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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. Seriously, how did some of these people live long enough to be able to vote? It is NOT rocket science to fill in a f***ing oval for the candidate you want.
  2. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Nov 20, 2008 -> 11:32 AM) Here's about 10 more examples of challenged ballots from Minnesota Public Radio. I think this one is my favorite: Clearly there are idiots all around us who can't follow simple instructions how to vote and should be locked away for their own safe keeping from the lizard people.
  3. QUOTE (Texsox @ Nov 20, 2008 -> 10:07 AM) Less than here. But what about that pic on your Facebook page with you, the Indonesian tranny hooker, Mel Renyolds and Fidel Casto at a bar in Key West? You didn't post that here? You're holding back on us!
  4. Isn't he the guy who held mock impeachment hearings in a basement closet?
  5. Ronnie finds out somehow that Vic set himup, but the good cop part in him still wants to take the drug guy down, so he goes along for a bit, and somehow ends up shooting Vic. He then runs. i have talked at length with juddling about how I think Tavon is the one that eventually takes out Shane, but I think he also takes out Mara, as it is her that hit him to begin with. In fact, all theproblems they have stem from her. She stole the money train money from the locker to start them all down that road. Claudette has an episode and just up and dies, right after she sees Vic get shot, Dutch ends up the Captain somehow, and after Vic dies, I like Juddlings idea that the wife gets a note about some hidden money to take care of the kids, and Squirts idea about how Aceveda winds up. of course, all hell can break loose and the secret service ends up taking out Vic, Shane and several others in what they think is a presidential assination.
  6. QUOTE (jasonxctf @ Nov 19, 2008 -> 08:54 PM) my guess, is that he's just trying to set presidence. (spl?) So if similar situations come up on Franken ballots, he can have them honored as well. Yeah, I'm sure that's it.
  7. http://blogs2.startribune.com/blogs/whistl...ar-in-plymouth/ One of the ballots that Frankin is contesting.
  8. QUOTE (YASNY @ Nov 19, 2008 -> 02:14 PM) In general, you people (and yes I am using the "you people" expression) think you are above and beyond any prejudice, but I got news for you, you aren't. Having watched tropic Thunder last night, I almost spit my water out when i read that. I can picture you now in RDJ's fake accent saying that. "What do you MEAN, you people?"
  9. QUOTE (Texsox @ Nov 19, 2008 -> 02:00 PM) They defend those that have a difficult time defending themselves. It seems the pro gun lobby has plenty of resources to fight. And it is a miscarriage to say defend Nazis. Usually it is the law they are fighting, and it usually is applied first to those groups we find morally repugnant. But if we head it off at the Nazis, we save the Young Republicans, Sierra Club, and Daughters of the American Revolution. Tex, read my post again. I didn't say that everything they do is bad. My quick typing of 'defend nazis' should not be read literally, I believe you know what I mean. Don'g go all over-the-top on me here. The reason they get anger from alot of Republicans is that they ignore the second ammendment cases with the same ferver that they pursuit the other ones. They don't 'help those that can't help thenselves'. They help those that have a defendent thjat they can get legal fees against. All these cases they take against schools, towns, etc net them some hefty paydays. Self preservation is the name of the game. Problem is that most of the gun cases they would take, if they WERE to actually take them, would be against the more liberal cities in this country, who are friends to the ACLU, like San Francisco and Washington D.C., and they wouldn't want to hurt their friends. And just an fyi, i dont think their charter says to defend the civil liberties only of those without the financial resources to do so themselves. If they are going to use that as a criteria for which cases to accept or not, they should say so. Because I can find you about a dozen cases now where BATFU is harrassing gun owners or stores for supposed violations and concealing evidence, altering tests, and changing internal regulations mid-case to make their point. And these are people without NRA backing, or ACLU.
  10. QUOTE (lostfan @ Nov 19, 2008 -> 01:28 PM) I think the ACLU is misunderstood. I guess what people (mostly Republicans) take issue with is the way they prioritize who and what they defend, but they usually take the more controversial viewpoints. And that they interpret all ammendments as broadly as possible except for the second one, which they try to stick by the exact letter written. Defend Nazis, defend porn, defend school free speech, thats all good. leave me my guns.
  11. There may have been less Clinton retreads around if Hillary herself were elected!
  12. QUOTE (kapkomet @ Nov 18, 2008 -> 12:43 PM) It's a small sample size, and quite honestly, I don't really care that they did, because at least they were in the process. If they were 'in the process' and didn't take enough time to know anyting else other than their canididate was the 'black' one or the 'white' one, then they should have just stayed home. That type of voting is a slap in the face to all the servicemen and women who gave their lives to safeguard their right to vote. Trivializing it by basing your decisions solely on color, whoever it was, is just wrong.
  13. QUOTE (mr_genius @ Nov 18, 2008 -> 12:16 PM) why are you posting in the GOP thread so much? . Yeah, what he said! Go suck your koolaide in your own thread for a while. Unless all the sweetness has gotten to you and you need a break.
