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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Mar 19, 2009 -> 09:58 AM) The contracts were written AND vested by the time he got there. I am all in favor of trying to get the money back, because its a B.S. bonus with taxpayer dollars. But I don't blame Liddy for it. i DO blame him for some of it. He knew (or should have known) that the bonuses were there and tried to do somehting about it. I want a contract like that that pays me bonuses even while I run the company in the ground.
  2. So who authorized the checks to be cut? He didn't 'know' about these and try to find a way to stop them, KNOWING the PR s***storm that would rain down?
  3. QUOTE (santo=dorf @ Mar 18, 2009 -> 03:15 PM) Also belonging there are ...and the infamous Ncorgbl. That assmunch is the single reason I sought out other places of Sox fandom such as this, and have been happy to leave him and the MLB boards behind forever. Juddling and I had a list of what we called Ncorgblisms listing his most popular phrases that he used over and over a agin like the broken record he was.
  4. So, can someone explain this? Because I know it's all in the nuance soemhow. it's always different. Was this just a quick carrot to his backers who may have been heavily invested in this research, to raise the stocks enough to get out, then 'change his mind'? http://www.cnsnews.com/public/content/arti...px?RsrcID=44943
  5. QUOTE (Reddy @ Mar 15, 2009 -> 02:33 PM) the article didn't say he's GOING to, just that it's one of the options on the table. Seems to me that in the Bush thread about the 1st ammendment issues, Bush never said he was GOING to do anything about it, just that it was one of the options on the table after 9/11. Look at all the venom posted there. Hmmm.
  6. Now that Obama has the controls, let's see what HE does to the US Attorneys, and how it's treated in the press. Does he fire some like Bush and get accused of playing politcs, of fire them all and be ignored by the media like Clinton. WaPo wonders which it will be. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...9031203736.html Meanwhile he has already sought to replace one of his more vocal ctitics, Missouri US Attorney Catherine Hanaway, with St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney and Democrat Bob McCulloch, who was one of the members of Obama’s un-American threat to free political speech called the “truth squad” that made the news during the campaign. McCulloch claimed during the campaign that he thought it was a good idea to use the law to attack Obama’s political opponents. http://www.ksdk.com/news/local/story.aspx?storyid=169660
  7. QUOTE (KipWellsFan @ Mar 11, 2009 -> 01:10 AM) Actions will speak louder then words on this issue. Signing statements can be appropriate when small parts of very large bills are deemed unconstitutional by the President. So instead of a very large bill being vetoed, only a small portion will be. We'll have to see how often Obama decides to do this though... Bush used this more often than anyone ever has, particularly because of the bizarre constitutional views of his administration. So, if he does it just a little bit, as long as it's less than W, and as long as it is for the good of the people, that's ok. Yeah, It's always different. Pretty much the response I expected.
  8. I seem to recall Dems being all up in arms about Bush and his 'signing statements'. How will those same people react to this? Obama says he will do it, but smarter, and slightly different. Obama is pretty much saying 'hey, go ahead and vote for this bill, I'll just tell my peeps to disregard that little portion that bothers you'. Anything to get a vote, I guess. http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalpunch/20...-will-igno.html
  9. QUOTE (kapkomet @ Mar 9, 2009 -> 06:48 PM) I am waiting to cash my 201K, hoping it might go into a 301K before I get out... Your's is a 201k? mine is more like K-Mart.
  10. QUOTE (kapkomet @ Mar 6, 2009 -> 04:20 PM) Jumps in to say as one who doesn't like Obama policy: This is one I agree with Obama as well - ONLY if the research is being done in such a way that the embryos were not going to be used anyway (in other words, these embryos aren't "harvested" for research - and I think most people would agree with that). There are so many stem cell research projects that could overall boost health care. But why do they have to be federally funded? If this is such a promising field, why isn't there more private money going there?
  11. EvilMonkey

    Just a thought...

    QUOTE (lostfan @ Mar 6, 2009 -> 08:28 AM) Chicago doesn't have spring. Yeah, we go right from winter to pothole season.
  12. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Mar 5, 2009 -> 07:01 PM) I actually came across the context of an interview with a talk show host calling Rush Limbaugh unpatriotic, and trying to get the conservative he was interviewing to agree... Thanks David Shuster. http://media.eyeblast.org/newsbusters/stat...600-Shuster.mp3 But...but...But....
  13. QUOTE (mr_genius @ Mar 5, 2009 -> 05:21 PM) haha the picture along side the story is pretty good Jr. is eyeing Burris like he is a cheeseburger or something!
  14. Notice the wording on the ABC poll: http://abcnews.go.com/Business/popup?id=69...000000000000000 (Emphasis added) Last I checked, involuntary servitude was against the law. Unless that is part of the 'change' we are supposed to be getting.
  15. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Mar 3, 2009 -> 08:03 AM) However, there is a BIG difference between cooperation, and subjection. YES.
