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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE (thedoctor @ Sep 5, 2008 -> 06:58 PM) that was false. a reporter who was in the front in the press area could see both palin and the teleprompter said there was no malfunction. The official word was that they didn't stop it long enough several times during the applause and that by the time she was able to speak again, the first sentance or two were already gone.
  2. Geeze. Sqirt and ahb mock the enthusiasm shown by the attendees, but if they just sat there, they would be saying that is evidence that the rank and file just don't care. The people there were oviously excited, and they showed it. Just wondering, did Obama have any fainters during his speech at the convention, or have they stopped that now that the press got ahold of it? Did the Democratic attendees scream, clap and shout, or were they silent?
  3. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Sep 5, 2008 -> 03:48 PM) I think my point was missed - I probably didn't describe it well. If the cop was guilty of those things, then he should be fired. I have zero issue with that. What I have issue with is the governor stepping in to act in her personal interests when it fits her needs. So if her interests and the state's interests are the same, she should ignore it? Call in the DOJ?
  4. QUOTE (jackie hayes @ Sep 5, 2008 -> 03:47 PM) Nope, you're right. One of the programs (Alaska Challenge Youth Academy) was moved to a different budget area (not a different program, just an accounting change). The other programs, cumulatively, were cut, but only slightly (a school for the deaf and an educational program for patients of a psychiatric hospital received exactly the same funding, while an outreach program for severely disabled students was cut by about 1%). Still not a great record for being an advocate, but my facts were wrong. See post above yours.
  5. QUOTE (jackie hayes @ Sep 5, 2008 -> 01:20 PM) No, the question was about funding for special needs kids, not the teen mothers housing question. She dramatically cut programs for special needs schools. I mean, a LOT. Actual budget figures, all approx: Pre-Palin FY2007 budget: FY2005 Actual: $6.9 mil FY2006 Plan: $7.9 mil FY2007 Governor: $8.3 mil Palin's FY2008 budget: FY2006 Actual: $7.9 mil FY2007 Plan: $3.2 mil FY2008 Governor: $3.2 mil 2007: http://www.gov.state.ak.us/omb/07_OMB/budg...ED/comp2735.pdf 2008: http://www.gov.state.ak.us/omb/08_OMB/budg...ED/comp2735.pdf The FY2009 budget is more of the same: http://www.gov.state.ak.us/omb/09_omb/budg...ED/comp2735.pdf So you are basically 100% wrong. OK, here it is. The difference in the budget was that the Alaskan Challenge Youth Academy was removed from that department, and had it's own seperate budget. $6 million for 2009. That's why when you look at the 2008 budget, it manages to say "An INCREASE in the base student allocation will provide funding for additional outreach services for the SESA." under the signifigant changes section. An increase. Add that $6 million into the $3+ million and you have over $9 million, an increase. http://www.gov.state.ak.us/omb/09_omb/budg...ED/comp2837.pdf
  6. QUOTE (Texsox @ Sep 5, 2008 -> 07:38 AM) or -.02 after reading yours Come now, you overestimate the value of my writing.
  7. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Sep 5, 2008 -> 03:06 PM) Those are very good points. With the librarian, frankly, I doubt that the local librarian in Wassila was trying to plaster the walls with porn or anything. I guess I lean towards no censorship in libraries at all, barring something like live sex acts or whatever. The trooper was an asshole. But, its not her place to go firing her ex-brother in law. In fact, if she was smart, that would mean she would stay the heck away from that case. Why should she not concern herself with a rouge cop on the state force who had already threatened her sister and father, tasered a kid and done numerous other things that would get the ordinary person fired or jailed, but because of union b****ing, only got suspended 5 days? He is a lawsuit waiting to happen.
  8. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Sep 5, 2008 -> 01:32 PM) Just out of curiosity, what new stuff did Senator McCain say? You don't think him saying that 'Washington change us" was new? Even if the whole world knew it, not many politicians say it. He was even nice to Obama in his speech, you know, we are more alike than different, etc.
  9. Did MSNBC give Code Pink passes? http://newsbusters.org/blogs/mark-finkelst...ad-msnbc-badges For the interuption during Palin's speech, the woman removed had been wearing the name tag of a delegation alternate, who says she did NOT give her permission to use her name or anything. Identity theft? Any denouncing from the Obama camp? I mean, they ARE major Obama contributors, and the founder MEdiah, or whatever the hell her name is even meets with the Obama camp from time to time.
