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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE (ChiSox_Sonix @ Aug 26, 2008 -> 02:45 PM) So I am booking my ticket to Vegas sometime this week but I had a couple quick questions for anyone who's been there and/or out west. My return flight has to go through either Denver, LAX or San Francisco. Is there one you guys would recommend over the others in terms of least likely to get delayed and whatnot? Also, we are going to try to stay on the strip or just off of it. We'd like to be near some nice clubs. Any advice on where to stay? There's 4 of us and we'll only be there for 3 nights before going to Lake Havasu City so anywhere around 100-120 a night for the room is the range we're looking at. Finally, what are the best places to gamble with small mins (ie 5 or 10 dollars for blackjack) and what are some of the better bars/ngith clubs? Thanks for the help. I stayed at Casino Royale right smack in the middle of the strip in Mrch for less than $100 a night. They also had cheaper table games, usually on par with downtown. The rooms were pretty bare (no big screens or anything), but they were clean. If you are trying to get all 4 of you in one room, try one of the places right off the strip where you can get a suite for about $140 with more than enough room for 4. Tuscany Suites on Flamingo, about 2 long blocks away from Bally's ran us $135 for a suite with 2 queens, and 2 couches that pulled out into beds, kitchenette, etc. back in November. I got something from them in the mail last month with $99 specials.
  2. QUOTE (Heads22 @ Aug 26, 2008 -> 01:36 PM) NERD Eh, I'm still too socially liberal. You sure you don't mean socially awkward?
  3. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Aug 26, 2008 -> 07:16 AM) I agree with you. He came off like a pouty brat in his concession. Actually it reminds me a lot of Hillary's concession. They both sounded resentful that they had to do it. I'll third that. it reminded me of when you make a kid tell someone he just hit that he is 'sorry', even though he really isn't.
  4. QUOTE (DABearSoX @ Aug 25, 2008 -> 09:49 PM) This can't be at the convention...Obama isn't here yet Oh quit picking nits, just play.
  5. Yup, running smoothly. http://www.denverpost.com/politicswestnews/ci_10301186
  6. I'm thinking.....Swingtown: Season 2
  7. QUOTE (LosMediasBlancas @ Aug 22, 2008 -> 01:48 PM) You get into a fight, by far he lands the majority of the clean shots. Bloodies your lip and puts a bunch of lumps on your face. You land one helluva shot and break his jaw. Who won the fight? Been in two of those, never sure. I usually ended up with broken fingers, but the other guy was worse. I did get the girl both times, so I guess I won? I was still pretty damn sore for a while, in more ways than one.
  8. QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Aug 25, 2008 -> 07:03 PM) With kids like that, you know the parents have to be aware that their kid is stealing bikes. And they just don't give a s***. Yeah, when we canvassed their neighbors, the first house we went to immediately pointed next door and said that it was probably them. And I had heard from 4 other neighbors that one of the kids had been busted for stealing bikes before, and that the mom didn't believe it, thought he was set up and singled out because he was black. I don't care what color he is, he took my stuff, he's a thief. On the plus side, I met some really nice people while talking to the neighbors.
  9. QUOTE (MHizzle85 @ Aug 25, 2008 -> 03:48 PM) Not to sound like a smart ass, but if you knew it was your bike why didn't you just take it back? Yeah, you should be able to keep your old number...you just have to let them know of the situation. Becuase I wanted the police to come there and hopefully arrest the assmunch if they were home. Plus, it was only one of the 2 bikes stolen. Maybe I could get them to cough up the other one? But no, nobody was home. And since I had filed a police report, and it was taken from my garage, that is burglry. I want the police back at that house, watching them, etc. And I will continue driving by there, just in case they are as stupid as they already have been. Oh, they had also started taking the bike apart, the front tire was off and the front brakes screwed up.
  10. QUOTE (lostfan @ Aug 25, 2008 -> 03:51 PM) That was just a poor choice of words on my part. That story is hilarious though. When was this, the 80s? Do you still have the stamps at least? If I did that I'd probably get fired immediately... even if what I was doing was something totally innocent like collecting stamps they'd just fire me because of where I work and because I really should know better. 1976. And i do have the stamps still, along with thousands others, but haven't been able to find the letter for years.
  11. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 25, 2008 -> 04:04 PM) Who out of the Republican VP field doesn't? What's wrong with Palin or Pawlenty?
  12. QUOTE (WilliamTell @ Aug 25, 2008 -> 12:41 PM) I don't and will never understand why Twins fans of all people hate Pierzynski. Being from Twins Territory, I always call out Twins fans when someone makes a remark about AJ. (Granted I never thought I'd back up AJ, but still.) I always mention that AJ got them Liriano, Nathan, and Bonser because they were making room for Mauer. I just think it's idiotic that a lot of Twins fans hate him when he helped them win a lot of games, plus helped them get one of the most lop sided trades ever. I never understood that either. It's not like they made him a contract offer and he told them go f*ck off, he was traded, and netted them a fortune!
  13. QUOTE (bmags @ Aug 25, 2008 -> 01:22 PM) let me re-create a day on soxtalk: ahb2008: I can't believe this RNC would do this this is childish and stupid responder : oh well you do it all the time how are you complaining blah blah Clearly the difference is one is talking about a political party or media organization or political player with huge audiences and scopes, and one writes on a message board. So, it's ok for ahb to be childish and stupid, but not the RNC? Got it.
