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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE (Nokona @ Aug 29, 2008 -> 06:25 PM) Do you have a drinking problem? Sometimes you're ability to post completely inane things is unbelieveable. I have no problem drinking. I do it very well.
  2. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Aug 29, 2008 -> 06:42 PM) Has she even been over seas to meet with World Leaders? It's like they held a raffle at the local church and her name was pulled. Well, she went overseas and met with our wounded soldiers, which is already one more thing than Obama did. http://beldar.blogs.com/beldarblog/2008/07...-versus-ob.html
  3. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Aug 29, 2008 -> 03:47 PM) I'm sure you dismiss it as a bad pick if the roles were reversed and Obama picked someone with her credentials and McCain picked someone with a wealth of experience. I would have been livid had he picked Romney or Huckabee. I could have lived with Pawlenty. And the roles were almost reversed. I seem to recall Tim Kaine as very high on the potentail list. Less there than with Sarah, but nary a peep in the negative from anyone here.
  4. QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Aug 29, 2008 -> 02:43 PM) You want me to find the clip of Obama saying he wasn't going to run for President and that he wanted to become a really good Senator first before he even thought of running? Can't have it both ways, even thought you reeeeaaaalllyyy want to. Or of Biden saying that he wouldn't take the VP job, not interested?
  5. QUOTE (DABearSoX @ Aug 29, 2008 -> 02:34 PM) Well obviously but still...probably not good for McCain and the voters in Romney's state Massachusetts, home of the Kennedy's was never going to go Republican in a national election anyway. As of the 2006 election, the Republican party holds less than 13% of the seats in both legislative houses of the General Court: in the House, the balance is 141 Democratic to 19 Republican, and in the Senate, 35–5. Although Republicans held the governor's office continuously from 1991 to 2007, they have mostly been among the most liberal Republican leaders in the nation, especially William Weld (the first of four recent Republican governors).
  6. How long until Obama refers to her as 'sweetie'? (If there was a half green color, I would have used it)
  7. QUOTE (bmags @ Aug 29, 2008 -> 12:27 PM) How long will this "reformer" tag last considering she's in a scandal? Although I suppose McCain's "maverick" has played for a while. You keep bringing that up, but it goes nowhere. Do you think that hasn't been looked at beforehand? It is nothing, and being brought to the forefront, like crap on both sides. Want scandal? How about Biden's lobbyist son and brother being sued right now, and their connections to companies that are some of his biggest contributors? How about bills cosponsored by Biden that directly benefit companies that the son represents? Also not going anywhere, just like Palin's police thing. Because other than the nice sounding headlines, nothing is there. You make no mention of the fact that the guy she fired was hired by her prdecessor. The fired guy had crime actually go up on his watch, despite a pledge to make it go down. And he also refused to follow the budget guidelines set by the state, routinely going over budget. Maybe he was fired because he wasn't doing his job.
  8. QUOTE (lostfan @ Aug 29, 2008 -> 12:17 PM) Overused, yes. Meaningless, no. An example of a "meaningless" word/phrase would be "judicial activism" or "legislating from the bench." This almost literally means "liberal ruling I didn't agree with" if you're a conservative or "conservative ruling I didn't agree with" if you're a liberal. Add to the overused list 'grassroots', 'progressive', 'neocon' and 'change'.
  9. QUOTE (jasonxctf @ Aug 29, 2008 -> 11:29 AM) you can start with "All Kids Covered" here in Illinois. I believe he played an important role in that, but I may be mistaken. You can also google search the Lugar-Obama bill and the Coburn-Obama transparency bill. See ss2k's post above yours. Show me something where he isn't following a party line.
  10. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Aug 29, 2008 -> 11:14 AM) I'm still waiting for someone to tell me the big bipartisian achievement that Obama has made. Have a seat, may take a while.
  11. It seems like one side has 2 people who say they want to work with the other side and stop politics as usual, but have zero record of ever doing just that, much less going against the party line. While the other side featurse 2 people that have been called 'mavericks' who HAVE reached across the aisle and have bucked the politics as usual by taking on their own party. You all know of McCain's issues. For Sarah, Governor Murkowski appointed Palin Ethics Commissioner of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, where she served from 2003 to 2004 until resigning in protest over what she called the "lack of ethics" of fellow Alaskan Republican leaders, who ignored her whistleblowing complaints of legal violations and conflicts of interest. After she resigned, she exposed the state Republican party's chairman, Randy Ruedrich, one of her fellow Oil & Gas commissioners, who was accused of doing work for the party on public time, and supplying a lobbyist with a sensitive e-mail. Palin filed formal complaints against both Ruedrich and former Alaska Attorney General Gregg Renkes, who both resigned; Ruedrich paid a record $12,000 fine. Gee, someone who actually DOES take on party corruption. Now THAT is the Change We Need! Oh, she also has challenged the state's Republican leaders, helping to launch a campaign by Lieutenant Governor Sean Parnell to unseat U.S. Congressman Don Young and publicly challenged Senator Ted Stevens to come clean about the federal investigation into his financial dealings. Has Obama ever said anything about the freezer guy in Loouisanna? I thought not.
