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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Oct 20, 2008 -> 02:39 PM) Exactly. I think it's like the Sopranos as told from Christopher's perspective. And shipps, the show is very good, but Steve might be blowing it a bit out of proportion. I know that it is a tv show, but I was really disappointed when they had the patch-over, and the Mayans came by and started shooting, that nobody, on either side, got killed and only one guy even got shot. Even inner city gangbangers have better aim, that that. There shouldn't have been a Mayan left standing with all the lead flying from two different angles. Otherwise, it has seemed fairly realistic.
  2. QUOTE (shipps @ Oct 20, 2008 -> 02:29 PM) Steve I dont know,you have built up Sons of Anarchy so much that it is going to have to be f***ing unbelievably awesome to meet my expectations.I will watch it eventually though cause I normally have the same opinion on movies as you do. Just think Sopranos on Harleys.
  3. Whatever, I am done. Republicans are just consumed with hate, and the poor little liberals/Democrats are just glowing with Hope and Change. Let those that do no wrong and see no evil, unless it is perpetrated by a republican, enjoy the sweetness that is Obama and this election season. Enjoy what you get.
  4. QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Oct 20, 2008 -> 11:35 AM) http://www.venturacountystar.com/news/2008...ote-fraud-case/ How many Donald Ducks and Mickey Mouses do you honestly think we'll see show up to the polls in November? I'm guessing that number will be awful close to 0. There's a big difference between a crack head turning in a bunch of never to be used fake registrations so that he can get enough money for his daily rock and a guy passing around a petition for a tougher law on sex offenders that wasn't a petition at all, but really having people unknowingly change their voter registration to Republican. That's something that can actually have an effect on things like primary elections. Oh and by the way, those fake voter registration forms that ACORN employees turn in? They're bound by law to submit them, even if they suspect falsified information. Sure, they are forced to submit them. but to hold onto them until youget a few thousand, and then into those insert the ones you know are fake but otherwise have regular names, and it is easy to get a bunch to slip thru. if the people are busy looking for Donald Duck, they are going to miss John Jones. That's why the woman in Ohio waited to turn in over 200,000 registrations at one time, to hide the ones they really want to hide.
  5. QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Oct 20, 2008 -> 10:13 AM) You also didn't attack an Obama canvasser going door to door in Wisconsin this weekend, or steal Obama lawn signs, or spray paint some lady in Michigan's back windshield black to cover up her Obama sign. For every story of thuggery on one side, there's an equal story of thuggery on the other side. It generally happens in all campaigns, American and otherwise - and by and large is never condoned or accepted or even something that the candidates are aware of. I never said it didn't happen both ways. remember, i am responding to a post that insisted that the right was filled with hate, because you know, that's all we hear about is the recist republicans who hate Obama because he is black. Political sign damage has happened since they were first invented. The level of violence and anger coming from the left, especially in this election, is largely ignoreds by the media and the left itself. Most of the people responding in this forum are a great deal more politically aware than the general public, so yeah, people here know about it, but the averageperson on your block probably doesn't. QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Oct 20, 2008 -> 10:13 AM) For every ACORN, there's a Young Political Majors. For every intentional extra fraudulent vote, there's an intentionally suppressed legal vote. Oh please. That's like saying for every Arod there is a Juan uribe. Those two aren't even on the same planet. It would take about 50 YPM to make up ACORN in just one state. Note, I am not condoning the stuff that YPm may have done, since they haven't been found guilty of anythign yet, but if they did it, they should be punished as much as ACORN shoudl be.
  6. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Oct 20, 2008 -> 10:02 AM) Tires slashed during Obama rally. You have your own hate thread, go back to it. And I'll up you one. McCain campaign bus shot at. http://www.sacunion.com/mark/?p=67
  7. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Oct 20, 2008 -> 07:52 AM) You seriously think that? Come on now. Let's see. I posted earlier in here about a little girl who is being called a racist in her school because she wore a palin shirt. But hey, any means necessary, as it said in that piece. When people were making s*** up about Bush's national guard service, and it came out false, it didn't matter, they claimed the 'narrative was true, even if the specific fact was false'. But hey, anything is possible. Obama knew that the Secret Service had investigated the claims of 'kill him' and 'terrorist' at a Palin ralley, yet he mentioned it at the end of the last debate, where he knew 60 million people would hear it. He repeated somethign he knew to be untrue, but hey, any means necessary. "You canmake a lie sound like the truth if you say it over and over again" This one isn't limited to Obama and his camp, but they sure engage in it like pros. But hey, whatever means necessary. And once again, someone on Barack's side (Biden) brings race into it. http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalradar/20...-voters-ha.html So undecided people are undecided because they just can't bring themselves to vote for a black man. But hey, whatever means necessary. Just keep on repeating that lie long enough and it will sound like truth. So, yes, I seriously think that if this had a CNN logo on it, it would be believable.
  8. QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Oct 20, 2008 -> 10:45 AM) Interestingly he's gone FAR beyond anything I've done and I've toned it down in the last month. What have I done besides post the hate and vitriol that comes from the supporters of Obama? Other than telling Reddy to bite my ass. I am not theone stealing campaign signs. I am not the one hitting women across the face with protest signs. i didn't create a kill obama web page game. i didn't break into any campaign offices. devoted followers of The One have done these things.
  9. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Oct 20, 2008 -> 07:15 AM) Another example of despicable behavior by a Democrat. The sad part is that if you removed the ONN from that and put CNN on it instead, it would be entirely believable. "By any means necessary" I have heard come from the left many times.
