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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. A birthday present for Osama? Or a new dinner jacket for Imadinnerjacket over in Iran?
  2. QUOTE (Texsox @ May 22, 2008 -> 10:59 AM) I guess if you want the Federal Government to help you make hiring decisions, go for it. I just think private companies should be allowed to run their business the way they feel is best. The fewer government interventions the better. I know you have too many posts to remember them all, and with all the replies, the amount gets staggering, but I didn't say that. No call for government intervention there, just my opinion that it is wrong that someone can get a job in this country and not speak any english. Private companies can make thier own decisions, within the framework of current laws, and that's fine. They can also bear whatever negative publicity they get for firing and otherwise good American employee for not speaking spanish. And if I was that employee, I would make sure they got plenty of it.
  3. QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ May 22, 2008 -> 11:45 AM) Anyone know how the replacement process is in Mass.? Does the governor appoint someone or special elections? Personally, regardless of party, I don't give a rat's ass who HE wants to have the seat. If his term has more than half left, there should be a special election to fill the seat. otherwise, the governor should appoint someone. Answered my own question. http://www.senate.gov/artandhistory/histor...s_appointed.htm
  4. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ May 22, 2008 -> 11:15 AM) Link Anyone know how the replacement process is in Mass.? Does the governor appoint someone or special elections? Personally, regardless of party, I don't give a rat's ass who HE wants to have the seat. If his term has more than half left, there should be a special election to fill the seat. otherwise, the governor should appoint someone.
  5. QUOTE (Texsox @ May 21, 2008 -> 09:57 PM) The state mandated in their bids that all supervisers need to speak the language of every crew member. Are you saying that is wrong? There were enough bilingual people around me that not speaking Spanish was a bother, but not critical. And yes, I was on an American payroll and crossed the bridge every day. No, I am saying it is wrong that people can get a job in this country and not speak any english.
  6. QUOTE (Mplssoxfan @ May 22, 2008 -> 08:45 AM) Why bother traveling to Sedona then? Politeness? Thanking John for considering him, making sure you stay on his, and others, lists for the future? Free food?
  7. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ May 22, 2008 -> 08:37 AM) Why not, in your view? I think he feels a duty to the people that elected him. He has made great strides turning the state around in a short time and wants to walk that thru. A full successful term with those accomplishments (and more?) can propel him farther than possibly the veep spot, you never know. Just my thoughts. I do think he would be a good choice, and would not be upset if he accepted it.
  8. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ May 22, 2008 -> 08:27 AM) Certainly does those things. However, let's ask an honest but tough question here... how will a Punjabi and former Hindu go over with the religious conservative crowd? ETA: For that matter, how would having a Punjabi as a VP effect foreign policy? Because that pretty much guarantees you some problems with Pakistan and other countries, potentially. The true conservatives will se what he has done down there already and take that as a positive. The true RELIGIOUS conservatives will not be happy with anyone that doesn't fit their narrow mold. As for foreign policy, it could be interesting. However, most negotiating goes on at levels below the Presidency, so it shouldn't come into play too often. Although State dinners could be interesting. I will add, though, that I don't think Jindal takes the job if offered.
  9. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ May 22, 2008 -> 06:27 AM) Here's something for you Hillary supporters to think about this November. It's from a well-written blog... Just in case you can't read, this is the PRO HILLARY thread. You have enough threads around here bowing too your messiah.
  10. QUOTE (BearSox @ May 21, 2008 -> 10:51 PM) The only reason why I think they would is because they feel he'd help their playoff push, and that they want first dibs on him in the offseason. Trade and sign, may be cheaper than waiting for free agency. If the Sox gave them permission to talk extension before a trade, it could work. Until Borass screws it up.
  11. QUOTE (Texsox @ May 21, 2008 -> 09:41 PM) Probably the same way I got a job in Mexico without speaking Spanish. I filled a need and had the necessary jobs skills to get the job done. But did they fire any supervisors who couldn't speak English to accomodate you? And I bet you got paid an American wage, not a depressed Mexican wage, right? I have a 'friend' who works in China under a contract, and he is paid about $200,000 American, which over there translates into over twice that amount of spending power.
  12. QUOTE (Texsox @ May 21, 2008 -> 08:52 PM) Contrast that to one of millions of working Americans without insurance? Who will NOT be refused health care.
  13. QUOTE (GoSox05 @ May 21, 2008 -> 12:55 PM) I would love to hear your ideas on how to stop multiculturism and save America. The idea that all cultures are equal in merit and deserving respect could be seriously proposed and adopted only in western liberal democracies. Such an idea means only one thing, the diminution of the West, America in specific, and its achievements in comparison to other cultures. There are cultures out there that are not equal in stature to ours, that are still rooted in the 17th century, and need to change with the times if they want to be taken seriously. But no, multiculturalism says they don't have to, we must honor and respect all cultures as equals. Multiculturalism institutionalized as a policy, run by self-perpetuating bureaucracies and sustained by entrepreneurs of a growing multicultural industry, became a cash cow for its proponents and clients. Immigrants were not required to embrace the West's culture and complex history; and the West did not have to strain itself in instructing immigrants on the need or importance of embracing it, warts and all. But that's a different topic. Since it seems that the problem is with private companies, they can do what they like, within the law, of course. if they want to fire or demote perfectly good workers just because they can't pay enough to attract some english speaking employees, they can do that. But whichever it is, a part of my forst statemtn sort of still applies. How are these peopel in THIS country, getting a job, when they can't speak any english? While that may not be illegal, it is just wrong.
  14. In state-sponsored health care, an average person in teddy's position would take 6 months to even get to see a doctor for treatment, and by then he would be already dead. Or if he did get to see someone before he died, they sure wouldn't want to 'waste' their resources on a 70+ year old man who is of dubious health at best.
  15. Multiculturism and all this bending over and taking it in the ass in the name of 'fairness' and 'diversity' will be the end of our country. If the firefighters cannot speak English, they should have never been hired to begin with.
  16. EvilMonkey

