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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Oct 14, 2008 -> 04:11 PM) Where is this from, BTW? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wNuqV7N_bj0 Too many grasshoppers want to tell us ants what we can do with our money.
  2. 5000 new voter registrations sunmitted by ACORN in Lake County, Indiana. The first 2100 that were checked are ALL frauds! Indiana sec of state calling for an investigation. ACORN's resonse? 1) We hired some 'bad apples' and 2) it's the government's fault.
  3. QUOTE (kapkomet @ Oct 13, 2008 -> 05:54 PM) /sits back and tosses some popcorn... eat it fast, it won't last long. It will be buried fast.
  4. QUOTE (Cknolls @ Oct 13, 2008 -> 01:45 PM) West Palm Beach Congressman Tim Mahoney (D-FL), whose predecessor resigned in the wake of a sex scandal, agreed to a $121,000 payment to a former mistress who worked on his staff and was threatening to sue him, according to current and former members of his staff who have been briefed on the settlement, which involved Mahoney and his campaign committee. Mahoney, who is married, also promised the woman, Patricia Allen, a $50,000 a year job for two years at the agency that handles his campaign advertising, the staffers said. A Mahoney spokesperson would not answer questions about the alleged affair or the settlement, but said Allen resigned of her own accord and "has not received any special payment from campaign funds." Senior Democratic leaders in the House of Representatives, including Rep. Rahm Emanuel (D-IL), the chair of the Democratic Caucus, have been working with Mahoney to keep the matter from hurting his re-election campaign, the Mahoney staffers said. A spokesperson for Emanuel denies that account, but said Emanuel did confront Mahoney "upon hearing a rumor" about an affair in 2007 and "told him he was in public life and had a responsibility to act accordingly." The spokesperson added that it was a "private conversation" that had nothin What is up with this district? FLASOXX? any thoughts? He should resign. Now.
  5. Howard Stern having fun with Obama supporters.
  6. In about a week or two, if the dow keeps going back up, we'll hear the sob stories from the idiots who paniced and sold their stocks and ira shares when they were worth s***. Too bad for you.
  7. I almost put this is the journalism bias thread, but this is more than bias, or at least something different. According to this paper, they discovered over 10,000 duplicate registrations and thousands of fictitious ones in Ohio. That is pretty bad, especially considering Democratic efforts to not have to verify anyone who is voting, there could be thousands of people who vote as someone they are not! (After the article was printed, a higher court issued a stay, so Ohio doesn't have to comply with the law for now) So what is the headline? "Bogus registrations a pain, not a danger". Wouldn't the possibility of massive voter fraud be a danger? And of course the article contained this little tidbit: "The problem appears to be particularly prevalent in registrations collected by the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or ACORN. " So once again, an organization that gets a s***load of money from Democrats, and even gets government contracts, is screwing things up. " Also this bit of info: "Of the more than 40,000 documents received from ACORN, about 10,000 have been duplicates and many have come back with invalid addresses. Of the remaining documents “I do believe fictitious ones are registered,” said Williams “We don’t cross check this. That’s supposed to be done on a state-wide database. So if that isn’t done, we don’t have the resources to do it.” So 25% of what they submit is crap. Of the rest, they can't check because they don't have the resources and/or the state is suppoed to do it, one controlled by a democrat that is doing everything in her power to not have to check id's. For all the howling that democrats did last election cycle about 'stolen elections', why is there silence about this? Oh yeah, because if true, this time it would benefit them. I am so sick of politics. http://news.cincinnati.com/article/2008101...5/1060/NEWS0104
  8. QUOTE (Texsox @ Oct 11, 2008 -> 01:58 PM) If you walked away without any discomfort or injury be happy with your car. The goal of the car design is to protect the passengers and to that goal, it sacrifices itself and takes the impact. Oh, I am happy about that, just more suprised i guess at the disparity in damage. I guess that ugly eco car is a tough hunk of metal.
  9. Today I was helping my wife out at an event for the plainfield Humane Society. It was an open house for a new strip mall, and the HSP had a table there with a few of the dogs, an available for adoption list, donation container, etc. It was fun, talking with people, showing off a cute dog to people (7 month old beagle available, if anyone is interested.) All in all a good morning and early afternoon. On the way home, however, my car got rearended by another driver. Everyone seemed fine, however after looking at the cars, I am supremely disappointed with Mitsubishi. My Galant has the back bumper barely hanging on, the trunk is bent 9 ways to sunday, the taillights smashed, and the rear quarter panels are dented where the bumper and trunk met them. Her car, a Prius, was barely scratched. A big dent in the middle of the front bumper, and some scratches, but not even an airbag deployment. Glad she has insurance, and not with some cheapo place like Eagle.
  10. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Oct 11, 2008 -> 11:37 AM) The word INVITED appears once in that article. It describes exactly what happened - a campaign staffer was INVITED to attend a meeting where, as it happens, some unsavory characters were also INVITED. And to answer your question, I am 100% sure that McCain staffers have ended up at meetings with some slimeballs. And I don't care, as long as there isn't any sort of endorsement or encouragement of anything illegal or slimy. OK, you guys are misreading what i said. One poster on here would have been creaming his jean with joy at the story, and would have it posted within seconds, much like he did with the troopergate post. Then the others would be on here trying to downplay the initial posting as not being a slam dunk (much like some of you did in the troopergate post http://www.soxtalk.com/forums/index.php?s=...&p=1779258), but still say that it is bad and not good (again, much like some of you did in the troopergate post http://www.soxtalk.com/forums/index.php?s=...&p=1779291). Second, as far as the meeting goes, you would think that ANY staffer going to a Muslim outreach meeting would at least inquire as to who the hell would be there before committing to go. Unless his Muslim outreach staffers are all brain dead f***ing idiots, which wouldn't speak too well for Obama's Hr skills then, would it. Yes, NSS, they both hang around with some scummy people, usually lobbists or people who take and/or receive bribes. CAIR and KKK are a bit fringy there, and neither one deserve to be heard by presidential candidates.
