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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Dec 16, 2015 -> 04:16 PM) I suppose, but it sounds like an actual sex problem more than a temptation problem. The problem is more easily solved by getting rid of one sex. I agree it's pretty s***ty to throw out women, but it's charity, can't really b**** about getting something for nothing. edit: and it sounds like from this story it was more about numbers than sex: Seems reasonable to me. Shhhhh. Don't ruin the narrative. Evil religious person wages war on women! Blame Republicans and Tea party!
  2. I just love all the posts I read on here about how our prospects are s*** and it would take 20 of them to even land a middle tier trade, but god forbid we trade prospects for a proven player and peolpe go ape-s*** about how we 'over paid!'. We sold high on 3 prospects that may never amount to anything, and upgraded a black hole. Good job.
  3. Bowled the team that was 3 points in front of us last night. 203, 223 and 180. We won them all, but I needed a 181 to stay in the pool and win $80. I threw a 7-10 on pocket shots in the 8th and 9th. Strike out in 10th to lose the pool by 1.At least we are back in first.
  4. QUOTE (Iwritecode @ Dec 10, 2015 -> 10:06 AM) I've been to some pretty crappy houses but I've never seen an approach with no dots. That's unbelievable. I know how much of a difference it can make when I move my feet a board or two. I always use the dots to line up. Especially on spares. left/right isn't as big of a deal as how close to the foul line I am. One house i go up 5 dots and just to the right of center. The other house? I am sure it is different every time. Some lanes have a blemish in the wood or something I can use as a spot, some don't. Tuesday was a little of everything. 181 ( my average) 239 and 159. A few splits helped out on that last game.
  5. QUOTE (HickoryHuskers @ Dec 10, 2015 -> 06:54 AM) Not really a gamble for two reasons 1) Sox didn't give up anything of value 2) A bad year by Lawrie still makes the Sox better at 3B than they have been in a while This is my thinking on the deal as well.
  6. QUOTE (Iwritecode @ Dec 10, 2015 -> 08:49 AM) I'm not sure what you're describing. You only have the dots but not the arrows? Or you don't have the dots on the approach where you set your feet? No dots on the approach. So sometimes I know I am a a little left or right of where I need to be, and as a result, when I hit my mark on the lanes, it has a different arc. usually not too much of a deal, but if we are on the lanes closer to the door, when it is cold out they dry out super fast, your lines get even tighter and there is no room for error.
  7. QUOTE (Iwritecode @ Dec 2, 2015 -> 11:28 AM) Finally had a good night last night. 224, 215, 211 I figured out at least three things I had been doing wrong the past few weeks. I had to move over farther left than what I'm used to, I had to adjust my wrist brace slightly and I had to make sure I followed through on my swing. I only threw one split the entire night. We are still hanging on to first place but just barely. The second place team is only 2 games behind us and next week is a position week. Nice job. I have issues on my Tuesday league. They have the dots going across the lane maybe 4 feet out, but unless i look down and track a board to my spot, I have no idea if I am off a few boards or not. Would help to have a row of dots going up the middle of the approach as well like most other places have. Seriously thinking of bringing some dot labels with me and just placing on there myself one night.
  8. Liking Battlefront on the Xbox so far, but amazing, as always, the no-lifers that have everything available on the game after just a day or two. But always fun the few times this old man manages to beat one of the younger guys. Still haven't ex[plored the whole game yet, that, COD 3 and Extinction on Ghosts (I still love that) compete for what little time I have.
  9. QUOTE (GoSox05 @ Dec 8, 2015 -> 10:49 AM) "Cornell is fortunate to have members from diverse religions on campus. According to the Cornell United Religious Works, there are more than 25 religious organizations represented at Cornell. While there are many religions that have no religious holiday between November and January, and while many members of Cornell’s community do not practice a religion, the university encourages its members to respect differences in religious practices during this holiday season, and always. In an effort to create an inclusive environment". Respect differences in religious practices!!!!!!! How dare they respect other people! You can respect it without having to include everything in every party. Do the Muslim students include Jews or crosses in their after-Ramadan celebrations?
  10. http://www.campusreform.org/?ID=7056 UT-Knoxville’s set of guidelines suggests holiday parties should have no emphasis on religion or culture, but rather “build upon workplace relationships and team morale.” The school says these parties should never include religious or cultural games such as “Dreidel.” Additionally, if a gift exchange is planned, the university says calling it “Secret Santa” is inappropriate. Instead, the exchange should be referred to in a more general way, such as “practical joke gift exchange” or “secret gift exchange.” While specific recommendations were not given at the University of Illinois-Springfield, the school’s Holiday Resources page suggests employers should ensure their Holiday party is not a “Christmas party in disguise” and keep all decoration and food general and nonspecific to religion. When holding holiday parties, food should be general and not privilege any religion. Groups should strive for consensus and seek decisions on party themes that “everyone can live with.” Colleges are the worst, local schools, it pretty much depends on the neighborhood.