  12. All this talk about Obama's senatorial experience is bulls*** anyway. He was running for President from day 1, and the only experience he got was in trying to be President.
  13. QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Aug 29, 2008 -> 10:02 AM) Funny Digg Title: McCain's VP: Strong in the war on... polar bears Except that, they are NOT endangered, just put on the list in a political move. That has been discussed on here before.
  14. QUOTE (bmags @ Aug 28, 2008 -> 08:41 PM) I liked all the common people's speeches. They were funny. Written by professional speech writers.
  15. QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Aug 28, 2008 -> 05:55 PM) HOLY CRAP: "And for the sake of our economy, our security, and the future of our planet, I will set a clear goal as President: in ten years, we will finally end our dependence on oil from the Middle East." And how will he do it?
  16. And there are many people also thinking that Russia staged this whole thing to take advantage of the world's attention on the olympics. A little prodding of the Ossetians to break a cease fire and provoke Georgia, Georgia responds back, Russian is ready and waiting to help their poor 'citizens', whom they have ignored for the last decade, but are suddenly interested in? http://www.civil.ge/eng/article.php?id=18871
  17. QUOTE (Texsox @ Aug 28, 2008 -> 10:19 AM) Wish it were true, I imagine the Trib is already preparing an offer. Again, you are assuming that Mariotti actually BROUGHT people to the paper, who purchased it. 100 people yelling about him on a message board doesn't put a penny in the Sun-Times pockets, purchasing the paper does, because circulation dictates ad rates. I can point to alot of people I know who read or used to read the ST, who DIDN'T buy it because of Jay. At work, we don't read Jay, and get mad when a headline or something attracts our eye and it turns out to be a Jay article. People buy whichever format they are used to reading (tabloid style or the mega fold like the Trib), or whatever their parents used to read. I can see all of about 10 people jumping to the Trib just because of Jay.
  18. QUOTE (Texsox @ Aug 28, 2008 -> 07:46 AM) There is a whole lot of truth in that statement. Unfortunately, once the cat is out of the bag, it's tough to put it back in. And while not exactly concerning New Orleans, there are a lot of Americans living in areas that are potentially toast in the event of natural disasters. Sides and bases of mudslide prone hills, relying on levees and dams, etc. We want to live near nature which combined with humans, but especially Americans, having the hubris to think we can tame nature, leads to disasters. Have all the hubris you want, just don't expect to government (ie our tax dollars) to bail your ass out.
  19. Wow. A reporter got roughed up by police for video taping Republican Senators meeting with wealthy corporate donors. They even pushed him into the street and put him in a choke hold. http://abcnews.go.com/Video/playerIndex?id=5670682 http://voices.washingtonpost.com/the-trail...r_arrested.html Oops, sorry, he was taping DEMOCRATIC Senators meeting with wealthy corporate donors. You know, those big business types that are just so evil. Kinda funny the cops hassle this guy and arrest him, when yesterday there was a near riot with some huge guy shouting at Michelle Malkin as she was wealking down the street and chanting 'Kill Michelle Malkin', with cops atanding right there, and nobody arrested anybody.
  20. QUOTE (Texsox @ Aug 27, 2008 -> 06:09 PM) I've been surprised at times when people do not have them. It's just as easy to believe the Sun-Times did not meet his price and he said, fine, then you don't get a non-comp. But I mostly agree, they probably do, but it may be limited to the Trib. I would hope that it least the language would have been more generic liek 'the chicagoland market', and that some enterprising lawyer could make a case that an ESPN website gig would infringe on the chicagoland market. Jay getting screwed by the Sun-Times like that would make me giggle.
  21. With a contract like he had, there HAS to be some sort of no-compete clause in there. Maybe the Sun-Times can throw a little legal muscle around and prevent him from taking another sports commentator type gig that 'competes' with the Sun-Times.
  22. QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Aug 27, 2008 -> 04:59 PM) Biden Unleashed: Attack Dog To Be Let Loose Tonight And with every attack will be followup with clips of his gushing praise and respect for McCain. Which is the real Joe Biden? Would Joe say anything to get elected? Even lie? So is he lying now, or then?
  23. QUOTE (whitesoxfan101 @ Aug 27, 2008 -> 04:32 PM) He's an EXCELLENT speaker, but the fact that he is makes me nervous in a way because I wonder if he is talking his away around what he really thinks and will really do. Have you seen any of the Youtube clips of him trying to speak without a teleprompter or scripted answers? More um's than me trying to speak at my corporate convention last year.
  24. QUOTE (Nokona @ Aug 27, 2008 -> 10:09 AM) Come on Reddy, McCain went back on his word first. If he was going to cheat, Obama needed a way to combat it. Actually, didn't Obama go back on hsi word forst, when he decided to run in the first place? I remember him saying something like 'I just got here (to the Senate) I'm not running for president'. Oops. And Joe saying he would never accept the VP spot. Unless, you know, someone actually asked him, of course.
  25. http://www.nydailynews.com/blogs/dc/2008/0...ot-to-kill.html
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