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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Apr 7, 2008 -> 09:22 AM) Do you think if America had the Olympics in 04 or 08, you'd be getting a lot of protestors about the war in Iraq. Just on Tibet, I fully support the protests. Tibet deserves to be its own country IMHO, as China's been weeding out the Tibetan culture for over 60 years by importing its own people in there. Oh yes. I believe every bat-s*** crazy that thinks GWB is the devil would be out in force, the Anarchists, Free Gitmo people, Free Tibet, Free Hat, you name it. As for Tibet, I must admit I don't know as much about the situation as I would like. But while we are at it, how about Free Tiawan!
  2. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Apr 7, 2008 -> 09:16 AM) They are trans-oceanic migratory animals, present in all tropical and temperate waters worldwide. And that is at the heart of the conservation problem. 90% of coastal nations may on board with cooperative conservation efforts, but those efforts are undermined if the animals hatched on a beach in one part of the world are not protected in all the waters they may end up in during various stages of their life. I'm not getting on the Isreall/Palestine who's-the-worse-bad-guy merry-go-round. It never seems to do much good. Fair enough. Back to the turtles, are their migratory paths all year round, or are they usually within a certain time? Just wondering if a few weeks of no fishing could be enough, if they moved across the ocean only at certain times.
  3. This is why I never want the olympics here again. That, and the threat of terrorists screwing everything up.
  4. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Apr 7, 2008 -> 08:09 AM) Yeah, I'd like to not see any intentional sea turtle harvesting – especially one with so much baloney folk remedy aspects to it like giving the blood to kids with respiratory illness. But, FAR AND AWAY, the leading threat to leatherbacks is accidental catch by the global longline fishing fleet, and the US loses all of its moral high ground there because it allows longliners to continue to operate and has even reopened Hawaiian longline fisheries with full knowledge that it will be the chief contributor to the local extinction of the population. There are probably only around 50,000 breeding pairs of leatherbacks worldwide as of now, and that's a huge decline from 25 years ago. Compae that number to the 50,000 leatherbacks (many are non-breeding subadults) that people like Larry Crowder at Duke estimate are accidentally captured by the global longline fleet every year. Crowder estimates that a leatherback has about a 50/50 chance of being killed by a longline hook every year. A species that dates back 100 million years may be gone in our lifetimes if global fishery practices aren't quickly overhauled. And you know I'm not meaning to call you out on the Palistian slaughter of the animal you posted, Alpha – certainly I hate seeing that. I just wanted to give some perspective as to where the real threats to the species come from. The World Conservation Union recognizes the species as endangered, but there isn't an international moratorium on targeted harvest. And even if there was, it wouldn't fix the longline bycatch problem. To be even more depressing, as damaging as the longlines are to sea turtles, it pales compared to what they are doing to the world's albatross populations. 3/4 of the 24 living albatross species face immediate extinction threat due primarily to longlines. Well over 100,000 birds are accidentally killed each year by longlines (that's probably a major underestimate). S'ok. I'l admit I didn't really post it because of the turtle ('WHAT? I don't believe it', you say). I was trying to point out how even in the killing of endangered animals, the Palestinians get a pass from most of the world media. They throw rocks at soldiers with guns, and wonder why they get shot. They lob rockets in at schools and then wonder why they can't cross the border into Israel. They blow up busses and wonder why that house full of terrorists on the corner suddenly exploded. And all the while, they play the victim, and have than card as their excuse for just about everything they do. Like I said, if this had been Japan, or Canada, I think the outrage would have been noted. But speaking of the turtle, where are their habitats located at? Are they around the globe, or just in a few areas?
  5. I think the sarcasm one will nail alot of people, me included, as that form of humor comes all too easily in these type of discussions. However, I will do my best to comply.
  6. I forgot I had paused it on Tivo to get something to drink. You guys talking about the outs and all and I am wondering how you can predict the future!
