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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jun 4, 2008 -> 10:08 AM) Find me one instance of any kind where Obama or his campaign staff or future cabinet folks have done or said anything racist, subtly or otherwise. Obama can't control his voters who go off like that, any more than McCain can. There will be McCain supporters on the far right that will do all sorts of awful things, say awful things... but I don't put that on McCain. Same way, I don't put that on Obama. I didn't say Obama or staff said that. However, I will refrain from commenting on this further, in here, since I forgot it was the 'pro' thread. Sorry. And NSS, you are a more level headed person than most,and I believe what you said in your last two lines.
  2. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jun 4, 2008 -> 08:27 AM) I really hope McCain leaves the religion stuff to the media and very simply takes out some charts and shows exactly how the plans of Obama would impact people's pocketbooks. I think that would make his Presidency hit home harder than anything else. I agree, but probably will not happen.
  3. QUOTE (lostfan @ Jun 4, 2008 -> 08:17 AM) Come on now with that, for real C'mon yourself here. How many stories have you read insinuating that if whitey doesn't vote for Obama, it's because he's black? And they are not put out by Obama, but by his 'supporters'. And the class warfare, that is a Democratic staple, blame the rich for taking money from everyone else.
  4. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jun 4, 2008 -> 08:53 AM) Was nice to hear Obama mention in his speech that he won't use religion and patriotism to divide America. Somehow I doubt the GOP will do the same. Nope. He will use class warfare and subtle racism instead.
  5. Sarah Palin as McCain's VP would be a most excellent choice. Would sure make my voting easier.
  6. You want to give the Heat the #1 AND #2 pick? That is downright crazy.
  7. Um.... Well.....Uh.... I hope that was taken at the END of a match.
  8. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 3, 2008 -> 10:30 AM) Why do people constantly insist on saying that small regional wars against countries that have what, 1/100th of our defense spending would qualify as world wars? World War 1 and World War 2 litrally involved the entire globe. If a country wasn't directly attacked, it was probably either sending troops or money along. The only way that would be "World war III" is if you were planning on attacking China or Russia while you were at it. I also have to say that I believe it wouldn't stay limited to those two countries. The US is generally committed to helping Israel, and there are others who are tied in with Iran like Russia and China. Not sure if they still do, but I thought that Iran owed a lot of money to Russia as well, so they would have a vested interest in their survival.
  9. While the guy ws right to place most of the blame on the 3 guys not performing, they are not the only culprits. With a man on third and no outs, Crede pulls the ball right to the 3rd baseman, almost getting the runner out, and NOT scoring him. Bases loaded and no outs, Cabrera can't even get a ball past the pither resulting in a double play, no runs. Runner on second and no outs, AJ swings at a BP fastball like he is swinging a 9 iron and pops it up on the infield. Situational hitting for all these guys just sucks.
  10. QUOTE (Texsox @ Jun 3, 2008 -> 06:38 AM) I also don't quite understand the point of view that if he stayed and listen, he must agree. When I had a position that involved a lot of windshield time, I listened to Rush regularly. Does that mean I must agree with him? I have always felt you can learn something by carefully listening to contrary views. Much more than listening to people who just parrot your own thoughts. He stayed, listened, and didn't do anything about it. Didn't talk to the pastor about it, didn't try to intervene, didn't leave (until it was politically expedient). Listening to Rush isn't a good comparison. If he says something that truely offends you, you can just turn it off and be done with it. You don't have 20 years invested in it. I also have listened to Air America (a few times. Seriously, some of those hosts are just unhinged!), so I understand wanting to know what the other side thinks/feels. Again, not the same as attending a church for 20+ years. Tex, we will have to agree to disagree on this. I am not going to argue this further (at least in here) so I can honor the PRO part of this thread. Sorry for the mini-hijack, people. Tex and I sometimes can really get going.
  11. QUOTE (Texsox @ Jun 2, 2008 -> 05:40 PM) 3 or 4 posts out of thousands? What if he didn't post that for 15 years, then once a year or so he posted a rant like that. Then in the last year he posted a couple times a month. When do you have to leave before you are a hypocrite, but still show loyalty? And not certain why you picked 40, McCain, when elected, will be the oldest President. See, you are assuming that the good reverend didn't start speaking like that until recently. I assume that he has been doing it for some time, and it only has made it to the media recently. As usual, the truth is probably somewhere in the middle. I would think that it wouldn' t take too many posts for people to start questioning what was going on. And if it isn't change pretty quick, there would be an exodus of alot of people. I don't think it would take years of posts, but a few months worth would probably work. You said it earlier, when you run for president, you have to change a lot of things. One of them should have been his association with that church a while ago, because we know that those type of sermons have happened more than in the last few months. As for 40, just a random number. Would it sound better if I said 'do you think everyone over 55 harbors racist feelings'?
  12. QUOTE (Texsox @ Jun 2, 2008 -> 06:32 AM) 1) As with most of the items like this, if you already were not going to vote for him, its yet another reason. If you were, it's no big deal. If you are on the fence, weigh it against everything else. 2) But if you think a white guy of McCain's era doesn't have some of the same, albeit reversed, attitudes about race, I think you are fooling yourself. 3)Everyone here would have to make some changes in their lives to run for President. 1) This is very true 2) So are you saying that anyone over 40 or so holds racial grudges? 3) How VERY true.
