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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE (Cknolls @ Oct 7, 2008 -> 10:42 AM) Once upon a time, Obama campaign strategist David Axelrod acknowledged that Ayers and Obama were "certainly friendly[.]" As the New York Post reports, however, yesterday Axelrod was peddling the latest Obama campaign spin on the relationship: Obama had been unfamiliar with Ayers's terrorist past as recently as 1995. "There's no evidence that they're close," Axelrod added Which one is the lie? Also, we are supposed to believe a Columbia University educated, Harvard trained, U of C law professor does not know who Ayers is as of 1995? Please, Don't bulls*** a bullsh*****. You might like reading this take on the Obama/Ayers relationship. http://www.redstate.com/diaries/redstate/2...s-story-ask-ab/
  2. QUOTE (lostfan @ Oct 4, 2008 -> 07:50 PM) I'm plenty capable of handling my mortgage payments, but thanks to the bubble bursting out from underneath me my house is worth $15-20k less than what I paid for it right now, not including the improvements I've done since I've been here. I had to have my house appraised last month, and it came in $24,000 less than what I had paid for it in 2005. And I have added new roof, siding, a new garage door and hardwood floors since I bought it.
  3. QUOTE (bmags @ Oct 6, 2008 -> 04:39 PM) They preface everything with "John McCain is an honorable man who served his country" and then say "but....."
  4. QUOTE (Texsox @ Oct 6, 2008 -> 01:53 PM) I've heard some people not voting for Obama because he's Muslim and/or black. I've yet to hear someone not voting for McCain because he's white. Sad but true in 2008's America. It's wonderful we've come so far that he has a chance, but it still is not an even, race neutral contest, and probably never will be. BUt I have heard some say they are voting for him because he is black. And some say they are voting against McCain because he is old.
  5. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Oct 6, 2008 -> 01:48 PM) Interesting. If the goofy ones like that are just a handful or some very small %, then I'd say its the same as any campaign. McCain probably has some too. What would make it interesting though, is say, what % of the contributions were "questionable" in the eyes of the FEC. The problem is that over half his donations are of the 'small' tyoe needing little or no documentation, so people can just keep donating in the name of ABC at 123 main street, over, and over, and over again. http://voices.washingtonpost.com/the-trail...laint_on_o.html I hardly think McCain has raised anywhere near that amount of money in small donations or anything that isn't fully recorded. And Obama isn't exactly jumping forward with his records either.
  6. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Oct 6, 2008 -> 11:47 AM) Where are you getting these? We prefer you source your material on this board. Link? Here. http://www.newsweek.com/id/162403
  7. QUOTE (Texsox @ Oct 6, 2008 -> 09:16 AM) I think y'all missed this part in the report. Her family member's travel would be taxable income if paid by the company. Been there, done that, have the audit results. If they are reimbursements, doesn't that imply that they are paying them back for money they spent? That would not be taxable then.
  8. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Oct 4, 2008 -> 03:32 PM) So, here's my thinking on this. Take a look at the top 4 people and imagine them in a crisis. A Tom Clancy book level crisis, where a presidential decision actually could be important. Do I tell them to launch missiles or not. Do we keep the bombers running. Whatever. You may not agree with all of the people, you may not agree with their decision making process, you may not agree with the decision they come to. But with 3 of them, I think we would all have enough confidence in them that if they were put in that situation on January 21st, they'd at least make what they thought was the best decision they could possibly make based on the information they had. I seriously though can't imagine what would happen if you had to come to Governor Palin on January 21st, tell her that she's the president and that we're facing a major crisis that she has to make a decision on. I don't trust her judgement, I don't trust her understanding of any of the issues that might come up, and I think there's a distinct possibility she'd just crack under the pressure or would panic and make an idiotic move. The only one of those four that has HAD to make any kind of life altering decisions like that is McCain. You have no basis to guess from for any of the remaining three, as none of them has had to make decisions even remotely close. Can Obama, who has probably never fired a gun, have what it takes to launch a missle if needed? We will never know until you are put into that situation, as his experience to date gives you zero insight. For your question posed above, i do not see what it is in Obama's, or Biden's experience, that lets you believe that they would make the correct choice and not crack.
