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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE (mr_genius @ Oct 2, 2008 -> 12:14 PM) I like how McCain 'went and worked on bailout bill' which now is f***ing loaded with earmarks; then goes out and campaigns on an responsible spending platform This guy is such a hack and I've lost all patience with the GOP and John McCain. You're going to lose by double digits McCain and we are laughing at you, douche. You might still get the dumb as a rock evangelical vote because of Palin, but you are going down in flames with around 20% of your voter base. If you are going to complain about the pork in the bill, you need to direct that at the people who control congress, not McCain.
  2. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Oct 2, 2008 -> 11:20 AM) s***, Im 27 and my recovery time from sports or even injuries gets longer every day. I got advice from an older family member awhile back that I think made a large impact on me. He said that he wishes he was more active when his body could actually perform the way he wanted it to. He mentioned that people spend alot of time working and watching TV and not enough enjoying the time when you can actually play sports, or run races or even just be active all the time. My advice to everyone is that you shouldnt take your physical health for granted because one day, its gone. YES, but excercise caution. 3 knee surgeries, 2 broken feet and a torn totator cuff from being active while I can have severly hampered my ability to do much of anything now. Walking is a pain, literally, I dread stairs and a creak louder than my floorboards when I walk. And I am only 40.
  3. Here is what will happen. The moderator will ask Biden a generic question. Biden will answer at length, throwing in some tiny bit of obscure data about the question that maybe 10 people even know about. The moderator will then rephrase the question to Palin, somehow using that little tidbit that Biden threw in, challenging her to respond to that. There will be lots of mentions of Alaska and Delaware, 3 attempts to tie Palin/McCain to Bush, 3 or 4 mentions of mutual respect for each other, 1 mention of moose and no mentions of the moderator having a book about the political success of Barack Obama coming out on the day of inaugaration, which whould sell much better if Obama is actually President.
  4. I still felt young and kid-like after getting married. I think it was when I first spent a LOT of money of some quality living room furniture. No futons, no milk crates, quality stuff.
  5. I would rather have BA than Wise in the outfield.
  6. QUOTE (lostfan @ Sep 29, 2008 -> 06:08 PM) In the United States? I dunno. They are definitely hypocrites overseas, though. OK, so it wasn't a mosque, but it was crimes against themselves that they tried to pass off as muslim-bashing. And it was also in Ohio. http://www.americanthinker.com/2006/08/kaf...s_as_viole.html
  7. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Sep 30, 2008 -> 03:56 PM) Gwen Ifill, who is scheduled to moderate Thursday's VP debate, broke her ankle today carrying debate related materials up some stairs. She's still expected to moderate. She also wrote a book about Obama. Hopefully she can stay as in the background as the guy who did the Presidential debate did. http://www.ibdeditorials.com/IBDArticles.a...307665403952437
  8. Jenks was throwing in the high 90's his last 2 or 3 times out. I don't remmeber him doing it much during the rest of the year though.
  9. The dejected look in the Twins faces was fun to watch. Danks was the man. No, IS the man.
  10. QUOTE (Leonard Zelig @ Sep 29, 2008 -> 01:16 PM) I have temporary possession of a WII. I have 2 controllers with nunchucks. What would be some fun games to rent? Rampage is pretty fun to play with 2 players. just make sure you have enough room between you both or you end up with black eyes.
  11. Did he have a phrase or saying that he always used? I had a boss that always used to say 'If you want oragami, you pay for oragami', so we had that put on a sign for him.
  12. EvilMonkey

    Lottery 'losers'

    I played thr lotto back in 1987, picked 6 numbers, all familiar dates, etc. I got 5 of the numbers right, won $2300. Bought a new stereo for college, a few hundred bucks worth of booze for a kick ass party and had the rest to pay for tuition. The one number I didn't get? mom's birthday. I heard about that one for a long time.
  13. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Sep 29, 2008 -> 07:26 PM) That argument is akin to saying you can't stop driving like an asshole because other people still drive like assholes. Someone has to go first, and the others are a lot more likely to take it easy if some people have the balls and the brains to see the big picture. We're supposed to lead. Let's lead. I didn't say that the US couldn't cut their emmissions, but that the supposed world goal will never be reached by just the US and EU cutting off thier balls while everyone else can hang free.