  10. QUOTE (Soxy @ Oct 19, 2008 -> 09:21 PM) Right, awesome. But is that what you want to contribute to this discussion? Do you want to be the RSS feed for anger and hatred? Really? Of course there are nustos. Of course there are. Are they more crazy than their right counterparts. Probably not. But by focusing on them we are unable to have a meaningful discussion here. We are just perpetuating the crazies. We are giving them a voice. We are giving them the attention they want so badly. Forget them. I can't imagine that anyone here truly believes the right has a monopoly on anger problems. But this thread is so petty. So petty. Don't give more voice to the hate mongers. You are so much better than that. Ignore the people that drag political discourse through the mud. They are exactly what is wrong with this country. They are the ones that make negative ads so effective. They are the ones that make civil political discourse so infrequent in this country. Why give more voice to the people who really have nothing to say? They don't deserve it. For a little while longer, yes I do. I am tired of hearing it. I am not a big lover of John McCain (nor of Bush, for that matter). But the constant beating just makes me feel like I have to defend them. In there, Obama s***s creme brule and Mccain kills baby seals. So yeah, for at least a little while I am going to be petty. I may be better than that normally, but not right now. And should Obama win, as I mentioned elsewhere, I will give him just as much chance as Bush got from the left.
  11. With all the talk on the fringes of the left about McCain's medical records and such, has anyone looked at Biden's records? he had near-fatal aneurysms in 1988. And he has also not released HIS medical records. Maybe a few MSM papers can remove somebody fro the Joe the Plumber beat and look into it. http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1008/14700.html
  12. QUOTE (Soxy @ Oct 19, 2008 -> 07:42 PM) What do those posts have to do with Obama? Yeah, some of his supporters are nutsy and think he's crazy. But all of them? No. Not at all. Ah f*** it. This thread has no room for rational thought and discussion. It's a place for broad generalizations or fringe crazies. They have not much to do with Obama, but with many of his rabid supporters. i was told that the right is filled with hate, and when I pointed out that it was the left that is fond os shtting down speech and actions they don't like, like threatening radio stations, shouting down speakers they disagree with and violence against others, it was just dismissed as not true. I am pointing out that it is true. While both sides have their rabid psycho fans, the left has more than their fair share of them, and they are way more violent and destructive, as I am pointing out. McCain and Obama are both running dirty campaigns. I don't think you can be a politician nowadays and not do it. But is is not one sided, as some of those on theleft would have us believe. And with the voraciousness of many of his supporters, Obama himself can just sit back and let his minions do a lot of the dirty work for him. Did you know that there was a website out there with a 'kill Sarah Palin' flash game? It got taken down after 2 days, but can you imagin if there was one for Obama? Hate is truely bi-partisan.
  13. QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Oct 19, 2008 -> 12:43 PM) I really like how Clay had mercy on Lowell. He's a damn good mechanic!
  14. Busy day today, so I won't post many. McCain/Palin campaign office near pittsburg vandalized. http://www.thepittsburghchannel.com/politi...303/detail.html Also the Park County, NY offices. http://powelltribune.com/index.php/content/view/353/ And the GOp HQ in Payne County, OK http://newsok.com/republican-party-headqua...article/3308577 NY must be especially angry, they also took care of the GOP offices in York County http://www.heraldonline.com/109/story/877049.html
  15. QUOTE (BearSox @ Oct 18, 2008 -> 10:43 PM) I wouldn't mind Griffey back only if he'd be making, at most, half of what he is making now, and one of Thome/Konerko/Dye is traded. I think that is the key. If one of those three goes, he may be back.
  16. A bunch of liberal college students decide to take it upon themselves and destroy a pro-life display, claimng thier rights of free speech trump the pro-lifer's rights of free speech. How dare someone display something they don't approve of! http://www.lifenews.com/state3545.html
  17. A small, nuke plant that can be online in 12 months? That could speed things up a bit. http://nextbigfuture.com/2008/10/power-to-...-aspect-of.html
  18. And liberal anger wouldn't be complete without mentioning Obama's digital brownshirts, trying to shut down WGN because they didn't like what they were hearing. The stifling of speech you don't like is always attributed to republicans, but it always seems to be the D party that shouts down speech they hate and threatens those that speak out against them. http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationw...0,6325137.story
  19. I supposed I shoudl add the Palin email 'hacker', even thougth it really wasn't a hack. Still pretty bad, though. http://www.knoxnews.com/news/2008/oct/08/a...n-hacking-case/
  20. I purchased the 30 day unlimited carfax reports while car shopping, and have about 20 more days to go. if anyone needs a free report, pm me the vin number and I'll run it for you.
  21. Even the lefty kids get in on the act. And the kids at that age tend to get their political views from their parents or teachers. http://www.myfoxorlando.com/myfox/pages/Ne...14.1&sflg=1
  22. SS2k, this may be one of the things you were referring to. http://www.spectator.org/archives/2008/10/...bamas-95-percen
  23. Might as wel post the fake 'kill him' story, just so they are all in one place. http://www.timesleader.com/news/breakingne...unfounded_.html The only line you need to know from the story is "He said the agency (the Secret Service) conducted an investigation Wednesday, after seeing the story, and could not find one person to corroborate the allegation other than Singleton (the reporter who reported it). "
  24. Look at all the venom here pointed at poor ole Joe the Plumber http://www.democraticunderground.com/discu...mesg_id=7479265 I will admit that the people posting there tend to be pretty far off to the side, but it is still there.
  25. There is a video on youtube called 'The violent death of Joe the Plumber'
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