  14. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Nov 18, 2008 -> 10:51 AM) Many Somalians simply have no other means of 'earning' a living, so there's a lot of motivation behind the piracy. Doesn't excuse it (not impying that you say it does). It's about time some of them earn their virgins at the end of a few ship-to-ship missles.
  15. For General REPUBLICAN humor, offered with no comment, at this time.
  16. Sounds like something San Franciso would do with their sancuary city crap.
  17. QUOTE (Texsox @ Nov 17, 2008 -> 10:23 AM) http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/worl...icle5172770.ece I have an interest in live aboard sailing and have been following reports of pirates in the Gulf of Aden. They have been attacking private yachts for quite a while now. There have been efforts to create a corridor for private non commercial vessels to pass. Many people retire to boats, much like RVs. They cruise the world or just stick to the Caribbean and such. It's nice to see that the Brit's ball have dropped after that last incident and that they fired back. I think that allowing themselves to be captured last time was a serious PR nightmare for them, and their standing orders for engagement have been changed. About time some of those pirates met the end of a few navy missles.
  18. HIllary CAN'T take a position in the Obama administration. If she wants to run in 2012, she needs Obama to fail, or fail at least enough to justify a change. If he does just that, she can't have the stench of a failed Obama admin on her and needs to be as far away from it as possible so she can say "See? I told you so!" If she breaks down and does take a job in the admin, then she has given up all hope of being President herself.
  19. Yeah, the Linderman things is fine. Nathan knew who he was and was prosecuting him when the attempt was made on his life, in both shows. He knew that Linderman was a client of papa's and there is no reason to believe that he had never met him before. In fact, he knew who he was the moment he saw him in Vegas, so he had to have met him before. Show that line is consistent. As for Elle, there is a time crunch there. When she says that she hasn't been in the field for years, could be because they thought she screwed up with Syler. HRG and the Hatian were partners in season 1, but there is no reason to believe that they couldn't have been paired by mama Pitrelli after trying to off hubby. It would impy a longer amount of time between the 'prequel' and beginning of season one to make sense, but in tv land where newborn babies age 3 years for evey 6 months of shows, I huess anything is possible. The show DID give a better insight as to what is going on between papa and mama Pitrelli and why.
  20. QUOTE (FlaSoxxJim @ Nov 14, 2008 -> 10:54 AM) The Fixx pretty much only had two hits and that was one of them. Don't pretend you're too young to remember suffereing through them the first time around. Well, one thing leads to another.....
  21. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Nov 13, 2008 -> 10:24 AM) Ah, I thought you were referring to the 4k for comm svc thingy. Got it. Was I think one who kept pointing out it wasn't final? I think you might be confusing me with Sqwert. Like I said, the only way I've seen it stated before was money for college in exchange for community or civil service work. As long as its that, and its optional, then I like it (in a vaccum - budgetary issues aside for the moment). If its compulsary in some way, for adults, then I agree its not OK. Yes, there were other parts of it not as fleshed out as the ones for the under-21 crowd, that did concern adults, and even seniors. The wording for those has been very generic such as 'encouraging them to help...' for now. Those are the parts that really scare me more, but wisely for him, they never released any deatils on those parts. I can't wait to hear those.
  22. I think the group needlessly tried to pick on religion. Couldn't they have got the same point across by saying "Don't believe in a God? Just be good for goodness sake"?
  23. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Nov 13, 2008 -> 10:11 AM) Then you are in favor of the program, it would appear. Did you miss the whole $4000 part? Do it or else? Where do you see any indication of that? The site originally said it was required to get the 4k, but even that was misconstrued, so they clarified. Its not REQUIRED. You keep making this into something it isn't. Look, if they change this so that it really is actually required for college students, then I'll be standing right beside you in protest. But that is just not the case. I am talking here about the National Civilian Security Force , which has no tax break or incentives, it is required from everybody. Also still in the planning stages, but has been talked about for a while. Click the link and listen to Rahm's interview. They want this program required of everybody, no tax incentives to do it. As for the OTHER program, the one where a tax incentive has been mentioned, as you are fond of pointing out to me, if isn't final yet, yet you spout that $4000 figure like gospel. When it first came up, there was no incentive included. There is nothign to say that there will be one when he finally gets this program into action. We'll have to see on that one when it happens.
  24. QUOTE (juddling @ Nov 13, 2008 -> 05:58 AM) Well...i was really digging the show but i guess Christian Slater will be looking for another job.... NBC has pulled the plug on freshman tentpole drama "My Own Worst Enemy" and returning sophomore series "Lipstick Jungle," sources say. The cancellation comes after both shows dropped to new lows in the ratings in recent weeks, with the Christian Slater action series sinking to a 1.8 among adults 18-49 (4.3 million viewers) on Monday night and "Lipstick" falling to a 1.2 (3.3 million viewers) on Friday. I really wish NBC or someone else would give "My own Worst Enemy" a shot. I love the premise and quite honestly, it's the first thing I can think of where I've liked Slaters work. Figures. It took me two shows to add it to the Tivo list, and now they cancel it. I agree, Slater did some good acting there. And I really dig seeing his 'partner' playing the badass spy.
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