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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE (Texsox @ Feb 10, 2009 -> 10:08 AM) First of all, let's put this situation in your neighborhood instead of mine. If your neighborhood is 90% white, have the illegals be white as well. You have guy that sits in your neighborhood with a rifle and handgun ready to point it at anyone on his front lawn. His dog is menacing and he threatens to have the dog attack anyone, man, woman, or child, that steps on his lawn. Then he stops your neighbor, and while the sheriff is standing there, kicks the woman and continues to hold everyone at rifle point. Most stretches of the border are 80% or greater people of Hispanic origins. Those are often times US Citizens that are harassed by some of these guys. Would you want rifles pointed at you? This time they happened to be illegals. But soon, there will be a bloodbath out there. Cases like this, help to define the lines that will be drawn. The Border Patrol is doing the best job they can. But again, let's look at your neighborhood. How about armed men roaming the streets of Downers Grove detaining every white person they see? Every once in a while they catch a criminal, is that justification to have them pointing rifles and handguns, threatening with attack dogs, and kicking women? I don't know what y'all think the border looks like. For most of us it is our backyard. And another great border wall update. Twenty water districts will be bisected by the wall. Each of them need access to the river. So there will be gates all up and down the wall so the communities can continue to have water. All this to stop humans from working minimum wage jobs we want to save for Americans to work for the foreign born Doctors etc. This is so f***ed up. Slight difference in the locals, Tex. In my neighborhood, easy for someone to 'accidentaly' walk on my lawn. Out there in the middle of nowhere, not very likely the people he finds got their by accident while looking for the local TexMex restaurant. And he isn't roaming the neighborhood, he is on his own land. Also not like they just stepped over the border a little bit, he finds them all throughout his land on thier way to destinations unknown. Your comparison doesn't work. And I am not gonna get into the wall debate with you on this thread, maybe elsewhere. Wall or no wall, this man has every right to keep illegals and others off his land.
  2. The noose is starting to get a little tighter around Murtha. I wonder how long until Obama tries to call off the dogs? And a tip to Tex, I will acknowledge that in the very first line they mention that he is a Democrat. Kinda hard to hide that, but at least the mentioned it. http://www.abcnews.go.com/Blotter/story?id...0438&page=1
  3. QUOTE (Texsox @ Feb 9, 2009 -> 04:37 PM) I agree. Which is why I would not want to see a retaliation suite brought against the Mexican nationals. Then we go back to frontier justice and survival of the fittest. Then what is the proper response for frivolous lawsuits? I still believe that the group representing them should be sued for at least court costs, even if the case ends up being dropped or dismissed.
  4. QUOTE (Texsox @ Feb 9, 2009 -> 02:55 PM) I hope we never have a society where people were afraid to exercise their right to access our legal system. There is no proof these were the same people that did any damage to his property, so he can sue all he wants. The danger here is how can you tell if someone is an illegal or not? Maybe some people have this amazing ability to look at someone and know, but I've never been able to develop that. I do a lot of camping on the border, most of my friends are Hispanic. I could easily see myself running onto someone like this. Perhaps it would be fun for some people to sit on their front porch and pull a gun and dog on anyone who dares steps on their front lawn. There is a point when something could be wrong. We'll see how this plays out. What I always feared was these guys basically hunting down humans like animals and killing them. Hopefully cases like this will help establish a line that should not be crossed. But we also have the opposite Tex, where people are afraid to speak up for fear of being sued. Maybe the rancher next door thinks twice before reporting on the 50 Mexicans running across his back 40 for fear of being sued for violating their civil rights to steal healthcare and other public services from Americans. You already have that now where people who speak up about things that may be wrong on airplanes being sued for violating someones 'rights'.
  5. I hope the rancher countersues the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund for his legal bills and for anthing else that they can make up, including cleanup costs for any trash they may have left or repair of anything that they may have broken. They were illegaly in this country on his land he did nothing wrong. And $32 million for ACTUAL and punitive damages? I wonder what they think the actual damages were?
  6. QUOTE (lostfan @ Feb 9, 2009 -> 02:10 PM) Betrayed the trust of his constituents? When? How does he betray it if he never has it in the first place, for reasons he can't control? Anyone who's running for elected office is acting out of self-interest. Anyone. Government pension.
  7. http://newsbusters.org/blogs/noel-sheppard...being-patriotic So now authorizing the spending of gazillions of dollars is also patriotic.
