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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE (southsideirish71 @ Sep 4, 2008 -> 12:53 AM) I am testing google chrome at work. It works with our microsoft based intranet a lot better than Firefox. It is a simple browser with some elegance to it. So far for a beta pretty stable. It only died once. Soxtalk looks good in it. I read somewhere that their EULA says something like that by using Google Chrome you give them the right to use, publish or sell anything you create using Google Chrome. That would mean that Google would own all your future Soxtalk posts! Wow, theirstock just went up by $.01!
  2. It's nice that you all can infer things to feel indignant about from her speech. i too could have used a few less funny jabs, but she wasn't mocking community organizers per say, but mocking the idea that registering people to vote equates to executive experience. That is like saying he can be President because he stayed at a Holiday Inn Express. And the comments about her 'cockiness'? Oh please. The Obama camp exudes cockiness, with his 'President' chair on his campaign plane to all his faux presidential seals. Maybe it is creative editing or just luck of photographers, but it seems like every time they print a picture of Obama, he has his head tilted back just a bit so he appears to be looking down on people. That, or his logo is positioned behind him so that the circle looks like a halo, or aura around his head. And quit comparing her speech to Obama's. She is running for VP. Biden's speech contained no meat either, so why did hers have to?
  3. QUOTE (bmags @ Sep 4, 2008 -> 12:51 AM) A13 and I read it...huh. bmags, very few people read every page of the paper. Very few even LOOK at every page of the paper. Most people skim headlines and read selected stories. I guess you and I are unique. Or just plain bat-s*** wierd.
  4. QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Sep 3, 2008 -> 09:43 PM) ah ok. just checkin. lol I feel the need to cover my rear the last few days. lol And to be fair, maybe if I were in her position i'd have pooped my pants. I just feel i'd have been ok. I have had to speak in front of groups at different times. The only one I felt good about was one where i was so hung over from the night before that I couldn't see past the first row. Glad I could still see my notes, though. otherwise, more than 20 people I broke out in a big sweat. Don't think I could have stood on that stage at all. NOW I am off to bed.
  5. Well, have fun boosting post totals kids. Gotta get up early tomorrow.
  6. Kinda funny watching certain members of the media self-select when getting indignant at the phrase 'left leaning media'. The guy from TIME was especially funny. he took it as if she called him out by name. Well, if the shoe fits....
  7. QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Sep 3, 2008 -> 09:27 PM) Not what i had hped, but give them a few hours: Says spokesman Bill Burton: The speech that Governor Palin gave was well delivered, but it was written by George Bush’s speechwriter and sounds exactly like the same divisive, partisan attacks we’ve heard from George Bush for the last eight years. If Governor Palin and John McCain want to define ‘change’ as voting with George Bush 90% of the time, that’s their choice, but we don’t think the American people are ready to take a 10% chance on change. That was very lame.
  8. QUOTE (GoSox05 @ Sep 3, 2008 -> 09:18 PM) We all know Biden. He has been around forever. We know where he stands on almost every issue. I would have liked her to talk a little more about the issues than making dumb jokes about Obama. WE might know where Biden stands, because most of the people who post in here actually follow politics, but come on, all those years in the Senate, what has Joe really doone that the average person would know? The average Joe in Kansas could probably tell you that he had ran for president before lowering himself to the VP, but that would be about it.
  9. QUOTE (Disco72 @ Sep 3, 2008 -> 09:13 PM) I don't like it either way. As someone that has not made up his mind on her, I wanted to see more than silly attacks. As Pratt said, I don't mind the "he wants, we want" kind of stuff, just the dumb attacks that seemed silly and petty. My point is that her speech was no different from Biden's. Was his that bad for those that are complaining about hers?
  10. For those of you b****ing that you wanted more 'substance' and wondering why all she did was knock Obama, I just reread the transcript of Biden's speech, and they sure didn't seem very different. After his introduction, he mentioned his family, and a cute story about his train rides, then proceeded to criticize McCain. His 'specifics' on what they would do? here is the sum total of what he said: . I don't see anything specific there. THEN, he goes back into McCain attack mode, trying to link him to Bush. Hearing the two speeches, I see nothing different, except that some of you don't like that this time it was your guys getting zinged.
  11. QUOTE (PlaySumFnJurny @ Sep 3, 2008 -> 08:45 PM) Permit me a slight hijack, but Jays beat Twins 5-4 in 11! Best thing I heard you say all day!
  12. QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Sep 3, 2008 -> 08:45 PM) a servents heart.. like say giving up a wall street job to serve the people on the south side? Oh please. Obama and Michelle gave up nothing. 6 figures for her and a government pension for him? Priceless.
  13. QUOTE (GoSox05 @ Sep 3, 2008 -> 09:18 PM) Why don't you go look up what he did in Chicago. You know like trying to get kids in school and off the streets. Crazy liberal type stuff. Yup, sounds tough. Tougher than running a town, or a state. That is some hard core stuff there. hell, if he can whip a few kids into school, just imagine what he can do to the Russians!
