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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. Welcome, Eric! Good people, even most of the liberal ones (which you should feel right at home with!).

  2. QUOTE(lostfan @ Apr 2, 2008 -> 08:44 PM) He's the same as any other Democrat but with much more leadership ability. My car is "different" than yours, but they both have tires and steering wheels don't they? Somehow I don't see the same ho-hum response coming if the name were Hilllary.
  3. QUOTE(lostfan @ Apr 2, 2008 -> 08:37 PM) You can find stuff like that on every political candidate on that site, I don't see why any one should be pointed out over any others as if they're different. Because he bills himself as 'different' than the average politician?
  4. http://www.factcheck.org/elections-2008/ob..._oil_spill.html More at the link.
  5. Pawlenty wouldn't be too bad a choice, unless they are looking for a southerner.
  6. EvilMonkey

    DHL S****

    I have also had issues with UPS, FEd Ex and DHL, but have had the fewest so far with DLH. I swear FedEx just doesn't want my business since I compete with them in one sector, and f*** up my shipments on purpose to make me look bad to my customers. I have had boxes show up with water , like above, with half the stuff missing and sent to the wrong destinations with UPS. So far, I have just had a few late deliveries with DHL. Sorry your experience sucked.
  7. I thought you all could use a little humor to lighten your day. http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1809483
  8. QUOTE(Mplssoxfan @ Apr 1, 2008 -> 03:05 PM) You know the press has too much time on their hands when this is a national story. I know that's a local link, but it got played for about 5 minutes on MSNBC this morning, apparently. Well,he did look pretty dorky trying to bowl. And my 9 year old can get over 40. Without bumpers.
  9. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Apr 1, 2008 -> 03:12 PM) Actually within the http protocol, there is a referrers entry that will tell you where the link was redirected from. I saw this in the story, and that is what worried me. Now I am sure it CAN be checked, but knowing the government, how can we be sure it IS checked? That is what worries me about this. I love it when child predators are taken down. But there is still somethign about this that I just think needs to be checked or tweaked to make sure it doesn't screw up innocent people. You get accused of this s***, even when innocent, and you are screwed for life.
  10. What is to prevent someone from taking the hotlink and using tinyurl or something and placing it on a message board like Soxtalk? The person clicking it would have no idea what it was until they got there.
  11. QUOTE(bmags @ Mar 31, 2008 -> 10:37 PM) Although, I found this funny. The youtube ad that had Obama with wright, in arab garb and all that garbage that came out last week, McCain quickly denounced it. So what's the story? McCain, continuing to be above the political fray, condemns his own followers for not playing it safe. And what's the consequence? Well, the major tv outlets all play that ad over and over again, the one he condemns. So, he gets doubly good, one, he appears to be the good guy, and two, a commercial making Obama an angry arab black man gets shown ad nauseum. Damn the Republicans are good. And I bet you thought it was all Rove all the time. Tsk, tsk, tsk.
  12. I don't know if McCain can bowl, but maybe he should challenge Obama to a match. He can't do much worse! http://www.wjla.com/news/stories/0308/507545.html
  13. QUOTE(bmags @ Mar 31, 2008 -> 06:16 PM) A forum is a forum is a forum. People are discussing this issue are relevant to debates on how people have discussed this issue, how the media has covered people discussing this issue. And with the way this thread has turned, a facebook group might even be more civil. Yas on his high horse saying he was called a racist when NSSox merely said that he was looking for a reason to hate Obama no matter what because of his politics. Yas was also looking for us to call him a racist, in my opinion, as you say, so he could categorize us with the image in his head of the crazy liberals who love everyone who hates america and label everyone racists for saying anything. In my opinion. But no one has called anyone a racist for thinking Wright is a racist. Then CC comes and says "watermelon soaked nose". Now tell me, which side on this issue has become more hard-headed. I'll give my complete thought now on why I don't care about Obama going to the Church that had Rev. Wright. I know my Grandfather for teaching me so many things about life. Hard work, love, humility, gratitude. I've also known him to say some things that disgust me, all dealing with political or social issues. Words of hate. Do I think my grandfather is a hate-filled man, no, and he's important to me, and he's taught me so much. But just because he's said those words, does not mean that I believe them. How many times has a political sermon in the church affected the way you live? feel? The ones I've been to are so lightning in a bottle, they don't live on, they are too current event and usually much like a pundit on TV. But the ones on faith and how to live, those can help define and form a person. So I don't give a damn about Bush close with Robertson, Graham close with the many presidents, Hagee with McCain or Wright with Obama. (To reclarify, I don't care about Hagee with McCain, I don't believe McCain is an anti-semite b/c he's with McCain, but I did get frustrated when McCain got a free pass for Hagee when Obama was getting hit with Wright). When these men (and whoever Hillary's involved in) would hypothetically go to these men for advice, I have no doubt in my mind they are looking for spiritual or personal advice, not political. Pt. II to come later. You can't choose your grandfather, unless you are from Kentucky or Alabama and do alot of inbreeding, but you can choose your pastor. Big difference. I understand your point, but still a big difference.
