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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Dec 14, 2008 -> 11:50 PM) Someone finally did what 70% of Americans have wanted t do for a long tine now. Not everyone is filled with such hatred for the man as you as to want to throw shoes at him. Just because they don't 'approve' of him doesn't mean they want to throw their Birkenstocks at him.
  2. Funny thing is, if Hussain were still in power there and he stood up and threw a shoe at him, he would be visiting his virgins by now.
  3. I think we are going to try this on New Years Eve! The grilled cheese-bacon cheeseburgers went over so well, gotta expand more than out stomachs. I present to you, the bacon-cheese roll! http://foodproof.com/photos/full/bacon-cheese-roll-1290 Maybe these for snacks as well. Bacon krispy treats! http://ridiculousfoodsociety.blogspot.com/...ies-treats.html
  4. Someone should have beat the s*** out of him. Regardless of your level of derangement, he is still our president, and those bastard-ass jackholes should show him some respect.
  5. OK, just check oout the first line in this story about Obama: http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/O/OBA...EMPLATE=DEFAULT NOW they tell us. All this time I thought he was just fresh and dynamic, full of hopey and changy?
  6. QUOTE (bigruss22 @ Dec 12, 2008 -> 05:06 PM) Sexy girls being naughty and dirty? Nothing better Yeah, but these girls were caught being nice and clean.
  7. QUOTE (lostfan @ Dec 10, 2008 -> 12:49 PM) I've always given Jesse Jr. the benefit of the doubt, as being different from his father. I guess I was wrong. edit: I'd be surprised if it did more than stall his political career, actually. Me too, on the first part. Not so sure o nthe second one, though.
  8. QUOTE (Texsox @ Dec 9, 2008 -> 11:23 AM) We've had so many advice threads, from jobs to relationships. The bummer is, not everyone feels qualified to answer. Now it's your chance. Of course this is satirical. Answer a question, and ask a question. Starting off . . . A politician writes in . . . The cops just came and arrested me, I'm not certain what to do next. Any ideas? Ask them "Are those your guns, or are you just happy to see me?"
  9. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Dec 8, 2008 -> 09:42 PM) Which is of course why simply saying "Here's money, now go do what you do" like the big bailout plan did was never going to work...because unlike leaders in other countries, ours weren't smart enough to force the banks to do anything with the money they were given. Isn't that part of the reason they are in the mess they are in, because they were forced to lend to people who couldn't afford it?
  10. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Dec 8, 2008 -> 02:33 PM) Yet again, Blago being Blago. Pretty much all his political moves can be described as follows: --Find a hot topic of discussion --Place self firmly in populist corner --Suggest something warm and fuzzy to "help" the people effected --The suggestion will serve no actually helpful purpose --The suggestion will cost money, but he will veto any increase in revenue OR cuts in service to achieve it --He will get mad at the legislature for not magically creating funds to accomplish it --In the end, nothing happens I give you, our governor. That was a very astute summation of Blago. bravo.
  11. QUOTE (mr_genius @ Dec 7, 2008 -> 11:55 AM) Interesting side note to the 2008 elections, Republican Anh Cao defeats indicted Democratic U.S. Rep. William Jefferson in New Orleans congressional district. http://apnews.myway.com/article/20081207/D94TPC680.html Guess he didn't have enough cash in his freezer to bribe enough people to vote his way.
