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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE (chw42 @ Sep 22, 2015 -> 03:51 PM) So you think that this family and 14 year old kid knew that they were going to get media attention for this? They knew he'd get arrested and handcuffed? They knew that a majority of the social media world as well as the freaking president of the United States, MIT, and numerous Silicon Valley CEOs would invite him on tours? If that's really the case, can they tell me what the winning lotto numbers are for tomorrow or what the optimal Fanduel lineup is for next weekend? They must be able to see the f***ing future. School officials and local police screwed up. And had they not have screwed up, this wouldn't have been an issue in the first place. Hell, they could have just been hoping he got thrown out of school or something so they could sue and/or cause a disturbance. That they hit the bonanza of stupid school admins was a bonus.
  2. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Sep 22, 2015 -> 03:41 PM) For being treated like a criminal for showing interest in engineering/science. That's definitely what people should be upset about, stuff from Microsoft and a trip to the WH. Not a 14 year old being suspended from school and arrested for having a clock. I'm not excusing the overreaction by the admins all up the line, but the over reaction by others after the fact to try and compensate.
  3. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Sep 22, 2015 -> 03:37 PM) You could take a clock apart and rewire it back in middle school? He didn't rewire s***, just busted open an 80's digital clock and shoved everything inside the case.
  4. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Sep 22, 2015 -> 03:36 PM) The kid didn't claim to have invented the idea of a digital clock or manufactured the circuit boards from raw materials. I do like the attempt to make the hypothetical "fear of islamophobia" the bad guy here instead of the actual case of real islamophobia. I believe almost every story I read said the kid was showing off his 'invention', as if it were his own. And you explain any other reason that all sorts of people are jumping up to offer him things? Free s*** from Microsoft? Really? For what?
  5. The kid should get a F in his engineering class for ripping off an already made clock and trying to call it his own. but fear of islamophobia will get him a full ride to MIT.
  6. QUOTE (greg775 @ Sep 18, 2015 -> 03:02 PM) Can you imagine if the Sox hadn't won it all in 2005? We might never have a modern day title on the south side. We arguably have one of the worst franchises in all of sports. And yet this team won it all in 05. Who was the manager of this team? Ozzie Guillen. Thank you Mr. Guillen! Yes, Thank you, and now be on your way. I still don't like him very much.
  7. QUOTE (LDF @ Sep 17, 2015 -> 05:05 PM) the sox fans did not hate ozzie and in fact, if i remember correctly, they were defending him. instead asking for kw to leave and give ozzie the raise. b/c he won the WS. this was all done after the fact. how many times was there a whole lot of defense for ozzie??? the point is, he abandon the org, b/c he did not get his way, just like a spoiled willful child. and as an after thought, his spoiled brats, took up the mantle to go to war in the press and / or any way they can. can you really say right here and now, that you still think he did not quit on the org, esp during the season and was in an on-going discussion with the marlins?? I hated Ozzie. I hated him at the time of the hire, but just because I thought he was an ass, not because of his management ability. He got a grudgingly acceptance from me for a while because of the WS, but even that wears off. When his petulance because too much, and when his kids just wouldn't s*** their pie hole long enough to at least remove the feet they stuck in there earlier, it was just too much. Glad he was gone, glad he isn't coming back.
  8. QUOTE (DrunkBomber @ Sep 17, 2015 -> 02:24 PM) This is one thing I dont get about the socially conservative republicans. Theyre anti abortion and PP but are also the first people to complain that they dont want to have to financially support other peoples mistakes. Its kind of like how liberals are all up in arms about how corrupt police can be but will also blindly support any union. Well congratulations, you created an environment where police can do whatever they want and essentially get away with it. Because in both cases you are asking THEM to take responsibility for someone else's choices. Either abortion or welfare, you still digging into their pockets to pay for it.
  9. QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Sep 17, 2015 -> 10:56 AM) Would anyone think it is a good idea if Trump treated other world leaders the way he treats people he didn't like? About the 50th time Kim Jong Whateverthef***hisnameis threatens to rain nuclear fire down upon the United States because he was too short for the roller coaster at Disneyland, maybe a little pimp hand across the chops would be a refreshing change. (half-green text above)
  10. It's amazing what office politics can prepare you for sometimes...
  11. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Sep 16, 2015 -> 01:54 PM) More 3 year old links from WorldNetDaily and a site that recommends articles about how gay marriage is just like Sharia law, please 11-1-2014 9-5-2014 7-25-2012 2013 (Youtube video, because that is when the event referenced happened) 4-20-15 Sorry the messenger isn't up to your standards. Now prove they are lying.
