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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jan 2, 2009 -> 10:00 PM) I am all for the elimination of pension plans. However, I assume you are saying you go off the pension plans with new employees, right? Or stop contributing to them going forward? I hope you aren't suggesting that its a good idea to walk up to teachers, cops and firefighters, who have been out there for us for 20 years, and say "sorry, that whole chunk of money we've said is there for you, and that you contributed to? Yeah, that's gone. Have a nice retirement." Because that would be so beyond s***ty, its indescribable. That is the last thing I'd want to see the government do. I'm for stopping it as it stands right now. What you contributed/earned up to now is yours, but not one dime more goes in. So nobody new gets any type of pension at all. People still working who have contributed to it get what they put in back to put in their own 401k or whatever. Also, I am sure someone will correct me if I am wrong on this, but I thought I heard that the governemtn employees who contributed to whatever pensin plan it was they had didn't have to pay social security. if that is true, then they would have the choice to take the pensionmoney and apply it to social security, or put it in a 401k and start their social security from now forward. But however they do it, it needs to stop now, on all levels.
  2. The local and state governments could get better right away if they were able to get rid of pensions. Why do a majority of taxpayers have to deal with social security while the people we pay our taxes to get a pension? Especially one that is woefully underfunded and over extended? There is no need to any of them to be getting anything more than the average worker, especially the 6 figure paycheck people. Declare a bankrupcy reorganizatin and eliminate the pensions now. teachers, police, sanitation workers, state reps, all of them on social security. maybe then they might actually give a damn about keeping THAT solvent as well.
  3. Yup. They get union bosses like these! http://www.clickondetroit.com/video/15908257/index.html These guys should be fired, and sued by Ford.
  4. QUOTE (elrockinMT @ Dec 27, 2008 -> 04:14 PM) I most certainly can appreciate the idea behind trtades, but I don't think Dye and Konerko should be the bait to bring in either one of the needs you mention. You fill one need and open up another. If we need a quality starter I am thinking the FA market still has a few left and the price may actually be reasonable. PK is worth more than Figgins by himself IMO anyway.Plus we are starting to see a backlog of potential 3Bmen being added to this team already. Although Figgins can probbaly round the bases 3 times before Paulie canget to first base. I have no problem moving Konerko, but I would be interested to see what the other piece coming back would be, besides Figgins.
  5. Throw half as many warm up pitches between innings and you can get another inning or two easy. And stop letting the pitchers KNOW what count they are on and I bet they will get 20 or more pitches than usualy before they 'feel' tired.
  6. Supreme Commander for the PC Palm Sander Bottle of Rum Gloves 2 new controllers for the Wii
  7. I'll echo the bad road talk from this morning. I was supposed to go to Mommence this Am, left about 8 AM. The roads weren't too bad, got onto I-55, and then sat there for abit in the right lane. Switched lanes and traffic was moving fairly well, roads not bad. but the on and off ramps from I-55 to I-80 were so icy that the salt trucks couldn't even get on them, they had guys on foot spreading salt. I decided i was just going to go back, but the next 3 exit ramps were the same, I went to the Wilmington exit, which seemed ok, went to turn around, and there was a truck blocking the entrance ramp! Forward ho! Went down the road, which i found was a solid sheet of ice, and proceeded to slide and idle my way to Rt. 53. The 4 miles from I-55 to Rt. 53 too 90 minutes. Once to Rt. 53, made it back to Joliet pretty fast. So, be carefull out there people! Especially if going into the country or Indiana.
