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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Sep 3, 2008 -> 08:21 AM) Its US magazine. I really don't see how you can make any point one way or another about news media and use them as an example. I was merely referenceing the US posts, that's all. But to think that things like this also don't affebt people's preceptions would be wrong. Hopefully, not too many people look to US for their news!
  2. QUOTE (lostfan @ Sep 3, 2008 -> 05:11 AM) ...this barely qualifies. US didn't seem to have any interest in Edwards baby scandal, but front page cover for Palin? Maybe she should have announced that Edwards was the baby's father, that would have kept them all quiet, for Elizabeth's sake. Also, just and interesting fyi, Us publisher Jann Wenner is a prominent Obama donor.
  3. QUOTE (Texsox @ Sep 3, 2008 -> 08:10 AM) Why aren't any of them conservative? Why haven't conservative owners not surfaced to buy newspapers? Could it be that the GOP is happy with the way things are? Could it be that with the massive consolidation of newspapers today and the shrinking market, even at firesale prices, not many of them are attractive buys?
  4. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Sep 3, 2008 -> 08:00 AM) While I agree that people should feel proud that they earned good schooling for their kids, there is an important aspect to be considered here. People who grow up poor, have poor schools. They are then automatically put at a disadvantage to start with. So they don't have a level playing field, to go get those better houses and better schools. Also, we are not talking about private schools here - these are public schools. If we are going to have public schools at all, shouldn't they be eminently fair? Because they aren't right now. And the idea that more money doesn't necessarily mean better schools is true, but the correlation is pretty strong. More money sure helps. I went to a poor school, and the sysytem I left was one of the lowest funded grade school systems in the state. Yet they still managed to teach. I disagree that the money is an automatic disadvantage. Chicago is in the top tier of spending. How much more money should they get? I agree that public school funding is not quite right. But try convincing the people in naperville that the several thousands of dollars they spend on property taxes should go to help pay for Chicago school teachers. A tax revolt would happen pretty fast.
  5. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Sep 3, 2008 -> 07:50 AM) Their campaign spent millions of dollars on an ad focused on Obama as a celebrity. And how else is he supposed to say "See, I told you!'? Stand on the corner and yell at people as they pass by? Obama and friends have given him more than enough tape to show that to be the case. it didn't have to be made up, it is there. The Cult of Obama exists.
  6. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Sep 3, 2008 -> 07:38 AM) I was poking fun at the McCain camp's attempt at painting Obama as a celebrity. i think it is the constant genuflecting by the pundits with tingles going up their legs, celebs wearing his t-shirts and sendinghiim personal emails, etc. that have painted him as a celebrity, not the McCain camp. They are just pointing and saying "See? We told you!"
  7. I understand the message, but also cannot agree to keeping kids out of school. At least until the system is fixed, by not having them there the first day, they will be deprivng the school of even more money. Attendance is used in funding formulas, and first days count alot. As for the rest, mixed feelings. Education disparities are vast. But part of the reason I moved where I did was to get my kid into a good school. I busted my ass to get here for them. My real estate taxes from old house to this one went up 500%. Lines like this make me want to tell them to fix thier own house first "In fact, among unit school districts, those that include both elementary and high schools, CPS was in the top 5 percent in terms of its operating expenditures per pupil". Money isn't the issue. Or isn't the ONLY issue. Meeks should find a way to get more parents involved, and to change the perception that getting good grades in school is 'acting white'. I heard that phrase even back in MY high school days.
