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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE (lostfan @ Oct 16, 2008 -> 08:26 PM) Posting my real name is against the rules. Shouldn't that be green? I know your real name, Egbert Horacio Funkelsteindorker!
  2. Now Obama mocks plumbers! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sqis9mRcWl4
  3. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Oct 16, 2008 -> 06:10 PM) This is the guy who BSed his way to the national spotlight, and then McCain mentions him in the debate, which I'm sure wasn't part of the plan was it?. He put himself in the spotlight. This is all his doing. Its not like when the media was camped out at Bartman's house when all the guy did was what anyone else sitting in his seat would have done. If Anne vs. Ann is enough to kill a vote, Joe shouldn't count in November. But of course, he doesn't know who he's voting for yet, does he? I didn't say i had a problem with im not voting. And he WILl be allowed to vote, using the provisional ballots like every one else in his situation. But why trying to kill the messenger? It doesn't change what Obama said. I don't care if it was Ann f-ing Coulter that asked the question, it still doesn't change his answer.
  4. QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Oct 16, 2008 -> 04:39 PM) Joe the Plumber... Meet Charles Keating So NOW relationships matter? I see. What's Joe running for again? That's right, nothing. I see the narrative. Destroy Joe the plumber and then the words will have magically never have been spoken by the Chosen One about how he wants to redistribute wealth. Joe can be the f***ing rotting corpse of Jimmy Hoffa and it still doesn't change the words out of Obama's mouth. Sp why continue on these politcs of personal destruction? Oh, also, there is no relationship there. http://www.dailykos.com/story/2008/10/16/1.../42/1001/632600 And just a little more on all that Democratic hate, Daily Kos has listed Joe the Plumber’s full name and address on its front page. Democratic Underground has posted his phone number and other information. Politico.com has three different writers busy publishing details about Joe the Plumber’s private life. No hate there.
  5. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Oct 16, 2008 -> 04:24 PM) I wonder if he'll pay taxes on the payoff he received for playing this roll. Its pretty funny. So it's entirely believable to you all that Joe was on the Republican payroll, but absolutely impossible that any or all of the people spouting the hate stuff at the last few rallies were Dem plants. I get it now. Thanks for making that all clear. You know, if some of the people on here would have spent as much time vetting ACORN as they have Joe the plumber, they would actually be a little concerned at the consistent pattern of crap that they do. But I guess since ACORN benefits the Dems (even though they CLAIM to be non-partisian), that the ends justify the means.
  6. KW should pick one of the prospect-type infielders that he thinks will NOT make it, and pretend to like him ala Quinten. Let that info slip out, and see some of the other teams fall all over themsleves trying to 'steal' the guy from KW, who meanwhile quietly pursues his real goal. He has worked magic pickng up people that others aren't too high on the last few years, maybe someone will try to intercept his next target.
  7. In high school, I was called Fuji and Alpha Dog. In college I got reduced to my sports number, and was called '15' most of the time, with the occasional Alpha Dog from those that knew me from high school. Haven't been called any of them much anymore, outside of here or a few other sites.
  8. QUOTE (bmags @ Oct 16, 2008 -> 09:32 AM) Oh, great, well then one down 600 to go. Can you link to even 10%? Or 5%? How about 2%?
  9. QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Oct 16, 2008 -> 12:06 PM) If you're registered to vote 73 times in the same place, you'll still only get to vote once. But if you are registered in 73 different places......depends on traffic how many times you can vote.
  10. QUOTE (bmags @ Oct 15, 2008 -> 09:08 PM) I'd say there is a large distinction between how your crowd at your rallies is acting and these. None of those reactions were at Obama's crowd, so I can't even say that these aren't just anarchists, green party or libertarians. And as for the stuff in 04, that has no use. This is false equivelancy. http://www.timesleader.com/news/breakingne...unfounded_.html looks like the reporter probably made this one up.
  11. QUOTE (CrimsonWeltall @ Oct 15, 2008 -> 09:37 PM) No litmus test for Supreme Court justices...but if they agree with Roe v Wade, they obviously suck and I won't pick them. No litmus test? Then what was Obama's reasons for voting against Roberts and Alito?
