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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. Not even gonna click it, don't need that this AM. As long as your headline is correct, I will agree with you 100%
  2. Most gun owners would have no problems with 'reasonable' limits, restrictions, licensing, etc. But with our society today, you know full well that give an inch, take a mile. Automatic weapons are already against the law, except in certain cases (law enforcement and some collectors, but that is mostly vintage stuff). Sure, there is no real need for cop killer bullets and plastic handguns, but when buzz words like 'semi-automatic' get thrown around and nobody seems to understand what that really is, things get heated and misunderstood. Just about any gun today that isn't a single-shot rifle or muzzleloader is semi-automatic. OK, make gun owners take a safety class. The NRA sponsors alot of those, as do some police departments (not many, though). License them. Background checks are good. But some states go overboard. California is trying to pass new laws that will make you have to apply for another permit just to buy ammunition. And they want to make it a crime to give anyone, spouse included, more than 50 rounds of ammo in any 30-day period. You can go thru over 100 rounds at a target range easy. TEx had some good thoughts about this topic, some of which I agree with. I think we have individuals in this society that should not have guns. I think there are many times more that are responsible and should have access to guns if they choose. I think owning a gun is fine. I think owning enough guns to arm a small city, should be looked at. I think practical guns and ammo, for reasonable activities, should be allowed. I think some types of ammo, extreme calibers and loads, fully auto weapons should probably be unavailable to ordinary citizens.
  3. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Mar 24, 2008 -> 07:44 AM) I'll first say that I agree, this was a stupid and illegal protest, and I hope these people are prosecuted. The middle of Easter mass is beyond inappropriate for protests and the like. Here is my question, though... why did they do this in a Catholic church? I mean, if you did it at a press conference held by a major political supporter of the war, then I'd get the connection. But honestly, as far as I remember, I think the church has been pretty much against the Iraq war from the start. What did they hope to accomplish? Just stupid. They are mad that the Cardinal hasn't been more outspoken about the war, and that he and Daley met with Bush when he was last in town and didn't 'demand' something be done. Plus, if I recall, the services at that church often have TV cameras there, so maybe hoping for a little TV exposure as well. Instead, I hope it is jail time and a record.
  4. QUOTE(Texsox @ Mar 23, 2008 -> 11:13 PM) No, it didn't chamge anyone's mind. What it did do was get some people to voice their feelings against the war believing that if someone could be so bold to stand up at Holy Name, certainly they can speak out via a letter to the editor, on the phone with a friend, or over coffee with a co-worker. Well, again, I hope they get charged and found guilty of those felonies. As long as all those newly emboldened people realize that their actions have consequences.
  5. I just don't get the "any puiblicity is good publicity' approach alot of people take today. Do they really think that changed anyone's mind in their direction? They are lucky someone didn't beat them. Alot.
  6. Air Force is trying to get in on the ground floor with new fuel technology, coal-to-oil. http://money.aol.com/news/articles/_a/air-...322050509990002
  7. http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/c...story?track=rss I hope these idiots ARE charged, and found guilty, of the felonies. Then when they have that conviction keep popping up in job applications or security checks, they can ask themselves if it was worth it, every damn time. The Cardinal had it right, Easter mass is not the place to protest.
  8. My wow was more to the point that the Tigers payroll has to be approaching the Redsox/Yankmees strata. I hope the owner is independently wealthy, because I can't see the team bringing in that much per year, in Detroit. Maybe it can, but it still boggles the mind.
  9. EvilMonkey

    Happy Easter

    http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...ml?hpid=artslot More fun with peeps for your Easter enjoyment.
  10. QUOTE(knightni @ Mar 22, 2008 -> 02:23 PM) Are you kidding? How could you not see the sarcasm? He was blinded by the messiah's glow.
  11. QUOTE(Athomeboy_2000 @ Mar 22, 2008 -> 01:01 PM) a CLEARLY there was some political reasoning behind all this. Seriosuly, I think this will all be much ado about nothing. Just some stupid people in a situation that was GROSSLY misshandled by the state department. Clinton has ties to one of the heads who was in charge of this department. So, it's a wash. I see. Now that it turns out that it MAY not be a nefarious Clinton scheme or something from the dead ghost of Rove, it will be much ado about nothing. What if this ex-person was in there deleting places Obama may have visited? Or adding some? Hmmm. News cycle #1. "someone" in the State Department looked in private passport information regarding Obama. News cycle #2. OUTRAGE from Obama. News cycle #3. State Department will investigate and behead, or at least fire the responsible ones. News cycle #4 Clintons passport information was also accessed. News cycle #5 The responsible ones were subcontractors to the State Department, and have already been fired. News cycle #6 McCain's information was accessed also. News cycle #7 Silence. News cycle #8 The subcontractor that looked at the Obama and McCain information is the same person, and that person works for Obama's intelligence advisor
  12. A liberal news joke. A biker is riding by the zoo, when he sees a little girl leaning into the lion's cage. Suddenly, the lion grabs her by the cuff of her jacket and tries to pull her inside to slaughter her, under the eyes of her screaming parents. The biker jumps off his bike, runs to the cage and hits the lion square on the nose with a powerful punch. Whimpering from the pain the lion jumps back letting go of the girl, and the biker brings her to her terrified parents, who thank him endlessly. A reporter has seen the whole scene, and addressing the biker, says, " Sir, this was the most gallant and brave thing I saw a man do in my whole life. " "Why, it was nothing, really, the lion was behind bars. I just saw this little kid in danger, and acted as I felt right. " "Well, I'll make sure this won't go unnoticed. I'm a journalist, you know, and tomorrow's papers will have this on the first page. What motorcycle do you ride? "A Harley Davidson." The journalist leaves. The following morning the biker buys the paper to see if it indeed brings news of his actions, and reads, on first page: BIKER GANG MEMBER ASSAULTS AFRICAN IMMIGRANT AND STEALS HIS LUNCH
  13. http://www.washingtontimes.com/apps/pbcs.d.../243762495/1001
  14. http://www.popularmechanics.com/automotive...rs/4255349.html A little video here about ehe Automotive X-Prise event, the race for 100 MPG.