  8. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Sep 3, 2008 -> 07:16 AM) I think this gets at one of the REAL problems in mainstream media, particularly TV media - the blending of commentary/editorial with news reporting. The two have become merged into one big mess. That allows for all sorts of bias from both sides or non-sides to leak into the "news". This is why TV news is nearly useless. Unfortunately, its where many Americans get their "news". Then there is the internet, where anyone can say anything and try to pass it off as fact. And then there is the whole time-shortening phenomenon, resulting in the information overload style of reporting. All flash, no substance. And this lends itself towards the usual suspects - sex, politics, scandal, controversy, death... IMO, you want a place where news is still news for the most part, go to the high end papers - NYT, WaPo, Trib, even WSJ for a certain segment. They still understand the difference between news and opinion. Read the NEWS. So considering all that, I think its tough to determine a left-right bias in the "MSM". Depends on who is in the MSM, and which outlet we are talking about. Also, are we talking commentators, or news anchors, or story selection, or what? And further, I think the media "bias" changes over time. It follows American angst, which right now is heavily against the GOP. I'd say the main TV news channels - CNN, MSNBC, and the big 3 - are probably, on a net basis, slightly left of center. Well said. however, even in the newspapers, is it laziness or willing deceit that they forget to mention that Kwame Kilpatrick is a Democrat but blare in the first sentance that Larry Craig is a Republican. And yes, I know one is a Senator and one is a mayor, but there isn't an official style sheet that says only list party designations if it is a Senator or US Rep. Some reporters truncate quotes, or use the infamous 'some say' to bring up a point that they thinke needs mentioning. Some are lazy, some have agendas, some have favorites that color their writing styles, some ask softball questions to people they like, some are just plain idiots.
  9. QUOTE (BearSox @ Sep 2, 2008 -> 11:34 PM) his fans? If people are really going to base thier vote on Diddy's political analysis, then we really need to reconsider somehow limiting people's rights to vote. People that f***ing stupid barely deserve to breathe, much less vote, drive, breed..........
  10. No mention of the Edwards non-story, until their hand was forced by the Enquirer? They wouldn't run that because they didn't have enough 'evidence'. However one person makes a claim that McCain is screwing a lobbyist and every major paper runs with it for 3 days. The media has thier favorites. Most of the time they are Democrats. They used to like McCain, but now that he is opposing the Messiah, they don't know what to do. True, they are not attacking him as much as they could be, but that's because they can't stop sucking Obama's cock long enough to do anything else. The media is also lazy. Often local papers just repeat stories that they glean from AP or Reuters, so all it takes is one biased person there, and that biased opinion gets spread all around the country. And I just love how news stories usually seem to forget to mention political affiliation, or bury it deep in stories, when it is a bad thing that involves Dems. And Flasoxx, you do realize that most of the people in your little collage are NOT news reposters, but provide commentary? Their jobs are to give their opinions, not unbiased news. Rush is not a newsman. Hannity is not a newsman. Those guys are as biased as most of the folks on msnbc.
  11. Another race card from the liberal side of things. Philly columnist promises full-fledged class and race war if McCain wins. If you aren't sure your guy is gonna win, threaten whitey. http://www.philly.com/dailynews/opinion/20...eorge_Bush.html
  12. QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Sep 2, 2008 -> 12:25 PM) Can I ask what crimes Ayers has been convicted of? Here in his own words, 'Guilty as hell, free as a bird!" He may not have been convicted, but it doesn't mean he isn't guilty.
  13. QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Sep 2, 2008 -> 11:59 AM) His connection to William Ayers consists of one $200 donation to a state senate reelection fund in 2001 while serving on a board with him for a group that works to overcome poverty in Chicagoland. I guess that is highly controversial. A google news search shows that it has come up in the media 1,623 times in the past month. The story broke in February. Something tells me in a week, very few people will mention Palin's daughter. Or care. Nothing about Ayers hosting a fundraiser for him in his home, or Obama chairing the Annenberg Challenge, being picked personally by Ayers? His connection is way deeper than one $200 donation.
  14. QUOTE (lostfan @ Sep 2, 2008 -> 10:05 AM) What do you base this on? DailyKos has started a pool to guess when she will drop out or be removed.
  15. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Sep 2, 2008 -> 07:48 AM) You also didn't mention the "Whitey" tape the right-wing blogs all claimed existed a few months ago. Supposedly, there was a tape of Michelle ranting about "whitey" at Trinity. Of course, it never actually surfaced. Just like all the dirt that was going to come out on Obama at the Rezko trial. I'd say just about everyone here on Soxtalk sees right through that sort of garbage, but there's plenty of people that eat it up and pass it along via chain e-mails and crappy blogs. The 'right-wing blogs' you mention were a handfull of the REALLY right wing nutjobs, that the left has their fair share of as well. Most of the right-wing blogs actually refused to do anything more than mention that a HILLARY supporter claimed to have the Michelle Whitey tape. That's about it. How many 'right-wing blogs' do you read or track? or do you just get that meme from DailyKos or DU?