  9. Yeah, what's with the cowbells. You are in a dome as it is, you can't make enough noise by yelling?
  10. QUOTE (DrunkBomber @ Oct 3, 2008 -> 10:16 AM) When people talk about Palin being close to the White House it isnt because of assassination concerns, its because of his age. McCain isnt the candidate the Secret Service is worried about protecting IMO. They did an actuary study on McCain and found no issues with him surviving a first term. The report went on to say that a second term would be iffy. So what was the headline? "McCain wouldn't survive second term!"
  11. What he did was fine, but he needed to follow it up with a hit, or at least not a strikeout. And he should have kept stepping out of the box to piss him off. And maybe even bunted down third and make him field the ball.
  12. QUOTE (juddling @ Oct 2, 2008 -> 09:34 PM) Rubber band shooter **forget it kid..you'll shoot your eye out!!!!! Not sure if you remember, but when I played that assassin game many moons ago, Scott and I both had the m-16 lookalikes that shot 6 rubberbands before reloading. Mine didn't last very long before I broke it, which is why you many not remember it. Although it wasn't as easy to load as that one seems to be.
  13. I would say that Joe won, but not by enough to have changed people from one side or the other.
  14. QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Oct 2, 2008 -> 09:02 PM) Biden is going off the charts on CNN when he talks about foreign policy. Palin barely moves. Well, he should.
  15. QUOTE (Steff @ Oct 2, 2008 -> 08:36 PM) He explained it. I haven't see the quote, but he said that the comment referred to that was apparantly taken out of context. "No coal plants here in American. if they are gonna build them if they are going to build them over there (in China)" was his rersponse to the question asked of him, which was "Wind & solar are flourishing here in Ohio so why are you supporting clean coal?" So that sounds like he doesn't support clean coal, here.
  16. First John voted 15 times against alternatiove fuel funding. 2 minutes later it was 20 times. That's alot of votes in two minutes.
  17. Now Joe is for clean coal? he sure wasn't last week. OMG, the moderator actually called Joe on that, and he doubled down and said he was always for it!
  18. QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Oct 2, 2008 -> 08:25 PM) I love how Biden turned Palin's oil windfall profits tax against her saying McCain opposes something Palin thought was a good idea. And Joe and Barack agree on everything?
  19. I wish they would talk about themselves a bit.
  20. Is Joe talking slower than normal? he sounds different.
  21. QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Oct 2, 2008 -> 07:16 PM) moderator isnt doing a great job in my opinion. Just not good. Not that she's favoring one over the other, she just kind of rambles. So far, I'll agree with you.
  22. QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Oct 2, 2008 -> 07:03 PM) "Can I call you Joe?" Na... I prefer James Well, during the PRes debate, John called obama 'Senator Obama', while Obama referred to McCain as 'John'.
  23. QUOTE (bmags @ Oct 2, 2008 -> 06:51 PM) Here's what will happen. Alpha Dog and drunkbomber will watch the debates thinking that there is a biased moderator. Any question asked to Palin will be considered unfair, because the moderator is just an Obama hack. And all of Palin's awful answers will just be due to unfair questions. Or, just like in the first debate b/w presidential candidates, the moderator will give out a broad topic, allow both 90 seconds, then try and facilitate them to debate each other. If she performs like the Presidential moderator, that would be a good thing. I thought he did well to ask the questions and get out of the way.
  24. Every election year you hear stories of election offices being vandalized, car tires slashed, signs stolen or defaced, etc. What brings people to these heights (or lows)? And yes, i am sure people on both sides do similar things, I just like focusing on the party or peace and inclusion. http://www.kmov.com/topstories/stories/kmo...n.d2ec3e83.html http://hotair.com/archives/2008/10/02/phot...ical-tolerance/ http://admin.politickeror.com/brittenchase...candidate-signs http://www.thestarpress.com/apps/pbcs.dll/.../809180382/1002 http://media.www.bsudailynews.com/media/st...d-3437940.shtml http://www.news-journalonline.com/NewsJour...EAD04093008.htm
  25. QUOTE (mr_genius @ Oct 2, 2008 -> 06:48 PM) So this is what it's come too. Republicans are justified with spending like drunken Democrats, because the Democrats go along with it. Obama and his crappy campaign have nothing to do with my anger towards McCain. I never said I liked it. I am pointing out that your hatred seems to be focused like a laser on one person in this whole mess, when it was a lot more than one who did it. it included the man and his partner in crime who are SUPPOSED to be for change. Not much changed, did it?
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