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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Mar 5, 2008 -> 09:36 AM) Are you serious? You compare women wanting to work out without men around to white supremacists and you tell me that my example of separating bathrooms by sex is extreme? Seriously? Yes. That's why I took it to the other extreme. Kinda silly, eh? Now, back to the issue at hand, once they asked for the private time because they were MUSLIM women, it became wrong, just as it would be had they asked for it because they were WHITE women, or JEWISH women. I understand the general feeling of alot of women not wanting to work out around men. Curves is making money off that very feeling. So take some of your Saudi blood money and build a gym for ALL women, not just those of the chosen Muslim faith. Problem solved.
  2. Sure, the owners have them by the shorthairs during those first few years, but after that, they get the advantage. The guys who clamor for a long term 'security' deal, and then want it restructured 2 years later because other people are making more are the ones who are worse. You signed it, deal with it.
  3. They Do have 2 tight ends, at least one who is good at catching the ball. No reason he can't line up at one of the receiver spots once in a while, or just run 2 TE sets. Teams usually run in those, so you may get favorable matchups.
  4. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Mar 5, 2008 -> 07:00 AM) So by your logic, all bathrooms should now be unisex everywhere? That we should make no accommodation whatsoever for religion or sex anywhere? My gym has a separate women's only studio, by the way. For them it is a selling point. There are plenty of women who want to work out in that kind of environment, and I doubt that that many of them are Muslim. So do you feel outraged that men aren't allowed to be nuns too? Because that is clearly reverse sexism. That is a bulls***, Tex-like analogy, going for the most extreme you can find. Take it to the other extreme. Why not just block all the gyms into time blocks so that each and every group that wants to can have their own little private time in the gym. Fat people who are afraid people will make fun of them can have from 2 to 4 on Tuesdays and every other Friday. Ugly people can have from 6 to 8 Pm nightly. White supremacists can have it limited to whites-only 4-6 daily. Militant lesbian feminists can have 9 Am to 11 Am every weekday. Yeah, that would work. If Harvard thinks that it is such a good idea, maybe they should put that in their brochures. You know, a good marketing point.
  5. I wonder if all that money they got from the Saudi Prince had anything to do with their willingness to submit to their Muslim overlords?
  6. QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Mar 4, 2008 -> 11:18 PM) So you think that it's offensive that Harvard has set aside its least used gym facility for women who don't want to work out in front of other men. For six hours out of the 70 hours a week that particular gym is used. And during those six hours, every other gym facility is open to men and women. And this is offensive, how? If they had just said 'women', you would have a point. This is nothing but a religious accomodation and you know it. A group of 6 women asked to be treated special, and they got their wish because in the PC atmosphere you don't dare even appear to offend Muslims, that would just be bad.
  7. QUOTE(WilliamTell @ Mar 4, 2008 -> 10:41 PM) This would be enough to piss me off if I went there. Especially if I'm paying that much to go to Harvard, I'd expect to go to the gym whenever I want. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080304/ap_on_...d_women_s_hours I am sure there are several people here expecting me to make some comment about this to escalate things, but, for now, I will just say that I agree with you.
  8. QUOTE(lostfan @ Mar 4, 2008 -> 05:21 PM) You can nit-pick sarcasm if you want I guess Can also be a little slow on the comeback.
  9. Wow, not much else to add. I agree, no thanks there. Farmer would be better. Even Stone would be better.
  10. EvilMonkey

    Films Thread

    QUOTE(3E8 @ Mar 3, 2008 -> 07:31 PM) I would not advise going to the twin galaxies site to see who holds the record right now Oh, I saw it. he is still a dick, and after seeing that video, I wouldn't put it past them to have rigged it that way.
  11. Yeah, but she spent half her movie naked.
  12. He rocked in Roadhouse.
  13. EvilMonkey

    Films Thread

    OK, short synopsys:
  14. QUOTE(Gene Honda Civic @ Mar 2, 2008 -> 11:21 PM) I'm with Soxy. I'm out. If you honestly believe that a the women behind the website you linked, self described as "career women in our thirties and forties. The ticking of our biological clocks has made us face the fact that we could no longer wait for marriage before starting our families. Some of us went to a doctor for donor insemination or adopted in the United States or abroad. Others accidentally became pregnant and discovered we were thrilled" are even worth a mention in the debate surrounding are prison population, well I feel sorry for you. Yeah, it did get a little off track. Single parenthood is a contributing factor in the crime rate. However, like heathcare, there is no one solution to solve it. The marraige rate could suddenly by 100% tomorrow, but that alone wouldn't do the trick. There needs to be other things to happen all in concert with each other to truely reduce the prison rate.
  15. QUOTE(bmags @ Mar 2, 2008 -> 09:44 PM) So when the police are graded on how many cases they can get to the prosecutor, and the prosecutor on how many he can convict, how many times is good police work circumvented in way of career ambitions? just a thought... That was a good thought. We see the really aggregious ones like the Duke case, but how many more areout there simply becasue some certain quota or goal needed to be reached?
  16. QUOTE(Gene Honda Civic @ Mar 2, 2008 -> 07:46 PM) Who are all these single mothers "by choice?" Why is it their fault? Why is it that you heap none of the blame heaped on the blame on absentee fathers? It's not exactly like America is crawling with young men looking to get married after knockin up a girl. I don't know a single single-mother who would reached that status entirely "by choice." And I know more than a handful... If you're going to blame the wrongs of our prison system on single mother, at least get the cause of single mothers correct. I was remiss in not also assigning blame to the scum who father children and then fail to do the right thing. Parenst have the responsibility to raise and prepare the child to become an adult who can function and thrive in the world. There are few lower than the guy who helps bring a life into this world and then does nothing to nurture it. Condoms are cheaper than kids. They poop less, too. As for the single moms by choice, I know this doesn't 'prove' anything to you, but they have thier own webiste. http://www.singlemothersbychoice.com/ Has all sorts of support info, newsletters, and even pictures of members.
  17. EvilMonkey

