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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jun 12, 2008 -> 08:37 AM) I don't understand your point. You are condoning their behavior because "perhaps" a liberal called Michelle Obama "Obama's baby mama"? How can you condone "terrorist fist jab" with a straight face? I didn't say anything about the fist jab. I was just pointing out that perhaps an outraged liberal uttered the phrase 'baby mamma' and they were just quoting them. Why is that so bad? You know, the liberal loonies on the blogs are the biggest bunch of name callers I have EVER seen. Why is it they get their panties in such a bunch the moment they see/hear/read something they don't like with all this manufactured outrage? Or perhaps it is real outrage, showing their thin skin.
  2. QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Jun 12, 2008 -> 08:26 AM) yep... totally fair and balanced news... Ever think they picked up the 'baby momma' quote from an outrage liberal?
  3. QUOTE (bmags @ Jun 12, 2008 -> 01:08 AM) You're right, I shouldn't have said character is off-limits, but I do believe trivializing a man's war record when the other opponent did not even participate in the war was, hopefully in this new election, reprehensible. Obama has shown an ability to control his entire base, but I have seen comments poking fun at McCain's war record, I hope they stop. His ENTIRE base? If you count the many lefty blogs as part of his base, you had the kids over at Koz making fun of McCain's teeth. Teeth which were knocked out while a prisoner. There were similar posts up at Huffpo, but those got pulled off. This whole political cycle is getting to be too much.
  4. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jun 11, 2008 -> 01:28 PM) Maybe it is being an outsider, but the big difference I see between the two of them is one of them has a puppet legistlature. I think if Blago got to do half of the stuff that Daley gets to do, he'd be more "effective". The other difference is that Richie has no powerful enemies like Mads. And the state would have been broke a long time ago. Blago hasn't got anything done because he is constantly pushing knee-jerk proposals with large amounts of spending, but no way to pay for them. PLus, his ego I think just totally messed him up. i remember when he first got elected, there was talk about him running for President. yeah, that would have worked out real well.
  5. QUOTE (lostfan @ Jun 11, 2008 -> 09:07 AM) lol. It's totally in character for the stereotype of the GOP, really. The Dems use populist pandering to get votes, talk about taxing the rich, evil corporations etc. so people shouldn't act surprised when they do it. Likewise, the GOP uses fear to influence votes via whatever means (like this, or like saying "the terrorists win if a Democrat gets elected") or some other tactic like deliberately inflaming racial tensions (basically, Jesse Helms' political career). The exception to this is Hillary Clinton, who does all the above. Except that he is not THE GOP. Calling him the GOP would be like calling DailyKos the Dems.
  6. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jun 11, 2008 -> 08:15 AM) Apparently the GOP hasn't gotten the hint that nasty smearing isn't working this year for them as we have seen in the Congressional races. But here we see them going at it again by attacking Obama's religion, insinuating that he's a crypto-Muslim. Nice job smearing all the GOP for one whackjob.
  7. Could the Blue Dog Dems be Obama's worst nightmare? http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5jPG6u74...YSfdGAD917E7M81
  8. Maybe he should propose a windfall profit tax on authors. I mean, it doesn't take $4 million dollars worth of time to write a book, and if an author has a successful selling book, why should he make more profit than the average guy? Maybe 90% of anything over $1 million?
  9. QUOTE (lostfan @ Jun 10, 2008 -> 07:41 PM) I thought it was pretty laughable to suggest Obama changed his name from Mohammad (before anybody cared about the name) to Hussein (at the time when Saddam was public enemy #1). Yeah, I didn't get that one either. But when was Obama's citizenship brought up before? i remember people wondering/accusing him of being Muslim, but I don't recall anyone asking if he was born a citizen.
