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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Oct 2, 2008 -> 06:55 PM) Upon sighting Kap, FlaSoxxJim started asking him what the weird noise was about. Before Jim could finish his sentence, Kap blurted out, "Are we going to analyze this situation to death, Mr. Scientist and sidekick Stat Boy? Or go kick some Tampa ass?!" And marched off towards the seats. "Oh great, more manufactured outrage", muttered Fathom. FlaSoxxJim and YASNY just looked at each other and shrugged. As they started towards the stadium, they heard a yell from across the lot. "Wait for us!" they heard, but who said it?
  2. QUOTE (Texsox @ Oct 2, 2008 -> 06:43 PM) That was another point, I fear the hangover now. I don't get the headache hangover anymore, I just get sore all over like I had a 20 round fight with Tyson. Every joint and muscle aches for most of the day. I was sore for 2 days after my birthday this year. Ouch.
  3. QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Oct 2, 2008 -> 04:08 PM) Joe Lieberman - Palin wont know all the answers So, the person one heartbeat away from the presidency doesnt need to answer important questions because she's an average person and people like that. Can you honestly say that in any point in your life you gave two s***s about the VP before this? She shouldn't be expected to know everything. She hasn't had to deal with Washington politics all her life like Joe and John, and hasn't been running for president for 4 years like Obama. If you don't see improvement between now and election, then you can worry. And stop with the one heartbeat s***. McCain isn't dying, even the actuatries say he will make it thru the first term. A second term would be a bit touchier, but he isn't running for a second term, he is running for a first. Pelosi is 2 heartbeats away. I think I would f***ing move if she was ever in charge as the country would be totally f***ed.
  4. QUOTE (whitesoxbrian @ Oct 2, 2008 -> 01:25 PM) I'm so tired of our SPs giving runs back after we get some. It's very annoying, and if I were Ozzie, I'd get Richard up a.s.a.p. Yeah, Javy isn't unique in that aspect.
  5. Woo Hoo! i mean crap! i mean woo hoo! 2 run lead, but we'll see Wise even more! Crap! I mean woo hoo!
  6. Woo Hoo! i mean crap! i mean woo hoo! 2 run lead, but we'll see Wise even more! Crap! I mean woo hoo!
  7. What did he THINK would happen with a golf swing like that?
  8. QUOTE (Cknolls @ Oct 2, 2008 -> 01:02 PM) A little while back, people sent me this news on Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner instructing her staff to disallow absentee ballot request forms distributed by the McCain campaign if the respondents failed to check a box declaring themselves a qualified elector. I went into Ohio state law and saw that an absentee ballot request must include "a statement that you are a qualified elector." It may seem ticky-tack to deny a request because a box wasn't checked — particularly from the party that insisted a "dimpled chad" constituted a legitimate vote — but like it or not, Brunner's interpretation seemed in keeping with Ohio law. But Brenner's making two absolutely unacceptable decisions now. The first is that she's permitting absentee ballots be cast by those who have temporary addresses such as homeless shelter or a YMCA. The problem is that then someone can go into the next county and register there, too. Under this system, one person could vote in every county in Ohio, listing a different YMCA as your address in each one. Why vote for your candidate once when you can give him 88 votes in that vital swing state? Second, she says counties can reject outside election monitors. You can guess how this rule is being interpreted - heavily Democratic counties are (surprise!) turning away Republican election monitors. The only chance of stopping this is scrutiny... Nothing to see here move along to the next county,.....and ......vote for Obama. You know, I can understand people becoming argumentative about their respective candidates. I can even understand younger people stealign yard signs or something. but at what point does your mind just lose it and possess you to do s*** like that, that you KNOW is just wrong?
  9. QUOTE (mr_genius @ Oct 2, 2008 -> 12:52 PM) Yes I single him out, he is the GOP presidential candidate. I expect this stuff from Nancy Pelosi and a majority of the Dems; I criticize them all the time. What is the point of even having a 'conservative' political party if this is how they are going to run things? look at spending, it's totally out of control. McCain is running as a fiscal conservative, a fighter of earmarks, but when a bloated bailout bill comes along he totally supports it. This just shows me that McCain has no problem running massive deficits and crazy spending bills. The biggest issue for me in this election is responsible spending and energy advancement and he's pissing me off on one of those issues. And what did Mr Changy do? Or his veep choice? i don't recall any reports of the great changanator calling the 90 odd dems that didn't vote the first time to try and sway their minds. or any attempts to reach across the aisle. (Since you haven't ansered yet, Mr. Changy and the gaff-o-matic voted YEA. Real change there)
  10. QUOTE (BlackBetsy @ Oct 2, 2008 -> 01:58 PM) ROY voting has already taken place. Right after regular season. Well, good!