  12. QUOTE (BaseballNick @ Dec 6, 2008 -> 11:25 AM) Defense was worse than normal? What grounds are you basing this on? I don't know if we watched different teams last year, but OC was pretty damn stellar at SS making not only the routine plays, but often the spectacular plays as well. His base running distracted hitters? I will NEVER buy this argument. I've played baseball for 20 years of my life, and when you're hitting, you focus on the pitch. JD has been playing ball a lot longer than me, and if he can't focus when someone's stealing a base, that's on him. You should be able to focus on a pitch if you're a major league hitter. 19 meaningless bases? He led the team, and by a wide margin. Way to justify your hatred for a guy by calling his team leading stats meaningless. How many times did he blow it defensively? We won the damn AL Central in large part because of him. Also, I thought it was pretty convenient that you "forgot" to mention Ozzie hit him out of his comfort zone (the 2 hole) all season long. OC may be a jackass, but I find it absolutely comical that you and a lot of other people on this board won't acknowledge that he's a talented player, and a big reason why this team won the division. It's an absolute joke. If a batter can be expected to comcentrate when runners on base run, then they should be able to have that same concentration regardless of where they bat in the order. He sucked in RISP, and his range was suspect to me last year. I swear inthe first 2 months he short-armed at least a dozen balls.
  13. QUOTE (sox1844 @ Dec 5, 2008 -> 06:43 PM) Keep in mind that he was hitting in the LEAD OFF role!!?? He had a great season (above his career averages) considering the shizz he was going through in Chicago. I give him major credit. He's a passionate player who loves the game. He played 161 GAMES!! I will miss him either way. Well, when Swisher was hitting leadoff top start the season, Ocab appeared as if he didn't want to be there. He sucked right along with Swisher, and the visible effort was lacking. Late summer for a few weeks he really seemed like he was playing hard, and the effort WAS there, even if the reults weren't. But that didn't last long. I would have to say that his 'passion' was severly lacking in a majority of those 161 games. Not what I would expect from a supposed top shortstop, especially playing in a contract year. You can give him credit, I will give him blame, and we'll just have to agree to differ there.
  14. QUOTE (bighurt4life @ Dec 5, 2008 -> 05:32 PM) even though I don't particularly care for some of his antics, i really did like him kicking dirt at ballfour. Ballfour was showing up Uribe and Cabrera wouldn't have any of it, gotta respect a guy who sticks up for his teammates. Too bad it took him a whole year to do that and show any fire at all.
  15. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Dec 5, 2008 -> 01:51 PM) Politico I have no problem with politicians steering business to friends etc. for work, provided that they actually are QUALIFIED to do the work, DO the work adequately and do it for a market price. But most politicians have no little voice in their head that tells them that somethng looks wrong, especially if it benefits themselves.
  16. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Dec 5, 2008 -> 01:20 PM) "We saw an opportunity to acquire one of the best shortstops in the game and one of the smartest shortstops in the game. Somebody who can fit into the No. 2 spot in our lineup for 155 games,'' Chicago general manager Ken Williams said, adding the trade frees up money that could help the White Sox pull off another deal. -KW after getting OC a year ago. He has done nothing since to make him a back-up to the likes of Getz, Lillibridge and Nix. His play last year, with the exception of a few weeks, was not the play of 'one of the best shortstops int he game'. he didn't even take his head out of his ass and try until sometime in July, like it was too much bother for him to play in cold weather.
  17. And if KW DIDN'T offer him arbitration, and he signed soemwhere else, there would be endless b****ing by the same people here about how KW should be fired for missing out on those 2 draft picks.
  18. More solar news! Summary: Sun + Water = Fuel. With catalysts created by an MIT chemist, sunlight can turn water into hydrogen. If the process can scale up, it could make solar power a dominant source of energy, with a cheap reliable way to store the energy created by solar power for use at any time. http://www.technologyreview.com/energy/21536/
  19. QUOTE (hi8is @ Dec 5, 2008 -> 06:37 AM) i still like OC for doing that... seriously. i really dug that move by him. flame me all you want - i thought it was great and i want all my players to have that intensity. I sortof liked the move, at the time, but realized right away that if he didn't get a hit out of it, or at least a walk, he would have looked like a fool on national TV. He turned out to be a fool.