  7. QUOTE(kjshoe04 @ Apr 6, 2008 -> 08:37 PM) I'd agree if it weren't so annoying. How true.
  8. Let's keep Dombrowski n the booth. Sox are doing great with him talking in there.
  9. QUOTE(lostfan @ Apr 6, 2008 -> 08:28 PM) What is up with AJ and that uppercut swing? He is SO much better when he doesn't do that. They are ALL so much better when they dont do that.
  10. Think maybe the Tigers should have a talk with their bat supplier. With the way Buehrle is sawing them off you would think he is throwing 100+MPH.
  11. QUOTE(Steve9347 @ Apr 6, 2008 -> 05:04 PM) As much as I'd like to say I am Southpaw, I happen to be the one behind Southpaw. He was drunk, so was I, you can imagine where that night went. Been pulling green fur out my.... well, you know how it is. Damn you for putting those images in my mind! (You're not really a furry, are you?)
  12. My only complaint is that I am too slow to post. When I see a topic in the Pale Hose forum I want to comment on, there is already 5 or 6 pages of comments, and I am often too lazy to read thru them all. And when I do read them all, I find that many on here have already said the very thing or things I was going to say, and my simply adding it again wouldn't add much. I love this place, even most those I tend to argue with in the Filibuster. I may hate your political positions, but at least you smart enough to love the southside team. The extreme negativity on Sox-related things lately suprises me a bit, but hopefully a 10 game winning streak will put a small halt to some of that.
  13. I agree in theory that it is a good option to have, but it should bea difficult, but not impossible, task to start. If the offending politician is truely bad enough to warrent it, it will happen. Make it too easy and it will just be another tool for people to abuse.
  14. Keep the OF as is. I'll go along with most of the rest here, BA should be the 4th OF. However I also think that will not be the case, and BA will be sent down.
  15. http://www.reuters.com/news/video?videoId=...=23&sp=true Somehow if this were the Japanese I don't think it would be greeted with such a ho-hum attitude. Espercially considering how much crap they get for whaling. Where is PETA!!!!
  16. At least he manned up afterwards. “I stand corrected, my friend,” later adding, “Boy, when I’m wrong, I love to be wrong like that.” He could have dug himself deeper by trying to defend himself.
  17. I don't know how to get it to embed, but this is a good one. If this guy really said that, he SHOULD be toast.
  18. QUOTE(santo=dorf @ Apr 3, 2008 -> 07:50 PM) ...and we should ask what kind of dumbass parents raise a kid to sign an agreement, and then throw a hissy fit and waste the court's time when he clearly broke the promise. I think that falls on the parents, AND society. With all the 'self esteem' crap that the liberals have pushed in various programs, such as no valedictorians so noone gets their feelings hurt, no keeping scores in little league or soccer games, etc., the self esteem has turned into me-centered thinking. More here to blame for that attitude than just the parents.
  19. Isn't good art supposed to provoke emotion, discussion, etc? It appears that this work did just what all the elitist artists want to do, which is create a buzz, a conversation, etc. If what was meant instead of 'making remarks' was that some were offended, then we really should be asking ourselves what kind of pussies parents are raising that they are offended by a cross in an art project.
  20. QUOTE(Athomeboy_2000 @ Apr 3, 2008 -> 10:05 AM) He says he needs to read it carefully before supporting it. Well, he didnt read the NIE (National Intelligence Estimate) on Iraq before voting for the war. Now he needs to review carefully a bill to give those soldiers an education? Interesting. YEs, because we all know full well how all those Democratic Senators read every bill that comes before them before offering support or voting on them. They would never get tricked into signing a bill about a war or anything, or just sign anti-terror laws without reading the fine print. Models of efficiency and diligence, they are.
  21. QUOTE(Athomeboy_2000 @ Apr 3, 2008 -> 09:55 AM) I found this rather interesting. John McCain is not currently supporting the new GI bill. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/04/03/m...gi_n_94791.html Thoughts? Also not currently opposing it, at least according to your little snippit.
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