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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. Noted plagerist and exagerator, Joltin' Joe Biden, claims he taked smack to the Pres all the time in the oval office, for hours! Um, dont' think so Joe, as you were never alone with the Pres, or in the oval office. Try again. http://rpc.blogrolling.com/redirect.php?r=...blogspot.com%2F
  2. QUOTE (soxfan3530 @ Apr 9, 2009 -> 09:45 AM) I really dont think that CQ can get too upset with getting hit the way he hovers over the plate. Grienke wasn't throwing at him IMO. Just trying to back him of the plate. I would want our pitchers to do the same thing. The middle of his back wasn't hanging over the plate. if it had hit him in the hands or something might be a different story. He aimed in there, his control was way too good yesterday for it to have been a mistake. He may not have intended to hit him or throw near his head, but if he didnt move the first time, it would have hit him in the noggin. I say get a lead and then plunk Olivo since he is such a whiny little b**** anyway. The way he jumped out there so fast, he knew right where that pitch was going.
  3. Maybe they are tired of paying for public housing and county hospitals they they never even see? Cook County budget benefits the city by a large margin, and in the suburbs probably only the forest preserves get the attention. So all the suburban dollars go to fund city projects. They should just try to join the county next to them instead of Cook. I tried to get a referendum for that put on the ballot when I used to still live in cook county, didn't succeed. Will county line was maybe a half mile from my house, and the only thing we got from the country were all the Section 8 people tearing up my once nice town.
  4. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Apr 6, 2009 -> 06:31 PM) Didn't you JUST get on Obama like a couple days ago for breaking protocol with foreign heads of state? For not respecting their level of office? You are seriously getting to the point of being obsessive, man. Bush got reamed by the nutroots for bowing to the Saudis. Only silence from them about Obama bowing.
  5. QUOTE (greg775 @ Apr 6, 2009 -> 02:27 AM) Let's just say I disagree with this. I hope he does very well but does nothing to beat us in the 18 f***ing games we have to face him. I agree he picked the wrong team cause of the carpet. Hope our pitchers know how to get him out. How about if he contributes to victories in other games and the Twins beat the Sox by one for the division? He has surely f***ed us then just as much, just not in direct action. f*** Joe. I wish him no injuries or such, but I would be just as happy if he was batting .210 and riding the bench for the Twins. I hope he sucks now.
  6. QUOTE (lostfan @ Apr 6, 2009 -> 11:53 AM) I think it was you a couple of months back that was talking about the word "semi-automatic" being used in some media report as if it was some mysterious uberdangerous weapon, which is pretty funny since a step down from semi-automatic would be like a manually loaded single-shot weapon that you had to re-chamber every time you fired it. He may have but I also said somethign like that. The media and anti-gun groups like to throw around the term sami-automatic as if it is a weapon in itself, when almost every gun made today is semi-automatic and nothing special. Unless you go for the old fashioned double barrelled shotgun (I have one of those!), then you ony get 2 shots before reloading.
  7. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Apr 4, 2009 -> 06:28 PM) So, for you 2...let me ask this in response... What could have been done to prevent this? We have a guy who, as far as we can tell, has a moderately violent background (fistfight with a neighbor on his record or something like that but no charges filed) who decides to go stock up on guns and ammunition and shoots up a bunch of police officers. You can't tell me that having a more armed populace would have prevented it. Because for crying out loud, he shot a bunch of cops. If anyone's going to already be armed, it's them. The guy has an AK47 and a bunch of other heavy weapons, magnum pistol, etc. Do you guys just consider these 3 to be collateral damage? Or can you offer a suggestion as to how this could have been prevented. Balta, there is information missing from the story that could be needed before making any determination. In PA, you don't need to register your guns. Would that have stopped this madman? No, but I bet that comes up soon as a 'sensible gun law'. In PA there are background checks for all gun purchases, including gun shows and private transfers. Sure, he could have bought the guns privately and NOT had a background check, but hey, there is already a law about that one! if that's what he did, it didn't help much. Was he mentally unstable? It appears that could be the case from the few thigs mentioned about him, however there are already laws on the PA books about people with mental problems purchasing guns. And the statement about Obama so far has oonly come from a 'friend', and could probbaly be shot down in court since there is no way to prove that is what he said. Is the 'friend' an anti-gun nut? Could he be exageratting the situation for the benefit of his cause? not impossible in this world today. Not even 24 hours have passed and anti gun pundits are calling for 'effective steps to curb gun violence'. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/paul-helmke/...a_b_183045.html. "The laws on the books aren't getting the job done" The media and the anti's have a clear agenda here. The implications here are clear: gun owners, and those who believe in the right to keep and bear arms are maniacs and lunatics, all to be judged based on the actions that took place here. I will counter to you Balta that it is up to YOU to come up with a suggestion as to how this could have been prevented. I will say that yes, collateral damage. There are laws on the books already to prevent crazy people from buying guns, for registering guns and for 'assault weapons'. Yet you had a guy who was probably crazy with an assult weapon that wasn't registered. What new law could you pass that would have prevented him from doing his deeds that doesn't infringe upon the rights of MILLIONS of gun owners who never do anythign wrong. Are you going to punish the millions of law abiding citizens for the acts of a few criminals? Would fingerprinting of ammo have stopped this? no. Would even more restrictive rules on gun shows or private transfers have prevented this? No. Would a longer waiting period have stopped this? No. Would banning AK-47's have stopped this? Already done in PA, and didn't work. More stringent background checks? maybe. PA has apretty good one from what i am told, but whatever check is used is only as good as the information that is put into it by others in the system. So probbaly the answer would be No.
