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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE (Texsox @ Sep 8, 2008 -> 07:41 AM) Sorry, mistypes. Yes, TASS. Bush would not have any problems with his message being reported wrong, we would get exactly what the government is saying. As soon as that mews starts to get filtered, bias comes into play, and it seems that is not something we want. Theirs was a totally unbiased (by the media) system. You see it is impossible to have an unbiased system with independent reporters and editors. They will not report what the government is telling them, instead they will go out and search for other sources. That starts to change the government story and introduces the possibility of bias. And the only bias we are worried about is the bias between Dems and Reps. Seemingly there is no other bias in the media. What ever happened to 'who', 'what', where', when'? When did it turn into 'this is why I think it happened and why I think you should care'? When you read the stories and you can hear the feelings coming from whoever wrote them, they didn't do their job right. Unless they are a columnist/editorialist. But if you are a newsreader or reporter, you are supposed to report, not interpret. Sure, dig for more info if you want to be 'investigative', but still only report what you find, not what you HOPED to find and were disappointed NOT to find and are SURE is correct even though you couldn't find ANY evidence whatsoever.
  2. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Sep 8, 2008 -> 06:36 AM) Good! Maybe they should try and keep this secret from Teddy Kennedy so he doesn't try and stop it again. Wouldn't want to ruin his view, you know.
  3. Could the MTV awards last night have been considered a campaign contribution for Obama with all the pro-Obama announcements made on air? I mean, who the f*** is Russel Brand, and who does he think he is calling anyong who doesn't vote for Obama a racist and calling our sitting President retarded? Whatever your views about bush are, that's like someone coming up to you and your brother and calling your brother retarded. it's ok if YOU tease your brother, but not some outsider. http://www.mtv.com/overdrive/?id=1594254&vid=272743 "Please elect Barack Obama. Please... On behalf of the world. Some people... Some people, I think they're called racists, say America is not ready for a black president. But, I know America to be a forward thinking country, right? Because, otherwise, you know, you would have let that retarded cowboy fellow be president for 8 years? We were very impressed. It was nice of you to let that one go because in England George Bush wouldn't be trusted with a pair of scissors." And worse, it's not even funny. And then there was this: "I am obliged by broadcasting law to show some balance in this situation, which means, uh, the Republicans might be alright. Sarah Palin. She’s a VILF! A vice president I’d like to…fumble, fondle, I dunno. I do feel a little bit sorry for her daughter, getting pregnant, poor kid. Is it a boy? Is it a girl? It’s a P.R. stunt. Come on. Be honest. And I feel most sorry for that poor teenaged father. Boy. One minute, he’s just a teenaged lad in Alaska having joyful, unprotected sex. And the next minute: Get to the Republican convention. I think that is the best safe sex message of all time. Use a condom or become Republican! …That boy will spend the rest of his life masturbating while wearing a condom." And there was the usual very intelligent comments by some of the 'stars' on the way in, like this one from Russel Simmons:''Palin, what's that?'' Simmons asked about the John McCain's running-mate choice. ''He went all the way to the right and got the most conservative person who knows nothing about the struggle of most Americans and made her the vice presidential nominee. That's amazing. Any skirt will do.'' http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/arts/AP-MT...amp;oref=slogin Way to go Russell, just insult all women in one shot.
  4. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/08/business...agewanted=print The money paragraphs:
  5. QUOTE (juddling @ Sep 7, 2008 -> 03:58 PM) Bacon vodka.....nice!!!!!!!! Bacon!!!!!!!!!! Yo Bill! If Star can make it, clear the 20th for my place. We will be having bacon dogs along with the usual fare. I'll let you know in a day or two for sure. You can bring the bacon vodka.