  12. QUOTE (PlaySumFnJurny @ Oct 15, 2008 -> 08:21 PM) I disagree with the first part of this post big time. To me, that's a cop out. In my eyes, what makes people most admirable ("role models," if you will) is a willingness to stand up and do what's right (and not do what's wrong) regardless of what is currently popular or "the attitude of society at the time." When I think of a good example of a role model, I think of attorney Atticus Finch from "To Kill a Mockingbird," who, at great risk to himself and his family, went against societal stigmas to do what he believed was right. DUI is and always has been illegal; "everybody does it" or "its not a big deal" doesn't lessen the offense. It, like adultery, is wrong; period. But at least adultery is not against the law (10 commandments aside) or a direct threat to the public safety (STD's aside). That said, I don't think adulterers, drunk drivers, or drug abusers make good role models, and I am equally turned off by W's dui, Obama's drugs, and Bubba's cheating. Which is to say even though I don't like it, none of that would, by itself, keep me from voting for any of them. Again, I stopped looking to politicians (and athletes, and celebrities) as role models a long time ago. I vote for a chief executive, not the Kiwanis Man of the Year. All real human beings are imperfect, and most have done something they're not proud of. Maybe that's why I've had to resort to works of fiction to find a decent "role model." I didn't mean to imply that because attitudes towards drinking were lax a while ago that that should make hima role model now, just pointing out that attitudes were diffferent then. Glad to hear your thoughts about that extend towards Obama. You don't get that from the original post. I agree with your second part. I try to expose my kids to people that they can loop up to, besides myself, and stay away from politicians and sports figures.
  13. QUOTE (bmags @ Oct 15, 2008 -> 08:26 PM) I went like 6 pages back and still didn't see anything My bad, was in the repub thread. Since these two are similar, must have had a senior moment. http://www.soxtalk.com/forums/index.php?s=...t&p=1780393
  14. here is an interesting one. A story on ABCnews about Mahoney getting caught screwing around on his wife quotes Pelosi as calling on the House Ethics Committee to "immediately and thoroughly investigate". It even mentions Pelosi's 'D'. But no where does it mention mahoney's 'D'. http://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/story?id=6025230&page=1 A second story from ABC on him, also no mention. http://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/Politics/sto...0518&page=1
  15. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Oct 15, 2008 -> 06:00 PM) So, if you think the Public Financing system for presidential races isn't ending this year barring major reform, then take a look at the numbers. They're starting to hit the "Astonishing" point. Over the past week, Senator McCain spent $11.3 million on advertising, down from the previous week. Senator Obama spent $32.2 million. And his campaign keeps increasing that from week to week. By state (easier to read table at this link) We don't have Obama's September fundraising numbers yet, but it seems that they're likely to be close to $100 million raised. And if they don't top that # in September, it seems like they may well do so in October. Easy to do when this happens: Hope, change and credit card fraud. http://www.myfoxkc.com/myfox/pages/News/De...mp;pageId=3.2.1 .
  16. QUOTE (PlaySumFnJurny @ Oct 15, 2008 -> 02:48 PM) I guess it depends upon how you define role model. By all accounts W has been a faithful husband to Laura, but for many years he was an irresponsible boozer and had a DUI. Driving drunk isn't being too stellar of a role model either. In fact, some might consider illegal behavior that recklessly endangers public safety more reflective of poor character than getting a BJ from another conseting adult. I know what you're saying, but I don't see this as "sad" so much as realistic. President as hero/role model was probably always a naive, mythical notion anyway. George Washington never chopped down a cherry tree or threw a coin across the Potomoc, Thomas Jefferson was banging Sally the slave on the side, and I'm sure plenty of presidents besides FDR, JFK and Clinton couldn't keep it in their pants. I prefer to do the role model thing myself, and thankfully for my kids I'm up to that task. I much more prefer the president to be good at all the other important matters I'm unable to get around to, like foreign and domestic policy. You also have to figure in the attitude of society at the time. When W was drinkin and stuff, there wasn't the social stigma that there is today. A lot of people excused drinking and driving, and even drug use up until some time in the 80's. That doesn't excuse it, just explains it. If he were dwi today, that would be pretty bad (unless he was in LA, since they seem to let every famous person go scott free). However, he did those things when he was younger, and not when he was in office, with the possability that someone could use that information or activity as leverage to get him to act a certan way. Doing that crap while in office is a sure way to get blackmailed, or maybe recruited by a spy as an asset. Now all that said, I just have a question. If W's younger activities turn you off, why doesn't Obama's admitted drug use do the same? I would add that I too prefer to do the role modelling thing myself. That is a good choice you are making there.