  15. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Mar 21, 2008 -> 06:23 PM) So are we going to go now to posting every home invasion crime that takes place in this country and saying "oh if only this person had a gun". What happens if it turns out by some chance that the gun used in the killing actually belonged to the people living there? In that hypothetical, would you suddenly change your mind and want guns banned, because if there hadn't been a gun in the house she'd still be alive? Or, she's a 45 year old woman. Would you expect her to be well trained? They have 2 kids. There's a lot of potential for an accident there. Should I go and start finding every listing of a gun related accident and post those in response to every gun crime you post? Is any of that going to be productive? Calm down a little, eh? You are leaping to a few conclusions there pretty fast. To the people who claim that we don't need guns because that's what we have 911 and the police for, this just shows that that isn't always going to work. I realize that there are alot of accidental home shootings, usually because some idiot leaves a gun laying around where kids can get it, and that they don't teach thier kids to respect guns. I have been hunting since I was big enough to hold my shotgun. Dad taught me to shoot, and to respect the power of guns. They have been in my house all my life without incident. I know they happen, just pointing out that they also don't happen.
  16. http://news.findlaw.com/ap/other/1110//03-...0105002_06.html
  17. Happy Easter everyone. Hope you enjoy the peep show.
  18. QUOTE(Texsox @ Mar 21, 2008 -> 04:21 PM) Nice edit. Touche', Mr. Tex.
  19. I stand back about 4 feet so I don't dangle into the urinal. I need all the room I can get.
  20. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Mar 20, 2008 -> 08:57 PM) You're alleging that they police some 600,000 or so profiles manually every few days? Try starting your own group page, you will get the message “This group will be published online once it is approved by a site administrator.” So SOMEONE saw it and approved it. (And no, I don't think Obama personally checks every thing on his webiste every day)
  21. QUOTE(lostfan @ Mar 20, 2008 -> 09:15 PM) So you are, in fact, saying that it's fair for people to accuse me of being un-PC (or whatever you want to call it) when I say something like "white guy" or "white girl" (in reference to actual white guys and white girls) because of a double standard that doesn't have anything to do with me? (Note: it's equally as silly for someone to flip out when talking about a "black guy" or "black lady") If you were running for President, sure. And I will agree with you it is silly to 'flip out'. No where did I flip out. However people flip out over any slight verbal miscue from a white person in power, so I was just pointing it out. You know, to remind you that it happens both ways. To channel my inner lost fan, reading comprehension is a skill. learn it.
  22. QUOTE(lostfan @ Mar 20, 2008 -> 09:01 PM) Are you the type of guy that would flip a s*** if you were a co-worker of mine and I said something about a "white guy" or a "white woman" and make a big deal out of my use of the word "white" and how I was being politically insensitive... or... the type of guy who wonders why the 10% of black students at a majority white school like to hang around each other, and speculate as to why they're being racist by refusing to associate with white people? Or any other number of silly-but-true hypotheticals I've observed. I'm really getting that impression. I don't really care what color people are. I have had or do have friends of most races, and will employ anyone who will make me money, regardless of color or race. All you whiny liberal beyoches scream and moan when a white guy says anything that can be considered racist, and I am just pointing out that it goes both way. Change the word white with black, and the race of the person saying it from black to white, and see the media frenzy. When I am hiring someone, I don't see color, I see potential dollar signs. The ability to to the job is all I care about. Same with friends. not the money part, but the I don't care part.
  23. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Mar 20, 2008 -> 08:53 PM) I made that whole thing up just like you spread lies about Obama proudly displaying the support of the Black Panthers. You probably spend your free time forwarding anti-Obama chain emails that explain how he's a radical Islamist being planted in our government. It was up there. Do you dispute that? or are you quibbling with my use of the word 'proudly'? he sure wasn't ashamed of it, at least not until his speech.
  24. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Mar 20, 2008 -> 08:48 PM) Yes but what does that have to do with you lying about Obama proudly displaying the Black Panther logo on his site. Do you think they just casually look at their own site now and then to check up on things, or do they monitor it often? That wasn't something that just got put up there and was removed the next day. it was up there for a while, they knew about it, and removed it about the time of his speech. Anyone here this from the messiah? http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x4s45v_ob...ite-person_news He utters the phrase 'typical white person'. Oh man, can you imagin if Hillary said something about the 'typical black person'? Oh boy.
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