  8. QUOTE (Texsox @ Dec 25, 2008 -> 01:22 AM) Just the opposite. We should ignore our laws and respect their social customs and accept this was a protest insult and not intended as an assault. We are applying our laws there. Flip off the Pres? no big deal. Flip off the Pres, trip, and poke his eye out? Big deal. If the guy threw a feather pillow, helium balloon, or anything other than a shoe, I'm all for locking him up and calling it assault. From what I read, this shoe thing is intended the same as you flipping me off and not meant to harm anyone. Again, from my understanding of this custom, their is a right way and a wrong way. The correct way results in no physical harm, which is what happened here. So based on that, getting beaten and spending a few years in jail is more like why we were told we went over there to stop. So because I feel personally offended that that jagbag threw a shoe at our President, that is wrong? I thought that AT THAT TIME, right when it happened, the secret service should have been a little faster on the ball and beat the crap out of the guy. As for now, he is in an Iraqi jail, being subject to iraqi laws, not our laws, so i am not sure what you are complaing about? Over there, insulting a foreign leader is apparently a big deal, since they had that law already onthe books and it wasn't just thought up for this occasion. Or do you want us to respect the custom but not the law?
  9. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Dec 25, 2008 -> 12:08 AM) There is some change. They didn't do anything wrong. That's totally new. So far that we know. And yet, they STILL felt the need to lie.
  10. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Dec 23, 2008 -> 10:55 AM) There is nothing wrong with having a righty/lefty specialist and using them to retire a key righty or lefty. There is everything wrong with using 4 pitchers in one inning and having your worst guy all you have left in ther 11th inning because you wasted pitchers 5,6 and 7 one one batter each.
  11. Funny how those 100 ballots, all for Frankin, that mysteriously appeared in the backseat of an officials car may just be the difference here. Democrats, and Minnistoians in particular, should be real proud fo themselves. First jessie Ventura, now Frankin? You get what you deserve.
  12. I like this part from him: Take note, ozzie, most baseball fans feel this way!
  13. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Dec 21, 2008 -> 05:58 PM) Which is of course why his church doesn't allow "unrepentant" gay people as members. To love them so much that they don't have to smell them. I am sure the stench of Aqua Velva can seep under the doorjamb. Would need to do more than just shut the door on them.
  14. QUOTE (knightni @ Dec 21, 2008 -> 05:51 PM) http://sports.yahoo.com/mlb/news;_ylt=Aue3...o&type=lgns Sure, they will 'entertain' the offers, and then laugh their asses off as they say no. Or counter with somethign about half of what they present. Oh well.
  15. I find myself checking in here often when i am at home, or switching to one of the sports stations when in the car, just in case.
  16. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Dec 19, 2008 -> 12:36 PM) More official sources saying that the guy's been beaten in custody. Isn't that precious? Iraq's justice system is growing up so fast, it's acting just like ours! He was beaten right then when he threw the shoe, as he was wrestled to the ground. You also left out this line, "However, Iraqi officials and another brother deny the journalist suffered severe injuries." So why don't you just hold off on your accusations just a few moments until something a little more clear comes out.
  17. PLus, I bet the only confirmation they got about his 'other offers' was Boras's sayso. They wouldn't want to end up bidding against themselves like Texas did with Arod.
  18. I want a pinball machine, but that is a little out of our budget, for now. So instead, I listed a palm sander and some books. I don't need much.
  19. For saddling them with these stupid names. http://www.lehighvalleylive.com/today/inde...mily_angry.html
  20. QUOTE (juddling @ Dec 16, 2008 -> 07:46 AM) Man..it sucks knowing NBC has already decided not to renew 'My Own Worst Enemy'...that show has gotten so much better in the last few weeks. I'm really gonna miss it.... This last one was very good. I admit that the first 2 or 3 were sorta week, but you can only do so much in an hour show to set up the season. And they keep it clean with only 2 story lines, and even they intersect, so it wasn't a rambling mess like Heroes has become.
  21. I would rather win a multi-million dollar lottery.
  22. QUOTE (Jimbo's Drinker @ Dec 15, 2008 -> 11:43 PM) I find this beyond stupid, did not laugh once. You must have been sober.
  23. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Dec 15, 2008 -> 10:37 PM) "Seriously, who throws a shoe?" -Austin Powers About 4 pages too late.
  24. Maybe his is a good time to get a little of the money out of sports.
  25. Late as well, but Happy Birthday!
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