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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. Obama wants to change the subject from his character and judgement to issues that matter. He should be careful what he asks for. The RNC takes him up on his offer.
  2. Oh boy. If this had been McCain, there would have been endless talk about senility setting in. The media would be passing out from the orgasms over the stories they could write! Instead, i guess we'll just hear that he was 'tired' or something along those lines. 57 states! NOT counting Alaska and Hawaii.
  3. I always seem to post the negative, so i want to give props where due. More of this, please! http://www.philly.com/philly/hp/news_update/18756679.html
  4. QUOTE (Kalapse @ May 7, 2008 -> 11:12 PM) So you weren't watching in the first inning? Or the first inning on Monday? No, I usually end up missing the first 2 or 3 innings by the time I get home. Note, I said that I finally saw it, not that he finally did it.
  5. Today at work, I have had 3 accountants call me to try and get me to switch, I had "Mitch" call me about my Yellow pages ad (Mitch of course sounding more like an Ali than a Mitch), 5 people trying to get me to invest in various things from stocks to a natural gas well, the phone company AGAIN calling me to tell me they lowered rates (by now they should be paying me with how many times they have supposedly lowered their rates), someone taking a survey on life insurance and a call from International Profit Associates. That last one was the best, as the asshole on the phone kept insisting that 'Frank' (which is ME) made an appointment with him for tomorrow to have him come and consult to me. I may be old, but I know I didn't make an appointment with ANYONE for tomorrow, much less those scumbags at IPA. The guy actually got angry with me and started yelling, and when I yelled back, the bastard hung up. Caller ID and his name allowed me to call him back and start yelling at him! Which he hung up on me again. So I called a third time, yelled some more, then hung up on him! Then called back and asked for a manager, explained to him what went on, and he pretty much said he didn't believe me and to please stop harassing his employees! That was a good one. So I complimented him on his ability to talk on the phone with his head so far up his ass he can see his small intestine and then hung up to go on about my day. (FYI, this is about the third time I have had an almost exact repeat of the same circumstances with IPD) Glad my sales calls aren't usually that exciting.
  6. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ May 8, 2008 -> 09:16 AM) Well first, I think the candidates we had in this election cycle (and still have) are higher quality then we've had since Reagan. Just my .02. But to me, the single biggest factor in candidates being lousy is money. The amount it takes to win a campaign, the promises that get made in return, etc. Anything having to do with that is a good place to focus. For example, if we'd enact truth-in-legislation act, or even a line item veto, to get the add-on crud off of bills, that would be good. In the same vein, you could use a city council-like system for "pork" projects - the local stuff that may be valid, but should not be tacked on to unrelated bills. Anything that can be done to expose the flow of money, and remove incentive for politicians to cater to it, is a good start. I started a reply like this 4 times, and couldn't come up with the right way to say it. But yes, transparency in the money, make it next to impossible to add on things to bills that have nothing to do with it and find a way to make the campaigns shorter and cheaper. Eliminate the limits of donations, but make it so every penny has to be reported, publically. All these PACS and other groups have further poisoned the process, and will just go away if people can give freely to the person of their choice. If Soros wants to donate $20 million to Obama, fine, just make it so everyone knows he did that.
  7. QUOTE (bmags @ May 7, 2008 -> 09:47 PM) I don't mean to be shallow, but I'm sure if you put a microphone in front of McCain's wife she'd say something dumb. The thing is, McCain's wife isn't running FOR the microphones to say something stupid, like the others are.
  8. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ May 7, 2008 -> 04:58 PM) Its only been lately, and certainly not every at bat. But the last few games, yeah, I've definitely seen it. He's had some line drives (some for hits) to left-center and left, which I had not recalled seeing from him before. Usually, he only goes left center and left if its a fly ball. I FINALLY saw Jim hit to left field tonight in the 6th. Thanks Jim.
