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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. The bacon in a can interested me for a moment, and then my arteries started to rebel and made my hand go numb before I could click the mouse and order some. I was ordered by them to not try and order that again or they would cut off blood flow to other 'more important areas'.
  2. Trying to get power from asphalt. Turning roads into solar collectors. http://www.ecogeek.org/content/view/2014/
  3. http://gizmodo.com/351304/cheeseburger-in-a-can-reviewed Also, bacon-in-a-can! http://www.mredepot.com/servlet/the-364/Yo...ed-Bacon/Detail And, Organic Batter Blaster, pancake batter in a spray can! http://www.batterblaster.com/
  4. http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5iHEwkv0...P5Ik_wD92LB8O00 There is more there, but with AP being a biach and all about using their stuff, this is all you get here.
  5. QUOTE (Texsox @ Aug 19, 2008 -> 05:03 PM) There are two quotes and they seem to contradict each other. The article claims the officers saw him sitting in his car with the engine running, when they approached, he drove off. I don;t see where he was ever out of his vehicle. If he was earlier, they would have known he was armed, instead the article states they announced he was armed. Genius, And yep, it's the liberals and liberal organizations like the National Rifle Association who defend our firearm rights. We have to stop conservatives who are always trying to take them away. The cops arrived to begin for some reason, maybe because he was reported walking around the park with a gun. By the time they got there, he was in his car.
  6. QUOTE (Texsox @ Aug 19, 2008 -> 04:10 PM) I guess I got my ass kicked again, at least he didn't call me cowboy again! He coulda called you a cowgirl instead.
  7. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 19, 2008 -> 04:33 PM) He certainly doesn't have the right to threaten to kill people with the gun, but right now he certainly has the right to own the AK-47 and possibly to carry it around places depending on the local laws. The Assault Weapons ban expired a few years ago, so if you want to go and stockpile AK-47's, it's not against the law as long as you follow whatever registration rules the state you're in has set. I can assure you that there are no states where it is legal to carry around a machine gun either on your person in public, or in your car when not disassembled, in a case and/or in the trunk. Even a regular shotgun needs to be unloaded, and unreachable. Even if he had a carry permit, they are for handguns only, and usually concealed carry. Some states do allow open carry, but they are not many.
  8. QUOTE (Texsox @ Aug 19, 2008 -> 04:03 PM) Unless our Constitution is now a religion, I'm guessing the judge didn't go with that new George Dubya, "we know what you're thinking and you are guilty law". Unfortunately we still have the right to "spouting off jihad talk" aka freedom of speech. The article you posted mentions the cops seeing it in the backseat, how that becomes "brandishing it in the park". But congrats Alpha, a rare double! Typical liberal whining about guns and a follow up with typical conservative whining about speech they do not agree with. Both in the same post. From the story, And when did I whine about guns? I have several, am in the NRA and have fired an AK-47. It is loud and has a nice kick. And he can say all the jihad stuff he wants. but coupled with the guns and resisting arrest, i can't see how he got no jail time. Tex, even in the gun-happy state of Texas, if you were driving around with a gun in the back seat and resisted arrest, you would be spending a few nights in jail.
  9. QUOTE (mr_genius @ Aug 19, 2008 -> 02:39 PM) oh here we go again with the psychos who think everyone should be able to own a AK-47. Hell, why stop there? Everyone should be able to build their own chemical weapons for self defense purposes. Don't mess with Texas! Simply owning the AK-47 wasn't the problem. Carrying it in the back seat, brandishing it in a park, resisting arrest and spouting off jihad talk all add up to a dangerous person. That is why it is so odd that he got probation. Maybe the judge didn't want to 'offend' anyone of a certain religious persuasion?
  10. Some judge over there needs to be removed from the bench for this. This waste of cells should have his ass behind bars for a long time. And this line, "While Zorkot openly supports Hezbollah on his Web site — www.zorkot.org — he has not been identified as a terrorist or linked to any terrorist group, according to law enforcement officials." is just wrong. Do you have to have a signed membership card with hahas or AlQ to be a terrorist nowadays? His very actions and words brand his as a terrorist. Or do we need to wait until he shoots someone or blows something up? He was arrested for a FELONY! Resisting arrest like he did is usually enough for 6 months all by itself. http://www.theoaklandpress.com/stories/081...080818004.shtml
  11. ] QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Aug 10, 2008 -> 03:35 PM) And sometimes you just want to be ashamed: Looks like Bush was channeling his inner-Barack in that photo. Apparently tickets to see the Messiah have the flag on them, printed upside down. http://www.9news.com/news/article.aspx?sto...8&catid=188 [attachment=5826:obama_ticket.jpg
  12. QUOTE (bmags @ Aug 18, 2008 -> 05:39 PM) I don't think voting preferences is what he's referring to. Maybe he was referring to his old state, with something like less than 1% black population.
