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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. So far he hasn't let anyone look at the engine or the car itself, so all there is is his claims to achive that milage. We'll see if he actually enters it in that contest, because then it will get a good going over to see if it actually works.
  2. QUOTE (bmags @ Jul 2, 2008 -> 05:13 PM) If only the play had just excessive violence, then it'd go on without a hitch. Or if it denigrated Christians or America.
  3. QUOTE (Texsox @ Jul 2, 2008 -> 10:24 AM) Shall we also condemn every theater group in the country that has not produced this musical? I believe publicly funded projects like this should stick to entertainment not social education. I think it is reasonable for a family to be able to walk through the park without a government funded musical singing racial insults. Can we then stop funding 'art' like the piss christ and other things that may offend a family and children in a public museum? I'm all for stopping government funding of these things. Especially 'art'.
  4. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jul 2, 2008 -> 10:05 AM) I guess hatred sells. Then why is Air America on its death bed?
  5. In the market for a car with good gas milage? How about a supercar with the best milage? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V82So-yIsuM
  6. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 29, 2008 -> 05:42 PM) Yes you did. For volcanic activity to have a significant impact on the temperature of the arctic ocean, that's what's required. Go through and do the math yourself if you don't believe me. Either you've got an unprecedented scale of volcanism up there in the last 4 billion years of earth history, or it's insignificant. Take your pick. I get headaches trying to proof my son's math homework, no thanks. Unless it is figuring out how much to mark up a job before I sell it, I'll pass.
  7. Apparently barry has some bad housing in his territory, and campaign staff that has ties to it. http://www.boston.com/news/nation/articles...licy/?page=full
  8. QUOTE (Texsox @ Jul 1, 2008 -> 06:15 PM) How sad it would have been if he was saying "I thought they were burglers, how was I to know they had relatives staying there?" Yup. Relatives who climb out windows with TV's and threaten neignbors. Nice family. Tex, if you walked out of a friend's house carrying a TV, and there was a man standing in front of you with a shotgun that said "stop or i'll shoot", I'll wager that you stop, and not run at him or away.
  9. QUOTE (bmags @ Jul 1, 2008 -> 03:33 PM) you know I continue to find posts like these funny. So many of these stories pop up in these forums with the basic theme calling Europe p***** but you'd find more hatred for Islam there than in the US. There's a reason those cartoons showed up in Denmark (edit: thanks Balta). In addition, there is also anti-immigrant sentiment as well, leading to elections of right wing crazies in places like Germany spain and elsewhere, right wing crazies that parallel our right wing crazies that WE wouldn't elect. The difference? Unlike in America where our Muslim population is fairly middle class and educated, they are the poorest of the poor in Europe and unskilled and uneducated, making them more susceptible to the lunatics of their religion. Making it worse, the growing rage over their poverty being channeled through religious fanaticism has the countries backlash back at them, making their situation worse. So, their situation is nothing like ours at all, and their islamic relations are many more times more complicated than ours. Now they are upset over a puppy on postcards! http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10...cemans-hat.html
  10. QUOTE (Texsox @ Jul 1, 2008 -> 06:59 PM) Generally when you buy the rights to produce works like this, you are not allowed to make a change like that. You have to perform it as written. Some even go so far as to dictate staging, lighting, etc. In this case it seems the venue is the issue. If you bought a ticket to the play, you presumably would be prepared for the language. Since there is a real possibility of someone accidentally, and without knowledge of the play, overhearing the language, it seems prudent to pick another play. Or to possibly warn people that this is a period piece and contains some strong language?
  11. WTF was the plainclothes guy just doing sitting there instead of doing his f***ing JOB! The city should also be in some big time trouble for the response time it took to get the idiot there.
  12. QUOTE (lostfan @ Jun 30, 2008 -> 08:23 PM) Wait, wait... time-out. Gotta clear some things up here. 1 - Wesley Clark isn't an Obama surrogate and wasn't doing the interview on behalf of Obama, their campaign had nothing to do with that 2 - Clark was asked a leading question from the interview, the words he used were almost verbatim what the interviewer said except his reply was to say "that's not relevant" (to be honest, as crass as it sounds, I don't see how it is in and of itself especially when you see how the question was framed to him) 3 - Clark was wounded in combat in Vietnam too and is the last kind of person to disprespect McCain's war record, not that this means he wouldn't, but he didn't My point in saying this is that the response to this "controversy" is manufactured and the "attack" by Clark is non-existent. It's just more political bulls***. What Clark said was almost verbatim to what several others have said on blogs, interveiws, etc. It has already become unofficial talking points, so I would have to disagree with you and say that I believe that Clark fits the very definition of an Obama surrogate. The question is, how long until he also gets thrown under the bus like everyone else.