  11. I actually like the approach they are using, so far. Throw strikes. Hopefully it won't result in anythign other than the one he gave up already.
  12. Shields is throwing strikes, so they have to pay attention to the first pitch. Come on guys!
  13. QUOTE (Texsox @ Oct 2, 2008 -> 12:32 PM) So they hopped in Jim's Dodge Dart and drove to the stadium where they hoped to get on TV with all their Sox gear. They even decided on black socks to match their sandals. Sadly, it wasn't much of a statement, as almost all of the Rays fans wear knee high black socks with their shorts. "We're outnumbered here, even if they ARE older than us" exclaimed YASNY. "We need some extra support", thought FlaSoxxJim. Time to dog out the Soxtalk phonebook!
  14. A partial list of Gwen Ifill's questions for the VP debate Mayor Palin, Barack Obama is a handsome, charismatic demigod. How many boxes of Kleenex will you need after your crushing loss? Senator Biden, what is your favorite color? And if you have time for a follow-up question: Why? Mayor, you talk funny and you own a tanning bed. Why haven't you released Trig's birth certificate? Senator, have you seen those pictures of Obama in his swim trunks? If not, I have them right here. Mayor, what are the names, ages, and blood types of all 71 members of the Belgian Senate? And why are you unwilling to admit that your inability to instantly produce any and every fact I demand makes you unfit to stand in the way of history? Senator, you've spoken at length. Could you please continue? Mayor, which is your preferred method of stifling dissent, banning books or burning them? Since it's both, please explain how you can deny the accusation that you're a fascist, which I am making now.
  15. QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Oct 2, 2008 -> 12:13 PM) Palin to attack Biden... on foreign policy? This from the woman who once said she hasnt payed much attention to Iraq. She didn't have to as governor. how much attention to foreign affairs did Obama have, before deciding to run for president? Or Jimmy Carter? or Ronald Regean? or Bill Clinton? And these guys were going for the top spot, and din't know all that much until they decided to go for it. She shouldn't be expected to be a f***ing genius on world affiars in just a few months. if you have to know it all before you run, then Obama shouldn't have run either, because other than his few 'votes' on Iraq, he didn't know s*** either.
  16. http://www.autobloggreen.com/2008/10/01/am...straight-month/
  17. QUOTE (Texsox @ Oct 2, 2008 -> 10:02 AM) You must write two to three sentences, including one Soxtalk poster. Please try and keep the story line. FlaSoxxJim is in line at Denny's for their Early Bird Special before the Sox - Rays playoff game when he meets up with YASNY. Over the low cholesterol skinless, fatless, tasteless, chicken breasts YASNY decides they should do something crazy during the game to show their support for Javy. "Maybe we could shave our heads as a sign of support" said FlaSoxxJim. YASNY considered that for a moment, but only for a moment. He really didn't want to shave off what little hair he had left.
  18. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Oct 2, 2008 -> 11:22 AM) And you missed my point. The McCain OK'd the choice of Ifill even though they knew about the book. Perhaps they saw a built in excuse in case Palin performed poorly? I wonder if any of them did know, at least before her selection. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/26978194/?GT1=43001 You would think that when being talked about as a moderator for a VP debate, that would be some important information for those making the decision to know. I don't discount your suggestion that they knew and wanted to keep her there for just those reasons, but it is funny how every decision by a R has some ulterior motive, while the ones by D's are driven by ideological purity and nothign else. Just an 'oops' that she didn't tell, or that if someone on the committe knew, didn't say.
  19. QUOTE (mr_genius @ Oct 2, 2008 -> 11:21 AM) He supports it. He will vote for it. Screw him. He as much to blame as anyone. And yet you single him out for your wrath.
  20. About 3 weeks ago, my 15 year old son comes to the door and says 'Dad, brianna's parents want to meet you and mom'. Brianna is his girlfriend of 4 weeks. Every thought in the world went thru my head at that very moment I swear causing what little hair I have left to turn gray and age me 10 more years. Having the 'talk' with the redneck father that only sees a walking penis when looking at his daughter's boyfriends, and remembering what I was like and got away with at his age, just made me dread that conversation even more.
  21. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Oct 2, 2008 -> 12:11 PM) The McCain camp knew about the book beforehand. They could have asked for a different moderator. You miss the point. Whoever picked the moderator knew about the book as well, and she should have never been offered the spot. Can't they find someone who at least doesn't appear to want one side or the other to win?
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