  10. Is Obama really a US citizen? http://campaignspot.nationalreview.com/pos...jY4Mjg2OWRmNzI=
  11. QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Jun 10, 2008 -> 01:53 PM) Card signing is to reduce workplace intimidation by employers. One out of four employers who find themselves being organized illegally fires employees for working to get their seat at the table. The current means to organize a union is extremely difficult and involves both the same card signing procedure in addition to a secret ballot election. The SEIU organizers that I have worked with and almost worked for were most definitely not the intimidating types btw. SEIU is better than most unions actually in that it is one of the few unions that let their own employees organize. While I am sure there are lots of individual members who are upstanding citizens, and many locals that are good groups as well, the national leadership harkens back to the old days of unions with intimidation, backroom deals and just outright arrogance towards its members. Here at their convention, the president was so sure that 'his' guys would be elected, he didn't even bother to print ballots. And when some of the locals stood up to them, they were caught unprepared. http://seiuvoice.org/article.php?id=462 He managed to get passed a resolution to use strike funds to fund his Justice For All (Res 301), not for striking workers http://seiuvoice.org/article.php?id=458 Here they attack an existing union so that they can increase thier membership. So much for letting the employees do their thing here. He even went to the governor and had secret meetings with him. Afterwards, the governor declared the strike 'illegal' and moved to decertify the union, so SEIU could take over. http://www.earthtimes.org/articles/show/se...rs,409840.shtml Stern makes suprise visits to influence member elections and won't meet with dissenters and is being sued by the local for doing so. http://www.sfbg.com/entry.php?entry_id=616...mp;issue_num=31 he struck a deal with the very pro-union governor of Colorado who issued an executive order that creates a 'bargining partnership' with state workers, allowing them to be unionized with only a 30% yes vote, meaning that the other 70% would be forced to pay dues and join as well. http://theunionlabelblog.com/2007/11/28/co...s-backdoor-win/
  12. OK, but big deal, we talk about Jay, but still, does anybody buy the paper because of Jay? I know the 'controversy sells' mantra, but does that really hold true? I don't think people in Boston are rushing out to buy the Sun Times, so the national part of the exposure is kind of wasted. They probably laugh at Chicago for having this dickwad 'represent' us. And I have only seen that show a few times, and each time I did, he came off as a bigger dofus than he does in print, so I can't see how that helps. I don't read his articles anymore, what I get now I get from these posts here. And even that is too much.
  13. QUOTE (whitesoxfan101 @ Jun 9, 2008 -> 10:03 PM) He's perhaps the worst sports journalist in America, but he sells papers, and a desperate gutter publication like the Sun-Times will keep him as long as that remains the case, regardless of the fact that almost EVERYBODY hates him. That has been the story in a nutshell for years now. HOw do we know that HE sells papers? Is there anyone that actually buys the paper BECAUSE of Jay? When he has his 'vacation' a while back, did readership decline? We get the SunTimes here at work, but only because the Trib is a pain in the ass to read format-wise. I disagree that he is actually a seller of papers, and that if he were to leave, the gains would be more than offset by the few minions who would follow him elsewhere. And if he takes Slezak with him, it would be a bonus!
  14. QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Jun 10, 2008 -> 11:11 AM) When you are killing fewer union members because there are fewer union members, that doesn't seem like the definition of improvement to me. Just eradication. And please, tell me what evil the SEIU does. I'd really like to know that. Assaults fellow union members because they dare to disagree: http://www.labornotes.org/node/1604 They use forced contributions for political causes http://www.blackvoicenews.com/content/view/41537/4/ And I can't find the video link anymore, but they are pushing a law to change the secret ballot voting for union membership in favor of card signing, so everyone knows what way you voted, leaving those who vote against open for intimidation. Very undemocratic. There used to be a cool video against it online featuring the guy who played Johnny Sack on the Sopranos, but for the moment, I can't find it. I will, however, grant you that there have been no murders. That we know of.
  15. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jun 10, 2008 -> 07:14 AM) Must.resist.joke. Resistance is futile.
  16. I wanted Swisher to sit for an extended period of time, and had been pretty pissed at Ocab. At least Swisher had appeared to be trying, but from what I could see on TV, Ocab didn't appear to be hustling all that much, to me. I want effort, and results. I saw the effort in Swish, but didn't see it in Ocab, until the last few weeks. Now we are starting to see some results! Hopefully warmer weather brings out the best in those two, and that's all it was. I would hate to think that a professional was doggin' it for the first 2 months.
