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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Mar 14, 2008 -> 01:04 PM) This would be a lot different if it were an organization whose themes included those things. But its not. Its not the KKK, or the Black Panthers... its a church. And I'd bet that 90% of what is said is stuff we'd all more or less be OK with. You can't cherry-pick on the racism defense. Don Imus has received widespread condemnation for very occasional statements that showed racial insensitivity. Trent Lott was condemned for one statement praising Strom Thurmond's 1948 presidential campaign. So if 10% of what he says is bad, it is bad.
  2. QUOTE(GoSox05 @ Mar 14, 2008 -> 04:26 PM) I was actually explaining how neither are terrorist organization's. How do you know I don't have more oil than Hugo. I've been saving up for years. Have you nationalized your neighbor's heating oil tanks and seceded from the union, formed your own country of GoSoxtoria? (Petoria was taken) As for FARC, I don't get how you could not classify them as a terrorist organization. Where would you classify Hamas, or the IDF?
  3. QUOTE(GoSox05 @ Mar 14, 2008 -> 04:14 PM) So if you commit a war crime that makes you a terrorist organization? So hasn't the U.S commited war crimes? Doe's that make us a terrorist organization? If you don't care what my opinion is than why respond. I'm glad to not be a moderate. Are you equating FARC to the US? If so, I think you may be as crazy as Hugo, but with less oil.
  4. YEah, what are we doing to him? Sending those mind control waves thru the TV at him? Oh wait, he thinks the US govt is behind oil companies suing him for nationalizing (stealing) their property.
  5. OK, how long until you get the posts about all the evil-spewing right-wing evalgelicals who have backed or still back candidates? You know, trying to deflect by saying 'well, your side does it too'. That said, is it any wonder why Michelle Obama hasn't felt proud of America until recently?
  6. http://uk.news.yahoo.com/afp/20080312/img/...8f9b2ad981.html I see here that they note a party affiliation.
  7. I wonder if Leno will show this on his 'headlines' skit? Hmmmm.
  8. Let see, Uribe is TRYING to fight the rampant drug trade with US help, Hugo is busy stealing foreign business under the umbrella of 'Nationalizing' them. Uribe at least appears to try and be an ally of the US, while Hugo thinks every time someone looks cross eyed at him they are aiming a sniper rifle at his head. Hugo makes the Ron Paul-bots look like Cub Scouts on the crazy scale.
  9. Absent a true leadoff hitter with speed, I can live with Swisher in front. Just get on base, and be able to go to third on a base hit once in a while, maybe score from second on a hit. Yeah, those would be good.
  10. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Mar 10, 2008 -> 03:43 PM) My excuse is that my wife is waffling in her own dieting commitment and now she's being a food temptress. My wife is the DEVIL when it comes to that. I usually do the food shopping, so I can control what we have, but last week SHE did it. Came back with ice cream, pie, Oreos and bacon! And the cheap side of me can't let stuff go to waste, so I am sure you know the results of that.
  11. Since it took her 2 years, maybe #2 was union?
  12. QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ Mar 12, 2008 -> 12:20 PM) I'll just get to the question in this rant, and the point of it. If you really think the networks are going out of their way just to note the affiliation of one party and not the other in sex scandals, your giving them way too much credit and thinking they are way smarter then they are. No, you totally avoided the whole point. Why can't they just state the affiliation up front, all the time, and eliminate any b****ing by one side or the other? Are all their 'D' keys broken?
  13. QUOTE(Texsox @ Mar 12, 2008 -> 08:46 AM) For those of you thinking that Gov. Spitzer's undercover investigation was perhaps the greatest ever undertaken by an elected official or celebrity, I remind you of this specially deputized undercover narcotics agent and the President®* who made it possible. * just for Alpha Aw, gee. You like me! You really like me! (In my best Sally Fields voice, which isn't too good)
  14. QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ Mar 12, 2008 -> 08:08 AM) The Republican pity party and b****ing over a media witch hunt, and seeming feeling that democrats are given a total free pass during sex scandals, whle republicans are burned at the stake, is truly embarassing. I've just been shocked at the fact that seemingly the entire party is using Spitzer as a target of opportunity to cry like babies over media coverage, and it's pretty pathetic. Did I saythey re given a free pass? if that were so, the story would be buried on page 9 the second day. You know as well as I that half the damn country doesn't pay attention at all to politics other than what the TV or newspapers tell them, especially as it gets closer to election time. So if the average dumbass voter only can recall seeing R in all the news stories about bad things, and no D's, that just my color their perception come election time. If the Dems are so squeeky f***ing clean, then just report the things as they happen and there is no story, no 'conspiracy'. But maybe subconsciously some reporters just can't take that chance. Why is it so damn hard to just note the damn affiliation with the name? Can you answer that one simple question?