  13. QUOTE (Texsox @ Jun 2, 2008 -> 06:32 AM) This was a no win for the man. Seemed most people wanted him to leave the Church, and when he does, he's called a hypocrite. Some people believe if you even listen to something, you must believe it. Guilt by association. I read every one of Kap's and SS's posts, doesn't mean I agree with them, it just means I respect their generally well stated and thought out opinions. And when they are totally wacked, I laugh. During the course of a week, I bet I hear their short sermons more than if they were Preachers on Sunday. I know I spend more than an hour a week here. Tex, reading posts on a message board is a little different than going to a church, but lets work with that. Let's say that whoever 'owns' Soxtalk had a weekly post of the status and goings on of Soxtalk. And suppose that every third or fourth post he ranted about the evils the 'darkies' are doing to the White Sox fan base, or how Soxtalk has declined in quality since blacks are allowed to post. And suppose that this went on for a while. Being that this is a message board, you may try to talk to him and get him to cool down the talk, but if he persisted, you would probably leave. If the 'owner' keeps spouting these racist views, all the posters here would then start to be damned by simply continuing to post here, unless your posts were AGAINST him, regardless of what your actual views are. Thankfully we don't have that here, and when people get too far off the reservation, they get reminded that this is a community and such things are not tolerated. A church is an even bigger venue for such things, especially one that video tapes its sermons for all to see and hear. Do I think he believe in such radical things as his dear friend was spouting? No, not really, but I don't think he totally disagrees with them either.
  14. What's the downside to letting Walker go? Can they get much worse?
  15. QUOTE (lostfan @ Jun 1, 2008 -> 11:22 AM) He said he heard the questionable sermons, he also said it was impossible to separate them from everything positive, which probably 95% of it was. To me that's plausible, but now when you just back out like this it's a little on the spineless side IMO, after taking so much effort to look like a leader it just seems like he's giving up. So, it's ok if someone is only 5% racist? Certain things you can seperate out.
  16. Apparently Obama's team has a new slogan: Change We Can Keep! Seems they are taking money for shirts on his website, and not delivering (some, most, alot) them. Is it because they can't even run a t-shirt distribution correctly, or because they are union made? http://store.barackobama.com/product_p/ts00129.htm Check out some of the comments: Update!!! May31st and still no shirt or...any notification as to why they charged me 2 months ago and used my money, but no goods. I waited over two months for my shirt only to receive a call this morning, saying it would NEVER arrive. Two months for NOTHING is a disappointment, to say the least. I give money to this campaign every single pay day, like clockwork, and have for nearly a year, but they can't figure out a way to get me one lousy shirt. Geez, John Edwards campaighn got these type of tscokes in hand with a week
  17. You are both right. There is no way that this sort of stuff is 'new'. They have had Pflager there before as well and referred to him as a friend. However the level that he brought it to that night was probably elevated to new heights, knowing that cameras were on and people would see it. And Obama was not there.
  18. If the Sox kick the snot out of the Pirates, and the media make it out like 'Well, it's only the Pirates...', then you may have a point, since the Cubs have won like a thousand games against the Pirates this season alone. Now, the Sox just need to beat the Pirates.
  19. I hit one when i was in 7th grade. She kept chasing me home for a week straight, and finally one day I got tired of running. So I stopped, she caught up to me and slugged me, knocked me down. I got up and slugged her back, then walked home. Got suspended for a week, but at the time, it felt good. FYI, she was bigger than me (looked like a football player!), and did I mention I was in 7th grade?
  20. I seem to recall that when Richard Clarke had his book coming out around election time, McClellan tearing into Clarke in his press briefing on March 22, 2004 when asked about Richard Clarke’s book blasting the Bush Administration for 9/11 and CIA intelligence failures: Hmmm.
  21. QUOTE (Mplssoxfan @ May 28, 2008 -> 02:46 PM) That is funny. How soon will a "Buy Palestinian" campaign start? You know, it is sad that Palastinians can be undersold by the Chinese. Maybe they can blame their unions?
  22. QUOTE (robinventura23 @ May 28, 2008 -> 02:59 PM) Hopefully, it was because Rachel Ray is annoying beyond all hell. . No argument there!
  23. QUOTE (lostfan @ May 28, 2008 -> 02:45 PM) Honestly, are you comparing Muslim women to Nazis? Why? Look, to start, I in no way think that Dunkin Donuts or Rachael Ray is endorsing the PLO or anything along those lines by wearing the scarf. She wore what some designer told her to wear. That person, however, may have had some agenda in her choice for the scarf. We don't know that, because they declined to say who it was or where they got it from. You guys keep saysing 'it's just a scarf'. I get that. What I am trying to get you to realize is that it may just be a scarf to you, but to someone else, it is a symbol of Palastinian sympathies, or worse. I am just trying to find SOMETHING fashion wise that can bring that point across, since you guys keep reiterating that it is just a scarf. Yes, I know that, but it is a scarf that has meaning outside our PC walls of America. Hey, maybe it is a shrewd marketing move, if DD plans on opening up a few branches in the middle east. I am not sure the ad would play as well in Israel, though. I am not boycotting Dunkin Donuts for this (I am, however, staying away for the sake of my waisteline), and it doesn't reach anywhere near that high on my disgust scale. But it isn't as meaningless as some may ant it to be.
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