  13. As long as they are not solo home runs, that means people are getting on base. Just win, baby! Just win!
  14. Make sure you get a termite inspection.
  15. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 27, 2008 -> 12:23 PM) So basically your claim is that a mass of magma the size of Kilauea suddenly appeared on one of the least active rift areas in the world and it happened so fast that it was able to heat up the entire arctic ocean to the point that the surface ocean, 1.2 kilometers above the rift, actually began to warm to the point that it was able to melt ice (note, this would require more than 1 degree of heating for the bottom part of the ocean because you'd have to move the hot water up through the entire ocean and it would really, really want to convectively mix away if you did that). And no geologist or seismologist or oceanographer anywhere in the world noticed. Um, no, I didn't make that claim. All I claimed is that there was a large amount of volcanic activity under there and that it could have a significant impact.
  16. QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Jun 29, 2008 -> 12:36 PM) http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/06/29/s...w_n_109818.html I guess it isn't that covert then, is it?
  17. QUOTE (bmags @ Jun 29, 2008 -> 12:08 PM) but what's the point in saying that? Why not just say he's just another John Kerry? What if someone said "He's just another George W. Bush, but older" How about a lame attempt at humor.
  18. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 27, 2008 -> 08:52 PM) Simple question then...where is the "Right to self defense" (and that's a quote from Scalia's opinion) in the 2nd amendment? That is the specific right that Scalia stated in his opinion he was protecting with that ruling. Life & liberty. Can't have either if you are dead. Well, i guess you could have liberty in death, but you probably wouldn't enjoy it much.
  19. QUOTE (lostfan @ Jun 27, 2008 -> 04:13 PM) I wasn't really posting here much during the GOP primaries but I'm curious why you think that? I don't know this board's general opinion on him. A little too religious for me is my main complaint but otherwise he seems like a pretty stand-up guy. What I mean is his religiousness is over the top for the average person. people want to respect religion, they just don't want it shoved in their face. He comes across as way too zealous to me and apears to be a bit loony. My opinion, that's all.
  20. McCain should take Palin from Alaska. She has a conservative record that would appeal to the base, is a woman to help balance the ticket, and has even bucked her own party in the past over corruption issues, which should appeal to the 'maverick's maverickness. Pawlenty wouldn't be bad, but none of the others are going to help. Huckabee is a loon, if Romney was good enough, he wouldn't have dropped out so early, Jindal is NOT ready for a national stage, and the rest just do nothing for me.
  21. http://realdemocrathistory.wordpress.com/2...bama-supporter/ For your amusement: A funny radio clip of an Obama supporter going nuts calling a radio station.
  22. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 27, 2008 -> 11:41 AM) Another increasingly alarmist piece about the state of the northern polar ice cover, looking at the potential of an ice free north pole this year. The short version is we're still on track for less ice than we saw during last year's record low year, and we may well be right up against the "It all vanishes" tipping point. We really need this thing to hold together. Lots of underwater volcanic activity there could be a big factor for that, not just 'global warming'.
  23. QUOTE (knightni @ Jun 26, 2008 -> 10:49 PM) They were designed to carve up a dead body though,...of an animal. Usually a tasty one.
  24. QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Jun 26, 2008 -> 04:42 PM) California Outlines Broadest U.S. Global Warming Plan And all the neighboring states will be lining up to host the businesses that will flock away from California.
  25. QUOTE (Controlled Chaos @ Jun 25, 2008 -> 12:56 PM) Just got this in an email and it reminded me of this thread. A lot of the stuff below is why the coverage is lacking. People being responsible for themselves and dealing with this situation the best way they can doesn't make as good tv as looting, blaming the government, or racism charges. As you watch the flooding in the Midwest, have you noticed that there are no farmers or farm hands running around with stolen plasma TVs or holding stolen liquor over their heads. There's no looting or yelling, 'Where's Bush?', 'Where's FEMA?, 'Where's my check?', or 'Why isn't the Government out here saving me and my farm?' Likewise, I've also noticed there are no reports of any other country coming to help, or sending aid. And just where are Reverends Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton? Shocking contrast isn't it???!!!! Edit: After going back and reading some of this thread...I see AlphaDog could have been the actual writer of the email above. Hmmm. Nope, not me. Although I did steal the 'vanilla city' part from a different site, so I am sure that all the phrases and lines are getting around.
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