  16. QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Mar 2, 2009 -> 11:08 PM) Rest of the dirtbag world? Ask around, the rest of the world thinks were the dirtbags and they surely dont appreciate the way we breach their sovereignty economically and diplomatically. You gonna get indignant over my dirtbag comment or are you gonna actually say something as smart as you think you are about Boxer (D) wanting to subjugate our country to the laws of the international community?
  17. QUOTE (Texsox @ Mar 2, 2009 -> 04:34 PM) Because it may be one in ten thousand persons, we should not focus on that. Why not focus on the user of those ten pounds of meth? Why not both?
  18. QUOTE (Texsox @ Mar 2, 2009 -> 01:20 PM) My point is, they are not carrying that much stuff. They are flying it in via private planes, hidden in legitimate cargo, trucks, etc. It is not being carried, forty pounds at a time, via human power. Soooooo, because it might only be 10 pounds per person, we should look the other way and ignore it? And 10 pounds of meth can do a hell of a lot of damage.
  19. QUOTE (bmags @ Mar 2, 2009 -> 02:20 PM) there is no way in hell Obama would've lost the 2004 election even if Ryan was still in it. You are entitled to your opinion, but he had never won an election prior without some kind of outside help (getting signatures overturned, etc.) and was little known outside of Chicago. With the money available to Ryan prior to the release of those documents, I believe he would have been a complete non-entity. And yes, a court finally decided to 'release' the documents, after they had already been released to the newspapers and blogs, by someone. I agree, Ryan screwed up, but someone helped that info come to the forefront. And what's the use of 'sealed' court documents if they can be opened by the whim of a judge?
  20. QUOTE (MurcieOne @ Mar 2, 2009 -> 12:56 PM) wow, what an embarrassing example of political pandering... Dick Durbin really has no reason to put on such a display, I mean does he really need the support of Bobby Rush and his jokesters to win re-election? I really doubt it. Durbin has done a good job of making people in Illinois forget that he exists... a surefire way to keep getting oneself re-elected in this state. The old "well he must be doing a good job because I havent heard otherwise" strategy. I actually like Dick Durbin (minus the "gulag" comments) but admitting that race played a factor is WRONG. The african-american community isn't entitled to a senate seat, just because the previous senator was black. The seat in Illinois represents ALL PEOPLE IN ILLINOIS! Was Barack Obama originally elected in Illinois because we wanted a black senator? I hope not. I would hope Barack Obama was elected because he was the best person to represent this state and its interests. There shouldn't be some default rule that requires an african american to be replaced by an african american... the same goes for a white senator for a white senator. The governor should select the candidate that he feels will best represent the people he governs. The senate should not accept an unworthy candidate for "calculations of race" if they honestly felt that Burris was tainted... they should have proceeded as such. He was elected because someone managed to get ahold of sealed court documents that showed the white guy he was running against was a little pervy sex-wise. Otherwise he was on a path to be trounced into obscurity. Obama should be thanking whoever released those documents daily for his salvation.
  21. QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Mar 2, 2009 -> 12:11 PM) It was a general comment towards everyone. I still dont understand the fuss about this, UN resolutions are non-binding so this has almost no implications on anything. For now. But not if certain Democrats have their way. http://www.christiannewswire.com/news/481789403.html Just the first step in trying to have the United States governed by the rest of the dirtbag world.
  22. I think Ald. Fredrenna Lyle, 6th Ward Democratic committeeman, should be investigated next. Racist ass.
  23. Lostfan, his comment may be directed to just what he saw in this thread. Duke pretty much up and calls SouthsideDon a racist, and yet Don is the one that gets called out. Now you and I know that Duke has been called out before, but maybe Don doesn't, and if someone was just looking at this thread, it would looklike NSS was only calling out one poster.
  24. QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Mar 1, 2009 -> 01:08 PM) This is not a law, it's a resolution. Big difference. Dont worry, you can continue your racism against the Muslim world without punishment. With many in the Democratic establishment pressing for the US to give up more and more of its control and turn it over to world bodies such as the UN, it could lead to dire consequenses if they are successful.
  25. QUOTE (shipps @ Feb 28, 2009 -> 03:23 PM) It is just soooooooooo f***ing depressing. They only report negativety all day cause they think thats what will get them ratings. Everything has to be a big scare fest with them. Scare the people about the economy,scare the people about the enviroment,scare people about cancer and heart disease. RECORD JOB LOSSES! AT THIS RATE OF POLLUTION THE WORLD WILL EXPLODE BY 2011! CAN THE WATER YOU DRINK KILL YOU??? AMERICANS MORE DEPRESSED THAN EVER? f*** YOU ANDERSON COOPER! f*** YOU SOLEDAD OBRIEN!f*** YOU WARNER SAUNDERS! Its all bulls*** and Iam sick of it. I like to keep up on local news to see what is going on in Chicago but I just have to quit watching it cause it just brings me down with how the news is reported this day and age. I stopped watching it along time ago, except to get sporst info occasionally. Sometimes I feel it is slanted, but most of the time I feel it is just too doom and gloom. At some point it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy when you tell people the economy sucks, even if it is merely bad, they will believe it and act accordingly and help to MAKE it suck. And is there anything in this world that doesn't give you cancer?
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