  14. QUOTE(lostfan @ Mar 31, 2008 -> 05:37 PM) Now you are just making s*** up. I have to assume this is sarcasm but I don't have much reason to believe it is. Well, since the man is holding the black people down, and the man controls the money, and the man would therefor be the one affected by the raise in income tax and capital gains tax he wants, and since the man is typically white, then there is your answer on how to transfer wealth from the man to the oppressed legally here in the US of KKK. FYI, it was half sarcasm, but there is no half green.
  15. QUOTE(Texsox @ Mar 31, 2008 -> 03:08 PM) Just wondering, those that think this proves that everyone in that Church are racists, including Obama, what changes will he try and make in America as President? Have whites ride in the back of the bus? I think he already said it. Take away more money from Whitey (since they are the only benefactors of capitalisms, capital gains, etc.) to pay for all the social programs.
  16. OK, I think alot of people have said "He has been preaching hate for 20 years", not "He has been preaching NOTHING BUT HATE for 20 years". Small distinction, but apparently enough in some peoples minds to give him the benefit of doubt because they don't 'know' what else he has said.
  17. QUOTE(Texsox @ Mar 31, 2008 -> 11:16 AM) Dear James, Want a reminder of why we still need more people in Congress who know what war really is, and the obligations we owe those who bore the burden of battle? Just last week, Vice President Cheney was asked about the burden of the Iraq War on our military. His answer? George Bush bears the greatest burden of the war. 4,000 American troops who gave their lives? The Vice President summed it up: "They volunteered." When I read the Vice President's comments, I was reminded of what Marine Corps 3-star General Gregory Newbold, the former Operations Director at the Pentagon, said about the war in Iraq: "The commitment of our forces to this fight was done with a casualness and swagger that are the special province of those who have never had to execute these missions - or bury the results." This is why our work isn't done changing the face of Congress. Dick Cheney doesn't get it, but he'll be gone in January - the question is, who will be coming here to speak up for the troops? The rubber's hitting the road right now. I need you to help send more people to Washington who did serve, who did volunteer, and who took from that experience a personal commitment to provide for our nation's soldiers and a deep understanding of the magnitude of issues of war and peace. Here are some more of those people -- so please do what you can to help them today: http://www.actblue.com/page/strongermajority2 In the House, there's been no better or clearer voice on national security than Admiral Joe Sestak from Pennsylvania. The johnkerry.com community went to the mat to help send Admiral Sestak to Congress, and he has been as courageous in Congress as he was in the Navy. His record of standing up and being counted has landed him on the very top of the GOP target list, and he can use our help right now. A good fundraising quarter can signal great strength and put him on the offensive in 2008. In New York, former Navy Commander Eric Massa is running against Randy Kuhl. Last time, Eric came within a whisker of beating Kuhl, losing by only 2 points. With a little extra effort this time, we can push Eric over the top. Eric's a former top aide to the Supreme Allied Commander in Europe. He understands military and foreign policy in his head and in his gut, and he's committed to a new course in Iraq and to making health care universal for all Americans. In California, former Air Force helicopter pilot Charlie Brown is running to fill another GOP open seat vacated by a Republican one step ahead of scandal. Now he's facing two career politicians who didn't even live in his district. Charlie's son is active-duty Air Force and has served four tours in Iraq; believe me, Charlie doesn't need any lectures about who bears the burden in the military today. And Charlie isn't waiting to get to DC to start helping; he's donating 5% of everything he raises in this campaign to help veterans' service organizations around the country. And we also have an incredible veteran running to break the Republican roadblock in the Senate. In Tennessee, my friend Bob Tuke is a Marine who served America in uniform, a Democratic soldier who has worked hard for others and, now, a candidate for the United States Senate. He headed up my efforts in Tennessee in 2004, and he's fought for Democrats as head of the TN Democratic Party. He served in Vietnam (yes, he volunteered), and now is answering the call to service once again. In January, I want to see Bob sworn in to the United States Senate. So please donate what you can to help these great veterans turn our Congress into a force for change: http://www.actblue.com/page/strongermajority2 It is profoundly wrong to think that fighting for your country overseas and fighting for your country's ideals at home are contradictory or even separate duties. They are, in fact, two sides of the very same patriotic coin. So this year, let's send more of these great Democratic patriots to Congress. Thanks, John Kerry YOu know, this may seem a little weird (I blame the alcohol and lack of sleep from Vegas), but with the general liberal way of thinking being that life in prison is a worse punishment than the death sentence, why wouldn't the weight of 4000 deaths be a bigger burden for someone than actually dying (to all except the deceased, of course)? Could anyone here sleep knowing that his or her decisions led one way or the other to the deaths of 4000 American soldiers? Or do you all think he is the devil with absolutely zero feelings whatsoever? Just a thought. I'll go back to my prolonged hangover now.