  6. QUOTE (bigruss22 @ Sep 7, 2008 -> 06:04 PM) So in my Speech Communication 101 class we had to give speeches about ourselves to start the class off, and this girl came up and started talking about how she loved the Republican party, and as an independent (mainly because I feel too young and dont know enough about the parties to really justify picking one, and I would much rather make my decisions based on how I believe rather than a party belief etc.), I was excited to hear what she had to say regarding the GOP. I have never really talked to a real GOP backer, except for one teacher whom I loved to talk to about politics, and thought it would be great to learn about why she loved the party when everyone around her is a democrat (when you live in college towns as I have its hard not to be surrounded by dems). What I learned from her is: 1) If youre not Republican, youre not American. 2) Her parents were Republican and therefore she was too, and cried when Clinton won even though it was way back in elementary school. 3) She loves Pres. Bush because he's really cool and cute. 4) Loves the Iraqi war, no reason given. 5) Hates Obama, she gets sick even at the mention of him, and cant shop at Hollister anymore even though its her favorite store because they were selling Obama shirts, 8 of them!! 6) She basically said "Im a tool, Im a tool, a tool, tool, tool, an unbelievably annoying tool" (yes, its that guy from Scrubs) Im worried about our future... The thing is, you will have people like this on both sides of the spectrum. Tex and I have often sparred on voting when I mention that people like this, on either side, who can't take the time or don't have the brain cells to actually inform themselves, at least a little bit, about more than 1 issue shouldn't go vote. then tex accuses me of trying to deny people their right to vote, and on it goes again.
  7. QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Sep 7, 2008 -> 10:01 AM) Obama registers 49,000 news Virginians http://www.audacityofhypocrisy.com/2008/07...ud-in-virginia/ As an aside, ACORN has been caught filing bogus names MANY times in many states. How are they still able to get all these government grants for voter registration, and when will someone higher up the organization be put in jail?
  8. Obama now says that he once considered joining the military. http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0908/13217.html Only problem, there was no selective service in 1979. Ford stopped it in 1975, and carter reinstated it in 1980, AFTER Obama graduated. Did he lie to try and make himself seem not so anti-military, or just misremember?
  9. http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/20...republicans2008 The UK Guardian chides the American MSM. A good read.
  10. QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Sep 6, 2008 -> 10:16 PM) You really don't have to look too far back. Look at what Lieberman was saying in May about Hamas and Obama.... The claim originated in January 08's Insight Magazine, a GOP leaning rag owned by the same people who publish the Washington Times. Senator James Inhofe (R-OK) at the RNC. Senator Joseph Lieberman (I-CT) while stumping for McCain on Aug 12. August 7, 2008 - Hannity and Colmes Your first one from Joe sounds pretty bad, but I don't see the rest. Still no race card, though. Not trying to scare whitey because he 'looks different'. Maybe trying to scare him into thinking he is gonna tax them into the poor house, but not because he looks different. What does your father do? No sinister motives here, just curious. Ihave no relatives in office other than one cousin whi is a small town mayor. I have a few 'friends' who have some 'connections', which enabled me to meet a few people, mostly Illinois guys, but a few national ones as well, but nobody who was elected anything.
  11. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB122040089460493157.html There's a lot more at the link, along with a map.
  12. QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Sep 6, 2008 -> 07:49 PM) Read your own quote again. Did he say McCain? Or did he say Republicans? My parents aren't involved with the campaign, but they are card-carrying Republicans, literally. I reference Obama saying something, he responds back that posters, and his parents, here say similar stuff. I said well, they aren't part of the party. They may be dyed-in-the-wool Republicans, but they are not a member of the Party. (Or Do they attend meetings with the RNC? ) Obama himself is playing the race card, not Republicans (party members, etc.)
  13. An interesting read on Barack's views on Community Organizers. http://tnr.com/politics/story.html?id=2e0a...4c-25e791ff0f50
  14. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Sep 6, 2008 -> 07:03 PM) So, you complain about how they don't mention the party affiliation, and then say that oh wait, they mentioned it, just not soon enough for your taste. Wrongo, o great one. I mentioned earlier that often when the Do mention it, it is way at the end of the story, where most readers don't go. Oh, and i just realized that that wasn't an AP story. AP waits 7 paragraphs to mention it, despite the obvious opening in the first line. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080905/ap_on_..._vacation_villa Why can't they just be consistent?
  15. I keep getting told that the papers only mention the party affiliation when they are national politicians like Senators or Reps. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/05/nyregion...amp;oref=slogin Charlie Rangel, CHAIRMAN of the House Ways and means Committee, which WRITES the federal Tax Code, FORGOT to pay taxes on rental income. "Mr. Davis said the congressman did not realize he had to declare the money as income,". He is a DEMOCRAT, which you don't find out about for 15 paragraphs. poor Mr. Rangel. Maybe all those tax laws are just too complicated for someone to follow.
  16. Just a day or so ago, the Great One decried that if any of his staff leveled what could be concieved as personal attacks against Palin, that he would fire them. Enter Howard Gutman, member of the national Finance Committee for Obama. http://perfunction.typepad.com/perfunction...o-obama-to.html Gutman gets away scott free, with a weak apology from the Obama camp. Why not fired? Money. Can we expect to hear "That is not the Gutman that I knew..."?
