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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE (ChiSox_Sonix @ Nov 3, 2008 -> 10:43 AM) Article I found by someone listing a list of 39 "half truths" Obama has said. It was brought up by an LA radio host named Terry Anderson http://www.postchronicle.com/commentary/ar...212172140.shtml I wonder h ow long it will be until he is 'reassigned' somewhere else, or outright let go?
  2. And I think you are probably wrong on the 'support' for GWB. Unfortunately, most people I know were once again voting for the lesser of two evils, not for the choice they really wanted. I have defended GWB on some things in the past because I was tired of seeing him constantly attacked. I didn't defend him in everything, because there is alot I didn't and don't like. I just thought Kerry would have been worse. I am not saying nobody wanted GWB, I just think most people DIDN'T want Kerry. Or Gore.
  3. QUOTE (Soxy @ Nov 3, 2008 -> 10:13 AM) Here's the thing--I agree when SS2K5 says it--he's been good about staying above the fray in here. But you are just as bad as the Obamafanboys around here. You mock the beliefs of the more liberal posters on here who aren't Obama fanboys (or girls), so I feel for some of the more respectful Republican posters who are very respectful. But when half of your posts are baiting or over the top reactionary, please don't expect sympathy. Soxy, as he posted, mine is just a reaction to finally being pissed off at seeing the constant belittleing from the other side. Until I started my anger thread (which was actually a response to a Dem poster who insisted that only repubs were filled with anger), I had stayed away from most of the baiting types, at least in regards to Obama. I did post things, but I didn't follow them up with "hahaha, see, the Dems suck balls!" or anything like that. Posting an article on Obama fundraising issues isn't baiting. Following it up with a snarky comment (or twenty) is. Yeah, lately I am as guilty as the few Obamatrons on here, but I condsider myself provoked into such displays because I am weak willed. It has been coming from the other side since day 1 this cycle.
  4. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Nov 3, 2008 -> 08:54 AM) A person can only here their belief system ridiculed so many times before it pisses them off. YES!
  5. http://www.observer.com/2008/politics/eric...ar-blood-will-r http://www.suntimes.com/news/greeley/12472...greel29.article http://www.philly.com/inquirer/opinion/200...ed_to_vote.html http://thehill.com/leading-the-news/police...2008-10-21.html Can't forget Murtha claiming his whole distric is a bunch of non-Obama voting racists. http://www.thepittsburghchannel.com/news/1...it&psp=news http://www.thestar.com/News/World/article/519896 http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/13/us/politics/13race.html?em How about maybe they don't agree with his views and that color has nothing to do with it? http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/...1848755,00.html http://www.pittsburghlive.com/x/pittsburgh...o/s_589297.html And can't foeget Alcee Hastings words, “anybody toting guns and stripping moose don’t care too much about what they do with Jews and blacks" No race-baiting there. http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2008/...-jews-to-obama/ FYI, there was a Senator and a congressman quotes in there with racially tinged quotes. And that's all I have time to find for you now, since I know your google-fu doesn't work if the object is to find anything disparaging of The One.
  6. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Nov 3, 2008 -> 08:38 AM) Again, someone show me an instance where a Dem party or Obama campaign entity was out there doing this. It might have happened, I don't know, but I have seen nothing of the sort. The Dem party doesn't HAVE to do iot because they have a million columnists and reporters saying it for them. They can just sit back and smile because they have their 'hands clean'. Every day there is some new bozo telling us how if you don't vote Obama you are racist, and it is only because you can't bring yourself to vote for a black man, and how this will set back race relations for years to come. An oBama loss will mean riots in the street due to another 'stolen election', as if they ONLY way he could lose is thru deceit. I will be so glad when this is over.
  7. I couldn't make out 'jewish' on the scan, and didn't want to assume that's what it was. Now that that is said, what's your problem with the ad?
