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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ May 15, 2008 -> 03:33 PM) LINK Iran, Libya and North Korea do not equal Hamas and AlQueda. But hey, if Obama wants to go over there and try and convince them that it is wrong to behead people for daring to insult Islam, go for it. I just hope he ups his insurance policy, as I doubt he would make it back.
  2. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ May 15, 2008 -> 04:38 PM) Basically every network I've read the story at has some version of this clause in it. Of all the networks, why would White House aides confide ANYTHING to CNN. If they can't name them, they are just rumors. That is bad as newspapers using 'Some say....' or 'Many feel...'. It just advances whatever position they feel like writing about.
  3. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ May 15, 2008 -> 04:21 PM) I'd like to see the evidence that Polar Bears are actually exploding in population - that's new to me. If its true, then one thing to ask is, why is that happening? There may be something else occurring in the balance of things that is causing that temporary increase. Sometimes that can happen for complex reasons, then the population plummets. Or, it could be they are actually beating out some other predator for prey. Or, it could be that there is no danger to them at all. I don't know. But it seems really unlikely to me that they'd be protected, if they are doing well. This is one of the stories I read, and took this line away from it. http://scienceline.org/2007/02/05/health_d...larbears/print/ And here http://scienceline.org/2007/02/05/health_d...larbears/print/ But this one is telling http://www.hawaiireporter.com/story.aspx?b...96-f686349df35a It is these 'predictions' about what 'may happen' that have landed it on the list.
  4. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ May 15, 2008 -> 04:29 PM) You don't seriously believe he wasn't talking about Obama, do you? He clearly was. This isn't as huge a deal in itself as its being made into, I agree with that. It is, however, indicative of one of the many failings of this administration - its complete refusal to see allow for anything other than diplomacy by bully pulpit. And since that's not really news, I didn't think too much about it. How about Jimmy Carter? Especially since he just got back from there while trying to do just that.
  5. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ May 15, 2008 -> 04:16 PM) Manufactured? He was in Israel where they are commemorating their 60th anniversary. You know...the same Israel that has a tragic history with the Nazis of Germany. You felt this was an appropriate forum for our President to compare a democratic candidate to Nazi-appeasers? "I would think that all of you who cover these issues and have for a long time have known that there are many who have suggested these types of negotiations with people that the president, President Bush, thinks that we should not talk to. I understand when you're running for office you sometimes think the world revolves around you. That is not always true. And it is not true in this case." Get over it. He was not talking about your guy, so go away.
  6. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ May 15, 2008 -> 01:55 PM) Nature this week is publishing what seems to be a fairly important and very detailed study of the actual effect of humanity on the Earth through humanity's impact on the climate. I'll give you the bullet point summary here, and link to the actual article in Nature here if you have subscription access. If someone really wanted to read it they could maybe let someone at a university know and it could be sent to them in PDF form. I have a question about one of those bullet points you listed. From what I understand, the polar bears are experiencing a population explosion, and are not 'endangered', despite being put on that list for political reasons, and part of the problem is that there are just too many bears competing for the same food. Claiming that there isn't enough food for them because of climate change is not right, when it appears that there are just too many of them for the food base to feed. If I can find the story again, I will link it.
  7. QUOTE (mr_genius @ May 15, 2008 -> 03:01 PM) You guys see all this manufactured outrage by the Dems today over Bush's remarks in Israel? classic. I like the one line by the Bush person that went something like "We know that when you run for office you feel the world revolves around you, but in this case, it doesn't".
  8. QUOTE (Texsox @ May 15, 2008 -> 06:38 AM) What, you don't like American made M16s? Pinko Commie bastard I would, but the people would probably have an easier time finding ammo for the AK over there, and the AK handles dirt better than the M16.
  9. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ May 15, 2008 -> 08:29 AM) He should have used the C-word like McCain did towards his wife. Prove it. So far, the only person we know that used it is that phony religious guy working for Huffpo at a townhall meeting.
  10. I think we should airdrop aid packages, each containing rice, some of those fabulous UN biscuits, an AK-47, a few hundred rounds of ammo and a map to the capital.
  11. QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ May 14, 2008 -> 07:37 PM) He has since apologized: Yeah, and we know that that makes it all better. His momentary lapse of judgement in using a condescending term towards a woman doing her job, creating a hostile work environment and displaying his utter lack of respect towards women is all forgiven. Good thing he didn't use a bat in any way.
  12. Check out Obama's put-off of the female reporter in this clip. He also never answers the question. "hold on one second, sweety!" I wonder how his lady voters like that one?
  13. Where's Byrd been during all this? Doing his laundry?
  14. Buehrle's reactions to the 'miscues' behind him (both those last night should have been errors) reminds me of Mike Sirotka. If there was an error behind him, you can just put a 5 spot on the board, because he just lost it.
