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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Mar 20, 2008 -> 03:31 PM) Are you even kidding? What an ignorant statement. I am fully aware of what I said. Do you think they are not a rqacist organization? Or that many, many people who simply by hearing or seeing that name would not reach that same conclusion?
  2. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Mar 20, 2008 -> 03:36 PM) Also, McCain's website proudly displayed the swastika for several days before taking it down. Really? McCain proudly announced that the Nazi Party has endorsded his canidacy for the President of the United States? Riiiiight.
  3. QUOTE(KipWellsFan @ Mar 20, 2008 -> 01:10 PM) Wow, I'm surprised the rest of the gang let you get away with this one. Michelle Obama is a racist now? And who are these other racists that surround him? I guess you're asserting that Wright is a racist? Any others? Ted Kennedy, Susan Rice, Samantha Power, David Axelrod, Harold Ford Jr? He proudly had the Black Panthers logo on his site until recently. That doesn't help.
  4. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Mar 20, 2008 -> 09:48 AM) How so? The militia of able-body citizens was expressly cited as needed to secure a free State. It is to secure a free state from the tyranny of its own government, like the colonists did from England. So that if the government gets too oppressive, the citizens cn protect themselves.
  5. Gun owners are already regulated with all the laws and registration that we have to do. Well regulated.
  6. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Mar 20, 2008 -> 06:48 AM) Hey shut it, you know the story, I blame ice, not myself. And ya, most likely. Ice, as in Bud Ice?
  7. People who tend to interpret this one very loosely, tend to interpret this one very literally. The opposite is also true. People who think the second is fluid want to take the first one word for word.
  8. QUOTE(bmags @ Mar 18, 2008 -> 10:36 PM) Alright, we're getting somewhere. A-dog, is admitting that at one point in time, it was in fact harder for some black people in this country I also will not deny that racism was bad, still exists to some degree but has got alot better. How's that?
  9. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Mar 18, 2008 -> 10:28 PM) Thankfully, I can use Obama's own words to respond to you on this issue, because he dealt with exactly that issue today. That's the best part of that. Although I will agree that in alot in instances, as difficult as it was, it was easier to be a penniless white immigrant that black at certain times and places.
  10. QUOTE(lostfan @ Mar 18, 2008 -> 10:20 PM) Are we not talking about America? You were not. But maybe you meant to, and that's ok. Actions and deeds are not important, it is what you intended that is important, and that you feel good about yourself.
  11. QUOTE(bmags @ Mar 18, 2008 -> 10:18 PM) Africa isn't in America. You passed Geography. Good.
  12. QUOTE(lostfan @ Mar 18, 2008 -> 10:09 PM) You know what... comments like this are exactly why he didn't want to bring up race until his hand was forced. You just can't win. Somebody is going to find something wrong no matter what you say. So it's just treated as the elephant in the room. However, if you really want to be argumentative and prove a point you can try explaining to me, without cherry-picking, how white America (as a sole entity, throughout history) is somehow not the original source of racism. And by extension, how highlighting a fact like that is damning. That is kind of the whole point and if you're going to talk about race, it's unavoidable. You personally not being racist or bristling at the thought of being called a racist does not change this. Do you know any history? Slavery existed long before there ever was a 'White America'. It existed in Africa (NOT white), by Africans (also NOT white) and still exists in Africa (because of NON whites).
  13. QUOTE(lostfan @ Mar 18, 2008 -> 09:55 PM) Dude, seriously you are REALLY making something out of nothing with the "original sin" comment. Focus less on the specific words used in an almost 40-minute speech and focus more on what he was actually saying - the root of all of our social problems today come from slavery. This should pretty much be common knowledge. BTW invading Iraq had nothing to do with stemming the tide of radical Islam ala Afghanistan but that is a whole other argument. You know, in politics, specific words mean specific things. And I am sure that with this speech, every word and phrase was gone over many times and picked very carefully. He damned white America from the beginning, religious meaning or not. I resent that.
  14. You know, i was just gonna leave you all here to drool over your savior, but I just watched the beginning of his speech, and I am actually a little shocked, and I am not even 2 minutues in. Our ORIGINAL SIN? In other words, all white Americans are born sinful. If we suffer from original sin, then we are guilty no matter how virtuously we behave. Furthermore, original sin can only be cleansed by divine grace. And who is the pastor who is offered to us as a holy intermediary to dispense this divine forgiveness? The hate-spewing Wright and others like him? This line right here puts him in line with his wife's statement about not being proud of this country, etc. I have no original sin of slavery. My ancestors either came here from Germany (Grandfather), England (both grandparents on one side) or were here before the colonists in the various tribes across this country (grandmother). America didn't invent slavery, in fact we ended it in alot of places. I seriously resented hearing those lines. I did like his realization that conflicts in the Middle East are rooted primarily in the perverse and hateful ideologies of radical Islam. Is that window dressing, or will he remember that if he is elected? The rest sounded like a typical Dem speech, business bad, we must work together, Reagan preyed on prejiduces, etc. Vote for me, and we can heal the divide, end the distractions, etc. Special interests bad, health care for all good, globalization really bad (may agree with him on that one), then slips into the war should have never been waged, forgetting his earlier comment about 'hateful ideologies of radical islam'. He speaks very well, almost like a preacher (and I don't mean that as a bad thing), and I can see where people could be swept up if they agree with his message. And just an aside, he said that some commentators deemed him 'Too black'. Really? Are they the deaf and blind ones? If someone did say that, let me know so I can laugh at them.