  8. I wonder what 'common sense gun laws' will be passed that would have stopped this tragedy if they had only been in place beforehand? Longer waiting periods, ban those dangerous looking weapons, maybe ban cartridges that hold more than 6 shots! I can wait for the typical knee-jerk reactions to this.
  9. QUOTE (Kalapse @ Apr 3, 2009 -> 10:58 AM) The bacon soda was just someone from Deviant Art (a terrific site by the way) screwing around with photoshop (It's a Dr. Pepper bottle/can). ok, how about this? http://foodproof.com/photos/full/bacon-cheese-roll-1290
  10. They can ENVISION all they want. I can envision supermodels giving me blowjobs all day long, ain't gonna happen.
  11. QUOTE (Kid Gleason @ Apr 3, 2009 -> 08:53 AM) The Think Geek one was an April Fools joke. Same as the sleeping bag mentioned earlier. I know, but the soda just looked so lonely by itself I had to post something else with it.
  12. More bacony goodness to fill our souls. And by souls i mean arteries with heart-stopping plaque and other assorted bad stuff. http://phdmatt2002.deviantart.com/art/Bacon-Soda-32036881 http://www.thinkgeek.com/stuff/41/squeez-bacon.html
  13. How about giving all the workers over age 55 $1,000,000 tax free on the stipulation that they quit their jobs and either buy a house or a new American car. That would free up jobs for the unemployed and help the over 55 crowd who are getting their IRA's creamed in this downturn. If they can't live for 10 years on a million bucks, even after buying a car of a house, until social security kicks in, then f*** em.
  14. QUOTE (kapkomet @ Apr 1, 2009 -> 01:05 PM) Holy f***, now Obama gives QEII an ipod? WTF is wrong with these dips***s? It's a good thing we dont have to deal with a Vice President-in-training, and instead get the hilarity of a President-in-training!
  15. QUOTE (bmags @ Mar 30, 2009 -> 01:03 AM) While I have no doubt the recording industry and film industry have lobbied extensively for something like this, and while I'm sure the government has put in money to the feasibility of the program, i'd bet a wager of one billion dollars that this does not go through. yes, the government is to prosecute tens (if not hundreds) of millions of citizens, right. Besides, probably wouldn't hold, "unreasonable search and seizure", this applies. Much ado about nothin. Cool though. Nice video. Back to blaming Obama for being worse than bush though, continue session. And the government doesn't have to be the ones doing the prosecution, you can have quasi-business groupd like the Software Business Alliance who run those ads you hear every year about 'software piracy', trying to get people to turn in thier employers. The RIAA can use these laws to further go after grandma when her 13 year old grandkid downloaded an Eminem song on her computer while visiting last month.
  16. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Counterf...Trade_Agreement It is wikipedia, so take it for what is's worth, but this is a real thing.
  17. QUOTE (daa84 @ Mar 28, 2009 -> 05:36 AM) i always thought the guy got a bad rap as far as being a clubhouse guy....i wasn't thrilled with him as a player, but i loved his attitude. i believe he had problems with swisher, who seems more concerned with being a celebrity than anything else, but i always thought cabreras attitude was a good thing, even though he got knocked for it alot. His attitude where? He didn't even look like he was TRYING until around the all-star break. Up until then he looked as if he was just dogging it like he didn't really want to be there.
  18. QUOTE (mr_genius @ Mar 27, 2009 -> 05:24 PM) seeing the mugshots, looks like shamwow guy got beat up by a hooker AND the ugly stick.
  19. Card check horror story in real life. Employees threatened, visited at homes, etc, just like everyone fears would happen.
  20. Looks like one of Schumer's top political aides is busted in a huge pension fund scandal. http://www.ny1.com/content/news_beats/poli...al/Default.aspx And just for Tex, notice how there isn't a (D) after Chuckie's name? i thought that the style guiide was only when it was national offie holders?
  21. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics...o-in-No-10.html Seems like Obama's well thought out gift to the British PM DOESN'T EVEN WORK IN ENGLAND! It's a good thing we were saved from a VP in training, and instead have a President in training. It's doing wonders with out relations with our allies.
  22. http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalpunch/20...dent-ob-15.html He just sucks without a prepared speech and a teleprompter. Open mouth, insert foot.
  23. QUOTE (lostfan @ Mar 19, 2009 -> 04:06 PM) potato potahto. AIG was contractually obligated to give them the bonuses I think by Sunday. edit: And you're right, the cows did already leave, but Liddy also got there after the cows left, too. But he was there before the checks left, regardless of the mobility of the cows, or their vests, and knowing what the reactions WOULD be, he should have TRIED to do something before then, not AFTER most of the country calls for his head. I don't blame him for the contracts, I think he royally f***ed up in not trying to do something before the checks went out. Not as big a f***up for giving out contracts that allow for bonuses when you bankrupt a country, but still a f***up.
  24. QUOTE (lostfan @ Mar 19, 2009 -> 12:24 PM) Besides asking them to return it (which he did), what could he really do? the contracts were already written and signed. A contract is a contract. Even the administration isn't trying to directly abrogate those contracts. How about asking them not to take it in the first place? Asking them to return it is like closing the barn door after the cows have left.
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