  12. QUOTE (Cknolls @ Sep 16, 2015 -> 12:36 PM) Yes. PPO Plus through UHC.....Also we were informed that that plan will not be available come 2018.....So i did like my plan but unfortunately i do not get to keep it because Obama knows better. But like i said i do have transgender coverage now, so i have that going for me... So in 2018 should we call you Cait?
  13. QUOTE (Coach @ Sep 16, 2015 -> 09:03 AM) Thanks. I'm glad I have your permission to do whatever I want. I was worried and not sleeping because I didnot have your permission. Dude, that last part was uncalled for. Even if this were in the political section.
  14. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Sep 16, 2015 -> 07:02 AM) The irony is that you are basically preaching about the team doing the same thing over and over again, and here you are doing the exact same thing over and over again. I'd honestly think if something was so completely awful, and you knew it was going to be so bad, that you wouldn't get yourself all worked up and angry about it... maybe you'd find something that you actually got some positive utility from? To me, it just sounds like some people enjoy the misery. I'd hope people would see that and try something that actually made them happy. The team winning would make me happy...but I don't have much control over that.
  15. QUOTE (farmteam @ Sep 14, 2015 -> 09:59 PM) Um, I live in the Twin Cities and have zero idea what you're talking about. http://www.startribune.com/new-somali-refu...ng/281197521/#1 s. So right off the bat they tax the already burdened welfare network. The story also mentions the additional educational resources many districts have to spend to try and educate the children. To their credit, they do say that many succeed. http://www.wnd.com/2014/09/refugees-in-u-s...-welfare-jihad/ Yes, that link is a little slanted, but still valid concerns. http://cnsnews.com/news/article/minnesota-...hennepin-county Cabbies don't want to transport people with booze or pets. Oh boy. http://www.wnd.com/2015/04/feds-admit-terr...among-refugees/ Sounds like paradise to me. Now maybe if they were spread out, like I think ss2k said, to each state in smaller numbers, it might not be so bad. But with such a huge concentration in one place, there is no need for them to fit in, they just make little Somalian neighborhoods and stay there.
  16. QUOTE (RegionSox @ Sep 14, 2015 -> 11:15 AM) I think the US could probably take quite a few more refugees and successfully get them taken care of here. The US did a pretty good job handling the South Vietnamese refugees after the war ended in the 70s. Ask Minneapolis how they like having 10k Somalian refugees there.
  17. Perhaps he should have stayed on it a bit longer...
  18. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Sep 11, 2015 -> 01:22 PM) FWIW this thread title does specifically mention "European" because that's the center of the ongoing refugee crisis, not the US. When they SHOULD be migrating to other arab countries.
  19. QUOTE (HickoryHuskers @ Sep 11, 2015 -> 01:19 PM) I think we should take as many as we can handle. The more people leave Syria and Iraq, the less power those leaders have. Getting those people into places where they are forced to deal with western culture would also be a benefit I'd think. But they don't deal with western culture, they just stay happily in their own culture. There is no melting pot anymore. The number we can take safely is zero.
  20. No. Want none. The newspapers only show the few women and children there, and ignore the fact that a majority are men of military age, and they are as a group ungrateful bastards. They get food and riot because it isn't halal, or refuse water because it came from a Red Cross box. f*** them all, do't want. Go HUngary. Maybe we should accept the same amount as Saudi Arabia takes, which is ZERO. All they have done is offered to build mosques for them in Germany.
  21. QUOTE (greg775 @ Sep 10, 2015 -> 02:59 PM) I mean if it's Hillary vs. Donald. I guess there are still some older women who just will vote Republican. I forgot Kansans elected Brownback for gawdsakes just cause he's Republican. Maybe I'm a little high. Would u agree that if Donald gets the Republican nomination he'll get the least amount of the woman vote in modern history? That is a lock. Hillary will bury him that's why I think there's still a chance his pride will have him ultimately drop out of the race. How could he stand losing to such a weak candidate in Hillary? He'll forever be known as the first to lose to a woman as well. You assume Hillary is not in jail or doesn't drop out from any/all of her scandals.
  22. QUOTE (bigruss22 @ Sep 9, 2015 -> 03:57 PM) Has anybody ever really been silent on this board? If people agreed with you then you would hear it. Not always. If it was an unpopular opinion that someone agreed with, why would some subject themselves to being called out on here?
  23. EvilMonkey

    G-Pa Tex

    Congrats, grandpa. Hopefully I have several more years before I join you.
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