    Films Thread

    I just saw 'King of Kong: A fistfull of Quarter' about one man's quest to get the high score on Donkey Kong. I found myself rooting for the good guy. I am not sure how to put the reversed out black text so i won't say any more except to say that Billy seemed like scum to me while Steve seems like a real man of honor.
  18. We had a kid in my group nicknamed 'corn muffin', because every time we went to Denny while drunk, he ordered a corn muffin. Although, when we were drunk, it probably sounded like 'comuffin'. Or 'commffnn', depending on how drunk we were.
  19. QUOTE(Soxy @ Mar 2, 2008 -> 05:13 PM) I would point out how sexist this is. But, I just don't care anymore. Go ahead and point it out. Sure, it sounds sexist. However there DID used to be a stigma about being a single parent. And at the risk of sounding like George the first's VP, there are way too many instances of single parenthood being glorified and sought after. There are liberals who are hell-bent on removing smoking from all movies because they think that it influences people into making a bad choice. but yet they turn around and show gratuitous violence, sex and other not quite so good things for kids, and then claim that it DOESN'T influence kids? Which is it? They can't just influence on the good and not the bad. You want to keep people out of jails? Reduce single parent households. Find a way to get parents actually involved in their kids education. For minorities, teach them that being smart isn't 'acting white'. Either legalize and regulate the hell out of drugs, or actually commit to stopping them. Stop praising single mothers who are so by choice. And the obvious, stop imprisoning people for non-violent things like small time drug use.
  20. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Mar 2, 2008 -> 12:30 PM) Indiana welcomes Cook County with its 6% sales taxes, and much lower property taxes When I still lived in Sauk Village, a mere stones throw from the border, that is where I did 90% of my shopping. Food, gas, electronics, whatever. It was just as close as almost anything else in Illinois, and even 4 years ago, the tax difference was pretty visable. However in the last few years, the gas prices have caught up to Illinois, so there isn't as big of a difference there. 3 of my neighbors while there moved to Indiana. I, however, chose to go west. At least I am out of Cook County.
  21. Every story like this makes me so much happier that I left Cook County.
  22. QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Mar 1, 2008 -> 11:30 AM) how do you account for the lack of use of this stuff then? in other words, why are there so many teens getting pregnant? these pregnancies only seem to perpetuate the cycle. Stupidity, parents who always tell them they are 'special', or the direct opposite that they are 'worthless', how about the lack of shame for being an unwed mother? It used to be a bad thing, not people actually seek it out!
  23. QUOTE(StrangeSox @ Mar 1, 2008 -> 07:44 AM) Why not make birth control more accessible instead? You mean its not? Condoms in schools, birthcontrol pills at clinics where parents don't even have to approve. Where else do you want them? Vending machines in the school cafateria?
  24. QUOTE(Cknolls @ Feb 29, 2008 -> 12:24 PM) http://www.nbc11.com/news/15345539/detail.html I believe this could be a good thing for other cities,counties and states facing the same problem. If pols had the b***s they would amend the constitutions so the necessary changes could be made to alleviate this gigantic drain on the respective budgets of the govt's. The biggest change that could be made here in Illinois: You get 1 pension. Not 1 pension for every gov't you serve. How about no f*cking pensions. They can set up their own 401k or Roth like the rest of us. BUt I agree that it is messed up. Emil Jones will be richer when he retires than he is now when working from all the state jobs he has held. PLus, school administrators, once they retire, get paid by the state as a whole, no just the district they worked for. That is why they get big pay raises the last 3 or 4 years before they retire, so that the formula for their benefits is at its highest, and the whole state pays.
  25. I had a charity theme=party last saturday. I drank the 22 year olds under the table, and paid for it in the terms of weight gain. No real hangover, but for now, I gained 3 pounds. Not good. But it was fun! I guess I will have to work out a little longer this next week or two.
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