  11. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Oct 10, 2008 -> 06:11 PM) Let me get this straight. Obama is bad because one of his lieutenants hosted a community meeting/pep rally and some of the people who attended the PUBLIC meeting were unsavory? I need a yawning while playing a tiny violin emoticon. lets switch a few things around. Say a McCain staffer hosted a community meeting/pep rally and some of the people who were INVITED (not just attended, but they were INVITED) were unsavory? Maybe a few people with strong ties to white supremecy groups, or something along those lines. Just a yawn? I can guarantee you that within 5 minutes of it being printed or broadcast anywhere, AHB would have a post on here about how bad this is for the McCain campaign, followed by 30 more posts from you, Balta, Kip and others trying to downplay AHB's enthusiasm, but reiterating that it sure looks bad. I just can't believe that Obama's ties and connections to some pretty bad people like Ayers, Dorn and others doesn't bother you guys in the least. I can understand that it may not change your mind, but how can it not give you pause, just for a moment?
  12. QUOTE (BobDylan @ Oct 10, 2008 -> 05:00 PM) My experience has been that if I ask her "how much?" and she stops talking to me, she's not my type. And if she says $20, then she is too good for you.
  13. QUOTE (tommy @ Oct 10, 2008 -> 10:31 PM) It happens to be the only episode I've seen, my lord was it terrible. I agree with you. It was the first episode I have seen, and I thought it was terrible. Although i did like when the one chick tried to run out with the Mickey-Blohole shoes and hit the car head first.
  14. Obama's Muslim Outreach reaches out to controversial muslim figures, including people who support of the terrorist groups Hamas and Hezbollah and Nihad Awad, executive director of CAIR, an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation terrorism financing case. It was also supposed to be kept secret. "The meeting was not advertised and some attendees got text phone messages notifying them that day of the meeting’s location, the participant said." And this is from MSNBC!!!!! I have to give props when they get somethign right once in a while. i wonder if the Messiah has pissed them off somehow? http://deepbackground.msnbc.msn.com/archiv...09/1525564.aspx
  15. Here is a new McCain ad about Obama and ACORN.
  16. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Oct 10, 2008 -> 02:04 PM) Anyone else catch "Testees" last night. Not sure what I think about it. I can see potential there, but the first one was really just one 30 minute fart joke. I think maybe they should have started it with them being virgins to Testico, instead of seasoned testees. (ok, there is a post of the month joke just sitting right there for someone. Go on, you know you want to.)
  17. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Oct 7, 2008 -> 07:09 PM) And I'll bet that we'll wind up finding maybe 20, 25 people in the country who actually try to vote twice. And in an effort to prevent that, we'll wind up making sure a few hundred thousand people don't vote. Well, this story here says 'dozens', and that was just in texas. And that is all that they actually found. 49 other states not included in that number. or by Obama math, 56 more states. http://www.texaswatchdog.org/2008/10/dead-...-harris-county/
  18. http://www.clevelandleader.com/node/7203 Obama's ties with ACORN revealed:
  19. An old interview clip with Ayers & Dorn just for the heck of it.
  20. A thousand bucks of free landscaping to help a soldier would have done wonders for him publicity wise instead of this negative pub he is getting for being a jerk. I bet this ends up costing him more that if he just put some grass in himself and kept quiet.
  21. QUOTE (Kalapse @ Oct 10, 2008 -> 01:05 AM) "Sunny" was really bad tonight. The final 8 minutes are so really dragged and the subject matter was just unfunny. That show is headed in an odd direction. I finally watched an episode of that, and this was theone I chose. I guess I am sorta glad to hear that it sucked compared to most of their shows, because i thought it was one of the owrst things I have seen in a long time. After watching that, I couldn't believe that that was representative of the positive buzz I had previously heard. I'll give it one more shot.
  22. Just reverse their party affiliation and you would get the same answers.
  23. QUOTE (bmags @ Oct 9, 2008 -> 07:48 PM) He's out giving interviews. And just how did the media go after her 17 year old daughter, they reported on the press release the McCain campaign put out? Giving an interview and delivering a campaign speech are two very different things. If you can't see thru your rage enough to realize that, there is no point in discussing that any more. As for the daughter, yeah, they reposted on the press release. And then sent how many reporters up there to 'double check'? Sifted thru hospital records, chased down friends and some even called her a liar by saying that the kid isn't hers.
  24. QUOTE (juddling @ Oct 9, 2008 -> 06:52 PM) From the Sons of Anarchy....i love watching people get hit in the face with a skateboard!! And 's***ty' guns! And female feds who grab guys butts and have their nipples get hard when evidence goes their way.
  25. QUOTE (bmags @ Oct 9, 2008 -> 05:27 PM) Her husband is, and considering Michelle Obama was dragged through the mud in February I'd say Todd Palin has gotten a pretty free pass. But oh yes, the media is OUT TO GET MCCAIN, they built up his image for 10 years just to tear it down in some cruel trick! edit: oh, and here's your correction, it also ran on the second page of the paper: http://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/09...s-not-a-member/ Todd isn't out giving campaign speeches, Michelle is. That makes her fair game. But yeah, they are giving such a free pass to the Palin kids. Just totally ignoring them.
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