  13. QUOTE (WilliamTell @ Aug 18, 2008 -> 05:20 PM) with the exception of African-Americans, those numbers are not a major difference. And which President has appointed more African americans to positions of power, the one from the 'white' party or the all-inclusive one? Hell, the DNC even hates gays (or at least Dean seems to).
  14. QUOTE (Texsox @ Aug 18, 2008 -> 10:57 AM) obviously desperate. It is a very warped scale to think of anything the US has ever done as evil. Well, when that is one of the top 3 things you think of when asked what is evil, it does seem pretty warped.
  15. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Aug 18, 2008 -> 10:15 AM) I want to go back and watch the whole show, but Norm MacDonald's bit during the Bob Saget roast was the least funniest thing I think I have ever seen. I have seen trainwrecks that were funnier than that. Yes.
  16. Many happy ones, Nuke!
  17. QUOTE (Gregory Pratt @ Aug 17, 2008 -> 12:43 PM) Interesting way to spell "calls." Yeah, my fat, arthritic fingers often hit more than one key at a time. Now, imagine if ANYONE conected with the RNC called the Dem party the black party, and then chuckled about it afterwards. I envision 20 pages of posts, at least, about 200 editorials, Olbermann getting one step closer to a heart attack (assuming he actually HAS a heart) and the Nutroots going ballistic with front page posts on DU, KOS and HuffPo.
  18. “If you look at folks of color, even women, they’re more successful in the Democratic party than they are in the white, uh, excuse me, in the [laughs] Republican party.” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxBphPVIxRw Also from that, "We just give more opportunity to folks who are, uh, are hard working people who are immigrants and come from members of minority groups". OK, Howard, the last 8 years of Democratic presidency featured how many minorities and/or immigrants in positions of power? How many cabinet members, appointments, etc.? Just curious.
  19. Another Obama quote at Saddleback (can't get the video to link or embed) "You know a lot of evil has been perpetrated based on the claim that we were trying to confront evil." So according to the Messiah, we are eeeeevilllllll!
  20. Ok, you two, there IS actually a seperate post for speeding, you know. On to Republican things. I am suprised no one has staretd a thread about the get together with Rick Warren. Here is a little clip where Obama is asked with of the Supremes he wouldn't have nominated. He picked Clarance Thomas, and starts to explain why. notice where he cathes himself mid-word as he almost says that Thomas wasn't an experienced enough jurist. And go ahead Obamatrons, try and spin that, but you KNOW that is what he was about to say. Maybe he realized that that would be the height of hypocracy for him to criticize anyone for being inexperienced enough for the job.
  21. QUOTE (Texsox @ Aug 16, 2008 -> 02:50 PM) I agree corruption is a huge problem in Illinois. Hell, for the sake of this discussion, I'll say it is the worst, most corrupt state in the Union with your Governor is the worst, most corrupt Governor ever to hold office in the history of mankind. Now tell me how that has anything to do with enforcing laws and paying fines? I can answer that, to a point. Earlier he expressed his anger at Blago wanting to institute this policy and high fines just for the purpose of creating a special fund to finance a new police tactical unit under his control. With the most corrupt governor ever, we should be fearfull at giving him any more money, or police, to play with.
  22. http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/story...2-12335,00.html .
  23. http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg1992..._mg19926694.500
  24. High school, a friend and i went to see some movie and tried to sneak in beer he got. Dumbass got Molsen, but no bottle opener. So after we got done with the movie we chugged them and went to Shakey's. it was a friday night, so you canimagine the place full of fellow high schoolers. Only not ours. To date myself, i was wearing my brand new, white Members Only jacket, when a huge blob of ketsup landed on the table right next to me, splattering all over my once white coat. i stand up, turn and see 3 guys wearing Bishop Knoll letterman jackets laughing, one stands up and says "well, what! You f**" So I clocked him, hard, knocked him onto a table like a scene in Roadhouse. I then said to him something like "That, you Bishop Knoll f**". Well, wouldn't you know it, the whole place was filled with people from Bishop Knoll. Then all hell broke loose, my friend asking me if this was my way of getting even with him for forgetting a bottle opener. He was a pretty good sized guy and ended up taking out 5 or 6 before the cops got there. I managed to knock down one more before I started getting beat to hell. Got a broken nose and a few fingers than night, along with a night in the pokey. Dad was pissed.
  25. QUOTE (kapkomet @ Aug 14, 2008 -> 08:01 AM) Well... it sometimes is all about the raging hormones and then it's supposed to be marriage after that. Hopefully not, but sometimes people make that decision based on things they shouldn't. Marriage is not what young people think it is, that's for sure. Damn, I'm old. There is no method that is right all the time. I remet my wife in August of 89, started dating her in October, moved in together in January, engaged by February and married by September. All with no pregnancy involved. Although I was already at what I THOUGHT would be my career job (position 'eliminated' several months later).
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