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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. Obama camp plays the race card first against John. http://www.nationaljournal.com/njonline/no_20080425_7012.php
  2. QUOTE (Controlled Chaos @ Apr 25, 2008 -> 08:12 AM) I actually didn't see the end of the game, but this morning I read that Dye got hurt and then I checked the box score and saw that Uribe had an AB. So I figured they moved Alexei to the outfield and just shook my head. The funny thing is how Ozzie went off on a little rant about the value of Uribe yesterday and how he values defense so much. yeah, but then you leave your best Def outfielder on the bench in close games all the time?? I don't bash Oz a lot, mainly cause I hate second guessing people, but yes the man does a lot of things that confuse the hell out of me. Oh I second guess his pitching change decisions all the time. I scream very loud when he goes thru 4 pitchers in one inning.
  3. I'm not sure if this is anti either one, or pro either one, but thought it was kinda funny. Maybe you all could use a laugh. All 3 of you. (some NSFW language)
  4. QUOTE (Texsox @ Apr 24, 2008 -> 08:08 AM) No. Too many skeletons I really do not want revealed. I'm with you. Waaaay too many things I don't really want more people knowing about. And God help me if they dig into my college days!
  5. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Apr 23, 2008 -> 03:17 PM) More specifically: http://www.zunescene.mobi/forums/index.php?topic=1386.0 I was just gonna post that i saw that. There is also a freeware program that is supposed to do that as well, but so far I am hearing mixed results for it. Only problem with the answer listed is that iTunes converts even the songs from your CD's into some format that doesn't play nice with others. Maybe I'll just sell it and stay with my ipod. It HAS been good to me.
  6. QUOTE (lostfan @ Apr 23, 2008 -> 06:45 PM) I could barely hear it but it sounded like he was talking about McCain on the economy, how is it negative campaigning if he is talking directly about the issues and using it as reasons not to vote for McCain (especially when the first half is a quote from him saying he wants to talk about the issues, and then the next clip is him doing that)? Is it negative if McCain says "Obama's going to raise taxes"? That's kind of the whole point of campaigning, I don't see any hypocrisy. (Or, am I supposed to just let that go unchallenged in this thread? ) Trying to equate John with George isn't 'going negative'? I thought GWB was a dirty word for liberals?
  7. QUOTE (lostfan @ Apr 23, 2008 -> 06:45 PM) I could barely hear it but it sounded like he was talking about McCain on the economy, how is it negative campaigning if he is talking directly about the issues and using it as reasons not to vote for McCain (especially when the first half is a quote from him saying he wants to talk about the issues, and then the next clip is him doing that)? Is it negative if McCain says "Obama's going to raise taxes"? That's kind of the whole point of campaigning, I don't see any hypocrisy. (Or, am I supposed to just let that go unchallenged in this thread? ) Trying to equate John with George isn't 'going negative'? I thought GWB was a dirty word for liberals?
  8. Obama says he can't and won't run a negative campaign. 29 minutes later....
  9. When I was about 12, my dad took me hunting some place in southern Illinois where he grew up that he called 'snake valley'. After walking thru it about 30 minutes, I heard a thump, like something hitting my rubber boots, so I stopped. Didn't see anything, so started to walk again, and with each step heard a 'swish' sound in the leaves. I looked down, and there was some kind of snake stuck in my boot, that I was swishing thru the leaves as I walked. I almost blew my foot off when I saw it, I hate snakes, but my training prevailed and I didn't, but I sure screamed loud and made my dad cut it off my boot. Oh, and I left, too, and waited back at the truck until they were done. I have no idea what kind it was, and if I did, I can't remember, but it was about 2.5' long.
  10. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Apr 22, 2008 -> 08:11 AM) As low of expectations as I have from the Clinton's a part of me almost wonders if she knows she can't win, so she is trying to give the election to McCain, that way she can run again in 2012. It makes way more sense than most other explanations of why she is still in the race. Or maybe she is just staying in as a big FU to the people she feels abandoned her for Obama.
  11. I won a Zune from Pepsi by using the pepsi points under the caps and stuff(I drink enough of the diet stuff, they should have sent me stock!). I have all my music on iTunes right now, and currently have an ipod. Can the Zune be made to work with my iTunes. easily? I will do some searching online later, just wondering if anyone here has attempted this or not yet.
  12. When my oldest son was 6 we had hired 2 guys dressed in Power Rangers suits to come to the party and entertain. It was like $350 for 90 minutes, and I thought THAT was alot. It was worth it, as for years him and his friends talked about it, until they grew out of that stage. But $10,000? No.
  13. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Apr 21, 2008 -> 10:57 AM) This has been the offer that's been put on the table for years now, every few months it seems, by one of the Arabic-side parties. What you must realize is...this offer will NEVER be accepted by Israel, for one simple reason. The pre 1967 war borders of Israel did not include key parts of Jerusalem. They did not include the wall, the temple mount, etc., the holiest of holy sites. Israel simply will NEVER give those sites back to a Muslim authority. The 2000 Clinton/Arafat/Barak proposal for all practical purposes was the best offer Israel will ever make. Aside from a few various slivers of land, it was all the pre 1967 land except for the key spots in Jerusalem. Unless you can propose an independent governing body for Jerusalem that would satisfy both sides, you will not get a better offer of land for peace than the deal Arafat turned down. There was a Tom Clancy book that had the Arab-Israeli situation being resolved like you describe, with the Swiss being in control of Jerusalem. I just don't remember the name.
  14. EvilMonkey


