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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE (Texsox @ Jan 15, 2009 -> 10:33 PM) I believe the original intent was for private citizens to be armed and available to fight what ever needed fightin' I also weighed the pros and cons of having one available in my house for "protection" and decided the risks outweighed the benefit and never had one even remotely available when my kids were growing up. Basically, I decided for the gun to truly be protection, it would need to be easily accessible, loaded, and without a lock. I imagined I would have less than two minutes to react to save my family. That same situation was too risky for my kids, so I opted against it. Did I mention that was when my kids were growing up? Don't even think about it now. I grew up in a house with guns. Dad had a gun rack in his bedroom with the shotguns and rifles on it. Of course, that was in the 70's, and in the 80's he graduated to a gun cabinet. But Juddling and I have been around guns forever. I have owned my shotgun since I was 12 and been hunting off and on since. We were taught to respect guns and never had any problems. When dad went out of town, the rifle was loaded and under the bed for mom. We knew enough not to touch it. Currently I have a safe under my bed that even when waking, I can open and load in less than a minute. If I need to get into the gun safe, that would take me an additional minute. I am teaching my boys gun safety, and if the slow-ass State police ever approve my sons FOID card, will be taking him to the range.
  2. See, that nasty little comma in there kinda seperates that into two different statements. Back then, anyone who wanted a gun could have one, militia or not.
  3. http://bighollywood.breitbart.com/alevy/20...geese-a-chance/ Sad thing is, there are probably some PETA people that think this.
  4. QUOTE (PlaySumFnJurny @ Jan 15, 2009 -> 04:28 PM) And for the complete sensory experience, don't forget to provide the courtesy soundtrack; from grunt to splash. WHO! DOES! NUMBER! 2! WORK! FOR!
  5. Just like there are reasonable restrictions of speech, there should be for guns. 'reasonable' is the problem word, because to anti gunnies, every restriction is reasonable, and to some pro gunnies, nothing is.
  6. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jan 13, 2009 -> 09:00 PM) So, on both issues, it turns out it's actually quite a bit more complicated than presented here. Secondly, the mistake he made - failing to pay the Social Security and Medicare taxes, is a common mistake made by employees of some organizations like the IMF, because the IMF pays your federal taxes through standard withholding but does not withhold social security and medicare taxes, and as such, the employee is expected to calculate and pay them on his or her own. The "Immigrant" problem is bunk and shouldn't be a knock on him. He did his due diligence. The tax problem I could see being an issue...in the sense that I don't like my SecTreas making careless mistakes...but it's at least a complicated one. No, it's not a complicated one. He KNEW he needed to pay the taxes, he even got an extra check just to cover the taxes. he even signed a form saying that he would use this extra check to pay the taxes that he owed. If he is that stupid, he doesn't desrve that kind of a job. http://article.nationalreview.com/?q=YzJjO...jhlMWQ2MWZiNTA= That kind of blatent disregard for the tax laws would land you or me in jail. This guy is just another rich asshole gaming the system because he thinks he can get away with it, and hoping now that his 'friends' and connections can get him out of it. Jail him!
  7. Hamas also steals the aid intended for their 'people'. http://www.usnews.com/blogs/sam-dealey/200...-to-follow.html
  8. http://apnews.myway.com/article/20090113/D95MGFTO1.html May belong in the cabinet thread instead, but just imagine if this were to be you or me? On one hand we're assured he's brilliant and possesses a steel-trap mind for finance. On the other hand, he "forgot" that he had to pay taxes in America.
  9. QUOTE (fathom @ Jan 12, 2009 -> 09:49 PM) Are we really arguing about Dye's impact on the team over the last 3-4 years? Maybe some of us don't think one of the best offensive outfield players in the majors should be traded for utility outfielders. So his skills are NOT diminishing with age, like everyone else ever mentioned as coming to the Sox?
  10. Every time one of these threads pop up, you are all screwed in the head. Nobody is good enough for us, and our guys are never good enough for the other team. We need a leadoff hitter. but unless he is 24, signed for 5 years at $1 million per, hits .320 with and obp over .400 and 50 steals, he sucks and isnt good enough for us. Oh my god, if he isn't a 8 tiem gold glove winner, his D stinks! Well wake up, these guys dont exist, and if they did they would cost half the damn team to get! So Dye had the most HR and RBI since 2005. What did that get us? Nothing. Both Willits and Figgins are better than sticking Owens out there. Not going to dismiss either of them out of hand, depends what we get back in return to go with them. But wake up people, there isnt any Rickey Henderson in-his-prime out there.