  17. QUOTE (GoSox05 @ Jun 9, 2008 -> 06:09 PM) Now is the rate of assasination to union leaders droping because of reform or because there is barely any left? I also think this will cost more Americans their jobs. You come off as extremely anti-union. I've never heard of union workers called "overlords" before. I am very anti union, but if it helps business, then it also helps people keep their jobs, union or otherwise. And I'll find the link later, but I remember it saying that there were over 800,000 union members in Columbia. I think there are still some left. Oh, and I was referring to the union bosses as the overlords. The average worker has no idea, or say, in how their union dues are spent on politics. Half a business' employees could be Republican, but still have to have their money spent campaigning for a Democrat, because that's who the bosses want.
  18. QUOTE (bmags @ Jun 9, 2008 -> 03:24 PM) when did Europe cave-in after the original outrage? The Denmark paper wrote a long editorial defending its actions, and despite having to hide the cartoonists to protect them, didn't cave in at all. Let's just remember, the European countries relationship with their Islamic population is very different than the US. They are the poorest of the poor in France and many countries, and are very uneducated. Their responses might be different than ours because the situations are different. Denmark didn't cave in, you are correct. They seem to be almost alone in willingness to stand for something. France and England both have 'no-go' zones for people who are anything other than Muslim. In England, 2 preachers were arrested for 'hate speech' for proselytising, however you spell that. So spreading the Word of God is hate speech in England. I just don't see them holding out for very long. http://www.statutelaw.gov.uk/content.aspx?...p;filesize=4686 This is one of the acts in the UK already used to silence critics of Islam. The relevant portion is: 5. Harassment, alarm or distress. — (1) A person is guilty of an offence if he— (a) uses threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour, or disorderly behaviour, or (B) displays any writing, sign or other visible representation which is threatening, abusive or insulting, within the hearing or sight of a person likely to be caused harassment, alarm or distress thereby. Ideally this could also be used against Muslims there. Holding a sign about death to the infidels or something could be called abusive, but so far, it has only worked the other way. Brigitte Bardot fined in France for criticizing the ritual slaughter of animals in Islam. http://www.smh.com.au/news/people/screen-i...2258855826.html HOWEVER, Dutch authorities had arrested a cartoonist the criminal offense of “publishing cartoons which are discriminating for Muslims and people with dark skin.” http://www.brusselsjournal.com/node/3257 They are already on their way over there. Can they stop in time?
  19. QUOTE (GoSox05 @ Jun 9, 2008 -> 03:45 PM) I'm not talking about other countries. I'm talking about Columbia. I really don't know what you mean by my small world and being lonely, but I think it was a personal attack of some sort. You are right, it was. I take it back. Should not have said that. However, in talking about Columbia, you seem very closed minded to the fact that they are improving drastically, and instead focusing on the fact that anything happened at all. There are 'unionists' murdered all over the world. And anti-union people as well. This deal can only help American companies, so I don't understand the liberal opposition, other than they are doing the bidding of their union overlords. You say 'don't reward murder', i say, 'reward the drastic drop in murder'. You are never going to have zero here.
  20. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jun 9, 2008 -> 01:09 PM) Where is your outrage towards relations with Cuba? I am all for opening relations with Cuba. I also don't like the dryfoot policy regarding Cuban defectors, whereby if they set foot on land, they get asylum.
  21. Well, i was looking for bets on how long for them to cave in. The Vegas line is 2 months.
  22. What, nobody wants to touch this?
  23. QUOTE (GoSox05 @ Jun 9, 2008 -> 11:47 AM) They have decreased. Only 17 trade unionists have been assassinated this year. The most dangerous country for a trade unionist to live in. The fear that people have in joining a union shows. The country is down to 3 percent union membership. A country where many work in sweat shop like conditions. This is classic. He stands up to the evil communist. It dosen't matter how he treats his own people as long as he stands up to Hugo Chavez. Much like Augusto Pinochet, who we supported. He also stood up to the evil commies. I don't support Hugo Chavez, but I won't support someone who has an atrocious worker rights record just because he is against Hugo Chavez. So improvement doesn't matter to you? I guess your small, prefect world is pretty lonely. How do you feel about countries where the unions try to take away secret ballots, so they can intimidate those that vote against unions? How do you feel about countries where anti-union workers are routinely harassed and assaulted? How about countries where unions make back room deals with companies, and sometimes even governments, without the membership knowing? I would wager that on an evil scale, the SEIU has done worse to workers by sheer volume than any supposed attacks against union people in Columbia, which is still not proven to be by the government.
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