  10. We keep hearing that the press wouldn't cover McCain because he was always saying the same thing. How many times has Obama used this in a speech somewhere? http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalpunch/20...-says-mcca.html That was today. How many times can he trhow that imaginary race card? Ok, I know Muslim isn't a race, but you get the point. He keeps saying that republicans are going to say X, when HE is the only one saying it.
  11. QUOTE (jackie hayes @ Sep 5, 2008 -> 01:20 PM) No, the question was about funding for special needs kids, not the teen mothers housing question. She dramatically cut programs for special needs schools. I mean, a LOT. Actual budget figures, all approx: Pre-Palin FY2007 budget: FY2005 Actual: $6.9 mil FY2006 Plan: $7.9 mil FY2007 Governor: $8.3 mil Palin's FY2008 budget: FY2006 Actual: $7.9 mil FY2007 Plan: $3.2 mil FY2008 Governor: $3.2 mil 2007: http://www.gov.state.ak.us/omb/07_OMB/budg...ED/comp2735.pdf 2008: http://www.gov.state.ak.us/omb/08_OMB/budg...ED/comp2735.pdf The FY2009 budget is more of the same: http://www.gov.state.ak.us/omb/09_omb/budg...ED/comp2735.pdf So you are basically 100% wrong. I think for now, I'll have to give you that one. I know I heard something about large parts of that department being transfered to another government body, but I can't find that at the moment. if I do, I will post it.
  12. QUOTE (Soxy @ Sep 5, 2008 -> 02:04 PM) Okay, give me one republican community organizer that deserves a high ranking public office. Just take community organizer out of that, and they still don't get elected. Jesus would have that whole immaculate conception thing get blown all over the MSM, and so on. With the invasive media culture of today, you almost have to decide you want to go into politics around age 10 and start managing your life accordingly.
  13. US magazine may not be MSM, but they are suffering just the same it seems. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/26549704/ It has been coming to my house for years, despite my protest. I just get so sick seeing all the fake celebs on the cover (Heidi Montag, anyone?) and have been trying to convince Mrs. Alpha Dog to cancel it for years. but since she got some deal for like $10 a year, she hasn't wanted to. She saw a story on the cover page, and now I get to stop that crap from coming into my house! Yah! It really is a rag.
  14. QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Sep 5, 2008 -> 01:02 PM) I'll post this and let you say what you will, but let the dot connecting begin. 1) National Enquirer Palin Affair Rumor - Sarah Palin had an affair with her husband Todd Palin’s business partner 2) Todd Palin's former business partner files an emergency motion to have his divorce papers sealed. Just keep an eye on this. Maybe he just doesn't want his stuff being used as political fodder for anyone? What if it turns out he got divorced because he f***ed a seal and his wife found out? Or maybe he was beating his wife? Or maybe she was beating him? I am sure he wouldn't want the whole damn country knowing that, just because Obamaites want to know.
  15. QUOTE (Steff @ Sep 5, 2008 -> 01:00 PM) Thanks No prob. I know pols cut programs all the time, but i hate it when i read, about anyone, that they 'cut' a program, when all they did was cut the amount of increase. Now if they say she lowered the funding increase from $5 million to $3.8 million, that's cool. But it is still an increase.
  16. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Sep 5, 2008 -> 12:57 PM) I wasn't comparing Obama to Jesus. She crapped all over community organizers to rounds of cheers. Jesus was a community organizer. So was Martin Luther King. So was Ceaser Chavez. Did she think they were worthless figures too? And if any of them had a R after their names, they wouldn't stand a chance of being elected, to anything.
  17. QUOTE (Steff @ Sep 5, 2008 -> 12:43 PM) Ya got a link so I can read about it myself? TIA. She may have seem or heard about this story: http://voices.washingtonpost.com/the-trail...ml?hpid=artslot It shows a pic of her crossing out the $5 million and putting $3.8 million instead. Here is the groups budget for 2006. http://www.guidestar.org/pqShowGsReport.do...mp;npoId=332976 Note the line under revenue from government grants. $1.2 million. It seems like a raise to $3.8 million is a pretty big cut, in government-speak.