  15. I've only managed to catch a few games this sprint, but the few at bats of his I saw, i liked. He sure didn't miss any fastball in the games I saw, but they didn't throw him much offspeed stuff. I am sure that will change until he shows he can hit it, at least a little. Maybe he needs to appease Jobu, then bats no afraid of curveball.
  16. QUOTE(lostfan @ Mar 18, 2008 -> 05:23 PM) None of it in and of itself is a big deal, it's just people are going to great lengths to try and call Obama a liar over something he's really not lying about. Maybe he tried to dance around it a little at first as politicians tend to do, but in the end it's still a bunch of trivial details. I thought he was frank and forthcoming, not doing the Mambo.
  17. QUOTE(lostfan @ Mar 18, 2008 -> 05:19 PM) No, not really... trying to take one specific incident and lump it in together with something from over a period of time that would almost seem to conflict but really doesn't, and be deliberately vague about it? But he is being vague. And spinning. 20 years in this church, and he has NEVER heard him utter these things? This was his spiritual advisor, the man who brought him to God, the man who married him and his wife. You may be bowing to his holiness, but I find that very hard to believe that he has never heard these things before. That, is spin. And his statement "Did I know him to be an occasionally fierce critic of American domestic and foreign policy?” Obama said. “Of course. Did I ever hear him make remarks that could be considered controversial while I sat in church? Yes.." What about the clips played 'could be' controversial? They ARE controversial. If he was to be as frank as you gushed about, maybe he could have admitted that they WERE controversial, bad, etc.
  18. QUOTE(lostfan @ Mar 18, 2008 -> 05:14 PM) He was asked specifically about the 9-11 comments several times and he said he wasn't there, in his speech he said he's heard Wright make comments he didn't agree with, or be a sharp critic of U.S. policy since he's been attending the church, or words to that effect. Trying to find a lie in there is in fact spin. And that answer in itself isn't 'spin'?
  19. QUOTE(Athomeboy_2000 @ Mar 18, 2008 -> 04:59 PM) FOX is already beginning the spin. Even though he said he never heard any racist / anti-america comments (even though he said he wasnt present at the SPECIFIC comments brought up over the weekend) he is now admitting to having heard them (which he said he didnt) If he said he never heard it, and then said it did, how is reporting that 'spin'?
  20. And why has he not been as frank until now? Is he only frank when it is politically expedient to do so? I'll watch the speech later, as I have questions, but I'll hold them in case he actually answers them. or gives me more questions.
  21. I remember way back when Bush spoke at Bob Jones U, the Dems and the media went nuts over his 'connection'. I think the Dems even pushed for a resolution condemning Bob Jones U. I wonder if Nancy will push for a resolution condemning Wright and his church?
  22. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Mar 17, 2008 -> 08:41 AM) You know, its interesting you say that. We installed them all over the house probably a year ago. And mostly they are just fine. But there is one particular one that burned out early - like after 2 months. Replaced it, and the new one in that same location burned out AGAIN. I have a suspicion that perhaps these CFL's are more sensitive to power spikes and such. Your bulb probably had a warranty, if you still have the receipt. You are probably correct with the power spike thing. I have had several of the damn things blow out on the ceiling fan in my front room. None lasted more than 6 months. I have since switched back to the cheap bulbs, at least for that light.
  23. QUOTE(shipps @ Mar 16, 2008 -> 08:45 AM) I just seen a girl that I knew in grade school a couple days ago and was completely shocked in how she turned out.She used to be such an attractive young lady,she developed earlier than the other girls so she got all the attention from us guys and she new it.But now she weighs about 300 pounds (not an overestimate)and it was so surreal looking at her.I wanted to poke at her body just to make sure it was real fat.This was the first time I have had such an experience being 26. I encountered several people like that when I attended my 10 year high school reunion. I was shocked at how many of the people who were on top of the heap then had just let themselves go in just 10 years. At least it took me 20 to fall apart.
  24. It is kinda funny how alot of people who don't think it is fair to dwell on Obama's religion had no problems talking about the evils of Mormonism. And I don't mean alot of the people in here, just pundits, commentators, etc.
  25. I would buy this hybrid. http://www.autobloggreen.com/2008/03/13/fi...eed-to-be-sexy/
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