  20. QUOTE (bigruss22 @ Dec 3, 2008 -> 11:50 PM) Just saw it. I must say, I was impressed, I think it sets up for a potentially good second season, alot to build on. What are your thoughts? Well, with Jax, Opie and the old guy probably on the same page, where does it go? Do they stop running guns? They have to make cash somehow to stay strong, otherwise they will end up getting pushed out, and there is only so much money to be made in the garage. The first few episodes next season should be explosive, if the writers have any balls, as they left way too much tension hanging there at the end. Hope they follow thru and deliver something good, whichever way it goes.
  21. QUOTE (whitesoxfan101 @ Dec 3, 2008 -> 11:24 PM) If the girl is 11, she should be thankful her parents even let her have a myspace, so her privacy rights are gone. I would agree that the 15 year old loses his right to privacy too, but a few softcore porn pics for a 15 year old is pretty damn normal. Obviously you have to punish him to a degree and try and teach him the right things, but it's not something I would worry about if I were Alpha Dog. The porn isn't what he was punished for, I just let him know that I knew about it when other issues came up. The kids all talk a different kind of stupid on Myspace. They can't spell, they swear more than me and they all try to act like baddasses and say how much they drink, how much drugs they do, etc. I saw some of the posts from my son and a few of his friends, and that was it. The lying about the site and the language and words on the site was enough, and then I showed him the porn I found as well letting him know that he can't get away with anythng. Yeah, interest porn for a 15 year old boy is normal, and it was pretty tame (especially considering what is oout there), just some posing, not something wierd like Japanese Bukkake or scat videos. Those would have had to result in a different talk.
  22. QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Dec 3, 2008 -> 09:03 PM) How old is he? He is 15, all teenager. The situation I described above actually happened last year. And I agree with Lostfan, the kids have no privacy in these situations. I expect them to try and get away with stuff, and until pushed, I let some of it go. I saw the porn on his computer, and it was pretty soft core stuff, and only a few pics, so I didn't say anything, until he messed up to the point where I had to put him in his place. When I was a kid, it would have been a belt, not stuff taken away.
  23. QUOTE (lostfan @ Dec 3, 2008 -> 05:01 PM) Yeah, I'm afraid it's about to be ass whippin' time. I hate being the bad guy but if that's what it is, it can't and won't slide. Questioning her and getting her to admit wrongdoing is like interrogating an Iraqi. She is a really awful liar (as evidenced by what looks like an orgy of evidence), but she is persistent and just keeps making new s*** up as she goes when she does it. So the key is to let her keep lying until her house of cards falls down. Kids are stupid about things like that. My son only recently figured out how to erase the brower history. Although I have informed him that I can still find out where he goes because compared to him, I am a computer God, and then proceeded to show him on his computer where he had TRIED to hide some porn, and then recited the list of things said on hi Myspace page that he didn't know I knew about. STILL tried to insist that he didn't have anythign to do with the page, despite several specific messages on there between him and his girlfriend. Sometimes it just takes an aa whippin'. I simply removed everythgin from his room except the bed and 2 sets of clothes, which were also clothes he didn't like. My room and the office were pretty crowded with his desk, computer, guitar, etc. but he slowly earned it back, and either learned his lesson, or now hides stuff very well. I even had a friend who is a computer genius over last weekend take a look at it, and can't find anything that is new. Good luck, Lostfan. It aint easy being the bad guy.
  24. QUOTE (Hatchetman @ Dec 2, 2008 -> 12:35 PM) "we don't have the budget." Just like old times!! Maybe it's more like 'We're not going to pay a premium to have someone end up like Fukudome when we can get more bang for our bucks elsewhere' instead of 'we are poor'.
  25. QUOTE (kyyle23 @ Dec 2, 2008 -> 07:08 AM) Coming from you, this is very strange, this is right up your alley of posting. I mean, you just posted a story about Miss England being too fat, how is that less odd than knowing about the Kardashians? Wrong brother. I am the one who posted that story. And if people think Miss England is fat, what does that make Kim's ass?
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