  14. QUOTE (GoSox05 @ Sep 3, 2008 -> 09:14 PM) It was just the typical attacks on Obama but with a very sadastic laughing thing going on. They were joking about Obama being a community organizer. Rudy asked "what does that even mean?" I think it just shows how out of touch they are. What DOES that mean? That he got people registered to vote? Doled out some campaign cash to steer votes a certain way? Set the agenda for a local tea party?
  15. QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Sep 3, 2008 -> 09:11 PM) what did he say? So far mostly compared Obama and McCain. And only mentioned 'Reagan revolution' once so fay. And as of the moment, no 9/11. The under is looking good.
  16. QUOTE (GoSox05 @ Sep 3, 2008 -> 09:10 PM) What an arrogant speech by Rudy. Nothing different from what went on last week. Different player and names, same substance.
  17. QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Sep 3, 2008 -> 09:08 PM) you say that as if you expected him to change over night. Say what you want, he is sure getting the crowd warmed up for Palin.
  18. QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Sep 3, 2008 -> 07:38 PM) By the way: Palin did NOT get more votes in Wasilla then Biden got in the primaries. According to the Anchorage Daily News archive, Sarah Palin won the 1996 Mayoral Seat of Wasilla by 617-413 against the incumbent. Biden got 638 in NH alone. Plus 694 in SC. You realize that's kinda like saying you didn't lose 120 to 5, but 120 to 10. There were 1000 votes cast in her election, she got over half. There were how many thousands of votes cast in New Hampshire? And he got 638? Watching Olberdouche mention that was painful as well. He sooooooooo wanted to go off on a rant, and it was tearing him up!
  19. For all the talk about McCain confusing Suni with Shia, seems Biden, master of security & foreign policy, can't seem to get the difference between brigades and battalions. 3 times in a week. You would think that his staff would have said something to him by now. http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalpunch/20...at-joe-n-3.html
  20. I just turned on MSNBC, and they DO have Olberdouche doing the convention. He seems to ne talking very 'restrained', almost slowing his speech down and speaking each word very clearly. maybe that is his strategy for not blurting out something that would get him fined?
  21. OK, I found this sorta funny. I can laugh.
  22. QUOTE (Steff @ Sep 3, 2008 -> 07:01 PM) Hmmm... "The mother-in-law was on Inside Edition today....." http://www.insideedition.com/news.aspx?storyID=2071 For all the people thinking she had it easy being from Alaska, from what i hear, ploitcs up there are rough.
  23. QUOTE (bmags @ Sep 3, 2008 -> 06:07 PM) You know, at least give credit to the NYT then who started with the most definitive articles on Hunter Biden and his lobbying controversies. Page A13. Not really front page, even below the fold.
  24. QUOTE (Steff @ Sep 3, 2008 -> 06:47 PM) The mother-in-law was on Inside Edition today and was the complete opposite. "Palin: “There is absolutely no question, I’m going to vote for the Republican ticket of John McCain and Sarah Palin.” Palin: “Casual conversations get turned into things taken out of context which from my experience was extremely hurtful. As newcomers to this arena that’s a lesson were going to have to learn and I find that sad. … To have it twisted, I find it personally offensive.” Palin: “I’ve supported her since Day One. … I’ve stood out on the parks highway in the cold waving signs, we’ve done fundraisers. We’ve consistently supported her in her political efforts up to today and will continue to do so.” Palin also tells IE that the youngest son, Trig, who was born with Down syndrome, has only made the family closer. Palin: “It’s pulled the entire family together because we have this special child.” Um, which Palin said what? I read earlier a newsstory quoting the mother in law that she was considering not voting for Sarah, and then it listed the facts that she ran for mayor after Sarah left, and lost. The earlier story very well could have been wrong, I am just trying to figure out who said what in your text above.
  25. QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Sep 3, 2008 -> 06:43 PM) After weeks of the right saying The National Enquirer was credible they have to to backtrack completely. It's been so soon too, just a good show of partisan politics in America. With Edwards, the Enquirer had evidence. The other papers had evidence. The other papers did nothing, to 'protect' Elizabeth. You know, they liked Edwards. For this new bit, they may have something. But all they are doing right now is reporting that one of her enemys says it is true. Damn, if that's all it takes, I am gonna call them up and give them a tip that Obama wears Hello Kitty panties and parties every saturday with aliens! (The green kind, not the ones from south of the border) Then they can dispatch the Edwards team to see if that is true. After they put it on the front page, of course. Let them investigate. She busted a lot of heads up there. No shortage of enemies, I am sure. Hell, her own mother in law hates her because Palin wouldn't back her for election to mayor. Of course MIL is a life long democrat and very pro choice, opposite of Palin, so why should she?
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