  14. Bukkake 27: The Milwaukee Files
  15. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Sep 25, 2008 -> 06:32 PM) CO2 emissions last year jumped by an amount that was so high it was outside of the upper bound predicted by the IPCC in their worst case scenario a year ago. You will never get the type of positive change you want nuntil you can bring on board all the poor coutries. Handicapping the US and Europe while China and India proceed full steam ahead is just economic disaster on a different level. The Eu already tried to find every way possible to get out of their Kyoto committments. Now they are trying harder. http://www.euractiv.com/en/climate-change/...-175773?Ref=RSS
  16. Biden has his own bridge to almost nowhere.
  17. The updated story today contains this bit: http://www.daytondailynews.com/n/content/o...islamicweb.html Muslims in the past have been known to do things to themselves and scream about islamophobia, so i will withhold judgement until they come to some sort of conclusion. If it was something done by someone other than a fellow muslim, I hope they catch them and punish accordingly.
  18. QUOTE (whitesoxfan101 @ Sep 27, 2008 -> 10:54 PM) Javy must be traded. You can't bring him back after everything that has happened, both in terms of how he's pitched and how he's handeled other things, during his last 3 starts. Javy and A.J. jawing is cute though. Both of them have CLEARLY quit (although they aren't the only ones) and that's been the case for a couple weeks now, so they would have a lot to talk about. If you thik Aj quit because his batting has sucked lately, then you must think just about the whole team is done. Aj is one of the few guys I see sliding into second base hard on sure double plays, even when he is clearly out. I can handle trying and not doing. But when you look like you areb't even doing that, that has been Javy lately. Seems like he got the Sirotka disease: one run, hit, error or non-called strike, and mentally he's done.
  19. Maybe we should offer free shooting coures to gangbangers so that they can actually hit the other gangbangers they are aiming at instead of always nailing the 3 year old 2 houses over.
  20. QUOTE (farmteam @ Sep 28, 2008 -> 02:25 AM) I didn't take it as that at all. As someone (lostfan maybe?) mentioned, the GOP seems to like acting as if they are the only ones who are allowed to care about troops. McCain used his sentimental story, and Obama threw back at him saying "Yes John, I care about them too. What point are you trying to prove?" I'd say it was a draw, but I think it went more towards Obama a little. I felt that Obama was actually trying to talk to McCain on civilized level (calling him John, looking at him, etc.), whereas McCain was more condescending. I think demeanor like that goes a long way with many voters. Also, what was the deal with the "South Koreans are three inches taller than North Koreans" bit? http://newsbusters.org/blogs/warner-todd-h...let-where-media Apparently the family has asked Obama to stop wearing and talking about the bracelet, but he has decided to ignore them and do it anyway.
  21. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Sep 27, 2008 -> 01:33 PM) and he did that by not talking about foreign policy I personally though he got slapped down after his Kissenger comments. He almost seemed scared when McCain jumped on him about it.
  22. I don't know if this is in any of the pages i didn't read, but there are more that one dirty little secret in that bailout bill. Like this one put in by Dodd to siphon off money to groups like ACORN, instead of using sales with profits to cover sales with losses. http://volokh.com/posts/1222499614.shtml#subscribe So, each sale has it's own transaction rules. Lose money on sale #1, oh well. make money on sale #2, give 20% to Dems pet projects instead of covering the losses of sale #1. Not good.
  23. QUOTE (lostfan @ Sep 27, 2008 -> 02:20 PM) During the primaries the prevailing opinion was that Hillary was a stronger debater than Obama. Well, i do remember that, but I swear the last few weeks have had people believing that Obama would be lucky to find the podium in a debate, and if he just survuves, it would be a victory! That low of expectations I don't remember.
  24. You know, i don't remember hearing too much about Obama being a weak debator until the last few weeks. Was that an intentional dumbing-down of the expectations by the Obama camp? It may have been said much earlier, but I really don't recall hearing that. I do recall hearing how Obama prefered the styles where he can use canned answers instead of having to talk off the cuff, but don't recall such low expectations about him.
  25. QUOTE (lostfan @ Sep 26, 2008 -> 10:01 PM) Dude. It's Keith Olbermann. Seriously. I think he beats off to video clips of Obama speeches at night. I know, I just thought of all the things for him to go off about, he chose that. That man has issues.
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