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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. We are fast becoming like England, which isn't good.
  2. QUOTE (lostfan @ Aug 13, 2008 -> 06:37 PM) I really hate when people do that though. Because when somebody actually wants to talk about REAL racism, the claims that actually exist and need to be addressed honestly, they get shouted down because they're associated with these kinds of idiots. He was talking something about the Paris Hilton ad that McCain made, and he was talking about how they had the Brandenburg Gate and Eiffel Tower at the beginning then he asks "why do they have to have those PHALLIC symbols at the beginning, how is that relevant?" Haha at that point i had to keep watching, it was like a train wreck, hard to look away. I dunno, was he saying Republicans are secretly jealous of Obama's cock? wtf? No, he is saying that all white men secretly fear losing their white women to black men. Same argument they said in the Ford/Playboy mansion ad.
  3. There isn't any oil there (in the Ukraine) so I am suprised that the Democrats aren't chomping at the bit to get us involved.
  4. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Aug 13, 2008 -> 02:46 PM) Sales are not profit. I know that all too well.
  5. QUOTE (DrunkBomber @ Aug 12, 2008 -> 05:20 PM) First off, parking tickets arent moving violations, and you receive them at the time of the crime, not in the mail weeks later. Yeah, like the tollway violation notice I got in March from 5 years ago, for a car I haven't ownerd in 7 years.
  6. QUOTE (Chet Lemon @ Aug 13, 2008 -> 12:45 PM) Who pays the people who defend your freedom? Who pays the service men and women in our communities to recruit civilians in order to provide for the common defense? The Federal Government. Article I of the Constitution vests Congress with the power to “raise and support” military forces to “provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States." Where does Congress get the power to “raise and support” our military? Federal dollars. Unless compulsatory service becomes policy, dodging these necessary payments weakens the ability of of the armed forces to attract men and women who have the skills needed for the Nation’s defense. No, I probably won't walk away from my belief that it is treasonous not to pay one's share over an eight-year period as alleged in the report. My business has shown a loss for the last 4 years, mostly due to depreciation. That means I paid no taxes on the business. I did, however, pay taxes on my personal income, plus the taxes on my 3 employees, not to mention the various taxes I paid when purchasing things. Am I a traitor?
  7. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Aug 12, 2008 -> 02:45 PM) Cash is all it would have taken... Jeez, we should have nabbed him. Cash, and perhaps not being in the same division. Alot of teams do not want to trade within.
  8. QUOTE (EvilJester99 @ Aug 12, 2008 -> 01:50 PM) Indians trade Paul Byrd to Red Sox -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://mlb.mlb.com/news/article.jsp?ymd=20...sp&c_id=mlb I am amazed teams below Boston didn't block it starting with New York I am not sure, but I thought you only have som many claims that you are allowed to make? And besides, maybe they think Boston having Byrd will help THEM instead of Boston.
  9. I had thought that Swisher would be tons better than he is now. I had envisioned .265 - .275 average with about 30 homeruns. Don't see that happening. Otherwise my optimism runs high. Oh, and I thought Thome would pull to the right even more, however he has suprised me very much with his center and opposite field hitting this year. My bad. Although I for some reason envisioned him actually bunting down third one time this year, although I think I was drunk when that thought came by.
  10. QUOTE (kapkomet @ Aug 12, 2008 -> 06:31 AM) I'm sure that somehow this is "different" for Obama. He still has to walk on water and turn water into wine later this month. If he is walking on the wine, I'm not drinking it.
  11. We could give them all 50% raises and still come out ahead if they would eliminate the sweetheart pension deals they get. They should be on social security liek the rest of os, or 401k programs that THEY pay into. They should all be strung up for pushing that theft of tax dollars on us without the people getting any say. And Tex, before you say 'well, you elected them', that doesn't matter. Even if you threw them all oout the next cycle as punishment, you think the new guys are gonna end that cushy perk? No way.