  18. QUOTE (Steff @ Sep 5, 2008 -> 12:38 PM) My sister said she read that Palin actually cut federal funding to programming that helped the parents of special needs children in Alaska. She INCREASED IT! She cut the amount of the increase from 300% to 175%. So, in government speak, that is a cut, I guess.
  19. QUOTE (southsideirish71 @ Sep 5, 2008 -> 12:36 PM) She has done nothing but shown support and love for the child. If she was the VP, don't you think thats a powerful advocate for children with special needs. If she dismissed the child, hid the child, and never mentioned the downs syndrome people would be outraged. And the snark about sex ed is a joke. I am sure that she got pregnant because she has never heard of contraception. Maybe she jumped up and down 3 times after intercourse because she can't read a book. You realize that even with proper contraception that people do in fact get pregnant. You realize the most popular barrier method does break from time to time. WHile she is a Pro-lifer, and abstinence person, according to Time, "She is Christian and pro-life, but also a supporter of birth control: she's a member of Feminists For Life (FFL), an anti-abortion, pro-contraception organization". The snark on sex-ed assumes that she didn't talk about it at all with her daughter. Many of the abstinence only advocates teach ttheir kids about the rest, they just don't want the schools to do that. They can sometimes barely teach math, they are supposed to also teach about sex?
  20. QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Sep 5, 2008 -> 12:16 PM) Jet for Sale on e-bay... not so true I got to thinking last night in the vacuum of SoxTalklessness, what reputable government official would ACTUALLY sell government property on e-bay? especially a milti-million dollar jet. That's a stunt if you ask me Considering that they are in Alaska, and buyers for a jet could be from anywhere, why not? Does it make you feel better to nitpick everything? What next, they use a comma out of place in their latest press release? OMG!
  21. QUOTE (bmags @ Sep 5, 2008 -> 12:07 PM) The AP under Ron Fornier Did you really think that writeup of Obama's speech was that bad? Yeah, he didn't like Obama's balls, but he didn't say anything bad about it. It wasn't anything special in the way of speeches, especially considering all the ones he had done previously. He said nothing new, and the article points out that it helped his base, but would piss off Republicans. McCain's, on the other hand, DID say something new, which is why it seemed to get more positive coverage right afterwards.
  22. QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Sep 5, 2008 -> 08:55 AM) McCain really took a page from Gore's playbook in 2000. At the debates, he would always talk about how there are hundreds of issues that he sees eye to eye with Bush on... and McCain was using the "Fight for you" thing that's vintage Bob Shrum actually. I caught bits and pieces of the speech. I thought it was well done. McCain is always able to overcome his lack of orator's talent at a convention. He did it in 96, he did it four years ago and he did it last night. I will say this though, although what he said at the end was pretty inspirational, it felt a lot like someone at the end of his career, not someone trying to start a new phase of one. Well, once you are president, where can you really go after that? Not many higher positons left.
  23. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Sep 5, 2008 -> 08:22 AM) That was a direct result of the Obama camp derisively referring to Palin over and over again as "mayor of a small town" versus governor. They were mocking her job and her responsibilities. Maybe the mayors of small towns should get together in their outrage and send Obama a letter! Manufactured outrage. CO's are important. They do not make you ready to be C in C.
  24. QUOTE (Molto @ Sep 2, 2008 -> 05:13 PM) Still, throwing with your team down a few runs and pitching in a tight game or with a lead are two different scenarios. Not sure if MacDougal is capable of handling those situations consistently. Yesterday was encouraging, especially considering how he's been the butt of a lot of people's jokes. The Sox problems lately have been pitchers coming in with leads and them blowing them. So if it takes a 2 or 3 run lead for him to be comfortable, great! The Sox get that often enough and blow it. maybe he can change that into a positive.
  25. QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Sep 3, 2008 -> 10:12 PM) Sons Of Anarchy was really good. Cool. I Tivo'ed it last night, it gets a viewing later today. The opener of The Shield was good. Looks like it will be a bloody season, for sure. I am looking forward to Heros getting back its magic, and I liked Life and Chuck.
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