    Oil Issue

    We could fix roads faster, more exit/entrance ramps, less stop lights. My 36 mile commute takes me over an hour each way. And if I leave 5 minutes late in the morning, I can add 25 minutes to that time. And the construction on I-355 has added 10-15 minutes in the morning, and as of today, both the north/south routes that border the expressway are also under construction. On I-55, how about an exit between Rt. 53 and Weber road? That would cut down the backup at Weber road by at least 20%. I try to be flexible with my hours, but I have to be in at 8am to open. I usually stay until 6-6:30, but even leaving then, traffic sucks.
  17. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ May 21, 2008 -> 08:16 AM) For once that doesn't matter. This bill was a bipartisian clusterf*** of the American people. Yes.
  18. I don't care one bit about or for Teddy. I feel sorry for his family, but that is about the extent of it. I don't know Ted in any kind of familiar sense, and the political stuff I DO know about him, I hate. Yes, some members of his family have given alot to this country, but others, like Teddy, have been amply rewarded for whatever contribution he may have provided. I am not wishing him ill, or dead, but I am not going to feign sympathy for him either. As for respect, that is earned thru actions and decided by each individual as to whether or not to give. Larry Craig served our country, and he doesn't deserve or get my respect. That goes for Teddy as well. Sorry teddy, sucks to be you, but I don't care. Hopefully for you, you will retire and spend whatever time you have left with your family, and I mean that in a non-political way.
  19. Many editorials are out calling it pure pork, etc. The NT Time, LA Times, etc. In fact, the LA Times article ends with this paragraph: http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/la-ed-...0,6853747.story Are any of those senators named McCain? Yes. Are any named Obama or Clinton? Um, no. "I would veto that bill," McCain said, calling the farm bill an unwarranted handout to corporate farmers and an obstacle to freer agricultural trade worldwide." says McCain. "Clinton and Obama applauded Senate passage of the bill and said Bush should sign it." the story says about the other two. http://www.nytimes.com/reuters/washington/...amp;oref=slogin As a side note, it mentions that none of them bothered to show up and vote on it. That is bad on all 3's part. They still have jobs to do, and if they don't want to bother to show up and vote on things, they should be refunding part of their Senatorial salary.
  20. QUOTE (lostfan @ May 20, 2008 -> 02:15 PM) ^^What does this add to the discussion about John McCain? I was merely pointing out that if anger is a concern, there is anger on both sides.
  21. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ May 20, 2008 -> 12:30 PM) 2 points. 1 - I provided a link with video footage of McCain in 2006 suggesting we start talking to Hamas and everyone bashed me. 2 - Please provide a quote of Obama saying that he would talk to Hamas without precondition. Your McCain link wasn't 'in context' showing the whole of the response. And we all know how you Obamamaniacs love context. He conditioned his reply upon Hamas meeting certain guidelines before taking would occur, something your link ommitted.
  22. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ May 20, 2008 -> 12:02 PM) What are you basing this on? Are you seriously telling me you haven't seen Obama get testy with the media during this primary season? Whiny when asked questions he doesn't want to answer? Get frustrated with a reporter while eating waffles? "Why can't I just eat my waffle?" Threaten those who disparage his wife? Yelling at Hillary? http://www.cnsnews.com/ViewCommentary.asp?...M20080123b.html For at least this primary season, McCain has been a model of civility, even when a plant accuses him of calling his wife a c*nt. And then there is always this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N75pIR5Pg3w
  23. I think the primaries have shown Obama to have a more volitile temper than McCain, so don't let that bother you.
  24. EvilMonkey

    Oil Issue

    I read an article somewhere that had GM engineers pushing for all their cars to have milage/MPG gauge installed on all their cars, because some study showed that people managed their driving better when they could actually see that they were saving gas. My HHR had an MPG counter on it, which I check often. Especially after the leadfoot Juddling drives it on deliveries.
  25. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ May 20, 2008 -> 09:13 AM) That is freaking HILARIOUS. I guess being a body guard means never knowing when you have to defend against a low-flying penis.
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