  15. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ May 12, 2008 -> 06:15 PM) So you're saying that you would have strongly considered Obama if only he had not used the 'present vote' tactic as an Illinois Senator? No, I am saying he is a political coward, like many others on both sides, for not believing in his convictions and voting 'present'. He used that option sometimes as a show of 'solidarity' with his party, sometimes to avoid taking a stand on an issue to avoid it being used against him in later elections. If he is firm in his convictions, why hide behind a 'present' vote? And most of those involved guns and/or crime in some form or another. I fear for my wallet if Obama is ever elected. Being a small business owner, I am the type of person who is going to get royally screwed by all the Democratic proposals, and I don't look forward to it. (Actually, i fear for my wallet whichever one of these 3 gets elected, just fear for it a little less with McCain)
  16. QUOTE (bmags @ May 12, 2008 -> 01:02 PM) No, it doesn't matter if the whip is worth a damn. If there is going to be a close vote everyone will come and vote. BUt for all these present votes they don't matter. Criticism against three senators missing all this time in the Senate campaigning is silly, as any political scientist will tell you it doesn't matter. A large majority of bills, after everything is final, pass with smoothly after the minority party shows they fought against it a little bit. http://www.nytimes.com/2007/12/20/us/polit...amp;oref=slogin The money quote When you hear line like this: If your position is a good one, a just one, one that you believe in, why hide it by voting present? What a display of courage and leadership that was. I know that it IS a rule in Illinois that you can vote that way, but it is just a pussy way of trying to have your cake and eat it too, and shows a lack of political backbone to take on those tough issues and show people where you stand. As for Balta's 'show me where his one vote mattered', it didn't as far as I can tell, because he usually voted 'presen't in concert with others. That whole block of votes may have made a difference, but since they didn't vote, we'll never know. Quit being ashamed of who you are, Obama. Show the world your voting tendencies, be proud! I guess he would rather be 'present' instead.
  17. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ May 12, 2008 -> 12:07 PM) The answer to your 2nd question is that, quite simply, it's been the business of some really well paid conservatives over the past 25-30 years to turn the word liberal in to a dirty word in this country. That has been one of the most subtle and perhaps the most important effects of the Hannity/Limbaugh/Fox news work, every time something bad happens, blame it on those evil "liberals". Likewise for 'Neocon'. And you are fooling yourself if you think 'conservative' is used in a positive way when referencing politicians by anyone other than Fox.
  18. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ May 12, 2008 -> 12:11 PM) The fun of these stupid rankings for the major candidates always gets magnified when they're running for a higher office because they wind up missing a decent chunk of votes that aren't going to be close and which they might wind up crossing over on. If the Republicans put together a good bill on something, they're going to have an 75-20 majority without the main 3 candidates showing up for the vote, and so Obama and Clinton lose out on a chance to do the crossover type vote that might have moved those rankings around. Conversely, if the Dems are pushing a bill and the vote is tight, they're likely to show up for that vote because their vote will actually be important in that case, and thus the main candidates are driven towards the edges in election years. In case you're interested, 2 votes separated Hillary from Obama in the last year's rankings. Here's the votes: So all those votes Obama missed or voted present on while in Illinois were because he was campaigning?
  19. QUOTE (iamshack @ May 11, 2008 -> 09:38 PM) While I am not going to be as harsh about the article as you, I do feel as though these small-time actors take a bit of a beating from the media when it comes to stories like this. What is some school principal supposed to do when something like this comes up? He is already under all these competing interests from his school district, the state, the federal government, parents, teachers, others in the community, etc. It's extremely difficult for a teacher or a principal to make the correct decision when there are so many parties he/she has to placate. It would've been admirable had he/she accepted the donation for the bike rack, but you're right- just wait until the first kid gets whacked crossing the street on a bike- and then the principal is getting chewed out for not having more crossing guards or something. It's difficult for these school administrators. I was only harsh considering the tone of the article (understandable considering the source). Oh sure, just move a road, it's easy! How dare you not want us to ride bike and are worried about our safety? The article was just so holier-than-thou in its format that it almost demanded sarcasm in return. Maybe if the students, after hearing the principle's explination for turning down the bike rack tried to find ways to fix that problem instead of going for the easy photo-op, it could be a different story. But hey, kids today are taught that THEY are the inportant ones, and that they are NOT to be denied what they want. Wouldn't want to hurt their self esteme or anything by telling them 'no'.
  20. Way too many factors involved there for it to be so simple. Moving streets around costs a heck of alot more than the fuel to run the busses. Likely the streets were there first as well, and if they are a major thru road, not going to be easy to move. And the moment one of those bike riders got hit by a car on the way to school, you know that the shark-like lawyers will be right there to sue the pants off the school. Hey, here's an idea, instead of the school/state changing ebverythign around to fit you (the student) why not just move closer to the school so you can just walk? Oh wait, because then YOU would have to pay for that. Solutions are easy, until you have to pay the bill (directly).
  21. (From the place I got the pic from) HIll: (swooning) You had me at tax the rich!
  22. Hill: I've got you by the balls! Obama: No, I've got YOU by the balls!
  23. Obama: You don't scare me, have you met my wife?
  24. A parting shot at Obama from a Hillary supporter? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7UAFbMLZm4g
  25. Some anti-Hillary stuff for you Obamaites to enjoy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B6Lstkiexhc
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