  16. QUOTE (lostfan @ Sep 2, 2008 -> 12:10 AM) I had heard a lot of talk from authorities in Minnesota that they didn't want to be like the NYC police, or the Seattle police at the WTO demonstrations. Well. We'll see. There's a reason this stuff happens... these are the most aggressive kinds of protesters, and they're always pushing the envelope, if they're not flat out crossing the line. Connecticut delegation attacked, and had a mix of Clorox and water thrown on them. An 80 year old woman delagate had to be treated for injuries when one tried to rip her credentials from her neck. http://www.myfoxtwincities.com/myfox/pages...mp;pageId=3.2.1 Anarchists thew bags of sand and cement off an overpass onto busses below. Now these bastrads should have been subjected to the police brutality claimed earlier. They should have been shot. And beaten. http://www.foundingbloggers.com/wordpress/...to-xcel-center/
  17. QUOTE (FlaSoxxJim @ Sep 2, 2008 -> 12:02 AM) I'll wait and see on it as well. But, I've read that local law enforcement broke out the pepper spray, rubber bullets, concussion grenades, and good old excessive force in carrying out their duties Monday. Toss in abrogating freedom of the press and journalistic First Amendment rights by arresting press members after they have identified themselves as such, including video footage of the DN producers getting bloodied up pretty good, and it will be difficult for the police department to come out looking very good. I didn't see you getting quite so indignant of the abrogation of the freedom of the press when I mentioned that an ABC reporter was shved in the street and then arrested for videotaping big time doonors leaving a closed meeting with senior Senate Democrats. He was just standing on a sidewalk, and they grabbed him in a chokehold and arrested him (this AFTER pushing him off the sidewalk, and then all the way across the street). What was it they were trying to hide?
  18. Maybe Obama should watch his back? joe might still have his heart set of being President. http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalpunch/20...hat-joe-no.html
  19. QUOTE (Texsox @ Sep 1, 2008 -> 10:04 AM) And if it is down, would you give all the credit to Jay? I would not. There are too many variables in place. We would also need to know historical trends, etc. Circulation may always be down in the summer and up in the fall. So any bump could be that. Well, that is why I suggested maybe 6 months from now. There are a lot of people who have at least expressed that they would now read the Sun-Times again now that Jay is gone. I am one of them. i cancelled my subscription years ago, and he was a big part of the reason why. Someone at work always brought the paper in, so I read theirs. Now, I will buy my own, especially since that person no longer is with me.
  20. QUOTE (whitesoxfan101 @ Aug 31, 2008 -> 10:40 PM) Well that nonsense is to be expected. But the stuff about how it's either not the governor's kid, it's her daughter's, or Alan Combes blaming the governor for the youngest's disabilities is low, even for the democrats. But a very wise move of their part. Once again, Obama himself has nothing to do with it, while his minions and sychophants do all the dirty work for him digging in the sewers. Perfect policital arrangement.
  21. QUOTE (Nokona @ Aug 31, 2008 -> 10:48 PM) You're right, we usually just get shot by your fanatics. NOW who has the drinking problem?
  22. So if 6 months from now the curculation is up at the Sun-Times, can we lay to bed this myth that Moroniti brought people to the paper? Anyone have circulation numbers now, or recently? Can't check rightnow, I am in St. Louis and borrowing a relatives really crappy computer. It takes forever just for Soxtalk to come up, I canjust imagine a google search or something. I miss high-speed.
  23. http://www.audacityofhypocrisy.com/2008/08...s-barack-obama/
  24. QUOTE (Nokona @ Aug 29, 2008 -> 07:25 PM) Do you have a drinking problem? Sometimes you're ability to post completely inane things is unbelieveable. Let's see. So far your contributions to this thread have been a Youtube video of Stevens endorsing palin for Governor, as if any same-party Senator wouldn't do the same (post #305), a pretty chauvanistic remark about her only getting the nomination because she was a woman, when if someone said Obama only got it because he was black they would be crucified (post#277), a post noting that her hubby works for BP and Biden rides Amtrack (ok, that one was ok) (post#121), and you worry about what I post? Ok.
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