing around slang that one racial or ethnic group may not know about, how hard is it to make up questions regarding firefighting that are race neutral? Again, equal outcome cannot be legislated without f***ing over someone else. Equal opportunity, sure. Outcome, no.
  3. QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ May 30, 2009 -> 09:25 AM) The New Haven case was a pure example of judicial restraint, not judicial activism. The 3-0 decision of which Sotomayor was only one vote, dealt solely with the fact that the city was trying to deal with federal law as it was written and not as you may perceive it to be. The truth is that current federal employment laws that municipalities have to follow don't allow cities to promote or hire based on tests that primarily favor one race or another. The court's view was that since nobody was promoted as a result of a test that under federal law would be viewed as flawed because the city was taking steps to avoid liability in this case, that this case shouldn't have been brought up. This unsigned decision was made on extremely narrow basis of the law. For all the talk about "activist judges" around here by conservatives, you'd think there'd be more respect for decisions made that apply the law, not create new policies. Except that THIS town paid big bucks to a company for a test that would be race neutral and pass any challenges. What happened is that they chickened out when they saw the results, instead of defending the test and the test takers. People are supposed to get equal opportunity, not equal results. http://www.adversity.net/newhavenfd/default.htm
  4. UNless they have video proof of this ever happening, there is no way I would ever believe it. Not with all the s*** Biden has made up before. McCain would have kicked his east-coast liberal ass back to the beltway.
  5. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 1, 2009 -> 10:43 AM) Killing a man for political reasons is the definition of terrorism. So are a lot of union organization tactics, like what will happen if EFCA gets passed.
  6. Juddling, my brother, it was an excellent party, even if work and shots consipred to make your night a little earlier than we would have liked. It still rocked!
  7. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ May 1, 2009 -> 02:53 PM) Probably was, but honestly, who cares? Of all the things to worry about, about this stupid move, I could care less who was on there that had no control over the plane. And if Bush had let some donors take AFO out for a joyride over Manhattan, you would still think 'who cares'? Somehow I doubt that. Oh, I dont' think you would be in hysterics, but I really do doubt there would be the 'so what' attitude'. And there would be quite the few posters on here who WOULD be all crazy over it, and you all know which ones you are.
  8. I wonder just WHO was on board the plane while it was doing it's fancy manuvers. I heard that some group has asked for a passenger list and been denied. The group thought that there could have been some wealthy campaign contributors on board, and wanted to find out.
  9. QUOTE (Texsox @ Apr 29, 2009 -> 08:24 AM) But when someone resigns, party affiliation is not considered when the Governor appoints a replacement. I'm sure you meant that in green, right Tex? Except when the resigning person is African-American, and then they consider party affiliation AND race.
  10. I think that if politicians decide to switch parties while they are stil lin office that they should be required to resign and run again under thier new party. After all, most people voted for that person based on their party, and if they are now switchign parties, they just disenfranchised everyone who had voted for them. Guess he doesnt have enough balls to try and run as an independent, eh?
  11. That could include almost anything. How vague do they need to make it so that this somehow looks bad for the US?
  12. We could just withdraw from the Declaration of Paris in 1856 and reinstate Letters of Marque.
  13. QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Apr 22, 2009 -> 01:27 PM) And to be fair, we've been bribing Isreal and Egypt to the tune of $4 bil a piece to leave each other alone. That's been pretty successful. Israel kicking Egypt's ass a while back also kinda helps keep them apart.
  14. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...ml?hpid=topnews
  15. Once in college about 8 of us went to Denny's after a long night of drinking. We all got seperate checks. On the way out, we stopped to pay, the guy came by, took the first person's and rang him up, then left. We all stood there for 5 more minutes, nobody came to ring the rest of us up, so we left. We also got a new neckname out of the night for one of our group. He ordered a corn muffin, and the waiter messed up the order(he messed up all but 1 of the orders), so all night he kept b****ing about not getting a corn muffin. For the next 2 years he was called corn muffin.
  16. I don't care which one is better, just glad we have them both.
  17. QUOTE (Cknolls @ Apr 16, 2009 -> 02:13 PM) Has anyone heard the term tea-bagging on ABC NBC CBS or FOX? Only CNN and MSDNC. Why is that? OLbermann Maddow Shuster and Anderson Cooper have all referenced the term on their respective shows. Pretty childish, IMO. Because they don't have an original thought in their bodies about how to say somethign negative about what the protests are for. They can only make fun of a name and call the participants names. No substance.
  18. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Apr 16, 2009 -> 08:31 AM) Funny that these protests of a few hundred received more MSM coverage than the anti-war protests in 2003 that had tens of thousands in several cities. http://somd.com/photos/iraq/Protest/index.shtml http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,81883,00.html What planet were you living on at the time?
  19. I just saw that Fox news (Channel 32, not the FOX NEWS channel) had some Illinois rep on to 'rebut' the tea party protestors. She called them 'vile' and 'despicable', and tried to dismiss the protests as 'really not that big anyway'. I know it is a log, but here are some pictures from the chicago tea party. I have seen the news cover protests by liberal groups where as few as 12 people showed up. This looks like a lot more than 12. hell, there were more than 12 at the one by the Will County Court house! http://www.foundingbloggers.com/wordpress/...party-pictures/
  20. Colon's biggest asset yesterday was that he didnt look like he was afraid to throw the ball over the plate. And when he was ahead in the count, the next pitches were at least close enough for the batter to consider swinging at, unlike some of the Sox other pitchers whoe 0-2 fastballs end up in the opposite batters box. Good job for game 1 Colon, now build on that!
  21. QUOTE (kapkomet @ Apr 11, 2009 -> 12:00 PM) This was discussed in the Dem thread, very nicely, I might add. I don't venture in there. All the rainbows and unicorns would just give me sensory overload.
  22. QUOTE (Reddy @ Apr 10, 2009 -> 04:08 PM) for the 18th time i'm not a pro-Obama guy. see my thread about wiretapping. but at a basic level, i'm not fan of talking heads either. Olberman can be funny and have some good points, but i keep waiting for a vein in his neck to burst when he gets all worked up. I don't dig that. BUT the difference is that inciting liberals is not really dangerous... because we're already anti-gun. lol. inciting gun-toting republicans who are "terrified" of Obama becomes dangerous as we saw with the recent shootings... that's kind of the crux of my criticism. So only people with guns are dangerous? How come at every so called peace prootest, by livberals, there is always violence. How come when right to lifers hold a protest march, pro l;ifers are always assaulting them with objects and threatening violence again stem? And trust me, liberals aren't anti-gun, they are anti-you-having-a-gun. They like them just fine in their own hands, or those of their body guards. Daley doesnt thinnk the average Chicagoan needs a gun for protection, maybe because he is always surrounded by guy who have guns. There have been several columnists who have been anti0-gun who have been found to have had guns, and even used them in self defense. The left just oozes violence, so I have no idea how you can say that conservatives by nature are more dangerous.
  23. QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Apr 11, 2009 -> 09:07 AM) he said there we people there to log the attendance. Notes? yes, but not every word. I can just picture the official record keeper: "Dude, Biden just TOTALLY ripped the Presidentz leadership skills". If Biden actually said this, with anyone else present in the room, you know full well that it would have come out at that time, since everyone on the left was in full BDS. No way it just sits there forgot until Joltin' Joe decides to make it up, oops, I mean bring it up for a CNN interview years later. Do you seriously want to go to the mat defending Joe's recollections given his history of exagerations and outright lies?
  24. A 2% drop is nothing, but I bet it isn't long before the players union starts crying about collusion somehow.
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