  11. http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3653936,00.html Rockets hit Beersheba as youths head to school http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3653238,00.html Am Israeli reporter embedded with the tropps makes this observation: The family suddenly notices the cameras, and immediately, the expression on their faces changes. "We have no food," they say in Arabic, as one of the youngsters suggests we interview him in English about their plight. Givati troops are extremely concerned about being portrayed as abusing innocent civilians. Perry points to a stack of canned goods, water bottles and other provisions. "We provided some of that and they cook and eat quite well," he said. The Palestinians seem to understand him and one of them smiles. It's a war – they had to try. IDF has video footage of Hamas trying to fire a rocket from a schoolyard, DURING the supposed cease fire. Hamas booby traps a school, and a sick looking zoo.
  12. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jan 12, 2009 -> 04:33 PM) Too lazy to look for more than one. But hey, it's less than 3 weeks old. And on the specific matter that the Israelis used as their reason to start their bombing campaign. You know, on this specific matter that started this, I have to admit I was very suprised when some high ranking Egyptian came out and said that Hamas screwed up here and is to blame. Of course, Hamas was calling for his head right after that, and he was forced to 'clarify his position', but he did have a moment of clarity there in realizing the problem in the area. Maybe it is because they hate the Pali's too, and have no problem showing it by arming their wall with soldiers. Or maybe it's because Israel kicked their ass inthe last war and could do it again. I dunno.
  13. QUOTE (bmags @ Jan 12, 2009 -> 04:15 PM) no kidding. That position and that production...arod cash. Not with his knee problems already. Not saying it would be Uribe cash, but not Arod cash.
  14. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jan 12, 2009 -> 03:58 PM) I hope so, given the bolded. That's a billion or so people you just indicted. I like to use a big brush, especially when the statement is pretty much true.
  15. QUOTE (GoSox05 @ Jan 12, 2009 -> 03:43 PM) Kill them? How far does it go. How about we just kill all palestinians. Problem solved right? Its a nice final solution. That seems to be the goal of Hamas, and the arab world in general. And with everyone screaming about 'proportional' responses, why not? (For the record, I am being a smartass here, to a degree. )
  16. QUOTE (GoSox05 @ Jan 12, 2009 -> 03:23 PM) So let me ask you this. Do you think that Israel has ever done anything wrong? Are they 100% justified in what is happening right now? No, of course they have done things wrong. But because they have done some things wrong does not put them anywhere near the same plane as Hamas and the other terrorist assholes. There is no moral equivilency here. As for what they are doing right now? I hope they kill every damn terrorist there, and take all the people and ship their asses off to Jordan, take over Gaza for their own. About time the Pali's there stopped being a victim and did something positive, other than trying to blow people up. It is a little fuzzy to me, but I thought I recall that the very first plan called for the state of israel to encompass what is not Gaza, West Bank, Israel and Jordan, but the arabs b****ed and moaned loud enough to get Israel reduced to a mere sliver. If the arab world loves the Pali's so much, they should take them in and be done with it. There are not THAT many people there that they can't be spread out among the various countries. But then the other arab nations wouldn't have their 'victim' to bleat about to the world.
  17. QUOTE (GoSox05 @ Jan 12, 2009 -> 10:41 AM) Both are to blame. The problem is that when Hamas fires a rocket into Israel they are condemned and rightfully so. Whe Israel fires rockets into schools in Gaza nothing is said. Saying that I have no answers on this. It can seem so endless. To echo ss2k, what planet are you living on? Show me ONE condemnation of Hamas in the UN. You might actually find one. I'll show you HUNDREDS condemning Israel for DEFENDING itself. As for Israel attacking schools, get the f***ing rocket launchers out of schools and they dont get hit! Shooting rockets from a school is against all the so-called rules of war, but are they called on it? Maybe on your planet, but not on this one.
  18. QUOTE (lostfan @ Jan 12, 2009 -> 08:07 AM) Islam's got its whole other set of behavior that's a problem that doesn't have anything to do with human shields or whatever, it's a little too deep for me to be able to explain quickly. Islam needs to modernize itself and get out of the 12th century.