  17. QUOTE (DABearSoX @ Sep 5, 2008 -> 10:38 PM) I look at all this and say "was that game of high school intermural basketball really worth it" That's what I did my last one as well (well, college intermural)! I was on a breakaway going to dunk the ball (I could do it, but had never done it in a game) and I hit a loose floorboard. Wipeout! Messed the other one up playimg tennis.
  18. QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Sep 5, 2008 -> 11:31 PM) If this isnt right out of the bush playbook, i dont know what isnt.... If you dot like the results, replace the "judge" with a move favorable one. Well, the allegations first surfaced in a blog belonging to Andrew Halcro, the guy who happened to be the losing candidate in the 2006 gubernatorial election. No agenda there. http://www.ktuu.com/global/story.asp?s=8695727 The prosecutor appointed to look into things is Steve Branchflower who served as an Assistant District Attorney in Anchorage from 1974-1998, held numerous positions which required him to work extremely closely with the Anchorage Police Department, where Walt Monegan would become chief in 2001. He provided legal advice to APD officers, trained APD officers, and was even a co-founder of the APD's Homicide Response Team. His wife also worked as a detective for the APD, not retiring until 2002, meaning that she worked under Walt Monegan. In short, it seems impossible to believe that Branchflower, whose entire career was wrapped up in his relationships with the APD, and his detective wife did not have at least some professional relationship with Walt Monegan, who was obviously one of the city's top cops. Mrs. Branchflower also briefly came out of retirement to work as a cold case detective for the Alaska State Troopers. http://community.adn.com/adn/node/128171 And with the initial Wooten stuff happening in 2005, why did it take until 2008 for her to fire someone, supposedly because he wouldn't fire Wooten? I don't blame her for wanting someone else to look into this. From the getgo it smells like a political witchhunt.
  19. QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Sep 5, 2008 -> 07:43 PM) yea, that's a YouTube moment right there. I didnt see it live. I saw it replayed this morning. Its actually on the ncb site. I am sure they would squash it were it to make it to Youtube. She sounded real happy.
  20. Quotes from people in Alaska re:Palin: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/worl...icle4671858.ece Although it was the 'water flowing thru their sluice boxes' that got my attention.
  21. On a more light-hearted note, and of you MSNBC watchers see Andrea mitchel get lost in a sea of balloons? After McCain's speech, they cut to her on the convention floor, and you could barely see her, sometimes not at all, as the balloons kept dropping.
  22. I have knee problems similar to yours that so far several doctors can't explain. I had surgery on both of them over the years, and while the docs say everything inside is fine, my right one occasionally just locks up. I can be sitting, and when i try to stand up, it won't straighten, and if I don't catch myself, i fall over. And it hurts when it does that. And like yours, sometimes is just seems to pop out or something for just a sec, and then hurts like hell for a few days. Good luck, I know your pain.
  23. QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Sep 5, 2008 -> 06:51 PM) Ok, so that even caught me a little off guard. So, I got to thinking... He drew a lot, probably over 35 million, but more than Obama? Probably not and here's why: Let me try and break this down a little. Ratings are typically done in "chunks". Radio does it in 3-4 hour frames, but TV obviously does it by hour or half hour. So, the "bleed" from football might have been a few minutes, but it technically fell into the 9PM CDT time slot. So, even if all of them turned off their TV, they factor in. I dont know the specifics, but I bet a million or two were statistical anomalies rather than actual views. To back that up, 4.6 watched Obama on CBS and 6.1 on NBC. So, while CBS went up .4 million, NBC went up 1.9 million. That's a big jump for NBC compared to a competitor. Just a thought. Not trying to belittle the speech, just offering an opinion from a guy who had to study the radio ratings system while in college. Would it just kill you if for once your god didn't end up on top?
  24. QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Sep 5, 2008 -> 06:16 PM) Yet I can point to several Republicans in this forum who says he hangs out with radicals. I guess that would mean that he isn't the only one saying it. And as far as the muslim thing? I heard it. From my Republican parents. One of whom is a Political Science professor. So again, he isn't the only one saying it. To borrow some words from other posters here, your Republican parents and the people here are not part of the McCain campaign, are they? Obama is accusing the McCain campaign of using the race card, and so far, they have not. Sounds like chicken little.
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