  9. QUOTE (Texsox @ May 7, 2008 -> 05:38 AM) Sox fans? Yeah, there the ones that get drunk and assault players and think simulated sodomy is a perfect PR move. I always wondered who used those dolls. Mystery solved. I didn't know you could life a brush that big, Tex. And wasn't Ligue really a Cubs fan? You seem to be on the 'If you are not against it, you are for it' side of things. That is just wrong. Many people on here admit it was wrong, that doesn't mean we are going to go log into Adam & Eve and buy up Kayla Kornhole and her buddies. It was in poor taste and poor judgement. We got that. The over reaction by some is also in poor taste. Let's move on.
  10. Top 10 Early Contenders for the Automotive X Prize. Some of them look pretty cool. http://www.popularmechanics.com/automotive....html?series=19
  11. QUOTE (Balance @ May 6, 2008 -> 08:57 PM) Back on topic, I really want to see this series, but we're so far backed up on our DVR with our other shows, we don't have room for a new one. (Mr. and Mrs. Balance: Our lives are difficult.) Yeah, Mrs. AlphaDog is hounding me to watch the episodes I have on the Tivo. We have 2 of the dang things, you would think that i would get 10 hours of time on it or something, but nooooooo.
  12. QUOTE (Texsox @ May 5, 2008 -> 01:06 PM) So a company has problems with a certain category of items. They decide to not cover those items in case they are lost/stolen/damaged. They add that to their terms of service. I had that problem with an acrylic display board we had designed to hold various forms we printed. I used to ship them to Wendy's locations throughout Illinois and Wisconsin. FedEx was the vendor of choice, we even consulted with them on packaging design. I had to buy special boxes that cost a fortune to hold these things (they were about 3'x4' and fairly fragile) and had the design and construction approved by fedEx each step of the way. Then they proceed to break 15 of the first 40 I sent. I insured each one, cost of $300 each for the boards, used packaging approved by fedEx, and they knew what was going into it. They denied all but my first claim, saying that according to some rule they had, they wouldn't insure the display boards. It would have helped if at any time before I spent $12,000 on the boards, and $1000 on specially made boxes, AND PAID to have them insured, they would have mentioned the fact that they couldn't insure them. I thinnk they just made it up or added that after the fact. Anyway, it left me holding the bag for over $3000 of busted acrylic pices, and pretty much told me to take a hike. We took one of the boards and boxed it up and subjected it to some abuse ourselves. It held up to drops from about 2 feet, falling flat from a standing position and having about 200 lbs on it. It finally broke when we placed it over 2 chairs with no support in the middle and had all 250+lbs of me stand on it, sort of jumping. THEN it broke. Really makes you wonder what they were doing to them to break 15 of them. They all suck at times, and they all hate to give you money back.
  13. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ May 6, 2008 -> 03:43 PM) One threat to America stopped dead in its tracks. If it takes from now until November for them to get the damn ID's that they KNEW they had to have before they showed up, they should just go to the grave now. The arrogance in that statement is so over the top it is hard to believe that these are ladies of the cloth. Well, if you don't want to get an ID, then you don't vote. How more plain can that get? Any bets that this is just being done to make a 'statement'?
  14. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ May 6, 2008 -> 04:03 PM) Good post. Its been clear the last few games, Thome is trying to adjust to the shift and go to center and left-center. Not always successful, but you can see him working on it. You can? Because honestly, every time I see him at bat, it seems like a ground ball to the short-right fielder. I haven't watched every game, but the only thing I have seen this year from him that went to the left side was a check swing infield single. He may be trying to go opposite, but I have a hard time seeing it.
  15. QUOTE (Texsox @ May 6, 2008 -> 03:31 PM) It was fun. Grown men needed to place bats up dolls rectums; knowing it could and probably would be reported. Sox fans defend the action. A proud day to be a Sox fan I think more people here criticized your (and others) reactions to it than supported the actual act.
  16. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ May 6, 2008 -> 03:09 PM) I can with 100% certainty say that TexSox would not have cared at all about this had the Sox not violated the female reporter's rights and had this viewable to the media, thus leaking the story and effecting the view of this franchise and getting a story about blow up dolls on the radio that could be heard by children. He's not a champion for dolls rights. What female reporter had her rights violated? From what i read there were no women present, except the two airheads.