  11. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Dec 8, 2015 -> 09:11 AM) I have, public school district 300. My daughter sang Christmas songs, draedel song, and happy holidays. It wasn't nearly as bleached horrifying as you suggest A rare district indeed. Hope the show was good!
  12. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Dec 7, 2015 -> 07:42 PM) Nobody is prevented from saying "merry Christmas" that's what is annoying Go visit a school and watch their Christmas, I mean Winter Season, play. They have colleges with Diversity Departments warning people that even a Christmas tree would be bad form and not 'inclusive'.
  13. QUOTE (shipps @ Dec 4, 2015 -> 03:10 PM) Seriously. It just doesn't have the same effect after a while. I think if it were to have happened in a more recognizable place maybe it would have made more of an impact. Or maybe if it was some redneck, teabag, NRA members instead a few Muslims with possible terrorist links it would get more play. Although the anti gun groups don't seem to care, they dance in blood spilled by anyone...
  14. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Dec 3, 2015 -> 08:57 AM) .223 assault rifles, which if I recall means probably AR-15's, right? AR-15's come in all sorts of calibers, even .22.
  15. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Dec 3, 2015 -> 09:46 AM) I believe thats part of it. Also the NRA spends more than 40 million dollars per year helping get their folks elected into office. The AWB only banned guns for cosmetic reasons. If it had an adjustable or collapsing stock, it was on the list. if it had what is called an accessory rail (for scopes or laser sights) , it was on the list. They even had a bolt action Marlin .22 rifle on there, one that you could buy at SEARS back in the day, because it had a scope, adjustable stock and a spot for adding a bayonette or flashlight, if wanted. The latest news report I heard was handguns purchased legally and an AR-style that was purchased 'legally', but not by the asshole. So if it was a straw purchase, the it really wasn't purchased legally, and they should really f*** up whoever bought it and gave it to him.
  16. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Dec 2, 2015 -> 09:43 PM) As someone with a FOID card I honestly don't understand the need to even manufacture automatic assault rifles. They aren't for hunting or personal protection. Has there been any official statement as to what the guns were? All I have seen is 'long guns'. if you rely on witness descriptions, a single shot .22 can be an 'assault weapon'. And if they WERE automatic weapons, 99.9% chance he didn't acquire them legally, as they are almost impossible to get in the US.
  17. The terrorists don't give a flying f*** about 'global warming' or climate change and contrary to some liberal commentators, they are not created by the rising seas. Self important bastards trying to make themselves seem brave and noble.
  18. QUOTE (Cknolls @ Nov 20, 2015 -> 08:45 AM) Kind of like Narcissus and his uneducated city folk? Your insight in this thread has been breathtaking. We get it. You do not like Republicans. Post this crap in the Dem thread.... I was beginning to wonder if I had stumbled into the wrong thread as well.
  19. QUOTE (Swingandalongonetoleft @ Nov 18, 2015 -> 01:26 PM) Doubt it. There was another incident on a Spirit Airlines flight from Baltimore to Chicago; a woman saw a middle eastern looking guy watching the news on his phone before takeoff and she "like literally thought that the plane was like gonna blow up, it was like the scariest moment of her life." Plane turned back to the gate, the passenger and (presumably) those he was travelling with were escorted off the plane by police, and the flight was delayed for 3 hours as passengers and luggage were re-screened. The 4 passengers were questioned and released after it was concluded that watching the news on one's smart phone was unlikely to take an airplane out. After something like Paris happens, people take on this sheep mentality that anyone or anything might be a terrorist out to get them- for some reason this is amplified if you throw air travel into the equation. Obviously people who look even remotely middle eastern (whether they are or not) are the primary beneficiaries of this mindset, but even that tree over there looks like it's up to no good, better keep an eye on it in case it's a terrorist! This is an example of the terrorists winning. It's pathetic. Well, I seem to recall a government slogan, "See something, say something". Some people take that literally.
  20. Bowled a 612 last night, first 600 series in a while. Been close, even had 599 on Saturday. Joy was short lived, however, as we lost 2 of 3. In the second game, the OTHER team bowled a 168, 201, 232, 278 ans 279. Ouch. We had a 980-something scratch, they were over 1100!
  21. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Nov 18, 2015 -> 12:03 PM) I'm still working my way through Assassins black flag and COD ghosts. Im way behind COD Ghosts is still fun. I play the Extinction parts all the time.
  22. I find myself often almost shut out of most of the baseball talk since by the time I see a thread, after reading all the comments, someone has already mentioned what i saw/thought/felt, and it just felt redundant. I ventured into the chats occasionally, which were good, but my baseball viewing is rarely without interruptions. So most of my convos have been in SlaP. I have been making an effort to try and post more in the other areas, even if it is just repeating something already said a dozen times. So glad I left the mlb chat boards for here, even with my frequent confrontations on the SLaP forum.
  23. I could go for eliminating Swedish Fish...
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