    QUOTE (Texsox @ Apr 21, 2008 -> 08:57 AM) Much different then I imagined. Still now it sounds as if they had some knowledge, but nothing "official", and used the false call to trigger an investigation. Hmm Maybe she was pissed off at the cult for something unrelated to what they were doing inside? Anger causes many lines to be blurred.
  15. EvilMonkey


    QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Apr 21, 2008 -> 07:23 AM) Someone told me that it was a prank phone call that triggered these raids... Is this true? If it is, does that affect the legality of these raids? Can the cat be put back in the bag? http://abcnews.go.com/TheLaw/story?id=4678143&page=1 A woman pretended to be a girl locked in a basement called in the tip. Here is something weird. She, or someone with the same name in the same area, is listed as a an Obama State Delegate. http://www.peakdems.org/obama_state_del.asp
  16. QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Apr 20, 2008 -> 08:33 PM) however, in 2008, we are worse than we were in 2000 on a total economic level due to lax economic polices and an ongoing war that has tripled the price of gas.. THerefore, we are not "better off overall if you look at the entire eight-year period" And FYI, the war is not why gas has tripled. China and India increasing their demand and usage dramatically is the culprit there. The was has played a part, but minor compared to those two.
  17. QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Apr 20, 2008 -> 08:33 PM) When some says "you can make an argument" then rattles off a list of things to support it, they are making the argument that you believe that. Why would you rattle off facts that support something you dont think is the case? And facts that are WRONG! Inflation and Job Creation be two. On your second point, can you prove it was "obviously" a different point? I can prove it was in context. I am willing to concied that there is a POSSIBILITY we were better in 2004 or 2005 than we were in 2000. however, in 2008, we are worse than we were in 2000 on a total economic level due to lax economic polices and an ongoing war that has tripled the price of gas.. THerefore, we are not "better off overall if you look at the entire eight-year period" Thatnks for the transcript. That is what I asked for. Straight from your video, here is what was cut, the words between 'You can make a case', and 'I think we are better off..." And then of course it truncates his last statement, leaving off Sounds like the very same creative & selective editing that you have complained about against Obama.
  18. QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Apr 20, 2008 -> 01:05 PM) <!--quoteo(post=1616164:date=Apr 19, 2008 -> 10:29 AM:name=BearSox)-->QUOTE (BearSox @ Apr 19, 2008 -> 10:29 AM) <!--quotec-->yeah, but politics don't revolve around your world, and you can't just assume stuff. Ok, i wont assume. I'll take his words at it then... Context? Hello? You already saw in the link I posted earlier how a line was taken out of context by Obama and used in his speech. Since you clamour for it whenever the messiah is quoted and sounds bad, how about providing it? His opening line in just what you posted "I think you could make an argument...". Then with a little editing at the end, "I think we are better off overall", which obviously was spoken at a different point, and possible to a different question. I guess Obama can claim to be above all this as long as he has the DNC, MoveOn.org and others do the dirty work for him. Well, except for the time he did it in the speech I linked to above.
  19. QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Apr 19, 2008 -> 10:26 AM) really? out of context? McCain said some people would say that economy has made great gains. In my world, when you say "some people would say" it really means "i believe this, but i wont say it publicly" When you assume you make an ass out of u.
  20. Just a short clip of Obama taking John McCain seriously out of context, since we all know how much Obama says context is important. How very hypocritical of him. Shame on you, Obama. I thought you were above that?
  21. QUOTE (juddling @ Apr 18, 2008 -> 11:34 AM) Is there any other reason to talk to them???? Hope the wife didn't hear that...lol To make you dinner, do laundry, rub your feet, c'mon Juddling, use your imagination!
  22. EvilMonkey


    QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Apr 16, 2008 -> 02:42 PM) M. But, just remember one thing: if the Pope was, instead of a religious figure, merely the CEO of a nationwide chain of daycare centers where thousands of employees had been caught molesting kids and then covering it up, he'd be arrested faster than you can say, "Who wants to touch Mister Wiggle?"" And if it was a Muslim polygamous sect the media would be berating us for not understanding their culture and religion.
  23. QUOTE (Texsox @ Apr 17, 2008 -> 08:39 PM) They will stick a dozen magnets on their car, but not mail $5 to one of the causes. I hate those damn car magnets.
  24. Now this dumbass is claiming that the University is trying to cover her art up. All part of her 'performance art'? http://www.yaledailynews.com/articles/view/24528 This girl is just sick either way.
  25. QUOTE (Texsox @ Apr 17, 2008 -> 04:35 PM) Is it about what it shows or the emotion that the viewer feels? I saw people showing national pride when viewing that display. Did you see that display elicit any anti-American hatred? It reminds me in a small way of watching the towers come down. Stores sold out of American flags within hours of that happening. Seems to me that most people who saw it were puffing up their chests and talking about pride in the country. People were walking around it and thinking about the flag and how to properly show respect. Viewing art is about the emotions that one feels. This one sparked your pride in America. Would you have felt that same adrenalin rush of American pride if it was a beautiful pastoral scene with an American flag on a green, grassy, hill? So if liberals just want to feel good about their display of the flag, I guess conservatives really like this one. I was happy that it was reported that most people avoided the flags. Towards the end of the video there are shots of 3 or 4 students just standing around on the flag trying to look cool or something. And it was hard to hear the actual talking in a lot of the video, but it sounded like the principal was trying to make the old vet feel bad for being there. I think you mentioned it earlier, we need some kind of better definition about art. Yes, this was an 'experiment', but it was an art experiment. She should get an F for originality.
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