  17. QUOTE (Texsox @ May 6, 2008 -> 02:15 PM) male and female reporters are granted the exact same access. Which has been the point all along. Equal access. Keep reporters out of the locker room and provide an interview room woulod make the media happy. But this is a baseball tradition that makes the clubs money. Ok, there are still 3 more pages of posts for me to get to, but responding to this one, how does it matter one bit if a reporter gets an interview in the locker room while the player is still in a towel, or getting dressed vs 15 minutes later in a press room? There is no need for them to ever be actually IN the locker room. The amount of people who hang on to the edge of their seat for that live locker room clip immediately after the game is so small as to not matter.
  18. QUOTE (Texsox @ May 6, 2008 -> 11:38 AM) So cut off access to the media. No interviews, stop advertising. Why not promote the image of the franchise as perverted guys f***ing sex dolls with objects. what could be wrong with that? If there really is nothing wrong with it, why not build an advertising campaign around it. Perhaps the official sex doll of the Sox? Bring a doll and have it autographed by a sox player? These are grown men, the face of an organization worth hundreds of millions of dollars. They are working for an organization that spends millions on advertising to promote an image. In a league that spends many more that to promote baseball as America's Sport. Fun for the whole family. If y'all can't see where this stunt is just plain wrong, I can only say that most of the adults on the board realize it and I suspect as y'all spend a few more years on this planet, your opinions will change. I don't think anyone here really said that the dolls were a good thing. You need to separate the dolls from the critisism of the reactions to the doll. I think the doll was poor taste and judgement. i think the reactions are way over the top and tasteless.
  19. We do national elections on one day, why not primaries on one day as well? 3 months campaigning and debates, then primary election.
  20. QUOTE (whitesoxfan101 @ May 6, 2008 -> 11:14 AM) Why would the perception of fans become that over something the team did? And that's besides the bigger point which is our fans have a lousy perception anyways, so too late. Because if you are not foaming-at-the-mouth against it, you are for it. Supposedly.
  21. QUOTE (YASNY @ May 6, 2008 -> 08:52 AM) Well, it's not in the locker room anymore. It's splayed across the front page of the Sun Times and being talked about on national TV and radio. Hell with the dolls, I want toknow about Joe Crede's mole!
  22. QUOTE (YASNY @ May 6, 2008 -> 08:46 AM) You've got kids that look up to these guys and a franchise that pushes a family atmosphere at the Cell. Not only is this wrong, but it's very wrong. This WAS in the locker room, right? Not on the concourse? And do the reporters have to report everything they see? Will we next be getting a story about that tramp stamp onthe lower back of Paulie that he didn't cover up when a reporter came in? Or will we hear about that embarrassing mole on Crede's ass? If the reporters themselves weren'tmaking such a big deal about this, would we be posting several pages of rage, real or otherwise?
  23. QUOTE (Controlled Chaos @ May 6, 2008 -> 09:27 AM) Do you think the players respect women? I'm not so sure about that. What does doing anything to a blow up doll...have to do with respecting women?? One is alive the other is made of plastic. Manufactured outrage.
  24. After reading her commentary, this line stuck out to me."Do you think the players respect women? I'm not so sure about that." So, if players do this, they don't respect women. How many guys here have gone to strip clubs? Do they now not respect women because they had a good time stuffing a buck in some woman's g-string or enjoyed tits in their faces? How many guys have called a woman a b****? Are they now forever more anti-woman? That sort of absolute thinking is just wrong.
  25. I think there is a whole lot of manufactured outrage at this incident. Was it childish? Sure. But if you are thin-skinned enough to be offended by a blowup doll, you need to get anew line of work. Now if they had placed a name badge on one of them that said Carol Sleezyack, then someone could probably be honestly offended. Damn, between starting this and posting this, a whole new page of replies appeared!
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