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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. Here are more that i had posted in the republican thread. http://michellemalkin.com/2008/10/12/crush...by-insane-rage/ Has links to a few crappy entertainers threatening palin, a lovely webiste with artwork of Palin getting punched by a guy, 'Abort Sarah Palin bumper stickers and some photoshop creations from a DU contest that bring tastelessness to new levels. (Is tastelessness a new word or did I just do a George Bush and make somethingup?) Also has photos from Jill greenberg, the b**** photographer that took pictures of McCain for a magazine,and then purposly made him look bad, evil and all sorts of other stuff. Also has photos of the many slaps at GW with the 'kill Bush' shirts, stamps, etc. The link also contains a lot of older stuff.
  2. http://www.philly.com/philly/hp/news_updat...ty_of_boos.html Classy stuff, but common.
  3. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Oct 17, 2008 -> 08:02 PM) Agreed. Like I said, feel free. I just hope that any discussion we have on this won't result in any... um... requests for teeth being sunk into someone's hairy hind quarters. I promise not to hurl verbal epitaths at any person who shall post in this thread, regardless of what is deposited here. FYI, I never said my hind quarters were hairy. Have you been stalking me or something? Hmmm.
  4. I had thisone in the Republican thread. I'll move it here. http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/front/6062106.html
  5. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Oct 17, 2008 -> 07:50 PM) I'm not wanting to delete it, which is why I am hoping we can get quickly to some sort of resolution. I think its a thread likely to get ugly. But maybe it won't. I am not sure who said that "the right" had the anger problem. I myself have said that I find the current campaign for McCain, his part and the RNC and other party bits, has been noticeably more negative than that of Obama's. I think that's true, and also, with McCain down in the polls, more anger will naturally come out. But I have zero doubt there are idiots on both sides. It started when the accusations of the 'kill obama' shout that a reporter said he heard, and a few cretins at a palin rally. I was told that the right is fostering the anger and hate. i countered that the left lives off it, and was rebuked. How many stories have we heard of a conservative beating an Obama supporter with a campaign sign? How many Democratic campaign offices have been vandalized this year? (None, because if there was, they would have been front page news. And surely have been labeled a hate crime) How many cars got vandalized because they had Obama bumper stickers? Yeah, there are idiots on both sides. And the leaders on each side are sort of lax in saying anything, because they want every vote they can get.
  6. What kind of a contract did all the major papers sign that they have to give a 2 year notice to end? http://www.editorandpublisher.com/eandp/ne...t_id=1003874855 It mentions that AP had changed the rates, you would think that would change the contract. AP must have had some damn good lawyers working that one up.
  7. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Oct 17, 2008 -> 06:43 PM) Are we seriously going to have a thread full of examples of fringe morons? 'cause you'll find plenty from both parties. Why not just spare us all the tit-for-tat fest this will inevitably become, and just tell us the point you are trying to make. It was said in a different post that the right is the one with the anger problem, and I was berated when i tried to posit that the opposite was true. I figured that I would get lots of replies every time I posted one. However, if you think this will set tensions too high, feel free to delete it. I would understand.
  8. If anyone is interested, a quick rundown of how the battery system will work on the Chevy Volt. http://www.popsci.com/cars/article/2008-10...y-volts-battery
  9. I'll just post all theones I find here so they are all in one place. I'll start with this one. Assault, and against a woman as well. Good start. http://www.politico.com/blogs/bensmith/100...ex.html?showall
  10. VOTE FRAUD!!!!! (yes, it is only one, so far) Care worker takes a mentally challenged guy whose parents usually take him to vote, and made him vote for Obama. They didn't have permission to take him to vote, and supposedly acted against the parents wishes. http://www.breitbart.tv/?p=199573
  11. Well, an imagined threat that only one repoerter heard but can't verify gets major play, while a confirmed threat against someone with a McCain bumper sticker gets thrown out of court. I guess it just seemed like a threat, but wasn't actually one. Bot how I would have taken it. http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/front/6062106.html I guess you have to spell it out in big block letters in Fort Bend County to be understood.
  12. there are a fair amount of conservatives ready to throw in the towel in order to blow the whole thing up and start over. Not a large amount, but they are out there. Some days that includes me.
  13. QUOTE (lostfan @ Oct 17, 2008 -> 11:38 AM) While I readily acknowledge the correctness of your assessment, my obligatory responsibility notwithstanding, I have to inquire as to your motive here - are we about to engage in a vocab-a-thon? As long as the correct spelling of our loquaciousness was not relevant, that is a prospect that I can entertain. Often I am secure in the use of the correct word to convey my intentions, but occasionally an mystified as to the proper placement of the letters.
  14. QUOTE (lostfan @ Oct 17, 2008 -> 11:27 AM) Spank me references are not only acceptable, they are encouraged. In all seriousness though, we have to keep this place at least somewhat civil, because even though people in here argue all the time the discussion is usually constructive and high-minded. When it's not, the quality of the discussion deteriorates quickly (the Jeremiah Wright thread for example). One of the ways to keep that from happening is avoiding the deliberately provocative posts, or just ignoring ones you don't like, which we all agreed to in the sticky thread in this forum. This is why I stepped in, before there was any potential of the thread turning ugly. All of us have to do our part, mods included. Dude, I believe that each of the participants in this verbose verbal exchange realized the exact nature of your reply and the direct effect that it was intended to facilitate, and have been merely attempting to make humourous remarks to solicit a chickle from our fellow posters. At least after the initial exchange of information was completed. I am sincerely in remorse for my initial reaction which was based upon an elevated anger levels produced by an exchange of words that i did not find flattering in the slightest. My reaction was inappropriate, but heartfelt, none the less, and is hence forth withdrawn.