  8. Michael Steele now heads the GOP party, and we get this 'hit piece' from WaPo. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...ml?hpid=topnews How come it seems like when a dirty leak harms Democrats, the media focuses on the dirtiness of the leak and barely even mentions the damaging information the leak disclosed. But when a dirty leak harms Republicans, they focus on the substance of the leaked information and don't question at all the propriety of the leak. Will someone in the U.S. attorney's office lose thie rjob over this? Will there be an investigation as to who leaked this sealed file, and why? If it turns out that they had or have prominent ties to the Democratic party or even the Obama campaign, will it even be noted?
  9. try getting a non-ticketmaster event going in the United center? Not gonna happen.
  10. QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Feb 8, 2009 -> 01:17 PM) I can give the lowdown (times and drink amounts are approximations): 12:00- Dorm: 6 shots of Admiral Nelson 12:45- House party: 4 cups of Killians Red ---Gus is buzzing. We decide to go to Old Town on the way to the bar.--- 2:00- Walk to Pinch from College St.: 2 Mad Dogs ---Get to Pinch. They wont let us drink in line to get into Polar Bear.--- 3:30- Creekside: 3 Mad Dogs ---f*** it. I'm drunk.--- 5:00- Lentz: s***ty Mexican food. 5:30- Dorm: 4 shots of Admiral Nelson 6:00- Cali's: 4 pitchers split between the 3 of us. 8:00- Polar Bear: I tried to pay my cover with Gumby's $'s. I had way too much to drink here. ~1:00- Dorm: Chillout tent. That explains some of your postings, for sure.
  11. I liked the view from the BP pitcher spot. The hits looked like they had some zip to them, not lazy fly balls. Could be interesting.
  12. QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Feb 7, 2009 -> 01:47 AM) Excuse me? Do you know who you're talking to? At the risk of bannishment, I don't give a f*** who you are. To me, you an arrogant pissant who's every reply signals disdain for the person on the opposite side, whoever it may be. I am suprised you can stand with an ego the size of yours. So put me on ignore or shut up.
  13. QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Feb 6, 2009 -> 06:47 PM) I didn't mean unemployment rate...... btw- I dont like you because you make me mad with bad posts. Seriously, never reply to me ever again. Asking politely. And your posts and replies are pulitzer prize material, for sure. I could do without your attitude as well.
  14. QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Feb 6, 2009 -> 05:34 PM) This is such a colossal crock of bulls***. Unemployment in the US is like 50%, in the UK it's 65% and in some places like Sweden it's above 80%. America has some pretty sweet distinctions too among developed countries: we are the only developed country in the world without universal healthcare (yet you lament Medicare and Medicaid) and/or any government mandated sick pay. The "reward" for people that dont save for college amounts to a $3500/year Stafford loan with 3% interest rates. The best part is, none of the socially democratic countries around the globe have anywhere near the deficit we do despite all the "failures they reward." Unemployment here is less than 10%. While it may be thie highest it has been in the last 17 years, it is still less than 10%.
  15. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Feb 6, 2009 -> 09:27 AM) Milwaukee looked at Sheets' medical crap and thought he was fine so they offered arbitration. The Blue Jays initially signed off on Sirotka after a physical. Gord Ash needs to find better doctors. Good point. Stop using people that spent the night at a Holiday Inn Express and get some real docs.
  16. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Feb 5, 2009 -> 11:19 AM) Let's see... Katrina killed a few thousand people, and FEMA screwed up big time. This event has killed few if any, and as far as I have read, FEMA has responded reasonably well. This peanut butter thing is of course the fault of the company and/or the FDA, which Obama is working to change. So... if you are looking to show that Obama's administration is doing much better than Bush, you succeeded. But in reality, I don't see much Obama effect on this incident at all anyway. http://www.courier-journal.com/article/200...NEWS01/90131003 Sure, weather and road conditions are part of the problem in getting relief there, but that was also the problem in the areas that Katrina hit. So is Obama to be blamed for the slow reactions as Bush was? Guess not, its always someone elses fault. Oh, and was was Obama doing while this was going on? Keeping it real, dining on $100 a serving steak. http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalpunch/20...s-are-on-t.html The storm hit on a Tuesday,FEMA 'started working' on Friday, and Obama had steak.
  17. Since it seems like I will get b****ed at every time I start a new thread about something that Obama and/or his administration has f***ed up or done wrong, I'll just post this one here. Why is Obama trying to kill white people?!?! (I would put that line in half-green if there was a selection for that) FEMA's respoonses in Kentucky the last 2 weeks have been at least as bad, if not worse, that they were during Katrina. All during Katrina, we heard from screaming people about how the eeeevil Bush admin was trying to kill black people in the are by giving them inadaquate releif help and trailers reaking of chemicals, etc. Well, in Kentucky, due to snow and ice sotrms, people have been without power for weeks, food, etc. So what does the Obama run FEMA do? Send them food that could kill them! http://www.cnn.com/2009/HEALTH/02/04/fema....tter/index.html So, since Bush got the blame whenever any person or agency under him f***ed up, does Obama get the blame here? Or, once again, is it different?