  15. QUOTE(Texsox @ Mar 11, 2008 -> 11:30 PM) I think it is a style issue that each newspaper should decide. If you are writing a story in Chicago about Daley, do you need the (D)? That gets redundant. Personally, if it is just for identification, I wish they would never mention it. How many people waited to see what party he was from before deciding how they would react? I just don't see editors sitting around making changes based on which party it is. OK, same reporter, different stories, different parties, different 'styles'. http://www.bizzyblog.com/RenziIndictedAPstory022208.html Republican affiliation mentioned FIRST WORD Here is a story by the same reporter about a Democrat. But you wouldn't know it because they never mention it. Later in this same story they mention the D for Pelosi and the R for Boehner, who are quoted in the story, but nothing about the main guy. http://abcnews.go.com/print?id=3243945 You know Tex, it IS there. I don't mean they publish memos instruction reporters and editors on the proper way to sow Republicans as bad guys and to whitewash Dems misdeeds as much as possible, but somewhere in that pipeline, there is an effort, conscience or otherwise, to include or omit the designators. If you mention the affiliation in the first word for the first story, there is no reason that it shouldn't be mentioned first word in the second, as the opening paragraphs are almost the same, except for that omission.
  16. QUOTE(Texsox @ Mar 11, 2008 -> 09:33 PM) It's only $50 mil because the printers are getting rich If only! I wouldn't be talking on here, that's for sure. I would be off with my 4300 hookers instead!
  17. QUOTE(Texsox @ Mar 11, 2008 -> 09:18 PM) We do like electing millionaires. They are the only ones who can spend $50,000,000 for a job that pays $100,000.
  18. QUOTE(Texsox @ Mar 11, 2008 -> 09:16 PM) So in your opinion the media should look at party affiliation and make certain that each party is mentioned equally? Clintion would have loved that during the Monica reporting. No Tex. If the media is reporting on a story, when they first mention the name, they should then put the party affiliation. "Today at the airport, Senator JOhn Jones (D-Vermont) was caught......". Oh I know, us conservatives are always seeing boogie men and such, but there is no reason to go a whole story about a governor or Senator or whatever without mentioning it up front. Bad stories or good stories. I can sort of see not mentioning it for the President. If people in this country have no idea what party the President is from, they have no business even voting. The first 3 stories I saw about Spitzer didn't mention that he was a Democrat at all. Then the next few mentioned it several paragraphs in. Now it is in the top 3, but only because they are mentioning that Republicans are considering trying to impeach him. Just be consistant, and you(not you, the media) can put a stop to this. http://www.bnd.com/news/nation/story/276459.html A story I just saw from the LA Times about the detroit mayor being a suspect in a stripper's slaying. No mention that he is a democrat anywhere. But I guess he is just a mayor.
  19. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Mar 11, 2008 -> 04:11 PM) If we based it on performance sure. But we base it on 40 yard dash times, therefore Mr. Owens will start. Speed doesnt slump. When it gets a groin pull or torn hammy it does.
  20. When the one kid ran up and got in his face with the whole 'citizens arrest' thing, Rove should have just punched him right in the nose, saying he feared for his safety, and for all he knew, that crazy man approaching him menacingly could have had a knife or a gun! Now that would have been fun to see.
  21. This morning on my way to work, I got passed by a Porche that had to be doing about 100 MPH. I was doing about 70 (the 'flow' of traffic), I look in my mirror and see the car one moment, then the next I hear a high pitched whine as it whizzes by me, fast. With the conditions of the roads right now, and the level of traffic in the morning (this was about 6:45 or so on I-355 northbound by I-88), and with a traffic pattern that usually stops or severely slows between Butterfield and Roosevelt, I have no idea how this guy didn't crash.
  22. I guess if they can't refute whatever he has to say, they can just be loud.
  23. QUOTE(Texsox @ Mar 11, 2008 -> 09:52 AM) Nice, I don't post for two weeks and someone still can rip me Where ya been?
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