  15. QUOTE (lostfan @ Oct 17, 2008 -> 11:07 AM) You didn't need to go so far as to tell him to bite your ass is what I was saying. Fair enough. How about 'Carefully place your teeth upon my buttocks'?
  16. QUOTE (lostfan @ Oct 17, 2008 -> 10:59 AM) A little unnecessary isn't it? To merely dismiss my post as irrelevant because he disagrees with my Palin line is also unnecessary. Yes.
  17. QUOTE (lostfan @ Oct 17, 2008 -> 10:58 AM) If the Democrats horribly mismanage the government and act as arrogant and condescending as the Republicans did when they had complete control of everything you may be on to something... because, as of right now, the Dem takeover in 2006 and the inevitable reinforcing of that majority in '08 is direct blowback from all that. If the Dems are smart (which they aren't), they will learn from those mistakes (they won't) so they don't have to pay the price at the polls in a few years (they probably will). Their current lack of success in the Dem controlled congress offers little, if any, hope. I will not root for their failure, but I will on a small level, revel in it, and throw back at them everything they did for the last 8 years.
  18. QUOTE (Reddy @ Oct 17, 2008 -> 10:53 AM) you lost credibility when you said you loved Sarah Palin. Then again when you called her honorable. Bite my ass.
  19. I consider myself a conservative more than a Republican . Like many people of that bent, I was uncomfortable with Bush when he was nominated. But Al Gore's increasingly crazy behavior during the 2000 election made me hope Bush won. Once Bush won, and it became clear that the Florida democrats were trying to steal the election, I became something of a Bush defender. Throughout his first term, I took note of all the really s***ty things that were said about him, saw that a large portion of the left would rather see Bush fail than see America succeed, and was alarmed by the complicity (and often, participatoin) of the MSM and even mainstream Hollywood. It wasn't far into his second term that I fell to Bush Fatigue, due to his inability to make the case for his foreign policy to the American people, and his inability to find the veto pen. He has truly been a crappy steward of the Republican brand, and because of this, the Conservative and libertarian causes are suffering. I'm no fan of McCain , but as I dislike Obama (and love Palin), I'll be pulling the lever for McCain in November. This is surely petty of me, but if Obama wins, I plan on giving him as much of a chance as the Democrats gave George Bush. Which isn't much. I will gleefully forward every paranoid anti-Obama rumor that I see, along with YouTube footage of his verbal missteps. I will laugh and email heinous anti-Obama photoshop jobs, and maybe even learn photoshop myself to create some. I'll buy anti-Obama books, and maybe even a "Not My President" t-shirt. I'm sure that the mainstream bookstores won't carry them, but I'll be on the lookout for anti-Obama calendars and stuff like that. I will not wish America harm, and if the country is hurt (economically, militarily, or diplomatically) I will truly mourn. But i will also take some solace that it occurred under Obama's watch, and will find every reason to blame him personally and fan the flames. Obama's thuggish behavior thus far in this election cycle, thru the use of his surrogates and fans - squashing free speech, declaring any criticism of his policies to be "racist" (a word that happily carries little weight with sensible people these days), associating with the likes of Ayers, Wright, and ACORN - suggests that I won't have to scrape for reasons to really, really dislike Obama and his administration. And even if he wins, his campaign's "get out the vote fraud" activities are enough to provide people like me with a large degree of "plausible deniability" as to whether he is actually legitimately the president. I've seen a President that I am generally-inclined to like get crapped on for eight years, and I've seen McCain and Palin (honorable people both, despite policy differences I may have with them) get crapped on through this election season. If the Democrats think that a President Obama is going to get some sort of honeymoon from the folks who didn't vote for him, fat f***ing chance. Democrats cannot and should not expect Obama to receive any sort of honeymoon from McCain voters this cycle based on their behavior, and as I've often heard said, don't reward behavior that you don't want to encourage." Yes, the Angry Left schtick seems to have worked for the Dems, which suggests that if the GOP finds itself out of power it will emulate it. If there is an Obama win, no b****ing allowed for the next 4 years when every tactic the left used against Bush and Republicans is turned full force against them.
  20. McCain: Hey Barack, wanna see my 'O' face?
  21. "Little in the middle, but he got much back!" 'John McCain helps Obama with his ego at a recent debate....' "Aw, man! Barack, did you cut the cheese again?"
  22. Too many grasshoppers, not enough ants.
  23. NOW, after all these years, Hollywood decides to be non-political.
  24. Be carefull not to piss off the Chosen One, or his volunteers, or they might make up s*** about you to the secret service. Kinda like that reporter making crap up during a Palin rally. http://www.lufkindailynews.com/news/conten...et_service.html
  25. The MSM is losing its minds over an undocumented plumber, but show than an undocumented immigrant, and they stay quiet.
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