  18. QUOTE(Texsox @ Mar 31, 2008 -> 12:38 PM) I would not want to be judged on what friends, former friends, or even pastors now believe, write, speak out about, etc. I'm surprised that anyone here would hold themselves up to the same standard. Yet advertisers, celebs and politicians all ran for the hills to get away from Imus so as not to be painted with the racism brush.
  19. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Mar 31, 2008 -> 08:00 AM) If Rev Wright was spewing this stuff all the time, two things would be true - we'd be seeing a lot more videos, and the Obamas would almost assuredly tried to distance themselves from him long ago (like, when Obama started his political career). I think you are wrong on the second part there. It was politically positive for Obama to be associates with the Rev early in his career. He was well known in the community and helped Obama with his blackness in the community. Now, not so much. However, he can't distance himself too far or he risks angering the black community, so he has to dance the fine dance of spin and nuance when talking about him. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Mar 31, 2008 -> 08:00 AM) Using the Imus analogy that some have brought up... lets ask this question. When Imus was criticized for uttering those now infamous lines, did anyone say or even think to themselves, "gosh, I bet that means that all of Imus' regular listeners must be racists"? Probably not, because that would be a ridiculous leap. And yet, here we are, seeing some portion of the population doing just that. As with Wright, I am sure that was not the only time that Imus said something questionable. Heck, he's a shock jock, its what he does. But let's ask another question: if it turned out that one of the Presidential candidates was a loyal fan of Imus' show, would people all assume that he/she must be a racist? The analogy has its limits of course. But you see what I am getting at? For your Imus analogy, why did politicians and stars refuse to go on his show after the flap? Because they were afraid to be associated with someone branded a racist. So yeah, maybe if he HAD been a fan, they MIGHT not have assumed anything, and even forgotten about it had he stopped listening. But if he continued to listen even after the incident, you bet all hell would descend upon him from every direction possible.
  20. QUOTE(YASNY @ Mar 25, 2008 -> 11:18 PM) I'm sorry, but for you of all people to criticize someone for over-the-top support of a candidate is just ridiculous.
  21. One donated almost 3/4 of thier income to chairity one year, while the other donated 1%. (One story mentions another pol who gave less than .25%! http://archive.newsmax.com/archives/ic/200...2358.shtml?s=ic http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=206...&refer=home
  22. QUOTE(lostfan @ Mar 24, 2008 -> 05:13 PM) If she qualifies she deserved to get in, regardless of what race she is and whether she got in because of AA. End of story IMO. I think she decisively showed everyone that too. Here's where the argument fails - yes, if by during the process of meeting a quota you have to admit less qualified minority candidates over more qualified white students in order to comply. That is the problem with affirmative action and I agree with you 100%. But to say that everyone who gets in because of AA squeezes out a more qualified white student means that no AA students are actually qualified which then means that minority students are, by default, less qualified than white students. Obviously this isn't true as demonstrated by Mrs. Obama. Her end results have no bearing on whatever test scores she had prior to entrance. She could have folded like a cheap lawnchair come test time. Her tests could have been middle of the road or bottom of the heap, we don't know. But if they were, then at the time of entrance, she WAS less qualified (by the only testing standard they use).
  23. QUOTE(lostfan @ Mar 24, 2008 -> 05:01 PM) Yeah he was a Democrat but what's it matter really? I would say that not focusing on his party affiliation shows less bias and not more. The original AP article about George Ryan's corruption conviction didn't even mention that he was a Republican at all so it's not like the media is going out of its way to favor Democrats here. (Side note: of course now, 1-2 years later I have no way of backing up this statement.) If you're arguing that the media is biased in favor of liberals more often than not than yeah I agree. But not based off of this. The national papers that picked up Ryan's story sure mentioned it. My buddy in the DC area made sure to call me and let me know he noticed that it was a Republican who got busted in Illinois. I just replied that he was a crook, regardless of party, but thanks for noticing.
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