  17. QUOTE (bmags @ Oct 15, 2008 -> 03:16 PM) Your argument: It's the media's fault (not backed up) Obama's supporters have shown more murder violence and goon tactics (not backed up) It's f******* stupid. And I should take this seriously, why? A few pages ago I posted a few different links with photos, videos and text of Obama supporters going nutso, threatening all sorts of bodily harm to Palin, especially. Did you just skip by those because they were inconvenient, or because you just post too fast? And did you forget the goon tactics in threatening the FCC license of a radio station or two or the tax exempt status of a group if they didn't disinvite Palin because the Dem person backed out?
  18. In politics, dead girl = live boy. So I guess that would make live girl > live boy, hence the reporting.
  19. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Oct 15, 2008 -> 09:51 AM) Then you must be right. Something must be done to stop McCain and his close ties to ACORN. We cannot let them steal this election. From that link: "McCain had no trouble fraternizing with ACORN in 2006 when their political interests coincided with his." Just shows that as usual, McCain is willing to reach across the aisle in a non partisian way and work with those on the other side for a common goal.
  20. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Oct 15, 2008 -> 08:41 AM) FYI - If you register Mickey Mouse to vote that does not mean that a candidate will get a vote on election day from Mickey Mouse. Yeah, the Mickey Mouse ones are stupid, but how about John Jones? Or Mary Smith? Or any of the other thousands of made up names that have been registered? If they are not checking ID's or verifying in any way, anyone could vote for any of the fictious names that are registered. They could even TRY and vote for Mickey Mouse, and if there is no ID law present, how can the officials really stop them?
  21. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Oct 14, 2008 -> 10:15 PM) I'll be pissed if Shane doesn't get capped at some point this season. I'm not sure if I'd rather see Tavon kill him or Ronnie. From the beginning of the season I thought that Ronnie would be the one to get rid of Shane. I figured that he would end up the only one of all of them to walk away with anything. But then they reintroduced Tavon, and that just adds a new wrinkle to the mix. You KNOW he is coming back for at least one more show, and it could be one where he pops Shane. or tries to and fails. or tries to, gets shot by Shane, and then Ronnie kills Shane. All I know is that they messed up my whole theory as to the ending with just one guy, Tavon.
  22. Aw, SNAP! I SO want next weeks Shield already! Ronnie is gonna flip, Shane is gonna die? I still think Tayvon is gonna end up coming in and killing Shane, but after Shane sets up Ronnie, I don't know, anything could happen.
  23. QUOTE (lostfan @ Oct 14, 2008 -> 07:37 PM) I just gotta stop and lol @ this sentence for a minute... carry on Then how do you get the reactions from liberals like the ones linked in my previous post?
  24. QUOTE (bmags @ Oct 14, 2008 -> 06:01 PM) You think the sudden nasty turn has happened on its own AD? You think there is no connection between the suddenly nasty crowds and the campaign the last 3 weeks. You didn't say that, you said the Repubs were pushing race, and i called bulls*** on that because up until now, it has been Dems all the way. So if McCain is responsible for these few whackos, who's responsible for all the Bush=Hitler stuff? The 'kill chaney' signs? Who's responsible for these reactions? "Outside on Broad Street, waiting for Palin to leave, one man was heard saying: "Let's stone her, old school." Another protester shouted at someone entering the hotel, "Wait till your daughter wants an abortion, you hypocrite." http://www.philly.com/philly/hp/news_updat...ty_of_boos.html How about all these? (Yes, it is a conservative blog I am linking, but it is because i am too lazy to relink all of her links) http://michellemalkin.com/2008/10/12/crush...by-insane-rage/ The activist left side of the spectrum is nothing without their hate. If they get their guy in the White House, and control of both houses, who are they gonna vent about when things are still f***ed up? maybe Obama should make sure to expand mental health care in his raping of the health care system to cover all those who will lose their minds with nobody to get angry at.
  25. QUOTE (bmags @ Oct 14, 2008 -> 04:40 PM) That's a cute answer, a nice dodge from the realization that the republicans are pumping race into this election. Ok, so now McCain is to be guilty by association for a few idiots that show up to his rallies? Since day one the Democrats have been pumping race into thsi election, constantly 'warning us' that the evil Republicans are going to try and scare you, remind you that Obama is 'different' that the Presidents on the currency. Up until a few idiots recently at a few events (idiots who COULD be Democrat plants, not a huge stretch), the only mentions of race have come from Dems.
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