  8. Wow. So is this website trying to alert the moonbats which houses are ok to egg and vandalize, or are they just plain f***ing stupid? or both? I can see that conversation now between the writer and editor: "But boss, it's our civic duty to let the sheep know which houses are simply too scary for them to take children too. They may have guns! They may even have BIBLES!" What were they thinking? If it turns out any of these addresses have anything done to them, I hope they try and get some sort of satisfaction out of the site. I would have put this in the Democratic hate, but I guess they don't hate, and besides, Republicans hate too, so that makes it ok. http://www.thestranger.com/seattle/Content?oid=729360
  9. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Oct 31, 2008 -> 04:37 PM) No, he says he can't figure out why the GOP calls him a socialist, and that it must have been that PBJ. If he really doesn't know why, he is pretty stupid.
  10. Obama calls people who don't want to pay more in taxes 'selfish', and equates voluntarily giving part of his pbj sandwich in 6th grade to forcibly having to pay more taxes. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1V3FNh3mAuY
  11. QUOTE (Wanne @ Oct 30, 2008 -> 03:52 PM) Yeah...I'm sure everybody's gonna miss those shaving cream pies. I look forward to having somebody that can actually throw somebody out. It wasn't all the catcher's fault about not throwing out runners. With few exceptions, the Sox pitching staff sucked at keeping runners close.
  12. Oh man. Obama can't even get his black sitcom references straight! Even I knew this was wrong the moment I heard it. I used to love Sanford & Son. Should have been Elizabeth, not Wheezy. I wonder if he realized that both Fred Sanford and George jefferson were small business owners? http://www.eyeblast.tv/public/checker.aspx?v=e46U6USU2G
  13. http://www.recordonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/...9/NEWS/81029041 Vote fraud, and at least on Democrat who decided enough was enough and fired his staffer respopnsible for it. Good for you Mr. Hall. I know you are running for reelection, but it is still the right thing to do. Now, if they can just get jail time for that ex-staffer.......
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nligvgv3Rfw
  15. Limit the window where they can run political ads and form 'exploratory committees' to raise money. I don't want to see another 2+ year campaign. Ever.
  16. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Oct 29, 2008 -> 04:00 PM) Hm. Well, they don't have to be, do they? I personally think that people should only be able to register to vote at a government agency, but, that's just me. With the law as it stands, there is nothing saying a biased organization can't go collect voter registrations. But it sure is shady when that biased organization gets federal funds to do so.
  17. QUOTE (Reddy @ Oct 29, 2008 -> 05:08 PM) thing is, i think this woman is hell-bent on power. she'll run in 2012. As opposed to anyone else who has run for president?
  18. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Oct 29, 2008 -> 03:16 PM) Forgive my ignorance here, but, what exactly is wrong with this? I mean, the whole federal limits on campaign contributions thing is ignored anyway - look at how much some poeple have given to each candidate. Is this a 529 thing? Isn't ACORn supposed to be a non-partisan organization? And Obama and Biden have both come out and said that they have no ties to ACORN. I guess they just give their donor list to anyone who asks, right?
  19. It seems that Obama doesn't want ID for people to vote. But to come to his would-be victory party? Better have a state ID that matches your ticket, or you are out of luck.
  20. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Oct 28, 2008 -> 03:15 PM) What programs would you cut today to elimitate a $500 billion deficit? That's why we will never have a balaned budget. DEA to start, then gut the Bureau of Indian Affairs to bare bones. Simpify tax code, and cut IRS in half.
  21. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Oct 28, 2008 -> 02:59 PM) My point is quite the opposite. "They did it too" is a defense of behavior by saying someone else did it too. I am saying, I think its OVERBLOWN in BOTH cases, not OK in both cases. These sorts of things result in very few actual bad votes. So unless we get another Florida circa 2000, its not going to be a gamebreaker. That's what I am saying. BUt again, with races as tight as they are in some places, couldn't a swing of just 200 votes be pretty important? Especially in Ohio. And polls be damned, there WILL be a few places where the counts are just that close.
  22. QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Oct 28, 2008 -> 03:00 PM) It's a way to call Obama supporters fascist or nazi like. So now they are racist, muslim, communist, socialist, marxist, fascist nazis for those who are keeping track. McCain supporters are racist, out of touch fascist nazi war mongers if my score card is right. Once again, any criticsm of The one or his actions is considered racist.
  23. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Oct 28, 2008 -> 02:55 PM) OK, I've seen this reference twice now. WTF is the Digital Brown Shirt Brigade? http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2008/s...al-brownshirts/
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