  18. QUOTE (Texsox @ Feb 4, 2009 -> 09:55 AM) I have given every politician a pass on most tax issues that arise from deductions, unusual income, etc. I've even given them passes in the household help. How many of us have used unlicensed day care provided by friends and paid cash, I know I have. It was the best quality program for an affordable price in the neighborhood. I would hazard a guess that most public officials have a higher rate of clean returns than the average taxpayer of the same income range. Can you "buy" patriotism? I guess so. And it is nice that Alpha is agreeing with a Dem, that may be the first time. Tex, politicians should have the CLEANEST tax returns you can imagine, since you know it always comes back to bite them in the ass when they don't. Do you seriously give Rangel a pass for his failure to pay taxes? And this isnt the first tax problem for Daschel. I posed a serious question. if Biden claims that it is patriotic to pay our fair share of taxes, is he then calling Daschel, Rangel and the others unpatriotic? Or do they get a pass because of the D after their names?
  19. Does that mean that Timothy Geithner who didn't pay taxes and lied about it is unpatriotic? Does that mean that Health and Human Services nominee Tom Daschle who ran into a little glitch when it was discovered he didn't pay taxes either is unpatriotic? Does that mean that first chief performance officer nominee Nancy Killefer, who failed for a year and a half to pay employment taxes on household help is unpatriotic? And who can forget everyone's favorite tax dodger House Ways and Means Chairman Charles Rangel (D-NY). I had to throw that litttle info in the () just for Tex. Remember, repubicans were scolded for not wanting to pay thier taxes, Biden in interviews has said its time to be patriotic, pay our fair share under the new Obama plan, and help America! So what does that make all these promonent Democrats? Since we couldnt question their patriotism for rooting for America to do bad in Iraq, can we question it now? Just askin'.
  20. Went by the one out here at 12:50 and there were over 30 people waiting outside. For a $5.99 breakfast dish.
  21. QUOTE (santo=dorf @ Feb 2, 2009 -> 04:52 PM) Personally I like that idea of offering free vasectamies (sp?) to the lower class if they choose they want it. I rather have my tax dollars pay for one surgery to prevent the birth of an unwanted child (and more likey a future criminal due to a lack of a father figure and living in a poor environment) than have my tax dollars pay for 18 years of social programs and food stamps. Therein is the rub. Poorer people who can least afford to have children often have the most children and use more of the social services available from the government. And more people use more resouces, regardless of who pays for them. But call for population control, and you can be called all sorts of names, including a bigot. There was some guy who did just what you proposed with his own money and he was branded a racist by every black organization in the area. i want to say it was around Atlanta, but I can't remember for sure.
  22. Oh wait, I am sorry, it is OBAMA that leaves renditions on the table, even the possability of expanding the program. So I guess Obama now supports torture! Come on now, all you peeps who b****ed and moaned when this was still available under Bush, let's hear your disappointment at Obama not removing this as an option as well. Or is it now suddenly ok? With the closing of Gitmo we now have 3 options when dealing with enemy captures in regards to terrorists. 1. Shoot them on the spot. 2. Put them through the American civilian judicial system. 3. Hand them off to somebody else. Or, we can ship them off to stay with John Murtha. http://www.latimes.com/news/la-na-renditio...8176,full.story
  23. If we reduce the population, then who will be around to pay the taxes that fund all the beloved social programs of the left, as well as the military spending of the right? Hell, in Europe, the native Europeans have a declining birth rate, which is going to cripple them in the near future when the immigrant populations outnumber them and seize control, thru political or other means.
  24. Cubano, if you want to see some of the media's bais against Palin, look at a bunch of the stories about her since the election, and see how many times they mention 'failed vice-presidential candidate' in reference to her. It is dwindling down now, but was pretty bad for a while. I don't recall ever seeing an article about the Goracle mentioning him as the 'failed presidential candidate'. While she may not have much of a chance in the coming years, there is something about her that scraes a large portion of the media and the rabid left, as they just can't let go of her. Now the obvious response to follow this post will be somethign to the effect of her starting a PAC and stuff, but regardless, there are those on the fringe that just can't let go.
  25. Yeah, but all that crying wolf when there are no zombies is really gonna suck when zombies REALLY appear, and everyone thinks it is another joke.
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