  14. QUOTE (lostfan @ Aug 25, 2008 -> 10:12 AM) I'm talking about their government, and the media translations I read sometimes (albeit their media is still pretty much state-run media now, although nowhere near as bad as China). The Russian government is shady as hell, I know. I'm sure the people were just as relieved to see the Cold War end as we were although it probably didn't happen the way they wanted. They were scared s***less of us during the 80s. But still, their foreign policy is based off the US and what the US does. If they were violating the treaty while we were monitoring them though that should've been something that we took up with them directly, maybe we just couldn't prove it. But they had a lot of programs they scrapped at the end of the Cold War that they had no need for anymore, and now they probably have the budget to start those them back up again, along with a reason to. Not good. Well, you did say 'if you asked your average Russian'. I understand the point as it relates to government. And I in no way mean to imply that the few people I know translate to a whole population. It was funny to listen to them talk about the 80's, as they were in thier teens and alternatly scared to death from their propaganda media, and excited about America from the snippets they got from people who went there like music, clothes and stories. A funny story, although not funny at the time, I used to collect stamps, especially Russian stamps. One day when I was 10, I wrote a letter to the Russian Embassy in DC asking if they know of any places that I could get Russian stamps from in the midwest. I got a nice letter back thanking me for my interest in their stamps, along with about a dozen stamps and a list of 2 places I could possibly get stamps from. A week later some nice guys in black suits showed up at my dad's work asking all sorts of questions, and showed up at my school. Although they never talked to me, they did talk to my teacher and principal. My dad didn't like me much for a few weeks after that. My teacher even longer. Maybe that is why I have been audited 3 times so far? Hmmm.
  15. QUOTE (lostfan @ Aug 25, 2008 -> 07:11 AM) I never could understand our insistence on doing that even if the official reason given is to guard against missiles from Iran. We've had treaties in place for a while now, there was a balance and a status quo, both sides were content with it and glad there was no reason to change anything since everything was relatively calm. Then we pull out of one of the treaties and decide to one-up them, although that's not what we said we were doing, that's the only way to view it if you are Russia, which would become obvious if you asked your average Russian to list their perceived external national security threats in order. Now we are back to where we were in the 70s again. Except we are going to act like we didn't provoke it. Hi there 21st century arms race. I know 3 people currently in Russia, 1 is an American who is working there, and they do not feel that way. According to them, the average Russian loves America (especially our TV shows, for some reason. maybe Russian soaps are really that bad) and wonders why both governments keep playing politics. I first met them 3 years ago in Miami at a work convention, and email with them regularly. And just something different, it had been rumored for years before we pulled out of the one treaty that Russia had been working on their own anti-missle defense systems in violation of the treaty, and had just not been able to come up with a working system so far. Maybe they still haven't, hence their anger at being 'one-uped'?
  16. 2 weeks ago, 2 kids came into my open garage in the middle of the afternoon and stole my Trek 800 and my son's bmx bike. After being alerted to it by a neighbor, I jumped in the car and headed the way she indicated they took off to. After driving around for a few minutes, I did not see my bikes, but did spy 2 kids that matched their description, so I played stakeout and watched them for a few hours, to no avail. So I made up fliers about stolen bikes, and went to their house and dropped one off at the neighbors on each side. There I found out that the kids there have been in trouble for stealing bikes before! So, every day I make it a point to drive past that house on my to or from home. Yesterday, I saw my bike on the side of the house! I parked up the street, walked up to make sure it was mine and called the police. They came, took the bike for prints, and so far, nothing! Nobody was home, so they couldn't talk to anyone, said they would come back. But when I call, no info! I want someone's ass arrested! I also want them to be able to look in the shed or garage for my son's bike. And if nothing else, I want to break this kid's hands.
  17. QUOTE (jasonxctf @ Aug 25, 2008 -> 09:33 AM) Should the Sox go back to Contreras and ask him for money back since he underperformed?? YES!!!!!
  18. QUOTE (bmags @ Aug 24, 2008 -> 02:26 PM) and once again, there's a difference between a message board and the party's web site. The inability for so many posters to differentiate the two is pretty funny. Yeah, Obama's website does more adult things like try to sel tickets to the convention that are advertising as free. Sounds like something the Cubs would do.
  19. QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Aug 24, 2008 -> 01:13 PM) it's pathetic that it IS to be expected. it's stupid and petty. I'll remember your outrage during the next Mccain verbal miscue that is blown up to gigantic proportions.
  20. Why did Obama feel it necessary to bring up Biden's 'Catholic' faith? Is it because they want to have religion up front in case Romney is picked for the Republicans?
  21. QUOTE (lostfan @ Aug 23, 2008 -> 11:35 AM) Out of curiosity have you ever seen the human rights report on Iraq? It's long, and I didn't read the whole thing, but while they rip America for the civilian casualties in some cases, they give the coalition credit for trying to avoid them when they could, and things like using precision weapons etc. See, that is what I am saying. The US went out of thier way to avoid civilian casualties, sometimes to their own detriment. I didn't see Russia going to the UN trying to get a diplomatic resolution before invading. I didn't see Russia get together a coalition of other countries to help them liberate the poor city that wanted Russia back. I also didn't see Russia give two s***s about the poor Ossetians before Georgia seperated either.
  22. But lest we not forget that now is the season for the DIRECT charges or racism to come flying out, blaming all of the white folk who don't vote for Obama as being racist! http://www.slate.com/id/2198397/
  23. And with everything John McCain or his supports say being code word for some sort of race-baiting, comes this bit of ass kissing on the left claiming that Biden's own DIRECT raciallt insensitive remarks are an asset. There is spin, and then the is SPIN! http://newsbusters.org/blogs/mark-finkelst...tually-strength
  24. Warren Buffet seems to think it would be a good idea for Edwards supporters who donated to start a class action lawsuit to get their money back. http://www.slate.com/id/2197768/#buffettedwards
  25. During the last Presidential election, didn't Biden suggest to Lurch that he tap Mccain for his VP spot? That is going to be interesting hearing Biden talk bad about McCain after all his many previous years of praise.
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