  19. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jan 12, 2009 -> 07:54 AM) OK, I'll watch it later. But I'll say again, this sort of thing being labeled as specific to Islam is entirely inaccurate. I could easily start a "crusade" of noting every time a Christian person does something horrifically stupid, and pointing out the "religion of stupidity", or some such nonsense. It gets us nowhere, and misses the point entirely. And stupidity and violence do not equal each other. What is the worst thing a Christian group has tried to do lately? ban a book? And abortion clinic bombers dont count because they weren't supported by any mainstream christian church. And the crusades go too far back. Dunk a crucifix in piss and what do you get? Stern words from Christians and maybe a boycot of the gallery. Dunk a stautue of Muhamed in piss and what do you get? No more gallery, no more artist, riots in the street, if the artist was jewish you would have temples vandalized and/or burned. At every pro-Pali protest you see signs calling for the death of jews, sometimes the death of America, and so on. Go to a Pro-Israel rally, you will see counter protesors trying to start fights with the Jews. You say recognizing this sort of behavior and publishing it gets us no where. I say ignoring it gets us no where. The average person needs to see this crap coming from the Islam side, but instead all they get are fed reports of Israel shooting missles into Gaza. Barely a mention of the non-stop rocket attacks the weeks preceding, which were supposed to be a cease-fire. And then you get headlines like "Israel ignores call for a truce!", while completely ignoring the fact that hamas als ignores that same call, at least until they are out of ammo. THEN they want the truce so they can have time to rearm. I am really sort of suprised that there hasn't been a thread about Israel invading Gaza yet. Is it because even Israel's detractors can see that enough is enough? "Get the Jews out of gaza and there will be peace", they said. They have been out for 3 years, and the rocket attacks number in the thousands. The whole difference between the two sides there is that if the terrorists were to lay down their arms tomorrow and start being peacefull, the Pali's would have a paradise, by comparison to today, within 2 years and the Israeli's would keep to themselves. If the Israeli's were to lay down their arms tomorrow, there would be no more Israel by the end of the week.
  20. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jan 12, 2009 -> 07:45 AM) I can't see the video at work, but I assume this is the pro-Palestinian riot in NY? If so, then it should be noted that the riot started when one of the protestors got in a fight with someone who didn't like the protest, and it devolved from there. And I saw no mention of children in the articles I saw. Maybe this is something else? No, this one was in Oslo, I believe. Watch the video later, you see children covered in (fake?) blood being held out in front of adults as they approach the police line and try to break thru, and some people start tossing fireworks into the police line, and just a complete mess.
  21. I suppose the supporters are just mimicing Hamas by using kids as shields. Pro-Hamas demonstrators used children as "human shields" in the anti-Israel demonstration this past Saturday. The demonstration devolves into riots, with the children in the front lines crying. Why is it that when the religion of peace stages peacefull prtests, they always break out in violence? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iktdJVFpMrw...player_embedded
  22. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jan 4, 2009 -> 07:02 PM) LOL at the idea that corruption has a party. On Richardson, this sucks big time. I liked him for Prez. On the one hand, if the Feds are investigating and talking grand jury, you are probably guilty of something. On the other hand, doesn't seem as bad as Blago's s***, but that may just be because Richardson isn't quite as stupid. In any case, I certainly hope its nothing. Probably though, its something. Crap, indeed. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Culture_of_corruption The Dems tried to pin it as a republican 'thing', and I contend that the dems are trying to steal it for their own. They can have it.
  23. QUOTE (GoSox05 @ Jan 4, 2009 -> 04:56 PM) Thank god we have the republicans who have never been in trouble. Ever. So because Republicans have in the past been guilty of things, this makes the recent spate of Democrats being caught doing some bad s*** ok? Take your moral equivelency and shove it. No where did I excuse whatever repubs have done in the past, but right NOW, all you hear about are the Dems getting caught screwing up. From Blago, to Richardson to Rangle, this is supposed to be the most transparent, ethical Dems ever? Riiiiight. Welcome to the spotlight, Dems. Now that you are in power, the rock covering YOU gets overturned, and it is YOUR s*** that gets exposed.
  24. I believe that the Dems, if they haven't already, are well on their way of claiming possession of the 'Culture of Corruption' tag line.
  25. QUOTE (kapkomet @ Jan 3, 2009 -> 11:45 AM) Theycould pay out present value of pensions and reduce future value of liabilities in the trillions. Then, roll it over in another retirement vehicle (401K, IRA, etc.). At least at that point they get the present net value. Still s***ty, yes, but that would be a compromise compared to "so sorry, so sad" which is likely to happen anyway pretty soon. Especially here in Illinois with teachers and the admin people. I know a distict admin who in his last 4 years of work got a $12,000 a year raise in each. That boosted his final pay to well over $200k a year. His pension was based on the average of his last 4 years of pay, or his highest 4 consecutive years of pay, so that boost helped his penion greatly. But what alot of people don't realize is that while the local districts pay the salaried, the STATE pays the pensions, so that one distict just screwed every taxpayer in the state by increasing his pay at the end for pension benefits. If he is retiring, why can't he retire on social security and personal 401k's like everyone else? Having to continue to pay this guy 6 figures in retirement is beyond crazy. I don't care if he is a family friend, i don't like it.
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