  12. Just in case someone didn't see it in the Filibuster.
  13. My oldest son turned 15 today. I feel so old.
  14. OK, check out this screen grab. With all the hoopla from certain leftist pundits of racism in every ad or speech, look at all the interesting choice of words here, to go along with Obama's new logo. "The head throbs", "The American voter will get the shaft", "by not seizing the moment", "growing movement" Also, just interesting how this columinst refers to "Bill & Hillary Clinton, geraldine ferrero and OTHER Republicans." I wonder when they switched parties?
  15. QUOTE (Yoda @ Aug 11, 2008 -> 01:44 PM) Yeah, but isn't that what usually happens when a GM tries to put his team in a winning situation? If you look at the D'backs this season and last year they have definitely upgraded from their past form. They have enough talent right now to put away their current division for some years to come. Right now is the time to do it for them. A Webb, Haren, and Johnson rotation going into the postseason could give the disadvantage to the opposing team. Now they have a bat who can put up some hits even though he does have some negatives (K's a lot). At least they aren't inning ending double play grounders to short.
  16. OK, assume that Edwards drops out before Iowa. If Obama still beats Hil by an even larger margin, do they then start to take Obama seriously and run a better campaign? It could have been a wakeup call for them very early on which apparently they never got until too late. Or if the reverse happened, it was very close or Hil even would have won there, how would Obama have ran afterwards? WOuld the Hillary campaign jumped into ultra-agressive mode early? We need a wayback machine to find out, Mr. Peabody.
  17. I thought they have been playing minor league ball there for the last century or so?
  18. QUOTE (Texsox @ Aug 11, 2008 -> 07:49 AM) We probably should be immune to this sort of thing by now. Politicians are real people and mirror the population. While I am sympathetic to his current status as a private citizen, this did occur while he was running for office, so it would seem fair comment. I also think too many of the comments are based on his party, just like I said with Larry Craig. I forget, is this evening up for Craig, or does this place the Dems -1 and they need a GOP to get caught so they can catch up? It depends on how far down the political food chain you want to go. The Dems have had a rough time with mayors of big cities lately (Kwame in Detroit, Sharp James in Newark).
  19. Tex, are you trying to imply that you have never broken a speed limit? Ever?
  20. QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Aug 10, 2008 -> 04:35 PM) And sometimes you just want to be ashamed: Man, you just can't give your BDS a rest for one f***ing post, can you? Look at the light hearted way the picture is posted and maybe make a funny post, not a partisan post. What the hell are you going to do if Obama loses? You will be un f***ing bearable.
  21. The speed limits do seem arbitrarily set. For instance, on I355, they are doing construction, as usual. in the sonstruction zone they lower the speed limit by 10 MPH to 45, and increase the fine big time. For safety. Well, a few miles away of I-55 they are also doing roadwork, and they lowered the speed limit by 10 MPH to 55. For safety. Why if 55 MPH safe in a construction zone of I-55, but not on I-355? It is just another way to take advantage of people trying to get to/from work and get off of our crappy roads. Oh, and the construction zone saftey thing is crap too. I had researched this a few years back, from 1995 to 2005, in Illinois there were 12 roadway construction workers killed while working. 9 were killed by drunk drivers (who wouldn't have obeyed the speed limit whatever it was at) and 2 were by other construction workers coming or going to the jobsite. So, as a result, anyone caught speeding in a construction zone now gets screwed because of a few drunk drivers, kneejerk reactions to a large political lobby and greed.
  22. I remember the knee-thing. I broke my heart, no puin intended, as he was my favorite player at the time.
  23. I'll give him credit for at least stickign around and talkingf with the guy instead of storming off in a huff because he was ingored by the populace in general, but really, 1 person shows up to hear you speak? Maybe he ISN'T good enough. And doggonit, maybe people don't like him.
  24. http://www.sctimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/artic.../108080047/1009
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